Ruff04 - Anger Management

I love the smell of anger in the air.

With our plan of cosying up to Julius and 2 unhappy faces in Berlin and hamburg, I trade Julius a pig for some spices (we don't need the health yet) and sign open borders.

Not much happened in the ten turns. We got Code of Laws and Literature (currently on Feudalism only 1 turn though). Queued up courthouses in all angry cities, with a view of getting out the :whipped: . Markets after this I think.

Our economy is in crisis. We have to go down to 20% research to break even. Move all fog busters within cultural boundaries.

Lyon is coming under cultural pressure (I whipped an obelisk and queued up a monestary).

Trade Gandhi horses for Marble and 5gpt (should cancel this once we have an economy).

Do we go after Louis again? We need to grow to be able to keep up tech wise but our economy and anger won't allow it!

By the end I had the economy to break even at 50%.

Anyway the save

View attachment 133097
Which ever you think is a fair thing!
Hello there i do have a computer capible of running Civ 4 but i wont be near a comp that will run it before Monday so.... yah i had been MIA for a while but now i return :)
Turn 1
Hanging Gardins built in out in the nether world.

Turn 2
Something interesting to note is that when the Roman troops that are floating around in our territory end their turn in one of our towns they seem to take away the "We demand Military Protection!" message, and the town has one less unhappy face.

Turn 3
Just another day at the office...

Turn 4
Just shuffling the workers around.

Turn 5
Cologne finishes Library, starts Catapult.

Turn 6
Berlin finishes Catapult, starts another.

Turn 7
Roosevelt informs us that he'd just love to be able to waltz through our territory, I tell him no, we'd like to have our stuff unpillffered thank you. (Remember the civ3 demand that you move your troops from their territory? "your men are distrurbing the woman and pillfring the chickens! Send them away!" or something to that effect anyway, I digress).

Turn 8
Just Mooving the troops to Louis.

Turn 9
Cologne finshes catapult, starts an axemen, Berlin finishes Catapult, starts an swordsman.

Turn 10
Lyon finishes grainery, starts walls.

Sorry this was such a bland turn, but it was really just a turn of building up troops and nothing of interesting at all.

We also seem to have a bunch of troops on Elizabeth's border, wouldn't it be better to send at least some to Lyons to use against Louis?

The Save:
So I assume we're going with a schedule of:

ruff_hi ---> On Deck
Lost_civantares --->Just Played
Xtream_Rockstar ---> Up

If Xtream_Rockstar is able to play?
okay heres my turn


Swordsman -> Swordsman in Berlin
Julis declares war on Roosevelt because Roosevelt was beeing a D*ush

TURN zwei (thats german for 2)

Basicly nothin

Turn due (italian for 3)

Turn Dois (porutugise for 4)
Swordsman -> swordsman Berlin
Axeman -> swordsman in cologne
Axeman -> Swordsman in munich
turn deux (french for 5)
Walls -> swordsman in lyon

okay if u are wondering why i dint do more than 5 turns i was just makeing sure that i dont mess up
What about Swahili? :p

We may need more catapults though, especially since Louis has/just about to have longbows.
Xtream - are you playing the other 5? Of just the 5? If the later, we will need the game save.
i will upload the save in a couple of minuets i cant belive i forgot it
i also thinking about droping out i got swamped in sgs and this one had been going when i was gone so im droping out SRY SRY SRY
:hmm: This SG seems to be going slowly and with (apparent) little interest. My thought is to let it die ... comments?
This is my First SG! I can't die! :cry:

Ultimatly though your the team leader though and it's your call if this won't work.
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