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The 2024 US Presidential Election

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. . . and if you add the date, an excellent predictor of your astrological sign, to boot.
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Pisces just go with the flow.
I myself am of two minds about astrology.
Very nice. Perhaps not surprisingly, given my different politics, I went a different direction*:

All the Blues down in Blue-ville believed in IQ.
"But IQ's just a tool. What do you want to do?"
"I want to kill varmints." "In that case, my son,
You should seek out a Redneck, and one with a gun."
“I want to build bridges.” “IQ’s good for that.”
“Stock my pantry with venison.” “Rat a tat tat!”
“I want to pick crops in the sweltering sun.”
“Oh, the Redneck’s ideal (if he’ll put down the gun.)”
“I want to teach school kids.” “In that case, you’ll find,
That you’ll be better served by the one strong in mind.”
“How about to kill kids.” “Then the gun’s de rigueur.
But regarding the neck-color, don’t be so sure.
To seek out a Redneck, you needn’t be hasty;
The neck-tint for that task is often just . . . pasty.”
“The lofty ideals of my old Uncle, Sam,
I’m ready to jettison; they’re just a sham!”
“Oh, for that you need Rednecks to team up with Blues--
Those who favor Big Brain's lies, those partial to Q's--
And whack ‘til his body’s the hue of a bruise.”

*But equally mordant, I think I dare to boast.
Very nice.

Biden releasing 42 million gallons of gasoline from the reserves so there are cheap gas prices for the election.

Depressing on so many levels... how leaders view the masses, how they're actually right about how the masses actually view things, how everything politicians say is a calculated lie (to the point where when Trump says some crazy **** that may hurt him some people think 'wow this guy is a straight shooter') and how people just can't think about the future... leaders because the future isn't their problem, just their term & people because they need to drive to work & often can't afford to think about the future and even if they could they swim in a sea of powerlessness & propaganda, wtf they gonna do really, not much, maybe a few will go off gird and grow their own potatoes but they'll be outnumbered by those caught under the civilizational steamroller (some might say 'capitalist' streamroller but that's inaccurate, no socialist utoptia can keep mankind going on it's current greed-driven, ultra-individualistic trajectory, it would just end up either poor & irrelevant or corrupt & dictatorial) by thousands to one.
It's not even that it's just a wild outrageous thing, it's 'normal', that's just what you do, but that's what makes it so depressing.

It's like a smoker having their 43,675th cigarette.
“They’re actually right about how stupid the masses are” + “sadly there’s nothing to be done as this isn’t capitalism just civilization” = “somehow socialism would make this worse.”

And that’s how they make you ok with all the stuff you’re virtue signaling complaining about, Narzy boy.
somehow socialism would make this worse.”
Never said that. Just that a different form government wouldn't necessarily improve it. It's growth in general not capitalism.

And that’s how they make you ok with all the stuff
Where is the part where I'm ok with all this stuff??

you’re virtue signaling complaining about
Again where's the part where I say I'm better than anyone else or not part of the problem?

Aren't you like 12?
Such wisdom, such long term thinking, a true visionary, we can all sleep snugly in our beds knowing that our leader is truly thinking of our best interests with his every decision.

I guess if Biden loses the election Trump can enact a sweeping environmental justice program that will immediately begin phasing out fossil fuels.
Aren't you like 12?
Fair warning. I'm taking that word back. Like "you go girl" it's gonna be in the usage. It's dumb that it's a slur. Dumb slur from dumb guys that are mostly dead by now and it's dumb to give it to them. Nope. Not their word.
Moreover, this is done fairly routinely. And it's financially prudent. Fill up the reserves in periods when gas is inexpensive. Drain them out a bit when it is expensive.

Sounds pretty sustainable.

Gas is inexpensive now.

The logic is self interest and passing the buck.

Been done before, therefore normal, and stock market will go up 10% exponentially forever as will economic progress and life expectancy.

I mean I get it, Joe "nothing will fundamentally change" Biden not gonna do anything radical because as Jack Nicholson said in that army movie "we can't handle the truth".

But the masses grow increasingly desperate and if we can't have radical positive reform than perhaps we can't be surprised radical self destruction becomes popular. Hitting bottom and all that.
and stock market will go up 10% exponentially forever
This could actually be built into the system as the unit of measurement is bound by accounting, not by biology.
This could actually be built into the system as the unit of measurement is bound by accounting, not by biology.
Most economic growth already untethered from reality. Most "wealth" no longer has actual relation to anything tangible (bananas, concrete, lumber, etc).
But the masses grow increasingly desperate
What are the masses desperate for?

Cheap gas, near as I can tell, from the complaints one hears most.

Seems like Biden's addressing the masses' desperation as directly as possible.
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