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ST2 - Prussian Pangaea


Designer, Mohawk Games
Dec 20, 2001
Pennsylvania, USA
This SG uses the ST Mod.

Civilization: Germany
Difficulty: Deity
Map Size: Small
Opponents: Five
Land: Pangaea 40%
Climate: Arid
Barbarians: Restless
Victory: Diplomatic disabled.

Protocol: RBCiv exploits are off limits.


ST2 - 4000BC

Good luck!
OK. Would all on the roster please check in here? Thanks. :D

I've kicked off more than my fair share of SGs lately, so let's pass along the honor here. We'll go with the roster in the order that Sirian posted, but I'd like to have JMB start things off.

These intervals I like to start with as a non-expansionist civ: 25 turns for the first player (2750 BC), 15 turns for the next (2150 BC), then the usual 10 each after that.

JMB can make some good opening moves, I trust. I do suggest moving the worker east first to see if we discover any food bonus. :D Good luck!

Grimjack << On Deck
Wow, I come to check in and find out that I'm already up... :)

Alright, I've got it, but won't be able to play until tomorrow night. What I need to know is do I have to do anything special? (e.g., do I have to download the mod (and install (?) it, or is already included in the game?)


What got me wondering that I might have to do something was that Sirian included a link to the mod at the beginning of his post...

Check in.
Checking in...oh wait, not on the team. Just officially subcribing to lurk.;)

Good luck fellow HOT6 comrades (and T-hawk and JMB).
4000 BC - Other than the lack of visible food bonuses, no complaints about this starting location... I move the worker SE to see if there are any food bonuses. Nope, but there is a hut on a hill to our south. Settle on the starting tile. Woot! We have three furs right nearby... Begin building warrior-scouts. Research set on Pottery at max (due in 17 turns).

3950 BC - Begin mining bg.

3900 BC -

3850 BC -

3800 BC -

3750 BC - We produce our first warrior. As we are in the southern hemisphere, I send him to the mountains to our NE.

3700 BC - We climb up a very big mountain and spot another hut, 2 more mountains, and 2 rivers.

3650 BC - Finish mining, begin roading.

3600 BC -

3550 BC - We complete a second warrior scout who is told by the elders of Berlin: "Go west young man, go west..."

3500 BC - Berlin's borders expand and we complete our road.

3450 BC - We have some desert and floodplains to our north.

3400 BC - We produce a third warrior and begin a barracks prebuild for our granary. Our western warrior-scout discovers a great body of salty water and herbs that really spiced up his meager rations. While carefully scanning the horizon from a hill, our northern warrior-scout shakes his head in disbelief as he spots another warrior-scout in the distance wearing an orange loincloth... This warrior-scout has apparently been bewitched by some woman named Elizabeth (or "Lizzie" as he calls her... :love: ) Reluctantly, he agrees to take us to meet his paramour. Gazing upon her milky complexion and anorexic-looking face, our northern warrior-scout thinks to himself: "What was this poor sap thinking when he agreed to follow her..." Lizzie already knows all of our techs and is up CB, Alphabet, and Pottery (which we'll get in 2 turns...). No deals could be made, and based on Lizzie's sour expression our northern warrior-scout concludes that her warrior-scout must really be :whipped:ed since he seems so content serving her...

3350 BC - With pottery due next turn, I crank back our science rate to 60%.

3300 BC - I notice that the min sci rate appears to be 32 turns... :confused: Checking the thread, I see that we are playing on a small map with 5 opponents (and here I was thinking that we were playing on a standard size map with 8 opponents... :crazyeye: ). Swap from Barracks to a Granary (due in 13 turns). Our western scout spots some brownish, fleet-footed animal in the forests to our W along with something that might be another river (it ended up being another ocean...). Checking the Top 5 Cities chart, our opponents appear to be the Russians, the Arabs, the Persians, and the English. I begin min research on IW.

3250 BC - Our southeastern warrior-scout climbs a hill and as the darkness descends, he spots thinks that look like big, spotted rocks. Creeping through the shadows that evening, stumbles through a bunch of smelly brown stuff, eventually getting close enough to touch one of these strange looking beasts. Silently, he approaches one of them and pushes it over (much to the beast's dismay... :) ).

3200 BC -

3150 BC - Our northern warrior scout sees a bunch of worm like creatures hanging from trees eating the leaves and building cocoons out of a stick substance they excreted...

3100 BC -

3050 BC - As I am getting a bit worried about barbs popping up (and Berlin will soon grow...), I instruct our eastern warrior-scout (who has spotted a great body of salty water to our east) to come back home.

3000 BC - Our first barb pops out of the fog... Our western warrior-scout encounters more barbs.

2950 BC -

2900 BC - our northeastern warrior-scout spots some of Lizzie's borders and decides to stop by "for a cup of tea..." While enjoying his cup of tea, Lizzie drones on about some contraption that she calls the wheel and some mythical beast called a "horse."

2850 BC - Whoops, notice I forgot to decrease our lux tax now that one of our warriors is stationed in Berlin :rolleyes:. Our western warrior-scout finds the westernmost edge of our continent.

2800 BC - We produce our granary, and I decide to make one more warrior (due in 2 turns) before setting Berlin on settler duty. Wow, Lizzie must have made contact with someone this past turn as she now up Masonry, IW, CB, the Wheel, and Alphabet on us.

Keep our NE warrior heading east so that we'll hopefully meet these other civs... Next turn, send the warrior guarding the city to check out the lands to our south (remember to increase the lux tax though...). I didn't send him out this turn because I didn't want to leave the capital undefended for more than 1 turn... Once the warrior is produced, begin building settlers (it should take 5 turns. We might even be able to produce the settler one turn earlier as once Berlin grows to size 4...)

Here's a map of our continent.

I am hard pressed to say where we should send our first settler... We can move farthest (i.e., 3 tiles) if we send the settler SE along our road and south (or across the river), but that doesn't appear to give access to any bonus food resources. We can also go for the game tile to our west, but the best location (3 tiles W), would require a border expansion before we'd get to use the game tile. Alternatively, we could send him to secure the silks to our NE (settling on the hills by the river). This location isn't too bad (high food tile and we might be able to secure the silks...), but the site wouldn't be all that useful to us for quite awhile. It would be really nice to go for a food bonus, but it would also be nice to expand towards the English. The lands around the cattle to our SE are nice, but they can be backfilled later.

I am sure that Grimjack will make a good decision, but if anyone else wants to chip in (T-hawk?), please do...

Here's the save: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads4/ST2-2800BC.zip

Good luck Grimjack! (plays 15 turns)

Grimjack << UP NOW
Coffeecup << On Deck


EDIT: Whoops, it looks like I only played 24 turns (I included 4000 BC...) :blush:. Grimjack, please play 16 turns to even things out (i.e., to 2150 BC).
Hmm. I think I'd go for the cow to the southeast first, actually. With our capital locked into slow growth, we want another settler producer up and running as soon as we possibly can, and there's no other place to do it. The game and floodplains locations will take too much time to reach and improve, and flood plains really aren't that great for settler farms because they don't produce enough shields. The granary takes a long time to build, and it's guaranteed to get hit by disease a time or two.

I'd probably start by sending the settler the three tiles along the road (with an escort, or even send two and pop that hut-on-a-hill; with a slow growing capital we can build much extra military between settlers.) See if any food bonuses turn up along that river, and if not, go for that southeastern cow (NE of it will probably give the best spacing to fill in around the capital, with a city near the hut on the southern river and another one on the NE river.)

Next is probably the floodplains and silks location; get a worker built there to improve the flood plains and add a liberal dose of whipping for a granary and temple.

Just my thoughts, though, and it's up to Grimjack to execute them. :)
With military in mind. Would you kick in a quick barracks in after the first settler from Berlin? We are, as T-hawk said, are going to be building units in the capital why not make them vets?
Got it. WIll be playing immediately.

Thanks for leaving me with the anguish over where to place the most important settler :)

Maybe too early to talk RCP, but there are 6 positions, 5 good, at a tile radius of 4. Will post a dot map at the beginning of my turns for discussion.

Errr skip that......heres one that Belisar did. The inner ring is 4 tiles and the outer is 6.5 tiles. One tile north of the cattle is 6.5 tiles, but I don't think thats a critical placement.

2800BC Nothing to do except pour over maps and try to decide on where to send settler. Ack. I do not think there is any single aspect that gets so much thought from me as where to place the second settler.
2710 Berlin set to settler. Nix lux taxes. I set Berlin Governor to emphasize production, hoping governor would chose forest tile when Berlin grows. This will shave one turn off of Settler when Berlin grows. ( If it works. )
2670 Worker set to road. ENglish start Oracle build
2630 Our eastern trader is astonished upon finding heaps and heaps of carcasses of a huge anomal with the longest teeth he has ever seen. Bringing a chip in, he think that this ivory could be useful.
2590 Out of the fog in the east we happen upon some poor guys who are stuck in PINK loincloths. Poor souls. Must be a really evil person who forces them to wear pink. After checking in, we discover they have a lot of knowledge.
Masonry,Alphabet,Wheel,CB and Iron. In an amazing coincidence this happen to be the exact same things Lizzie knows. I suspect they are cooperating with a third party, so I do no trades. Discover another cache of white clad guys who are just bad business.
2550 Governor didn't come through, and he is promptly fired. It was apparently to hard for him to see that he would have gotten more shields if he put the new citizen on a forest tile.
The floodplain site does not look to shabby. Shields would not be a big problem ( at size 4-6) since we have several plains, and in republic Mountains/hills. Will see if river southwards is more plentiful though. Pop th ehut and discover yokels, silks and a no food bonuses.
We get our first veteran as our MP defeats one of the Yokels who had appeared right inside our mines.
2510 Ooo Joy, we earn 25 gold dispersing a barbarian encampment. Lower luxes. Set Berlin to warrior with two yokels so close, I want more than one warrior in Berlin. One warrior is escorting the Settler.
Buy wheel from Joan in an afterthought, as horses might affect where to send settler. Pay her 90 gold for this. Discover we are behind horseback riding as well.
No need to worry, we have horses right inside Berlins borders. Not roaded yet, but anyway there they are.
2430 Berlin completes awrrior, luxes is nixed, and one of the yokels is destroyed. Find the pink border-flags south-east of LIzzy.
Decide the white Yokels are no pushovers, and order up a training facility for young warriors.
2350 Our Warrior in the west is defeated in spite of being fortified on a hill. :(
2310 Found Leipzig. Set production to Granary. Will take a while if I do not nix growth in this city.
IBT Berlin completes Barracks, set it to archer. ( Berlin has 7 spt, and I want at least one unit with good odds of taking out a white cloth. )
IBT Someone called Xerxes calls up using the divine hotline. ( Quite possibly meaning that Writing is out there. Any plans on how to get out of the whole ? )
He offers us CB for 40 gold. I take him up on his offer. The offers are usually good. He also has contacts with Arabia and Russia. Will not pauper us buying into contacts. Lets hope he sells the contacts instead. Our contact ought to be cheap.
2230 Send our eastern scout on a trek through France lands, hoping I can make the contact myself.
2190 A barbarian horseman shows up menacing our worker. I send out the entire Berlin garrison protecting him.
2150 Improvements around Berlin are now finished, and I send worker to Leipzig to get some more food out of it.
Set Berlin to produce worker now that Archer is finished. On second thought seeing that Berlin produces 8 spt, I set Berlin on Settler.
Archer earns his pay as he eliminates a barbarian warrior on his first turn.
2110 As I spot a pale pink border on the far side of France, I once again try to traverse Frances lands.
Archer lives dangerously as he gets wounded taking one of a pair of barbarian horse.

Save: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads4/ST2_2110BC.sav
Hmm, should not have played so fast perhaps. PLaced the first city at an RCP distance of 6.
Hope I didn't ruin the chance of two good rings.
A distance of 6 won't be good for RCP, but I have no complaint if we don't end up using that particular tactic.

Barracks early - :goodjob: - definitely make use of our militaristic trait.

As for contacts - do keep an eye on them and jump in and buy if there is a great difference between how much different contacts cost. Such a difference in cost means a great difference in civ power - and that means brokering opportunity. :)

Coffee << UP NOW
T-hawk << On Deck
I needed the barracks as regular warriors were not reliable enough against teh barbs. There are lots of barbs floating around.

RCP feels wrong somehow. It ought to be better to use terrain to ones advantage. ( Game mechanics disagree with me though. )

Yeah, I'm not really crazy about RCP either. It seems too mechanical... I much prefer to place cities in the "best" locations I can find.

I think our next settler should heas SE to settle the tile N of the cattle (as per T-hawks suggestion; we can bring water over from the W along the coast...). The second settler should probably head towards the game forest or perhaps the silks to our NE (I think it is doubtful we'll get it though...). We really need some high food cities to churn out workers...

To that end, it might be a good idea to swap Leipzig from the granary to a worker, that way, we can let the other worker hook up our horses (for dealing with barbs) and our furs. On second thought though, we've already spent 3 worker turns moving that worker up towards Leipzig, so in total we'd waste 6 turns if he turned back around. I still think we should swap to a worker in Leipzig.

Also, don't forget about the :whipped:...

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