The number one problem with America...

Envy, probably.

Envy leads to:
  • Scapegoats - targets of envy evolve into fearsome villains, responsible for large problems
  • Anti-corporatism - useless piece of pop philosophy that encourages people to wallow in their weaknesses
  • Entitlement - immediate, emotional buoy reaction self-assessment as a little fish
  • Alienation - feeling of isolation in society; that everyone else is a bastard with no charity, trustworthiness, or reliability; resolution: replace private charity with taxation
  • Breakdown of self-interest - "voting your self-interest" evolves into a short-sighted moneygrab on tax revenues; negative long-term distortions be damned
They were probably dumbfounded you hadn't found even one convenience store, supermarket, or bodega when nearly every single urban block has at least one.

We checked convenience stores for sure, don't remember supermarkets. We found a bunch of places that sold liquor - the people working there could not direct us to a place that sold beer.. for some reason.

Mango Elephant said:
Um, yes they do, or at least they do here.

On a road trip to Chicago all we ever got after saying thank you was impolite "uh huh"s .. no smiles either.. I posted about this somewhere - the consensus was that those working minimum wage jobs in the U.S. are generally not that friendly towards customers cause the jobs pay so little.. then again, it could be a regional thing? Anyway, it was a bit odd from my point of view, being Canadian and all.
Ignorance, probably.

Ignorance leads to:
  • Scapegoats - targets on Earth evolve into fearsome villains, responsible for large problems
  • Anti-corporatism - useless piece of pop philosophy that encourages people to think that corporations are not hiding something
  • Entitlement - immediate, emotional buoy reaction self-assessment as a little fish who owns the whole ocean by default
  • Alienation - feeling of isolation in universe; that everyone else is a bastard with no friends, enemies and creators from outer space; resolution: replace aliens with God
  • Breakdown of self-interest - "voting your self-interest" evolves into a short-sighted moneygrab on Earth's resources; long-term orbital defense be damned

I thought some corrections might be appropriate for the thread.
Back in the 1700s and 1800s people trusted the government...

Are you referring to the events of the American Revolution or those of the Civil War? For the record, you have not made a valid generalization here. US history is so loaded with instances in which people did not trust their government, from Free Silverites to separatist abolitionists to slaveocracy secessionists to Coxey's Army to Copperbacks to Whiskey Rebellionists to Antifederalists to Jeffersonian Dem-Reps to electoral reform Progressives to skeptical muckrakers, that we could reasonably argue that the mistrust of government was the norm and today's examples are comparatively mild.

... and the government didn't have all of these conspiracies they were performing against the American people. ...

All of what conspiracies? Has the number of conspiracies in the country actually dropped since the Harding administration? Since the Grant administration?

... Our elected officials actually cared and were real people like you and me, not people like Obama or Bush or any of these clowns in Congress....

:wallbash: Congress has been reviled as being "not as good as it used to be" since 1777. The perpetual "fallen state" of Congress is quite like that of Saturday Night Live. Thomas Jefferson is the Chevy Chase of American government--things went downhill from the moment he left to do "European Vacation."

... but we're hardly a union anymore, now we're just a single nation-state just like Russia or France. We're not a union or a confederation. People rely on the federal government for everything, instead of relying on their state governments....

Poppycock. State governments perform a wide variety of vital functions. People are arguing to this day about what the feds ought to do vs. what the states should handle. The Framers of the Constitution had a very clear understanding (read some Mostesquieu for this) that the large a state is, the more despotic it was bound to act. This is exactly why it's critical to keep the states as independently functioning units within the nation-state.

... The Constitution is a joke now, it's a wonderful document, but our own government only abides by it when it is convenient for them to do so....

:wallbash: Quit listening to whatever raving lunatic you've been tuning your radio in to. He's a lunatic and all he does is rave and misinform you.

... They have the CIA out there killing our own people simply because they "know too much," we have wiretapping and the Patriot Act....

Without defending the Patriot Act, let me just say that if the CIA is killing people for knowing too much, you're perfectly safe.


The government of 19th century America didn't hide proof of alien existence, fake moon landings, fly airplanes into buildings full of people, or assassinate JFK. Not that I believe in those conspiracy theories, I'm just pointing out that they didn't do those things.

"Things weren't so bad back before they did those things they don't do now."


I like how the mods on penny arcade locked this exact same thread.
Yet another proof of government censorship of the Truth! about hidden aliens. We need a wall in space
There is no problem with America, it fights all of Europe's wars and we can still insult them as much as we want perfect :p
This thread is a great example of what's wrong with America. I'm just not sure if the completely nonsensical OP is better or worse than the people taking it seriously.
EDIT: Redundant post, feel free to delete.
And our non-involvement turned out so well in the twenties and thirties, didn't it?
the only major problem I see with my country is that we get involved in other people's affairs when we don't need to.

Appeasement is on the phone for you.
A close one between Texans, and Red Sox fans.

edit - note the comma
On a road trip to Chicago all we ever got after saying thank you was impolite "uh huh"s .. no smiles either.. I posted about this somewhere - the consensus was that those working minimum wage jobs in the U.S. are generally not that friendly towards customers cause the jobs pay so little.. then again, it could be a regional thing? Anyway, it was a bit odd from my point of view, being Canadian and all.

Well, there is sort of a stereotype of Midwesterners (and Northerners in general) that they're not exactly the most friendly people on the planet, which I've never put much store by but maybe it explains their lack of friendliness.
In the Northeast of the US there is a kind of... Not sure what the proper name of it would be. Kind of a puritanical stoicism is the way I think of it. It's not unfriendliness, exactly, just a standoffishness and distance.
Yes what Cutlass said put it very well. Just like how in most of the South, there's a black hole at the entrance to every building.
Diagnosis: romanticism. Suggested therapy: objective history.
Can you recommend any good "objective" historians? ;)

The biggest problem with the United States is that it's way of life is not sustainable. Whether or not people trust the government is irrelevant as long as no one does anything about it.
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