Turn 1
Hanging Gardins built in out in the nether world.
Turn 2
Something interesting to note is that when the Roman troops that are floating around in our territory end their turn in one of our towns they seem to take away the "We demand Military Protection!" message, and the town has one less unhappy face.
Turn 3
Just another day at the office...
Turn 4
Just shuffling the workers around.
Turn 5
Cologne finishes Library, starts Catapult.
Turn 6
Berlin finishes Catapult, starts another.
Turn 7
Roosevelt informs us that he'd just
love to be able to waltz through our territory, I tell him no, we'd like to have our stuff unpillffered thank you. (Remember the civ3 demand that you move your troops from their territory? "your men are distrurbing the woman and pillfring the chickens! Send them away!" or something to that effect anyway, I digress).
Turn 8
Just Mooving the troops to Louis.
Turn 9
Cologne finshes catapult, starts an axemen, Berlin finishes Catapult, starts an swordsman.
Turn 10
Lyon finishes grainery, starts walls.
Sorry this was such a bland turn, but it was really just a turn of building up troops and nothing of interesting at all.
We also seem to have a bunch of troops on Elizabeth's border, wouldn't it be better to send at least some to Lyons to use against Louis?
The Save: