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Random Thoughts XIII - Radioenergopithecocracy

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¡Patria y vida!
Jul 11, 2005
gone exploring
T-Rex the dinosaur explains how his favourite suffix is -cracy here, in one of the greatest moments of Dinosaur Comics.

The thread title refers, of course, to the fact that radioactive monkeys rule.

If you would like to dispute the rule of the radioenergopithecoi, well, this is the place for such random discussion.

As a random thought, what do you think this thread being on a 13th entails? Good luck? Bad luck?
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I was at a junk store and they had a box of fidget spinners, free. Not even a trivial price of ¥10 or something, just free.
Warehouse security guards making minimum wage are always killed first by the sneaky hero
There should be a rule that says thread titles must be pronounceable.
0 for 2 with titles!
It just means rule of the radioactive monkey. Imo it's ok as a title :o
Fine. Next time I'm the OP, I'll use a title from a language in one of my SF/F books. Made-up words seem to be fair game these days, after all.
T-Rex the dinosaur explains how his favourite suffix is -cracy here, in one of the greatest moments of Dinosaur Comics.

The thread title refers, of course, to the fact that radioactive monkeys rule.
Funnily enough, there's a T.Rex song called "Radioactive Monkeys Rule."

Fine. Next time I'm the OP, I'll use a title from a language in one of my SF/F books. Made-up words seem to be fair game these days, after all.
What? Since when is Greek a made-up language and/or a subset of English?
The Guardian should stop begging period. They aren't pro-working class, so they should just take more from their champagne-socialist patrons :)

Besides, basking and begging are illegal, in all things underground.
You've criminalised Diogenes now.
What? Since when is Greek a made-up language and/or a subset of English?
I didn't say Greek is a made-up language or a subset of English. Don't tell me that jumble of letters in the title is a recognizable word.
Random thought sugar is bad! Why i am loving it So much?
It's strange how many ways people can find to express the same old thing. It's bewildering and it's beautiful.

1 Peter 2:21. Be brave. What other purpose could possibly be worthy of you?
I kept reading that Guardian thing as worker-ati.

“Wokerati” seems clunky and hamfisted. :thumbsdown: thumbs down from me
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