TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe, maybe. I've yet to meet one that can outsmart the Fist of Takarzi.
That's not how the quote goes, you're mashing two different lines together! It's 'brother, I hurt people.' :p
I planned to post the update today.

I did not plan to be sequestered today.

Nontheless, by starvation or sleeping pills, it shall come today.

EDIT: Oh sure, you guys levy troops and I publicly post them. Then you guys don't tell me how you are using those numbers or at least pastng them into the stats. More work for me. :/
I believe I included levy orders?
Don't worry too much about it, just do what you can when you can, and the update will be finished when it is. :)
Update 15: Appeal Denied
750 Years into the Bronze Age

All across our humble world, massive armies march, great fleets sail, and pivotal battles waged. Some are fed, some are not, but as all tumble into the crucible of war and the fire rages under the frying pan, in the end, nothing is truly destroyed; only remade. The sword, once a plow, shall be reformed by the victors. The land, burned and blackened, shall be renewed. And the people, scarred and weary, shall accept their conquerors even as a new generation grows, loyal to the leaders who, to them, led during their entire life.




The generals of Jinyi were sure of their victory. And why not? They are the greatest empire of their known world, five cultures bound together under the Jin Emperors and shining Confucianism. Their merchants sail to Korea and Japan, further south than the Yueh, and far to the north as well. Their culture form the basis of many others, even those who try to separate themselves from the Jin, and their armies are among the most trained and experienced in the entire region outside of war-torn Japan.

And so when the order came to march, they did so eagerly. Ten thousand emerged from the garrisons of northern China, and turned north. Thousands more boarded ships in a strike against the Luncheshou leadership. Even more arrived from Seoul, a thousand of their finest archers. And as they moved forward, the chariot-riders moved back steadily, raining arrows on their advancing columns but not contesting it. As they neared the town they are ordered to recapture, supplies begun to run low. They are not given their upkeep, nor logistics for this campaign, and only their extended columns let them forage enough food.

Month after month, they advanced further and further, liberating more and more Jinyi homesteads. Month after month, they neared their target and their lines became wider and wider. More and more of their time was spent gathering food for their forces and fixing their armor than being prepared for when the Lun cheshou struck… And strike they did.

In a moment of weakness, ten, then twenty, then hundreds of chariots struck the line at the joint between the naval and land expeditions. The infantry, spread out in their chores, were cut down as the chariots smashed their lines to pieces. As they rolled up the line the hunters of the horde, having harassed the Jinyi soldiers for many years, struck, pinning down their line as one regiment after another are smashed.

While the Silent Guard stood behind to hold this onslaught, the rest of the armies of Jinyi retreated. Retreat became rout, and rout became slaughter as the chariots caught up to their fleeing infantry. The survivers reached the Canals and tried to defend, but they were much to disorganized. It took a single breakthrough at a crucial fort for the entire line to collapse oncemore.

The Lun cheshou have broken the Canal Line.

Confidence fell, and fell harder as people openly blamed the government for not funding the army the equipment and sustenance they need. Even now, the nomadic people marveled at the fertile land they are conquering as they cut their way towards the Yellow River itself. (Jinyi –Confidence, -3 Silent Guard -1 Xiong Chariots, -2 Archers, -4 Axemen -3 Domestic -1 Trade)


The Kingdom of Man and the Empire of Yueh did not care for the trouble befalling their northern neighbor. Both nations expanded into the lands of their brothers, with very convincing words- well, words backed by bronze spears tend to be convincing for anyone-leading much of their neighbors joining them.


Seoul lost the regiment of Archers they sent to Jinyi, and the news that the Chinese Empire didn’t pay or feed their troops made them decide, for now, to close future agreements from that nation. Both Seoul and Pusan begun expanding into the mountainous region between them, to the dismay of the locals.


In Japan the Ainu pushed hard against Shimane, who used their mountainous homeland to help blunt their heavy blows. Meanwhile, Shikoku joins the Japanese Empire, which almost immediately broke their agreement after stationing enough Samurai to ensure they can’t complain about it, then invaded Kitano. The Shikokan fleet, gorged with hastedly built craft, overwhelmed the experienced Kitano fleet while the undersupplied, underfed, underequipted and undertrained Japanese troops, with the fear of death, managed to conquer a foothold onto the Kitanoan island. (+2 Loot -2 Warriors of the Sun -1 Archer -15 Curraghs)



The Nenekatae Empire continued onward in their conquest of the northern tribes. One by one, they were able to push out their borders and secure the rich farmland. Their road project completed, trade is revived and the old town was rebuilt by their new residents. This road project also let them take the advantage in trade with the newly unified Seneca. The Kumberland also prospered as their settlements move deeper into the mountains and up the river valleys. For the Seneca, they managed to absorb or defeat their scattered enemies without too much undue resistance. (Nenekatae: +2 Trade +1 Domestic -1 Spearmen -1 warrior)


The Nile

A bunch of their trapped army defect while the Navy rams itself up the river to rescue the die-hard veterans under attack by Beduin camels. Reuniting with new recruits they besiege Sevoria, surviving raids and Elephants and securing a good supply line, starving out the city. With resistance removed they moved south and now camp outside of Kartoros itself. They managed to capture some of the Elephant tamers and their massive beasts. The defected Egyptians are out of reach.


Meanwhile, the Egyptian Navy at first spread out to try to do some raiding. This does not work well until the Monoremes grouped together and they were able to put the Confederate navy to flight. Chasing them to a bay, they were almost trapped but their massive bulk saved most of their Monoremes while their Curraghs were mostly destroyed. The massive ships simply smashed through multiple enemy Curraghs to safety, many of them partially on fire. Some Monoremes are captured over several battles by marines, especially if they didn’t have a good screen of curraghs.


During the civil war some Raiders attacked port facilities in the Delta. The Thloryn Union offers merchants protection from these raiders and they thrive in Damietta. Damage was still done as most of Egypt’s fleet is at war. Also Abydos was attacked by enemy Libyans from the sands, and much of the city was affected by the fighting. It is no longer the EC it once was as trade begun simply bypassing the city. Aden was so weakened that a coup took over the city, giving it to Eterikan control. Merely mercenaries in service of Askum, they, along with Kush, might sue for peace.
Axum –EC -2 Trade -1 Domestic -15 Curraghs -2 Spearmen -3 Archers +4 Monoremes
Egypt -12 Spearmen -2 Egyptian Chariots -2 Archers -25 Curraghs -9 Monoremes -1 Trade -EC +7EP Loot +1 Elephant


Oh yeah, a Dakinsan and Gujarati colony was established, quickly taken over trade from the warweary Egyptian/Adenite/Axumites and, neutral to all sides, these towns quickly flourished.



An awesome plaza was built. Well, it wasn’t some awe. It was full of awe. But Aweful just sounds bad, right? Anyway, the awesome plaza combined with the burial there sealed the legacy of Hyak into history.

Also their settlers fell into the Fallen Sea haha, silly pun. Anyway, trade connects to Doussa who are entering the mining business-the mines of Shammamu still offer stiff competition. The entire country is reorganized which is to say, a pile of books is now a pyramid of books, but you still have to dig to find the book you want. Still, reforms stick and the internal politics are more stabilized and centralized. Like the Constitution compared to the Articles of Confederation. Or whatever I mean, I’m half asleep right now. Some of the old Exalted system creeps in as the traditional mix of meritocracy, hereditary, and plutocracy becomes creepily family to an empire which ruled but few centuries ago.

Then they worked together with the friendly medeans to kill the unfriendly medeans. Which worked out nicely, since the unfriendly medean nobles had little face left after their last defeat and the new one the allied forces served them was so unappetizing most of their subordinates and allies left in a huff from their tent. All the land and passes of Eastern Parusha are now under the command of the Horde of the Chariot, and even now, Hyakkid advisors are constantly at the ear of Haldran-shan, helping him figure out the complex puzzle that is civilization and the even more complex game of exploiting it. See, if you gave 10g to an aggressive civ, that is an automatic 10-turn peacetreaty, which is anything from 400 years to 10 years. And if you whip people you get 30 hammers or something; same with chopping trees, but only if you know how to count. They are now ready to settle down.
Hyak +1 Urban (CC)+2 Domestic +1 Trade ++Confidence+Culture-1 Qarabu-1 Archer

The League walled up their cities and begun colonizing the Aegean islands.

Hormun does its thing.


Eastern Seas

Doussa develops some state of the art boats for their prevalent (middle) Bronze Age Technology. The Altyrian Longboat and the Doussan Standard both compete in the growing shipyards of Doussa, and they came just in time to help bear the load of the growing metallic trade from both Doussa and Hyakkid Tamattu. Although the Shammamu mines prove a significant alternative to those of Doussa due to well-built roads of Hyak and simple mass, the Moserean clans dominate trade from both ports.

And this trade is also aiding the spread of Exnotic Kitabalism. With new infrastructure and growing flow of non-Takarzite Ktiabalist priests was added the humble Exnotists of the Codex. They operated the first (non-profit) cleaning service in history and the word spread rapidly throughout a Doussa still bucking with ambition and new ideas generated by the Aramyan arrivals.(+1 Domestic+2 Trade)

Although peace is not declared, Varna is not eager to reinitiate hostilities with Katan and merely built a wall north of their position. But Doria had the initiative and the will to move forward if Katan does not, and take what they feel they deserve. Using their Terror Hounds well, they tore apart a few frontier garrisons and moved back into some of their old holdings.

Katan wanted to colonzie Valyria. They sent many troops and enough supplies, but little actual colonization detail nor colonists. They might have been able to conquer some thing but the locals are not the kind to be conquered-most fought to the death against the “invading heathens” when they are not fighting each other (Zirilists, Faithful, Ancestor, Exnot Orthodox, Druid….). Their fleet let them start capturing some Aegean islands which were harboring pirates and the like.

They also got to the middle Bronze age as Doussa’s mining techniques spread and their skilled battle smiths worked harder. This helped keep their economy stable despite Doria’s attacks. (Katan -5 Spearmen -12 Curraghs)

The Great Temple of Utica is begun, as a shining beacon for the Zirilist remnants across the Central Seas as their colonization continues. A new town helps funnel produce from rebuilt plantations to their trade routes, which are greatly increased as the Thloryn Union establishes a stronger presense in their harbor.

While Raiders Apulia associated with the Thloryn Union were of at Egypt, they were not raiding Apulian Merchants. The clever Thloryn merchants established a center in Apulia, although as of yet it is rarely used more than a mere consultation of Central Seas prices. The growing Union has gathered much income and their less adventurous tasks of trade record keeping and merchant database is aided with the patronage of a new Academy built in Novaricum.

Apulia expands into Valyria and settles north of Krete.


Western Seas

Leon Colonizes part of Corsica and Valyria, fighting against locals.

Sufrenks call themselves the Tarase, and begun settling down.

Mediolaun pushes against Dalmatian barbarians into slavery, first encounters southern Buggerites.

Draka beans some Toledite tribes and settle in Luisitania as Ildaris. They work hard and carved a new home for themselves which will perhaps be a core of something greater.



Holy Taranis and Odane, excrement seriously hit the fan here. :o

Anyway, somepeople have to remember that in the early bronze age, bronze is plentiful enough only for Spearmen or whatever, and later more advanced units come into play. I will just give dudes spearmen and stuff. Oh, and the Faithful nations would have some trouble with Tin in a few years, but because Ostava bought a bunch from Dumonos (for some statue or something) ahead of time, they can use that supply instead for now.

First off, Armorica crushes on the Faithful in their nation, killing most of them either directly through executions or indirectly as they rise up through their religious organization to protect. Many of Armorica’s eastern cities are in turmoil as the Faithful there interrupt their military plans, but in the end the survivers go into hiding and the funds of the dead are confiscated for the war effort.

At the same time, the Druidic populations in the Faithful states, especially in Ostava, began speaking out. The Druids in Hamberg were loud in their opposition in turning what they see a political conflict into a religious one. The outcry exploded as Buertgang (but not Ostava) began systematically tracking down and kill every single Druid slave ever sold.

While the entire fleet of Armorica sailed, the fleets of Dumonos broke up into small raiding parties. In a massive battle with the Buertgang Fleet off the city of Morn, the Buertgang fleet fought skillfully and sacrificed itself to annihilate the Armorican fleet with a series of fire ships. Unfortunately, this gave open reign to the small fleets of Dumonos to do as they wish, severely impeding on Faithful mobility as they destroyed bridges and villages along the Rhine and the Seine and even successfully raided Amsurrat. However, they rubbed it in the noses of the now landless peasants and lords of Buertgang that they let them live, and live free while they carried shipload after shipload of slaves to their own freedom. (Buertgang -15 Curraghs, Armorica -30 Curraghs; Dumonos -10 Curraghs -5 Brettagh +2 Loot)

As the new armies begun marching and news of the naval escapades return, Calet was captured by storm by the new Armorican recruits. Although drilled with formations and techniques used by the veteran and unsullied core of the army, they are truly wet behind the ears. Calet was captured without fuss, and so was Parisii. What did happen was many casualties for the conscripts and levies, and extreme brutality towards the native Faithful. (Armorica -2 Spearmen +1 loot)

As the Buertgang took positions in the Ostavan countryside and preached caution to the now furious Ostavan soldiers (preferring to use mobile warfare to destroy their enemy’s warmaking ability), the Alfrenks attacked in the south. In pitched battle they completely destroyed an important town across the Loire and turned to besiege another. Preparing to march to the capital of the southern Duchy, they found an army of Iron Lancers who stemmed, then broke the Alfrenkish tide. The Alfrenks were chased to the Loire and although the Lancers couldn’t cross it, neither can they. Only their veteran spearmen and their levies hold the river. (Alfrenks -2 Spearmen -2 Archers)

Plans move apace.

Hamburg, with the predations of the unchecked Dumonoan Moon Fleet, declared themselves neutral to the conflict. With the Vahshallah’s Army defending from the Buggerite threat (and certain other orders), it will be seen how they will respond to this betrayal. Meanwhile, Kentus and Lundien fight their own little battles, ignored by all others. The Armorican colony at Hibernia started to turn to the Woad as the war dragged on.

Morn was recaptured by siege via combined Buertgang-Ostavan’s overwhelming force. Although the Armoricans desired that the Sunfleet capture Buergang cities and thus divert their attention, the Buertgang left enough of a garrison to prevent this and pushed forward even as the Druids fortified and secured Ostavan Seine.

In this war of maneuver, Buertgang’s chariots, Axemen and other innovations prove their worth even as their veteran Spearmen proved their worth against Armorican recruits. The Buertgang built many supply forts and depots which held out against Druid bandits, moving to defend from advance to advance, slashing open supply lines with Chariots and foragers with Axemen even while the Unsullied burned said supply depots, trashed chariot camps and murdered high-ranking Buertgang nobles.

In the south, the Iron Lances invade with Ostava to retake Parsii, defended by the newer recruits of Armorica and the Daughters of the Trinity. At the same time the Buertgang cut off Atreba, north of the former Ostavan Capital. These are the mother of all battles in the lands of Keltia. Over 50,000 men struggled over a week as they swayed back and forth, as unsullied destroyed supplies and chariots destroyed reinforcements, as axemen and Trinitarians broke through lines or spearmen and Iron Lancers held them.

Parisii was held, but Atreba was not. And as the years turn once more the horn calls for victory as the warriors of the Faith close upon the Druids, themselves calling it their victory as their once green soldiers are unexperienced no more.

Huge amounts of casualties and stuff guys. I’m not writing it out. Nope, zip, nada.



Njijnrin begun settling their new home. Much of their production is saved as they expanded cautiously and slowly, scouting their new home. The coastline are filled with fishermen of different culture, but who accepted the protection of the Njijnadeshi curraghs with a nod. The men of the river, calling themselves Garakor, were less amiable. Although they knew not agriculture, they knew the importance of land and watch as the Njijnadeshi settlers move in. (+1 Domestic)

For Dakinsa, lots of stuff happened. Atanka was taken after hard fighting with a clever sneak attack they did not expect. Very hard fighting. Reforms and lowered regional taxes and kickbacks maintained stability, but the system itself is still very unwieldly, especially with the new distant African Colony, which stole a whole lot of trade. They begun bribing nearby tribes to join them and far off tribes to fight each other, and in many ways it works as the tribes fractured alliances and broke into squabbling. Their raids imposed casualties on Dakinsa, but no more real damage as other tribes fell over themselves to impress the purse and gain more treasure. A temple to Kali, the God of the Dead, is begun in the north. (-3 Gujarati Macemen -2 Spearmen -2 Archers +Confidence+2 Trade+1 Domestic+1 Urban)

Other guys upgraded their armies.

@ Optical: Your plan was good, and if you DID pay your upkeep, even without logistics, you probably would have succeeded in pushing them back at the cost of casualties. With logistics, this would be a better chance with lower possible casualties. Basically, you stopped paying, supplying, feeding your troops, with the expected result.
@ Christos: Same with you. Only the fact that Shikoku paid for you and overwhelming numbers resulted in the minimal success you gained.
@ Warriors: Thanks a lot guys. :p
@ Double A send orders next time or else.
Spoiler Keltia [/SPOILER :
Spoiler Western Seas :

Mediolaun, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Pink Violet
Religion: Ancestor/Martyrdom Traditions
Age: Early Bronze (34/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 15/3 (3/9/3) -2
Military: 6 Archers (3), 6 Spearmen (3), 2 Rumen Generals (3),
Confidence: Respected
Culture: Strong
Projects: Nova Genoa (DONE +Trade + Confidence), Oracle of the Ancestors (DONE +RC), Great Walls of Ctesiphod (Done: + Defense +Economy)

Leon, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Light Royal Blue
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (33/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 17/10 (6/6/3)-1
Military: 5 Spearmen (3), 6 Spearmen (1.5), 3 Archers (3), 3 Archers (1.5), 1 Warriors (2), 1 Warriors (1), 10 Curraghs
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Limited
Projects: Forear Escola (DONE +Culture+Education);Temple of the Gods (DONE +Culture+Confidence);

Color: Light Green
Age: Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 5/0 (1/3/1)-0
Troops: 2 Spearmen (4.5), 2 Archers (4.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Limited

Sufrenkish Horde/NPC
Economy: 6/2 (2/1/3) -4
Cohesion: Respecting
Troops: 2 Hordlings, 16 Civilians, 4 Spearmen
Hordling Desc: Lighty armed and armored skirmishes excellent in open combat, as well as a cadre of 500 men in spear formation to break open enemies.
Horde Desc: Moving into the Rtas valley and encamped outside of Genoa, they must figure out a way to overcome its hastily built walls and conquer a new homeland or itself.
Spoiler Eastern Seas :
Katan, High Kingdom of/Luckymoose
Color: Dark Violet
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Economy: 34/0 (8/22/4)-13
Military: 2 Solarians (6) 5 Spearmen (4..5), 10 Spearmen (3), 3 Spearmen (1.5), 5 Archer (3), 5 Curraghs (1.5), 45 Curraghs (1), 220 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Katanic Road Network (DONE +Infrastructure), Epirucan Harbor (DONE +Trade +2 Ships/EP), Upgrade Armies (0/10-UU’s don’t count!)

Varna, Empire of/NPC
Color: Yellow-Brown
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (31/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/0 (2/6/3)-4
Military: 5 Archers (3), 5 Spearmen (3), 58 Curraghs (1), 8 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Average

Apulia, Republic of/NPC
Color: Burgundy
Religion: Exnotist Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (69/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 15/2 (3/6/6) -1
Military: 4 Archers (4.5), 55 Curragh (1.2),
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Projects:, , The Colossus of Cytria (DONE +Trade+EC), The Harbor Academy (DONE +.1 Naval power baseline, +Trade

Novaricum, Commonwealth of/NPC
Color: Navy Blue
Religion: Zirilism
Age: Early Bronze (36/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 14/0 (4/4/6)-1
Military: 2 Archers (4.5), 2 Spearmen (4.5), 15 Raiders (1.3) 15 Curraghs (1.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong

Utica, Commonwealth of/NPC
Color: Dull Green
Religion: Zirilism
Age: Early Bronze (38/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 10/1 (1/5/4)-1
Military: 2 Archers (4.5), 1 Spearmen (1.5), 12 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average

Dorian Horde/NPC
Economy: 3/3 (1/2/0)-3
Cohesion: Respecting
Troops: 15 Hordelings, 4 Terror Hounds,
Hordling Desc: Hardened Mountain Men, wielding axes, bows, with minimal armor. Each Hordling is led by a Chief and a retinue of about 500 wielding two axes and decent armor.
Horde Desc: The Dorian Horde used to be much bigger, but the Katanic incursion managed to disrupt their unification and cause a civil war. A weakened but still determined Horde is ready to invade Makedonia, and take it for its own.

Thloryn Trade Union/Matt0088
Purpose: Packing their Pockets
Economy: 10/0 (1/7/2)-5
Organization: Councsil and Contracters
Assets: Palace and Embassy (Novaricum), Embassy (Utica, Apulia) Base of Operations (Damietta, Thloryn, Ugarit)
Personnel: 6 Raiders (1.3), 12 Wolfships (1), 40 Curraghs (1.5), 15 Curraghs (.5), 5 Thugs, 4 Thloryn Contacts

Keepers of the Codex/TerrisH
Purpose: Safeguarding the Codex of Altyria and Exnotism
Economy: 5/0 (2/2/1)-0
Organization: Lances
Assets: Hall of the Codex (Kosa), Missionary Center (Cyrus, Doussa, Ugarit)
Personnel: 1 Solarian (4), 3 Missionaries
Project: Codex Restoration (8/10 +Culture+Religion)

Doussa, Exaltation of/Stockholme
Color: Burnt Orange
Religion: Traditionalist Kitabalism
Age: Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 8/0 (1/3/4)
Military: 1 Highlander (8), 5 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong

Spoiler Nile :

United Egyptian Empire/Erez
Color: Yellow
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (36/75)
Economy: 34/7 (9/22/3)-5
Military: 3 Spearmen (4.5), 7 Spearmen (3), 1 Archer (6), 1 Archer (4.5), 8 Archer (3), 2 Egyptian Chariot (7.5), 3 Egyptian Chariot (5), 4 Monoremes (3) 25 Monoremes (1.5), 5 Curraghs (1.5), 27 Curraghs (1), 10 Curraghs (0.5)+8 Bedouin Hordlings
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Influential

Kush, Empire of/NPC
Color: Pale Olive
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (28/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 4/0 (1/2/1)-0
Military: 2 Archers (4.5), 1 Spearmen (6), 1 Spearmen (4.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Limited

Color: Dull Green
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (22/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 12/0 (3/6/3)-4
Military: 4 Archers (3), 9 Archers (1.5), 3 Spearmen (3), 4 Spearmen (1.5), 1 Ethiopian Elephants (?), 2 Warriors (1), 25 Curraghs (1)+5 Bedouin Hordlings
Confidence: Resepcting
Culture: Average
Projects: Nile Trade Forts (DONE +Trade), Great Drydocks (DONE, -2 Upkeep:Ships)

Color: Light Spring
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (24/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 8/0 (1/5/2)-0
Military: 6 Spearmen (3), 1 9 Curraghs (1),
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average
Projects: Recruiting Barracks (1/5 +1 Warrior.turn) Ports of Paradise (4/6 +Trade)
Spoiler Levea" :
Hyak, High-Kingdom of/Lord_Iggy
Color: Azure Blue
Religion: Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze (53/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 28/0 (4/17/7)-4
Military: 4 Ox Chariots (5), 2 Spearmen (4.5) 6 Spearmen (3), 4 Archers (3), 1 Qurabu Klabanatu (6), 4 Qurabu Klabanatu (4), 1 Qurabu Kalbanatu (2.0) 3 Curraghs (1), 20 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Influential

Hormun, Exaltation of/NPC
Color: Dark Green
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (44/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 8/0 (2/3/3)-2
Military: 2 Spearmen (3) 2 Archers (4.5), 35 Curragh (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Grand Harbor of Hormun (18/20 +Trade +12ships/EP +.1 Base Ship STR)

Levantine League/ NPC
Color: Olive
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (30/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 16/1 (4/6/6)-4
Military: 3 Archer (4.5), 6 Spearmen (4.5) 10 Curraghs (1.5), 90 Curragh (1)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average
Projects: Phoenician Port (Completed: 12 Curragh/Ep +Trade) Naval Drydocks (DONE, -2 Upkeep: Ships)

Horde of the Chariot/NPC
Economy: 12/5 (3/5/4) -10
Cohesion: Loving
Troops: 7 Hordlings, 28 Civilians, 6 Xiong Chariots, 4 Ox Chariots, 7 Archers
Hordling Desc: Quick mobile herdsmen and raiders using bows supplemented by Aramyan Slave Armies
Horde Desc: The core of the Medean Migration into Levea, they still face the state of Viria as well as the myraid barbarian tribes too busy to loot to work together with them.

Color: Cyan
Religion: Takarzite Kitabalism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 3/3 (1/1/1)-1
Military: 3 Spearmen (3)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Mediocre

Spoiler Khand :
Dakinsa Raj/Southern King
Color: Royal Blue
Religion: Hinduism
Age: Bronze
Size: Huge
Economy: 30/23 (7/14/9)-4
Military: 2 Gujarati Macemen (6), 11 Gujarati Macemen (3), 1 Spearmen (4), 4 Spearmen (2), 3 Chariots (3), 4 Archers (1.5), 2 Longboats (1.5), 34 Longboats (0.75)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Influential
Projects: Temple of Kali (5/8 +RC+Culture)

Daretokimas Raj /NPC
Color: Stale red
Religion: Hinduism
Age: Early Bronze (49/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 17/14 (3/10/4)-3
Military: 3 Archers (4.5), 4 Spearmen (4.5) 21 Curraghs (1),36 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Mediocre

Gujarati Confederacy /Double A
Color: Dull Yellow
Religion: Hinduism (Holy City)
Age: Early Bronze (56/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 11/28 (2/5/4)-0
Military: 4 Gujarati Macemen (3), 13 Curraghs (1), 2 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Loving
Culture: Average
Projects: Temple to Shiva (DONE +Culture), Krishna’s Oracle (DONE +RC +Religion)

Hyperabad, Kingdom of /NPC
Color: Lavender
Religion: Gnatism
Age: Early Bronze (38/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 9/6 (1/4/4)-0
Military: 4 Archers (6)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic

Color: Dark Green
Religion: Buddism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 3/3 (1/2/0)-0
Military: 2 Warriors (1), 8 Curraghs (1), 10 Curraghs (.5
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre

Spoiler Xilan :

Color: Light Green
Religion: Shining Confucianism
Age: Bronze Age
Size: Gargantuan
Economy: 27/0 (7/13/7)-8
Military: 2 Silent Guards (5.5), 4 Silent Guards (2.75), 1 Xiong Chariots (5), 1 Archer (4), 5 Archers (2), 2 Axemen (2.5), 5 Curraghs (1), 70 Curraghs (.5), 36 Ocean Striders (0.75)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Wonder of the World
Projects: Rebuild (DONE+Economic Growth), Defensive Canals (DONE+Defense+Agricultrue), Unified China (Complete +Confidence Inertia +Culture/Confidence), Oceanstriders (DONE +UU +Oceanic Trade) Defensive Canals (DONE +++ Yellow River defenses),

Kingdom of Man/NPC
Color: Stale Blue
Religion: Confucianism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 5/1 (13/1)-0
Military: 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Limited
Projects: United Man (6/8 +Confidence+Culture)

The Lun Cheshou/NPC
Economy: 11/14 (3/7/1)-9
Troops: 33 Hordlings, 7 Xiong Chariots 4 Spearmen
Horldings: Tough and well coordinated hunters and warriors with light weapons
Horde seeks better land than the tough Mongolian Plains.

Color: Orange
Religion: Daoism
Age: Early Bronze (12/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 17/0 (3/10/4)-1
Military: 1 Longspear (6), 3 Longspear (4), 2 Archers (3)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average
Projects: Record of The Way (DONE +culture+religion), Unified Yueh (3/15 +Confidence+culture)

Katoan Empire /Chrisos
Color: Aqua
Religion: Imperial Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 14/2 (2/8/4)-1
Military: 4 Warriors of the Sun (5), 1 Warriors of the Sun (2.5), 2 Spearmen (3), 1 Archers (3), 20 Curraghs (1), 25 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre

Kitano Empire of/NPC
Color: Cyan
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 7/0 (1/3/3)-1
Military: 1 Samurai (6), 6 Samurai (4), 1 Ocean Strider (1.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre

Shimane, Confederacy of/NPC
Color: Sea Green
Religion: Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 6/0 (1/4/1)-0
Military: 2 Archers (4.5), 2 Warriors (3), 4 Curraghs (1), 15 Curraghs (.5)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Mediocre

Ainu Horde/NPC
Economy: 4/2 (1/3/0)-3
Troops: 11 Hordlings, 8 Warriors
Hordling Desc: Lighty armed but very dedicated fighters.
Horde Desc: Seeks to irradicate the Yamato from japan.

Seoul, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Salmon
Religion: Primitive* Daoism
Age: Early Bronze (12/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 8/0 (1/4/3)-0
Military: 4 Archer (4.5), 7 Curraghs (0.5), 9 Curraghs (1), 3 Oceanstrider (.75)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Limited
Projects: Garden of the Sages (COMPLETE ++Culture)

Pusan Confederacy/NPC
Color: Violet
Religion: Primitive Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 4/0 (1/1/2)-0
Military: 1 Archer (3), 32 Curraghs (1)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic
Spoiler Mississippi :

Nenekatae Empire/Tambien
Color: Light Violet
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 11/2 (1/6/4) -2
Military: 5 Curraghs (1), 1 Warrior (3), 3 Spearmen (3), 5 spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic
Projects: Military Academy (6/12: +.1 Army Strength); Military Roads (DONE-Road Network)

Color: Violet Pink
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 8/2(1/4/3) -0
Military: 12 Curraghs (1), 1 Archer (3), 3 Spearmen (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Color: Brown
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Economy: 5/2(1/3/1) -0
Military: 3 Curraghs (.5), 2 Archers (3), 1 Archer (4.5), 1 Spearmen (3)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Pathetic

Stats for Keltia are a mess. Wait for later.

So, what happens now?

Spoiler :

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Very good for a fast update Terrance. :)

Can't see what happened from Vahlshallah though, unless my troops were with Beurtgang.
Vahshallh troops weren't with Buertgang because they were doing fine-ish.

Economy went down because stuff was destroyed as you conquered it as per orders, your trading centers were raided, trade was stolen from you, Abydos, the Desert Lake and other areas were attacked by Libyan nomads.
Vahshallh troops weren't with Buertgang because they were doing fine-ish.

Economy went down because stuff was destroyed as you conquered it as per orders, your trading centers were raided, trade was stolen from you, Abydos, the Desert Lake and other areas were attacked by Libyan nomads.
And they didn't lose trade from the fact the sea isn't their anymore?
They did?

They still have colonial trade and stuff like that beyond the Red Sea, but trade within the Red Sea has been devastated-Khand merchants took over the rest, especially Dakinsite agents.
I can't help but feeling you are doing everything you can except for MOD god-powers to try and destroy Egypt :p
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