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Ruff04 - Anger Management

Turn 1

Nothing to mention

Turn 2

It's (sort of) interesting to note Rome and Gandhi haven't met yet.

I also notice that someone queued a baracks, is that really what we want to do? Wouldn't a granary be better since we're going to be growing a bunch?

Turn 3

Finish Settler, but notice that there's a barb archer wandering around, so I bring the warrior in the city with him and start another (there's time for one if the archer starts to make a bee-line for our city.

Turn 4

We research Animal Husbandry, and since Ozbenno said Writting or Iron Working I go for Writting (seemed to leed to the best techs for what our plans seem to be)

Turn 5

Just exploring the land

Turn 6

Just Searching out the land

Turn 7

We finish Warrior, and get to the settling spot (the barb archer is just west out of sight of settler FYI)

Turn 8

Build Hamburg, and start Archer there (everything except warrior and scout took much longer, and both of those didn't make much sense to me at this time).

Turn 9

There is a barb warrior floating around in the west.

Ozbenno played 11 turns (are we doing 10 per turn this early? If you want I'll do another 10), so I've done 9.

Berlin will grow to 4 in two turns, but according the rules we don't have to make a citizen angry until alphabet, right?

Hamburg's archer build can be switched if wanted, its just been started.

Also what do we want to research after this? What are our goals?

Our lands:
Spoiler The West :

Spoiler East :

Spoiler Far East :

Our land from a more "interesting" point of view: :p

The Save

So how did I do for my first turn set? Did I drive you crazy enough with my choices? :crazyeye:
I thought we were playing 20 first time thru. Feel free to do another 10. I would have moved the city 1 tile E to pick up the horses - didn't know about them when I suggested tile. Feel free to make your own decisions if you have additional info that the team doesn't.

I would like another city over to the W (rocks) but that is just a suggestion. A question - how many turns until we have that copper?
Alright, I'll do another 10.

I'll see how much culture we need to get the copper too.

Edit: Hmm, we really arn't getting that much culture right now, so it'd be 79 turns by my count to get the cultur with out change, but getting the stonehenge would over double the amount of :culture: per turn, but it would be awhile. Do we want to chop it in if we want to go for the Stonehendge?

Since supposidly I have another 24hrs before the end of my turn I'll wait for the decision, I shouldn't have too much trouble playing when needed.
I went for math, though I don't know how much good it will do in speeding it up.


Turn 11

I Change Berlin to Stonehendge, and set Math after writting (3 turns)

Judism also falls:

Turn 12

Gandhi adopts Organized Religion, so I guess he was the one who founded it, so now he has two religions.

Turn 13

Gandhi offers open borders and I accept. I also see that he already has 3 cities total.

Spock tells us what true glory consists of:

Turn 14

We encounter another of Peter Pan's lost children (scout runs for the hill):

Turn 15

"Pliny" has some foolish thoughts about us being the worst advanced:

Meanwhile we find a settling party and meet Louis by his borders:

Turn 16

Nothing in particular besides Louis rushing another settler to the front.

Turn 17

I get open borders because the scout is blocked in and can't go any farther. Additionally Lyon is founded by Louis.

Turn 18

Just another cup o' coffee :coffee:

Turn 19

Julius comes by with an offer of open Borders and I accept for the good will (was this the right thing to do? He didn't have any units nearby).

Turn 20

Another day of caffine and coffee at the office. :coffee:

Math is due in 8

Spoiler Louis' land :

Spoiler midwest :

Ruff - just played - up
Ozbenno - on deck
ULTIMATEGP - skipped last round

Nice work LC - I'll play now and will post some screen shots for dot maps. We need to get cranking on settlers. I liked the last screen shot showing rocks, cows & incense.

Edit: well I would play if we had a SAVE to play from!
Sorry, I just remembered. I'll upload it.


I found this in another thread:
Xtream_Rockstar said:
hey everybody i have internet access just not a comp with civ 4 on it but i shall return soon when think i will return i dont kno when

A solution for why he never showed up I guess. :(
I played another 20 turns as we had 2 skips in our first round - not a great team building start. If there are any lurkers who would like to join in, please let us know. Can the next person up play 15 and then its 10 from there on in.

Looked around, other civs had three cities already and are leading us in score. France has some very nice land - maybe we should drop them a visit and teach them some anger management solutions - something to consider for the future. I delay (but it ends up being a veto) stonehenge - we are cultured and there are better ways to get that copper. I swap Berlin to an Archer for defence and then a worker. I let the mathematics research finish but I would like to hear the reasoning behind that one. The only logic I can see is that we don't want happy pill religions, fishing is pointless as we have no water and alphabet means we have to start monitoring our city states. I also stop the mining worker and run him over to pasture the cows for Hamburg. After mathmatics, I set it to Iron Working.

By turns end, we have learned our numbers, discovered Iron Working (and we have iron near by), learnt how to fish, started to learn masonry, trained 3 archers and 2 settlers (the second one with a whip in Berlin who is still feeling the pinch) and founded 1 city on the water with pearls, wheat and iron in its BFC. We also have the second settler 1 tile away from its city location (archer already there) which has rocks, pigs and incense.

Here is the montage of what happened ...

Here are our troops - we should probably get that woodsman II warrior our scouting to the East. Those guys cover a lot of ground in the forests.

And here are our lands ...

Sorry if I sound short - it is probably a combination of late at night and playing an Anger Management game.

Spoiler log :
Turn 55 (1800 BC)
Ruff_Hi: delay stonehenge - library is better for culture


Turn 56 (1760 BC)


Turn 57 (1720 BC)
Hamburg grows: 2


Turn 58 (1680 BC)


Turn 59 (1640 BC)


Turn 60 (1600 BC)
Hamburg finishes: Archer


Turn 61 (1560 BC)
Hamburg begins: Worker
Hamburg begins: Archer
Berlin grows: 6
Berlin finishes: Barracks


Turn 62 (1520 BC)
Berlin begins: Settler


Turn 63 (1480 BC)
Tech learned: Mathematics


Turn 64 (1440 BC)
Research begun: Iron Working


Turn 65 (1400 BC)
Contact made: Chinese Empire


Turn 66 (1360 BC)
Hamburg finishes: Archer


Turn 67 (1320 BC)
Hamburg begins: Archer
Hamburg grows: 3


Turn 68 (1280 BC)


Turn 69 (1240 BC)
Berlin finishes: Settler


Turn 70 (1200 BC)


Turn 71 (1160 BC)
Berlin begins: Settler
Hamburg finishes: Archer


Turn 72 (1120 BC)
Hamburg begins: Worker
Munich founded
Munich begins: Barracks
Tech learned: Iron Working


Turn 73 (1080 BC)
Research begun: Fishing
Berlin finishes: Settler


Turn 74 (1040 BC)
Berlin begins: Library
Tech learned: Fishing


Turn 75 (1000 BC)
Research begun: Masonry
Munich begins: Work Boat
Ruff - just played
Ozbenno - up
ULTIMATEGP - skipped last round
Xtream_Rockstar - skipped last round
lost_civantares - maybe on deck?

Players needed for this roster.
OK got it. Will play 15 turns either today or tomorrow.


I think that once we get iron (which makes copper irrelevant for the time being), a few swords and axes might come out of our cities to give some anger management classes, does France need them the most (added bonus, Gandhi will get a -ve modifier for declaring on France)?

I still like the city site with the two elephants, wine and iron. Get a settler over here? On second thought, we probably don't want too many happy resources (although war elephants can be nice).

Are we ready to get Alphabet?
Yes re france, yes re alphabet, yes re elephants. Good ideas all.
Math was because (I think it was Ozbenno) said to chop Stonehenge, and to get math to get a (IIRC 50%) boost in hammers in a chop.
T1 - 975BC

Say hello to Cologne everyone. Horses in blacked out area on tile north of city cross!!

T2 - 950BC

Hello Roosevelt!

T3 - 925BC

Masonry --> Alphabet (in 12)

T4 - 900BC

Hamburg - Worker --> Granary

T5 - 875BC


T6 - 850BC

Munich finishes work boat and back to ordered barracks.

T7 - 825BC


T8 - 800BC


T9 - 775BC

Mao want us to cancel deals with Gandhi. I tell him to get stuffed!

T10 - 750BC

Berlin - Library --> Sword

T11 - 725BC

Roosevelt wants us to cancel deals with Louis, what's that Darryl "Tell him to get stuffed!"?

T12 - 700BC

Barb archer appears north of Cologne.

T13 - 675BC


T14 - 650BC

Gandhi wants us to cancel deals with Mao, you know what I tell him.
Alphabet --> Construction
Hamburg - Granary --> Sword
Cologne - Archer --> Granary
OK we have Alphabet, time to get angry.
Cancel Open Borders with everyone (except Roosevelt who I had just opened).
We demand tribute from everybody! Surprisingly, Victoria gives us Meditation.
Trade Alphabet to Gandhi for Polytheism and Sailing.
I whip a sword in Hamburg.

T15 - 625BC

Berlin - Sword --> Sword
Hamburg - Sword --> Sword
Sword in Berlin is whipped.
Both Hamburg and Berlin will be unhappy in 5 turns after I empty the military to the countryside.

Move swords towards Louis, will have 2 more soon.
Demand Priesthood from Victoria and we have our first angry customer.

Louis soon follows but will trade us Priesthood for Meditation anyway.
Gandhi is pleased!!!!! I demanded tribute twice last turn and have no -ve modifier? At least Louis is Hindu so that will soon change. (trading with him last turn may have been a bit of a :smoke: .

We might want to get a settler out of Berlin after we get the anger up there for the elephants.

Have two swords to send to Louis straight away with another 2 close behind. Declaring on him will p*ss of Gandhi.

Remember that Berlin and Hamburg have no defenders if barbs appear. May be a barb city to the NW of Berlin.

And the save...

View attachment 131688
Ozbenno said:
Mao want us to cancel deals with Gandhi. I tell him to get stuffed!
Nice rounds. The anger courses appear to be working. The rule with the cities is that if they are size 4 or more, they must have at least 1 angry citizen. If they don't, we bench one of our citizens via the 'specialists'.

For those of you who don't know what 'stuffed' means - it is a particularly aussie expression - it can mean lots of things ... broken (this pen is stuffed), not working well (this car is stuffed), full of food (I am stuffed), full of stuffing (this chicken is stuffed), put that in here (just stuff it in there). Ozbenno is using it as a gentle replacement for 'pi$$ off' or 'on your bike sunshine'.

Ozbenno - just played
ULTIMATEGP - skipped last round bue appears to be active on the boards
Xtream_Rockstar - skipped last round, appears not to have a CIV4 capable PC
lost_civantares - maybe 'up' - have to wait to hear from Ult or Xtream

I'm giving ULT until 00:01 July 6th to post a got it. After that, LOST CIV is up.

Players needed for this roster.
soory had to go on vacation and forgot to say here, i'm rady.

i'll play by tommarow
Turn 1-set new swords to defend Berlin and set resarch to 60%

Turn 2-Munich finishes barracks and starts on sword

Turn 3-Finish sword in Berlin and start on another

Turn 4-Louis completes the pyramids

Turn 5-Cunfusic is founded in a distant land

Turn 6-nothing

Turn 7-Hamburg's borders expand and Mao convert to Confusic

Turn 8-send new sword to France

Turn 9-meh

Turn 10-meh
Well, I guess that means that Lost_Civ is up ...

Ruff - on deck
ULTIMATEGP - just 'reported'
Xtream_Rockstar - skipped last round, appears not to have a CIV4 capable PC
lost_civantares - UP

Tweak a little cities to increase growth but keep production.

Turn 1

Gibbon informs us that we are the 5th largest.

Gandhi asks for open borders, but I tell him to stick it.

Turn 2
Finish swordsman in Munich, he heads to french territory, starts another.

Buddism spreads to our lands in Cologne Near, I don't convert though, there is already two people buddist, and with only one city having it I don't convert.

Turn 3
Cologne finishes grainery, I start barracks for lack of anything else of worth till we have a bonus xp for our units from the barracks.

Gandhi founds the Hindu shrine.

Turn 4
Berlin finishes swordsmen, starts another. Hamburg starts baracks till something better comes along. It is unhappy and starving, but we can just whip it later.

Turn 5
Our archer fortifyed in a forest near Hamburg ruthlessly crushes a barb axemen who foolishly decides not to pillage our cows.

Merit Ptah (Great Scientist) is born in Paris

Turn 6
Roosevelt decides that he needs Alphabet, and demands it, I tell him it's a tough world, and it's time for him to get used to it.

Turn 7
Just another day at the office.

Turn 8
O mighty Ozymandius, thank you for the tech of Construction! We start Currency for lack of anything better, and we shouldn't louse too much if we decide to change it.

Munich finishes swordsman, starts another.

I also get open borders with Cesear so that our scout can continue on.

Turn 9
Another wonderful day at the office.

Turn 10

The scout peeks into Rome:

Be prepared for a barb axemen in the east.

We are building up a fairly sizeable stack of 7 corney named swordsmen, with 2 more on the way. We may want to diversify though and build some axemen before going to war. Also cancel open borders with Cesaer in 8 turns if wanted.
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