Turn 5
A combat I Axe of ours gets into Lyons, with another combat I axe and a City Defense I archer one turn away, and another 2 axemen 3 turns away.
We win every battle, killing attacking Catapult, 2 swordsman, and 2 spearman.
The battle log was giving very low odds for each attack (one was 4%), is this for the attacking side then?
A barb warrior appears from the north (not much of a problem after all this!

Turn 6
Berlin finishes axeman, starts swordsman, Colonge finishes catapult, starts another, Munich finishs swordsman, starts another.
Louis sends down a settler paired with spearman down to the south.
Louis is also bombing down our cultural defenses.
Turn 7
I send an axemen to deal with the Settler pair.
Louis bombs Lyons, then sends a swordsman, who is promptly eliminated by our axe.
Louis also sends an axe by the side of Lyons, I would think to pillage, but there is nothing but roads to pillage.
Turn 8
Louis' rambling axe can't do any real damage, so I don't attack (best odds was around 70%, so I didn't want to risk it, we need ever unit), and there was only 4 units in the stack in the forest, so I didn't feel it was worth it to waste a catapult attacking.
So in otherwards, nothing much happening.
The battlefield at the moment:
Turn 9
Louis must have built a city quite close to his capital, because there is a cabin on the copper hill that is out of reach of Paris:
We get Metal Casting:
I wasn't quite sure about what to go after next, but I went for Machinary because it was the only military tech, and all the others were entirely useless to us, or wouldn't do any good in a military situation. In any case there's only going to be a single turn invested in it, so feel absolutely free to change it.
Louis' catapult bombards us, sword attacks us, and our axe kills the sword.
Louis founds Avignon with the settler pair (sorry, screenshot didn't take).
Turn 10
We attack Avignon, and auto-raze it for 1 gold.