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The Six-Months War; Take Two

Fight! Fight! Fight!
To: Germany
From: Italy

I'll think about it...

To: Abyysinia
From: Italy

If your rebellion goes over the border into Italian East Africa we will respond approprietly.

OOC: Ehh i'd rather make a protectorate of Egypt then Fight a completely pointless war but I don't really want to lose any EP I don't have much to begin with.
The stats are up, but their a probably mistakes. Please let me know if their are any.. I may of forgotten to add stuff in from your orders.. made adding mistakes, etc.. I don't know.. I am falling under the weather, and am exhausted. More work tommorow.

My project should be 24/x :) Thanks.
To: Germany
From: Italy

We are willing to accept your previous stated offer. Egypt will be made a protectorate and we'll pay you 3 EP.
O my! 9 more PMs. We are all very complain-y, aren't we?

Onto a few important things.

First off, orders. I'm sick of nonsense orders I need to spend 20 minutes sifting through.

This is how I want orders formatted for now on. I will not accept them otherwise. I will disregard them. It's an easy request. Frankly, I don't care if you spent 5 hours working on your orders, if they aren't like this, they will not be accepted.

I want first off, for your PM topic I want the year, and your nation name. That's it.

1921, The United States of America
1921, Spain
1921, Germany
1921, France

That's it. Easy right? In this case, it should read-

1921, Abyssinia

Second, I want your nations stats copy and pasted.

Absolute Monarchy: Zewditu I
Capital: Addis Ababa
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 2/0/3
Manpower: 511 (+19)
Restrictions: (100,000/150,000)
Army: (100,000) 1 Infantry Divisions, 16 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Easy. Most of you already do this. Next, spending.

-1 Infantry Division- 1 EP, 10 MP

That way I can easily see what you're buying. The the rest of your orders.

-Attack everyone. Kill all who resist. Etc.


Anyway. Next up, comes design improvements. To put it simply, they wont happen. A lot of you have come to me wishing to upgrade your design to say "Warker X1". I'm assuming that Warker X1 is having minor modifications made whenever the technology becomes available. Their is no need to pay extra money on minor changes, when frankly, their is no way in hell, I'm going to be able to keep records of who has how many of a certain Warker with a certain modification. If its not a big improvement, or if its not a battle-changing improvement, don't worry about it. Otherwise, put in money for a new design.
This is how the stats for the United States should look.

United States of America/DarthNader
Presidential Republic: Theodore Roosevelt/Progressive Party
Capital: New York
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 54/3
Manpower: 2,208 (+84)
Army: 80 Infantry Divisions, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 32 Artillery Brigades, 270 Warker Mod Is, 180 Warker Mod II "Bison"s, 8 Marine Divisions
Army Quality: 6
Navy: 46 Dreadnoughts, 7 Armored Cruisers, 32 Light Cruisers, 87 Destroyers, 98 Submarines, 8 California-Class Battlecruisers, 5 New Jersey-Class Dreadnoughts, 4 Lexington-class Aircraft Carriers
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: 48 Zeppelin Squadron, 216 Fighters, 60 Curtiss P-1 Hawks, 24 Douglass LB-3s.
Air Force Quality: 4
Project: Meade Line (X/X), Omaha Project (X/X)

In addition, Colombia should have +3 EP to their expansion of the Panama Canal.

There are also some things we must discuss regarding projects/investments and their impact on the stats. Also, I can PM you the details to my arms sales so you make sure certain nations get all the ships they paid for.
Nationalism in Egypt!
After the peace treaties of The Great War, Italy aquired many territorial concessions including Egypt, which had asked for independence or at least a dominion status such as Canada has with Great Britain. So basically the Italian government refused but promised to do so in a few years, but this was not good enough for them, so huge rebellions began to break out in Egypt, which started to effect the German built Windhoek to Berlin railway which was under construction through Italian held Egypt. After complaints from the German government, Italy responded by sending an Italian army to Egypt to try and protect the German railway workers, but to little effect, the attacks continued. The German government then threatened Italy with war, they sent an ultimatum to the Italian government. It stated Egypt should become a protectorate or Germany would declare war, after much consideration King Vittorio Emanuel accepted this. The new Egyptian nation will still be ruled by Italy but the Egyptians can vote for their own Prime Minister and Governor General. While King Vittorio Emanuel IV will be the head of state, he will be mostly just a figure head. Italy will still be allowed to station troops in Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula and the Italian canal zone will remain Italian, while the German canal zone will remain German. Italy will also rule Egypt's foreign policy with other nations.

The Planned nation of Egypt.

Vittorio Emmanuel IV gains emergency powers.
Yesterday afternoon King Vittorio Emmanuel IV announced he is planning to enact emergency powers, the first time for over 30 years. Even Vittorio Emmanuel III did not enact these powers when the gray cloud's of war were upon the whole continent. Vittorio Emmanuel stated the situation is dire enough to use these powers. (Tensions rising with Germany).

Vittorio Emmanuel IV
Vittorio Emmanuel IV gains emergency powers.
Yesterday afternoon King Vittorio Emmanuel IV announced he is planning to enact emergency powers, the first time for over 30 years. Even Vittorio Emmanuel III did not enact these powers when the gray cloud's of war were upon the whole continent. Vittorio Emmanuel stated the situation is dire enough to use these powers. (Tensions rising with Germany).
OOC: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Let see some :ar15::ar15::ar15::sniper: and some :spank: and finally some :bowdown::bowdown: or mabye some :nuke: (I know, but let a guy dream.)
OOC: @Lizard King. Two questions/requests. Russia's economy is X/X not sure if this is mistake or what but if it could be clarified what it is that would be good. Also would it be possible to update the rules with the restriction part. Soviet Russia has Restrictions: (1,385,000/20,000). I understand the first part but I don't know what the 20,000 represents.

Today, Paris was witness to a pivotal new moment in French history. Stability has finally been restored to the city after weeks of protests and rioting as citizens demanding competent and resolute government in the wake of the war, ground the capital to a complete stop.

Displeased with the government's inability to handle the economic concerns at hand, compounded with the slaughter of French nationals in East Africa has brought the blood of the people to a boil. Thousands stopped working and took to the streets in protest of the interim government. Many community leaders and Church officials called for Napoleon to bring an end to the chaos and on December 14th officially passed power to Parti de l'Unité Nationale, an emergent party which has gained massive support following France's defeat. The party and it's leader, Louis Stèle, promise a return to a strong, proud nation and the restoration of France's honour. They blame the country's current predicament on inner sabotage by Socialists and Jews as well as outer betrayal by England.

Soldiers march on parade following the Parti's ascension to power.

The Parti quickly restored order to the city. Citizens cheered as hundreds of French soldiers began to proudly march through the streets. The city roared as the Parti's slogan "L'unité par le sang!", unity through blood, was chanted from house to house and street to street. Bands played La Marseillaise well into the night and all were thrilled to be French.

However there was a dark side to the celebration as several degenerate Socialist and Anarchist groups had taken the political upheaval as an opportunity barricade sections of the city. A few clashes between the anarchists and citizens occurred, resulting in 12 deaths, before French forces took control. Most of the dissidents were killed during the conflict, however some major leaders await execution.

EDIT: someone please tell me if these pictures dont show up
To France
From Spain

We congratulate the Parti de l'Unité Nationale on their rise to power. We offer our condolences for the deaths caused by the criminal elements particularly the anarchists and socialists whom we have no doubt will be punished for their crimes against humanity. Spain looks forward to continued cooperation and close relations with the French government.
Belgium congratulates the French Republic on the restoration of order within its borders.
To: France
From: Italy

With the Parti de l'Unité Nationale's rise to power we still hope our relations remain strong and our alliance remains in place.
To: World
From: Italy

King Vittorio Emmanuele IV is getting Married to Princess Mafalda the daughter of The Last King Vittorio Emmanuele III the cousin of the current King. (this makes vittorio and Mafalda 2nd cousins which is not sick and wrong it's totally legal to marry 2nd cousins) On an official proclamation by Vittorio The king himself all heads of state are invited to the wedding which will be happening in June of 1921 We would like to which heads of state can attend.
I'll update all the rules, and the like as soon as I can. Until then, restrictions are like this-

Restrictions: (1,000,000/2,000,000)

Essentially meaning that, with these stats, your nation would be supporting 1 million troops out of a possible 2 million. Now. I'm not saying that this nation can only have 2 million troops period. Rather, I'm saying with the way things are, (considering public opinion, resources, population size, and industrial capability) you're nation can support 2 million troops without any reprecussions.

So, let's say that the said nation above goes over 2 million. Rather, it goes and expands its army to

Restrictions: (2,100,000/2,000,000)

It's above what it's industry/economy/population can easily support. The effects of this would include a stability loss and economic loss depending on the numbers, and the situations.

If war comes, and you find your peace time restrictions aren't enough, then mobilize. Mobilization now gives you more bang for your buck. Instead of (for some reason) increasing your manpower substantially, mobilization now gives you a large restriction boost, and a slight EP boost, (so instead of say 2,000,000, you might be at like 4,000,000!) but lowers some stability, over time.

I changed populations a lot to better represent the populations of the time, as compared to what it was before. And keep in mind, Infantry divisions now cost 10 MP to build, instead of 1. For larger nations this shouldn't be a problem, while smaller ones may have difficulty with that, as in real life.

Justo, you asked about the (X/X) it means, no one really knows what your power is. You industry and trade have been destroyed, along with the fact that you are way over what the remainder of your industry could support. You have some money, through looting and the like, but not enough to really spend. Your military is a citizens army, and thus, when needed, in this time of war, citizens will flock to fight with you. So, you can't spend your money on really anything, but you can assume you'll get quite a few more divisions per turn, as long as the people are willing to fight.

Post war, your economy will need a major overhaul, I can promise you that.

Any other questions?
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