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The Six-Months War; Take Two

Kaiser Wilhelm II thanks the Ottomans for their support, and hopes that a soon-to-come reply from the Italian government will help to clear up this whole situation.
From: France
To: World

We would hereby like to announce that an alliance between us, and the Kingdom of Italy has been formed.

We would also like to announce that French blood has been spilled on Abyssinian soil. They shall pay. It is our fight, not yours.

On to answering my 12 PMs, then working on Stats! Hurray!

To: America
From: Germany

While we were not aware that the Germans and Americans had anything more than friendly relations, this comment of your saddens us. Germany has no wish for war or further death only five years after the end of the Great War, but what can we do when our citizens are under attack and those responsible refuse to act to stop it? We believe, as a responsible government, the US would do the same thing. In fact, to a degree you have, by moving soldiers into the CSA to protect them against the Cottonmouths. As far as we can see, there is little difference between the Cottonmouths and these Italian rebels.

From: The United States of America
To: Germany

When the Pan-American Alliance was dissolved, we maintained individual alliances with Germany and Italy. If Germany considers the alliance between the United States and Germany to be non-existant, then so be it. We are willing to recognize there is no longer any alliance between Germany and the United States.

One cannot consider the Yankee-Confederate situation and the German-Italian to be anything but slightly similar. The Cottonmouths, the by-product of the oppressive regimes since the end of the American Civil War, had lashed out against their once oppressors who are being occupied by our military forces. Once our forces realized what was going on, they quickly reacted as to protect Confederate civilians from the violence as quickly as possible. Unlike the Germans to the Italians, we are trying to protect the Confederates, and we are, at this very moment, moving reserve forces and heavy equipment into the occupied regions in order to crush the uprising and restore peace and order.

All Germany is doing in this case is threatening war because they don't have direct control over an issue. Germany is using this incident to spur its rampant expansionism and seize control over more territory it wanted, but did not receive after the great War ended. As far as we are concerned, Germany is extending the Great War, but changing its once allies into the new enemies. If Germany cared for their people at all, they would have ended the fighting...and German men have not seen peace since 1913. The past six years have been nothing but constant fighting, and it is clear Kaiser Wilhelm wishes for it to continue for longer.
Ooc: I actually didn't know you kept the alliance in place with Italy

To: Germany
From: Italy

We reject your 'offer' again.
Ooc: I actually didn't know you kept the alliance in place with Italy

This might help jog your memory.

Quadruple Alliance Minus One?

President Roosevelt and the American government has shown its strong distaste for the terms dictated by the other Quadruple Alliance members. The loss of massive swathes of land by Britain, France, and Russia after what was originally a defensive war seemed to show expansionism was the true purpose of the war in Europe. Federal Hall has shown near disgust for what has been called "a blatant lack of honor and integrity...not at all the nations we allied with those years ago". Despite the Quadruple Alliance's land grabbing, credit must be given for the amount of assistance offered and given to the United States. Vice President Culp, in a statement to Congress, said "even though our allies in Europe have helped in winning the war in the Americas, their distasteful actions while brokering peace does not help how they are viewed by the American people". Although bad feelings for the Quadruple Alliance are forming, there is no doubt that the US will continue to be allies with the Germans, Italians, and Austro-Hungarians...but the removal of the United States from European affairs is definitely on the table. However, the fate one fourth of the alliance which won the Great War, and possibly the entire alliance, is uncertain.
The stats are up, but their a probably mistakes. Please let me know if their are any.. I may of forgotten to add stuff in from your orders.. made adding mistakes, etc.. I don't know.. I am falling under the weather, and am exhausted. More work tommorow.
The stats are up, but their a probably mistakes. Please let me know if their are any.. I may of forgotten to add stuff in from your orders.. made adding mistakes, etc.. I don't know.. I am falling under the weather, and am exhausted. More work tommorow.

To point out, you seem to have forgotten my dreadnoughts.
I think the number of troops is cool and adds to the game!! Also it looks much more organized with all the colonies and stuff. But I don't get the military restrictions thing I mean I know what it's for but I don't get how it works.
To: World
From: Italy
CC: Condor Legion

Italy is announcing our withdrawal from the Condor Legion due to the recent increased tensions with Germany plus the war is very unpopular in Italy and we do not think Italians should die for a pointless civil war in Russia which does not concern us. We still want the Monarchists to win and we will support them economicly but no longer with Italian Troops.
Just to point out something, this game seems to reward the gaining of imperial possessions by granting its owner additional EP and MP, with almost minimal drawbacks. Last I checked, imperial possessions could be both revenue earners as well as revenue sinks, requiring more money to maintain a garisson and the general bureaucratic structure than it actually produces for the metropole.
I'm surprised Austria-Hungary is still around
Even with winning the war the Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Slovenes, etc etc would become increasingly hostile to Vienna especially if the government is shoving germanization down their throats. They might even argue they deserve it given their support of the monarchy during the war. Remember only Austria is really German so if the army can only speak German that leaves out a lot of manpower.
OOC: When both Germany and Italy left the Quad Alliance, that kinda ended the alliance with the US, so you can't pretend it's still there.

IC: To: Italy
From: Germany

We do not understand what is so disagreeable about giving us control over a piece of land which we are already in control of, and which is only a few feet wide. We simply want to be able to protect our workers and property against further attack, as Italy has been unable to do so.

Contrary to what America's opinion may be, Germany is not the one pushing for war. It is Italy. Italy continues to refuse our simple offer, which will do them no harm, in the hopes of provoking Germany into war. Italy knows that Germany is to responsible a government to sit back and watch its people die. All Italy is trying to do is provoke another World-wide war here, because she is not content enough with her gains from the last one.

If worst comes to worst, and war does break out, Germany announces she will only be carrying out this war in Egypt, and only until the goals of this treaty our meet. We have no wish to fight Italians and their allies in Europe.

To: The World
From: Germany
Re: Russian Civil War

Germany announces that she will be withdrawing all German troops from the Russian Civil War.
To: Italy
From: Germany

Germany has changed her mind. In the interests of peace, we are willing to drop term number two. However, we still expect to be paid the other 3 EP this year in return for the damage to our railway.
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