StarNES: Updates Without Number (Epoch I)


Unlikeliest of Slash Fics
Jan 30, 2009

Epoch I

Orders for Update V due Wednesday 27 March, 2012 @ Midnight (24:00) GMT-4

Welcome to the first epoch of StarNES, a NES that hopefully will know no creative limits as the NESing community pitches in to create a whole galaxy. StarNES will play out over a series of four epochs, each epoch building off of the world that was created in the previous era. Until we reach Epoch III StarNES will not be a full-fledged NES complete with stats and time-commitments, mostly for my benefit. Epoch I & II can therefore be classified as NES-lites; so 'lite' in fact that it in no way means I am abandoning my other NES.

Players can come and go as they like!

Epoch I: Stellar Dust, Planetesimals, & You

During this phase of the NES players will lay down the interstellar groundwork for future epochs. This means we will be creating stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, nebula, wormholes, black-holes, and other interstellar objects. The star-map is divided up into hexes, and in order to put down interstellar objects players must expend GalCred¤ (GC¤) that they will receive each turn. All players will receive 20GC¤+1d20/turn.

Interstellar Objects & Actions

Stars (Requires: Free Hex, 20GC¤)
These are the building-blocks of all (conventional) life in the galaxy. Although real-life stars come in all sorts of varieties/sizes/classes, stars of StarNES all are uniform for the sake of my sanity. Stars can contain a total of 6 objects. Binary star systems can be created for 50GC¤. When stars are formed they have a 1-15 chance of being a Blue Star, a 16-30 chance of being a Red Star, and a 31-100 chance of being a Yellow Star. Star types are rolled separately for Binary Stars (i.e. a binary star can be a blue star and a yellow star).

Blue Stars are larger and burn brighter. Whenever an uninhabitable planet is formed in a Blue Star System there is a 1-25 chance the uninhabitable planet is a cold planet and a 26-100 chance the uninhabitable planet is a hot planet. When Blue Stars become Red Giants they will always Supernova if this occurs.

Red Stars are smaller and dimmer. Whenever an uninhabitable planet is formed in a Red Star System there is a 1-25 chance the uninhabitable planet is a hot planet and a 26-100 chance the uninhabitable planet is a cold planet. When Red Stars become Red Giants they will always become White Dwarves if this occurs.

Yellow Stars are the normal stars are neither particularly bright or sizable. Whenever an uninhabitable planet is formed in a Yellow Star System there is a 1-50 chance the uninhabitable planet is a hot planet and a 51-100 chance the uninhabitable planet is a cold planet. Yellow Stars have a 50/50 chance of going Supernova or becoming a White Dwarf during the tail end of their lifespan.

Planets (Requires: Star, 1 Star-Slot, 5GC¤/Small Planet; 10GC¤/Medium Planet; 15GC¤/Large Planet)
Planets come in two varieties: Gas Giants and Terrestrial. These are further divided into Small, Medium, and Large planets. Exactly what these size differences do I will not reveal just yet :)p) so as to encourage players to create a variety of planets. Terrestrial planets are composed of rocks and metals; Gas Giants are made up of various layers of gasses. Gas Giants are ALWAYS larger than Terrestrial planets, even if small.
Every time a player creates a terrestrial planet I will roll a 1d100 to see just how habitable it is. Uninhabitable Planets 1-75; Somewhat Habitable Planets 76-95; Habitable Planets 96-99; Gaian Planet 100. Again, just what this means will not be revealed until a certain epoch. There are now two kinds of Uninhabitable Planets: Hot & Cold. Hot Planets are fiery worlds scorched by their local star, whereas Cold Planets are frigid, wind-blasted wastelands on the outer-limits of their system. The distinction, at the moment, is just for flavor, but it will not remain this way in future epochs. ;)

Moons (Requires: Planet, 2GC¤)
Moons are chunks of rock/metal that orbit terrestrial planets and gas giants. Moons that orbit gas giants are larger than moons that orbit terrestrial planets. Moons have all sorts of useful attributes that will be revealed in later epochs. There is a limit to 10 moons per system; this is to prevent the hexes from being overcrowded with little yellow blips.

Asteroid Field (Requires: Free Hex or Star, 1 Star-Slot, 4GC¤/Small Field; 6GC¤/Medium Field; 8GC¤/Large Field)
Asteroid fields are regions within space that are full of rocky debris. All sizes of asteroid fields can be put into free hexes or hexes that contain stars. Asteroid fields have a chance of intercepting comets, this chance increases with the field's size (roughly 10% for small fields, 20% for medium fields, and 35% for large fields).

Comet (Requires: Planets, 5GC¤)
Comets are this phases' way of saying "screw you" to another player. You can sling comets at hexes containing terrestrial planets to attempt to 'damage' and eventually 'break apart' a planet. When a terrestrial planet is destroyed by a comet it becomes an asteroid field of a corresponding size (i.e. small planets yield small fields, medium planets yield medium fields, large planets yield large fields, gaian planets yield large fields). 1-5: A planet is destroyed; 6-25: A planet sustains major damage; 26-65: A planet sustains minor damage; 66-100: the comet flies into the local star. A note: gas planets are another level of 'defense' in that there is a chance the comet will hit the gas giant and do nothing/be destroyed.

Nebula (Requires: Free Hex, 10GC¤)
Nebula are huge clouds of interstellar dusts and gases; they are so large, in fact, that they completely block off a hex and renders it unable to be filled with any other interstellar object save for worm-holes. Nebula can be built on top of Rogue Planets.

Wormholes (Requires: Nothing, 1 Star-Slot (if in Star'd Hex), 30GC¤)
Wormholes are 'shortcuts' in space and time. They link two distant hexes together; players are allowed to choose what hex the wormhole links to. Hexes can contain only a single wormhole, though special situations may arise to see extra wormholes created (i.e. orders submitted very close together). Once a wormhole is placed all surrounded hexes cannot contain wormholes.

Black Holes (Requires: Nothing, 150GC¤)
The ultimate form of pissing off other players, black holes destroys the contents of the hex it is placed in and has a 50% chance to destroy the contents of each surrounding hex.

Age A Star (Requires: Star, 10GC¤)
Each turn players can age stars. Every time a star ages it has an incremental 5% chance of becoming a Red Giant (i.e. @ age 1 = 5%, age 2 = 10%, age 3 =15%). When a star becomes a Red Giant the habitat-level of all the terrestrial planets in the system goes down by 1 (Gaian→Habitable; Habitable→Somewhat Habitable; Somewhat Habitable→Uninhabitable; Uninhabitable→Uninhabitable). A star cannot be aged by a single player twice in one turn, but multiple players spending GC¤ to age a single star causes the star to age faster. When a Binary star system is aged it ages both of the stars at the same time (thus requiring only one payment), however the chance for the stars to become Red Giants is rolled separately for each star.

Cause A Red Giant to Supernova/Become A White Dwarf (Requires: Red Giant, 60GC¤)
When a player performs this action there is a 50/50 chance that the chosen Red Giant will either go supernova or become a white dwarf. In the event of a supernova the star explodes, creating a nebula in the hex. Planets in the supernova'd system have a 1-in-3 chance of being flung out of the hex; in such an event a 1d6 is rolled to determine the direction the planet goes, a 1d6+4 is rolled to determine how far the planet goes, and has a 2-in-3 chance of joining a system if it stops in that system's hex, otherwise the planet acts as a super-comet. Planets that do not stop in any system become 'rogue' planets, though they have a 1-in-20 chance of joining a system in an adjacent sector. Planets instantly become Uninhabitable when ejected from their home systems. Rogue planets can exist within nebula.

When a Star goes Supernova there is a 1-5 chance it will become a Black Hole and a 6-100 chance it will become a Neutron Star. When Neutron Stars are formed there is a 1-25 chance the Neutron Star is a Pulsar and 26-100 chance the Neutron Star is just a Neutron Star. When Neutron Stars form (both Pulsar & Non-Pulsar) a Nebula is ejected from the system into a random neighboring hex. When a Black Hole results from a Supernova there is a 1-25 chance that neighboring systems experience gamma ray bursts and lose 1 habitat level on applicable planets. When Black Holes form from Supernova a Nebula is ejected from the system into a random neighboring hex.

In the event that a white dwarf forms planets within the same hex drop another habitat-level (Habitable→Somewhat Habitable; Somewhat Habitable→Uninhabitable; Uninhabitable→Uninhabitable) and the hex becomes free for a new star to form. This new star starts will 3 star slots as opposed to 6.

Blue Stars→Red Giants always result in Supernovas.
Red Stars→Red Giants always result in White Dwarves.
Yellow Stars→Red Giants have a 50/50 chance of going Supernova or becoming a White Dwarf.

Creation of Brown Dwarfs (Requires: Comet/Planet Striking Gas Giant)
When a comet or planet strikes a Large Gas Giant there is a 1-5 (for comets) and 1-20 (for planets) chance of thermal activity ramping up in the Large Gas Giant, causing it to become a Brown Dwarf. When a Brown Dwarf is formed within a system there is a 1-5 chance for catastrophic changes; 6-15 chance for major-bad changes; 16-35 chance for minor-bad changes; 36-65 chance for no changes; 66-85 chance for minor-good changes; 86-95 chance for major good changes; 96-100 chance for wonderful changes. Brown Dwarfs have 1 slot for new interstellar objects.

Neutron Stars & Pulsars (Requires: Supernova)
Neutron Stars form when Red Giants go Supernova. They have 2 slots to create a new interstellar object in. Pulsars form from Neutron Stars and also have 2 slots to create a new interstellar object.

Kudos (Requires: Moderator Impatience+Mob Rule)
Whenever I skip over a player as a result of my impatience/having the majority of orders in the skipped player will receive 1 Kudos. Once 2 Kudos are gained that player gets to hurl a comet for free at someone in exchange for the 2 Kudos. If you happen to not make a deadline I will remove 1 Kudos from you as opposed to throw a comet of my own at you.

Galactic Wonders (Requires: Special)
Galactic Wonders are those places/interstellar objects that are simply breath-taking (some may actually kill things) and too unique to not be acknowledged for this. How you go about creating a galactic wonder is far from easy and has no set plan, GC¤ cost, or cause. They simply happen.

Posting Orders
When you post your spending please follow this format so I can easily identify your orders and not accidentally miss you:

# GC¤ Available
Purchased Stuff/Cost¤
Purchased Stuff/Cost¤
Purchased Stuff/Cost¤
Banked GC¤:

If that template is too hard to follow include the total gold you have in bold red text at the top and the GC¤ you have remaining/banked at the end of your shopping spree in bold black text at the bottom.

I will warn you up to three times to, at the very least, report your remaining/banked GC¤ before I hurl a comet at something deal to you. :mad:

I know this can come off as too strict, but it really helps me update faster to be able to easily identify your orders/GC¤ amounts.

When posting changes to your original orders do not simply edit your first orders post. Please post any changes/additions in a completely new post using the above template + something to let me know you are deviating from what you had originally proposed.

I update the star-map as I get each set of orders, and while I do not mind players changing their orders, I need to redo the map when players change their orders—it helps for me to have the original orders so I can know what to delete.

*Special Thanks to Gem Hound, Tecknojock, Blaze Injun, & theDright for contributions to these rules

Blaze Injun
Gem Hound
Double A


Galactic Wonders

The Manticore |Ender (0616)|Two wormholes present in a single sector|Origin: E1;VI
Ingenrexus |Creatorus (1819)|A massive gaian planet born in the aftermath of a firestorm of comets|Origin: E1;VI
Twin Jewels of Anar-Isil |Chrystosen (2007)|A pair of small gaian planets tidally locked together|Origin: E1;III
The Triplet |The Triplet (1120)|Three bright stars orbiting the same single point in space|Origin: E1;V
The Half-Stars of Taman |Taman (1711)|A pair of Taman brown dwarfs born out of a series of collisions following the supernova of Falia, which cause the Taman system to be fairly erratic|Origin: E1;VIII

*If your name is bold then you have sent me orders for the upcoming turn! Yay you!
So, a map with an already star covered background? you don't think that'll be confusing?

Since I will be representing stars & planets as obviously as I possibly can (so as to allow players to gleam information just by looking at the map) I hope not!'

In this hex alone there is 1 star and 5 planets: 3 inhabitable ones and 2 gas giants. All are small.

The exact icons, though, are still WIP.


Scratch the map choice, I've decided to go the best of both worlds and make a map that is in between the size of original two that were proposed. Also the hexes are larger so I can work easier within them!

Terrance888: 35GC¤ (20+15)
thomas.berubeg: 26GC¤ (20+6)
nutranurse: 25GC¤ (20+5)

Hmmm.... I believe I am going to up the base amount to 20GC¤ so that you can at least purchase a star on a turn.


Spending Turn I (25GC¤)
Spend 20 to put a star in hex 0505. Name it Galzog.
Spend 5 to put a small gas giant in hex 0505.
EDIT: Alrighty!

I have 35gc to start!

Star! (20gc) Pharon
Small Gas Giant! (5gc)
5 Moons! (10gc)

I spent everything! I want the Giant close enough to the sun so that some of the moons that do not go through the Giant's shadow might develope "traditional" life; liquid water, ect ect. I also want a moon with its own moon.
TerrisH: 29GC¤ (20+9)

@Terrance & All players: Please name your stars! Terrance, can you edit your spending post so that the star has a name?
Blaze Injun: 27GC¤ (20+7)
SouthernKing: 40GC¤ (20+20)
Tecknojock: 36GC¤ (20+16)
hbar: 33GC¤ (20+13)
thomas.berubeg: 26GC¤ (20+6)

Star in 1908: Madarak
1 terrestrial plant in that same hex!

Edit: Why the differing amounts of points?
The points differ because I rolled a d20 to generate your per turn points. Also, thomas, can I assume you're getting a star (20GC¤) and a small terrestrial planet (5GC¤) leaving 1GC¤ in your bank?
Just checking, you did not add in the gc totals. :p
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