RBD12 - Roman Conquest!

Here's an image of our southern lands. With a tiny map, this game will almost certainly be over before the Industrial era, which means we don't need more than size 12 in a city -- we want more smaller cities rather than a few which could someday (with Hospitals) become real powerhouses. We can afford quite a bit of overlap if necessary to get all our good land being used. I've arranged this dot map to try and ensure that each dot gets 12 good squares to work, or as close to it as possible. There may be room for another city down in the west on the other side of that goody hut. It would make for a good border city.

Green dot would make a good FP spot someday. Remember corruption effects will be brutal here so having an FP this close to our capitol is probably not as bad a thing as might otherwise be the case.

Of course, if you think the game is likely to go much past rails, feel free to draw up your own map... :)
Warstrike: still waiting on a final decision from you about this game, now that you know what's going on in RBD13. You in or out over here?

- Sirian
Given the pick it up situation in 13, I'll commit to this game and pick up 13 if I get any holes (after the first turn, of course).

I have never played on smaller than standard map, and am typically a builder type, taking out a civ occasionally to get border space, and finishing late in the game. This will definitely be a change. Advice on infrastructure ( I am a town-building maniac, and usually have less Mil than I need) vs. troops will be appreciated. :goodjob:
So what exactly is the roster here? Sirian's original post still shows question marks for the last person.
Jaffa Tamarin
Ed Hunter
meldor <<<< up now
Warstrike < on deck
Xrang the II

Go ahead, meldor. Good luck. :)

Not sure what's going on with Xrang? I added his name to the roster and he's still asking if he can play? I've moved him to the end of the first round, hopefully he can pick up his turn then in a more timely manner. (And hopefully Ed can get in a turn!)

- Sirian
After much confusion over who was next in line, Meldor ascended to the Roman throne. Many people were crying out for Xrang the Just and were not please with with results. They left the cities and formed crude camps throughout the land in hopes of overthrowing Meldor and putting Xrang on the throne were they believed he belonged. The uneasy peace of his rule would not last long.

Inherited 2550 - Rome adjusted to shave 3 turns off of settler. Veii adjusted to shave 4 turns off of temple.

(1) 2510 BC - Follower's of Xrang ambush loyal warrior returning from explorations in the south and murder him out of hand. Meldor takes the news hard and vows to try and bring the people of Rome back together. A second warrior mets with the good people of the Estrucan camp and convinces them to rejoin Rome. They bring the knowledge of Mysticism with them. News comes of a third camp of rebels northwest of Rome and a group is sent to try and talk them into peacefully coming back to Rome.

(2) 2470 BC - The party sent out of Rome is ambushed in their camp in the mountains, but manage to defend themselves without loss. Things look bleak for peacefully settlement with this group.

(3) 2430 BC - The negotiations break down and violence ensues. Sadly, most of the rebels are killed and the rest are dispursed. 25 gold is captured and returned to Rome in hopes that they won't be able to reform without funds. On a haapier note the road to Veii is completed and workers start on a mining project to increase the production in Veii.

(4) 2390 BC - A group of Romans decide to move outside the city and finally select a spot were they can raise grapes and produce wine for sell in the larger cities. They call the new city Antium and begin work on a defense force to hold out against possible rebel incursion. An exploritory force finishes its ride south and removes all doubt that the empire of Rome is indeed on an island and alone.

(5) 2350 BC - A group of rebel forces is seen two days ride outside of Veii and seem to be advancing on the city. Science is raised to 90% for one turn so that we may find Iron deposits a turn sooner. Meldor spends time in the half completed temple at Veii praying for the Gods to be kind and allow us to find a large enough deposit of the new metal to enable craftsmen to use it in great quantity. Unfortunately, the roads to bring wine into the cities are not yet under construction and therefore Meldor was nothing to offer the Gods but a smile.:D

(6) 2310 BC - Craftsmen finish study of Iron and Meldor implores the scholars to bend themselves to the task of Writing in hopes that a way off the island will be found soon and the hint of an island to the north will be Roman and not English. The Gods do indeed like Meldor and the Roman empire as they have placed one source of Iron outside of Antium for Roman use. Meldor knows that the Romans must keep the Gods happy until a second source can be found. It will be left to other leaders as to when this precious source is brought on line. Science back to 80% break even point. Settler is finished in Rome and another is started. These fine citizens craving to expand the empire are directed towards Antium to await an escort. Unfortunately followers of Xrang still roam the country side and we must not allow these innocent people to be slaughtered out of hand.

(7) 2270 BC - Exploring group to the south are starting search for eastern rebel camp. Veii is attacked by the rebels forces behind Xrang, but the defnsive forces hold.

(8) 2230 BC - The hardy group of settlers reach Antium and await escort. The exploratory group to the south is close enough to join them or continue the search for the rebels camps.

(9) 2190 BC - Rebel forces are seen approaching Veii from the north. The group of warriors that had dispursed the camp to the west are in position to find this new encampment.

(10) 2150 BC - The Roman forces move outward in search of rebel forces, but Meldor's heart hangs heavy with the thought of his people fighting each other. In hopes that peace may come to Rome, Meldor steps down in favor of someone he hopes can quell the fighting and unite Rome.

Notes: The settler is in Antium, the worker is in place to start road to wines, there are probably two barb camps, one north and one south of Veii. I didn't whip anything (it really isn't my style). So you should be free to whip it out where you want.

Here is map of our island. Hints of a good island (or part of English island to the northeast. Garbage islnd to the southeast. I started us on the road to map making in hopes of getting there first. I could work no deals with Lizzie as she was at least two techs behind when I checked (2310 BC) and had no money (10 gold/0 gpt). She either had a really bad start or she is already at war and is not telling us.
See Title.

I'll play tonight after the kids go to bed and hopefully post before I go to bed(test to correct tomorrow).
Meldor meditated on which of his people would be best to peacefully lead the Empire through its disagreements with the locals. Unfortunately, even though Rome didn’t have wine yet, the patch of grain to the SE yielded some mighty fine :beer: Having “meditated” a bit too heavily, he chose General Warstrike the Peaceful to lead the empire. Warstrike promised Meldor peace and prosperity. Then, as soon as Meldor left, he got to work. “Send the warriors out to find more sources of revenue! Maybe floods of axe-wielding maniacs can peacefully end our troubles” was his first order.

[0] Warstrike has too much :beer: and receives this message from the gods: “Warstrike, if you wish to lead the Roman Empire, you must first remove Jump Start Toddler from your computer and insert the Civ disk!” Warstrike pondered this, and finally decided to forget about it until someone invented this computer thingie the Gods were babbling about. After surveying his lands, Warstrike sets Vei to break-even food until its temple is done, earning extra cash from the gold mountain. Science was moved to 90% to learn writing in 10 turns at –1g.

[1] The barbarian hordes strike Vei, losing to the garrisoned warrior. The NE warrior is told to find their village to ask for reparations.

[2] The NE warrior, following Warstrike’s fiscal policies, stops by the village, slaughters the men, women, and children, then politely asks the last remaining elder for 25g before sending him to join the rest of his tribe. :hammer: ”See? We asked first.” Says Warstrike the Peaceful. A barbarian shows up on a mountain in the sw between the warrior and settler. “Why don’t you go over to that hill and yodel a hello to him?” says Warstrike.

[3] The barbarian comes over to listen more closely to the yodeling warrior. He draws his sword to offer salute, but the yodelling one takes this as an attack and “defends” himself, surviving with 1 hp. Warrior moves onto the now vacant mountain, spotting the Gaul’s village next to our planned city square. Because the warrior is injured, the settler waits a square N of the warrior. Another barbarian appears from the SW.

[4] Antium produces a warrior, who is sent to offer an axe accompaniment to the yodeller, as another barbarian is also spotted approaching from the SW. “We’ll give them a concert, when our yodeller is rested.” says Warstrike. Antium starts training another warrior , for peaceful exploration, of course. Rome produces a settler, who is sent SE to meet the NE warrior and form a village on one of the two Eastern dots. Rome is then ordered to produce some slave labor to do some environmental improvement tasks.

Warstrike is told that no one will actually riot if he repeals the 10% luxury tax. “Well repeal it then, the people don’t need any of those expensive government festivals. Just whip them into submission. Peacefully of course.” Liz is willing to sell writing for 40, so I bite. Warstrike chooses Mapmaking next, to explore the world and open more audiences for peaceful military-produced yodelling concertos.

[5] Veii completes its temple. Warstrike has to remove the gold workers because the people want more food, can you believe it? This screws the economy totally, and minimum science is set. Veii is ordered to make a barracks, “for peaceful training purposes.” The yodelling warrior rests on his mountain, hoping help arrives quickly.

[6]We wait for our audience to arrive.

[7] The barbarians have no appreciation for good yodelling, and the first leaves our musician with 1 hp, which becomes two as the actual turn starts. The other warrior finally arrives.

[8] Our workers have brought wine to Rome! This gives the people something to do now that all fun events have been canceled. Our yodelling warrior explains to the nearby Gauls how Warstrike is peaceful, that he is just implementing his advisors fiscal policy, and they shouldn’t take being bludgoned to death personally. 25 gold is gained. :hammer: The last barb warrior attacks our second warrior in the area, promoting him to Vet with the loss of 1 hp.

[9] Rome makes a worker, starts a spear. “You must be imagining a military buildup,” Warstrike says to the people. “I have nothing but the most peaceful of goals.” A purple border is spotted on the NE island. Veii gets the cow, allowing Warstrike to put a worker back on the Mountain. Mapmaking at break-even: 18 turns.

[10] Cumae is FINALLY built, and garrisoned by the yodelling wonder. The other warrior heads SW to find more fiscal opportunities. Veii finishes its rax, starts a spear. The SE settler can go to either dot next turn (or 2).we are at 15 turns with –1g, 12 with –3g to maps. Liz has no tech we don’t and the same 50 in the bank she had after we gave her 40 in the first place. She is cautious.

Warstrike the Peaceful’s end finally came one day in 1750 b.c. when a group of well-armed citizens peacefully butchered him. His guard for the day, a raw recruit, stood by watching, thinking “Well, he is Warstrike the Peaceful, so he wouldn’t want me to actually hurt anyone, would he?” Warstrike’s military advisors hung him the next day.

Well that’s it. I’m looking forward to the weed evaluation for starting a turn with a settler and one on turn 4, but only getting one city built, and that on turn 10. Would have had this up earlier, but my computer crashed trying to reconnect to Notre Dame’s lovely dial-up connection.

Xrang is up, Jaffa on-deck.
The extremely wealthy family of Xrang has lasted for centuries. Xrang I was supposed to be the first leader of the Roman people but the backstabbing ‘Brutus’ ,Melkor, manipulated his way to the position Despot. Now for the first time in history, the Xrang family will have its revenge!

Turn 0, 1725 BC
Our people want to build the Forbidden Palace, so says our Domestic Advisor. I immediately fire the advisor. I fortify Warrior in Cumae. I move Warrior SW of Cumae to explore. Barbarians sighted! I continue the road being built to Antium. I move the Settler and Warrior to the ‘blue dot’ location. In the process of doing this Purple borders are sighted!

Turn 1, 1700 BC
Neapolis os founded in the aforementioned location. The Warrior is fortified there as well. The Worker beginning the road to Neapolis continues his work. I move the SW Warrior closer to the barbarian target.

Turn 2, 1675 BC
A Southern barbarian attacks our warrior but survives with 2 hit points left. There’s another barbarian in his little camp... I won’t risk the possibility of the Warrior being killed so I fortify him for one more turn.

Turn 3, 1650 BC
Antium builds Warrior and starts another one. I move that Warrior to the SE for some exploration. The road to Antium has been completed. The Worker is moved into position to continue on to Cumae. The Southern Warrior disperses a Suren barbarian encampment and steals 25 pieces of gold from the vaults of the camp.

Turn 4, 1625 BC
Veii produces Spearman now working on Granary. I move the Spearman to Antium. I fortify the SW Warrior because he only has 2 hit points.

Turn 5, 1600 BC
More work has begun on the road to Neapolis. Spearman is fortified in Antium.

Turn 6, 1575 BC
A barbarian exactly one square from Cumae moves out of the ‘fog of war’. Rome has created a Spearman and is now making a Granary. The Spearman is fortified in Rome while the Warrior that was doing that job is assigned to the southern barbarian front. That SW Warrior has healed and is now moving to the S, SE front (I love when I make like I’m navigating). Some unit movement.

Turn 7 , 1550 BC
Barbarian Warrior is now outside the borders of Cumae. Unit movement...

Turn 8, 1525 BC
The barbarian attacks! Our great Warriors have once again proved that they can defend the homeland. The defending Warrior now only has 1 hit point.

Turn 9, 1500 BC
Veii produces Spearman and now is working on Spearman. When it grows in 3 turns we’ll start Settler (I won’t be around for that, but...). I fortify the Spearman in Veii (interesting name choice, btw). Worker is move into place to complete the road to Neapolis.

Turn 10, 1475 BC
Rome creates Spearman and then starts Barracks. I move the Spearman to Cumae. I move the Southern Warriors (that has a nice ring to it, kinda like the ‘rough riders’) to explore and see were that barbarian that attacked Cumae was hiding.

That’s All Folks! I don’t think that I made any weedy moves!
Originally posted by xrang the II
ThatâEUR^(TM)s All Folks! I donâEUR^(TM)t think that I made any weedy moves!

Don't know about weedy moves, but you have exceedingly weedy apostrophes :crazyeyes

Anyway, I got it. Should be able to play tonight :)

What happened? I'll type it again to see if it happens (it looks great on my computer)

That's All Folks!

Still wrong?
Well this is a most unusal type of weed. Let me retype that line but adding a space between letters to undo any control sequences that make it look normal for you:

T h a t â E U R ^ ( T M ) s A l l F o l k s ! I d o n â E U R ^ ( T M ) t t h i n k

Are you writing posts in Microsoft word with "Smart Quotes" on and then pasting? If so turn off Smart Quotes or use Notepad :D
Or maybe there is some foreign-language pack on your system?
But most of your posts look about this jumbled, at least when you use apostraphes :smoke:

thanx charis 4 making me laugh with the most unusual type of weed joke!:lol: :lol: I am cutting and pasting because i make a turn summary as i'm playing...(Alt-Tab) and that's y my turn summaries r of such great quality. but my last message was just normal....

no more weed btw
:smoke: :smoke: :smoke:
0) 1475BC It's 1475BC already? Aha! I have found the missing weed from Xrang's reign! He started counting a turn too late :spank:

Brutus Jaffa II looks out over the Roman empire and cancels all the military production. We're alone on our island and nobody's going to come after us for a while yet, so what are we defending ourselves against, exactly? Instead I order up a worker from Antium, settler from Veii, and temples in our two southern towns. Rome got put on a random wonder, but I changed to galley after map-making arrived.

1) 1450BC What to do after map-making? "Literature!" shout the scientists, but the Brutus suspects them of just wanting to lounge around in the Great Library all day. Instead, he insists they research Code of Laws so we can get some courthouses going. (Still got plenty of time to get literature and Great Library if we want, but we're so far ahead in tech I'm not sure it's worth it).

3) 1400BC Worker produced out of Antium. Our workforce expands to a massive three! Oy vey!

5) 1350BC Settler out of Veii requests directions. "Go find elephants!" orders the Brutus. So the settler heads out into the tundra. Wise men shake their heads in disbelief -- whoever heard of elephants living in the tundra? It's far too cold!

6) 1325BC The first Roman galley departs from the shipbuilders in Rome. It's mission, find someone who isn't English :)

9) 1250BC Seventy-five years later, the galley crew are running short on supplies. Down to their last few weevils, and drawing lots for who will be first into the pot. Suddenly, a shout does up! Land has been sighted, and a foreign tribe! They are saved by a primitive people calling themselves the Iroquois.

Amazingly, the settler out of Veii does find elephants out in the tundra (must be woolly mammoths, I guess :) ). Pompeii is founded on an icy promontory.

Finished after nine turns to even out the years.

Cumae can whip temple next turn, Neapolis in three turns, if desired.

Nobody is building any wonders yet. If it were up to me, I'd go for something in Rome after it finishes our second galley. Pyramids, possibly -- we haven't built any granaries yet. Great Lighthouse would normally be a good choice for an island, but I'm suspicious of Sirian's map. We may find everything connected by coastal waters :)

I think we should hold off on selling communications between the AIs, at least until one of them gets to map-making. Keep them all isolated and paying full costs for research as long as possible :D


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And I'm sure that's not the LAST surprise he has for you!
:smoke: :rocket:
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