The Russian Civil War Continues Moscow, Soviet Russia, 1920
Following a year of defeats, and successes, Soviet Russia trudges on. Throughout the winter, as the Condor Legion's troops sat frozen in their trenches, and foxholes, Soviet troops relentlessly assaulted the Legionaries. Many of the Legionaries unfamiliar with such frozen climates (the Italian's namely) quickly became disheartened at the almost constant fighting. In the east, the Monarchists soon found themselves on their own, as Japanese forces retreated in the face of the winter. Without the Japanese occupation troops, Bolshevik sympathisers quickly came out of hiding, and began mass attacks on Monarchist strongholds. It quickly became evident that the Japanese occupation force only succeeded in angering many Russian citizens to the point in which they allied with the Bolsheviks.
Similar situations were faced in Western Russia, as Legionary troops moved to the front, citizens began taking up arms against the remaining Legionaries. A provincial government was set up with the help of the German Legion, but it's inability to enforce it's governance, and the fact that it was nothing but a German puppet state, led many people astray also. Popular support for the Bolshevik's has become increasingly evident over the winter, yet the continued problem for the Soviet's was the foreign military presence. But, perhaps the biggest loss experienced by the Soviet government this year, was the assassination of one of Lenin's "underlings", Josef Stalin. Stalin was an up and coming Bolshevik, and described to be "The most left, of all of Lenin's cronies.". The assassination was carried out by the United States with shocking effeciency.
(-34 Monarchist Divisions, -29 Soviet Divisions, -1 Japanese Division, -3 German Divisions, -3 Italian Divisions, -1 German EP, -1 Italian EP, -1 Swedish EP)
Operation Hellfire St. Petersburg, Russian Provincial Territory, 1920
Starting in January, the Condor Legion's engineers began building various airfields outside of the old Russian capital of St. Petersburg. By late February the airfields were done, and massive portions of the German Luftstreitkräfte were soon moved to the airfields. The German led Operation Hellfire opened up in early March, slightly behind schedule.
Mass bombing raids awoke the soviets, as German Xiaolong X-1's, and fighters began to bomb Soviet towns, harboring Soviet soldiers. Soon thereafter, came giant pushes by the Italo-Dutch forces into Karelia, catching the relatively small Soviet Population off-guard. To the South, a massive joint Irish-German motorized assault began across Northern Russia, with several infantry divisions following soon after.
The German's had speed and surprise, yet the Russian's had the elements on their side; a mix of the Russian winter, and Spring Thaw completely bogged down the German led advance, while a continuous barrage of Soviet human wave counter-attacks kept the Legionaries on their feet. Deep behind Legionnaire lines Soviet citizens, and entire units of Worker's militia took to fighting the German's in city streets, and across farmlands. The Soviet's wanted the Legionaries to pay for every inch of Soviet territory they gained, and they certainly did.
Strategically the operation was a success. The Legionaries were closer to Moscow then ever before, and the lightning-like strikes of the German air force crippled Soviet lines of communication. Yet, this victory could be considered pyrrhic at best. The Dutch detachment to the Condor Legion was all but destroyed in the fighting, while the limited Irish Warker Corp was torn to peaces. The new German Leopard Tank Carriers proved their worth in battle, however, carrying troops relatively safely to the battlefield, to support the Warkers.
The Southern Front Voronezh, Russian Provincial Territory, 1920
The winter also brought constant harsh trench fighting for the Condor Legion, in the South. Soviet human wave tactics that seem to of carried the day up north, but were continuously repulsed down south, with much thanks being owed to the Swedish Lion Troops.
After the Legionaries made the push towards Moscow in March, the Swede-German troops besieging Voronezh were given orders to take the city, which they did, after harsh trench fighting reminiscent of the battle of Cambridge. But, by the time the first Swedish troops entered into the city, their wasn't much left of it. A majority of the population were Bolshevik supporters, and retreated with the remaining Soviet Army.
But the Swede's had little time to savor the victory. The German High Command began pushing for the Swede-German task force to push towards Moscow, in a sort of pincer movement. Yet, every step of the way, the Legionaries faced steadfast resistance. Counter attack after counter attack left the Swedish detachment at half strength, with the German's near that.
While reinforcements trickled in, the only clear advantage that the Swedes and Germans had was in technology, with Warkers and Xiaolong Bombers saving the Legionaries from the giant Soviet army, who had little to counter the Swedish air force, and German Warker Corp.
(-3 Swedish Divisions, -1 Swedish Artillery Brigade, -4 German Divisions, -12 Soviet Divisions)
The Caucasus Front Baku, The Republic of Spain, 1920
With the Persian declaration of war, on Soviet Russia this winter, the Spanish Legionary force began preparing to mount an attack on the Soviet stronghold at Baku. Baku itself was key to supplying the Soviet's with it's gasoline, but since the onset of war, the Soviet's have been lacking any cars, ships, or planes that would necessitate such large quantities of oil. However, the Soviet defenses were based purely on making sure that the oil did not fall in the hands of the Western powers.
Spain, well aware of this, began to bombard Baku's ports mid March, preventing any shipments to and from the city from reaching it's intended destinations. Soon after, the Spanish forces, supplemented by both Persian units, and local militias, launched an attack on the city.
The Battle for Baku
After the bombardment of the Port of Baku, a mass attack on the city was put into motion by the Spanish forces. The Spanish Iron Guard moved into the city first, obliterating Soviet defenses, with their mix of Warkers and highly trained infantry.
Meanwhile, Persian and Cossack forces began sweep around the city from the North, destroying all Soviet lines of defense, but taking heavy casualties in the process. Before long, normal Spanish and Persian infantry units were moving into the city, and caught up in some heavy street to street fighting. Spanish Warkers rolled through the streets, as artillery pounded the Bolshevik forces, but Bolshevik snipers, and artillery made advances deadly. The Spanish Iron Legion had to go house to house, to eradicate the Bolshevik forces.
After a week or so of fighting, the fighting in the city stopped, with many Bolshevik forces surrendering to the Spanish soldiers.
With the capture of Baku, Spanish and Persian forces solidified their hold on the region. Meanwhile, up north, even more gains were being made against the Soviets. A French expeditionary force landed in the region mid Spring, and began collaborating with both Spanish and Monarchist forces near the Volga River. The French forces were accompanied by their new Bordeaux 19' Fighters, and a large artillery contingent.
Attacking through already captured Spanish and Monarchist land, the French took the key Soviet city of Volgograd without firing so much as a shot, while advances towards Urda and even Saratov were made. Yet, the French and Monarchists faced little resistance.
Bolshevik counter attacks were fierce, but ultimately the French infantry, supplemented by the Monarchists held that day. As Autumn finally came, attacks from the Bolshevik forces ceased, giving the French troops a chance to take a breather.
(-4 Spanish Divisions, -12 Spanish Hindenburg Warkers, -4 French Divisions, -9 Monarchist Divisions, -2 Persian Divisions, -21 Soviet Divisions)
The Central Asian Front Tedzhen, Persia, 1920
Yet another nation decided to involve itself into the Russian Civil War. Persia, with a long, often hostile relationship with its northern neighbor, declared war after repeated requests for the Bolshevik cession of Central Asia, were denied. The Persian Shah Qajar, declared war on the Bolsheviks, with little understandable Casus Belli, much to the chagrin of the Persian people. Many of the Persian people viewed the war as wildly unnecessary, and some sects even view it as a way for the Shah to warm up his relations with the west.
Regardless of the reason, several divisions of Persian troops poured into Central Asia, with roughly half pushing up the Caspian Sea, and the other half pushing up the Amu Darmya river. The Bolshevik's, seemed to of taken particular interest in the region, pulling out all the stops to stop the Persian advance. Taking to the countryside, many Bolshevik's began harassing Persian supply routes, and raiding Persian camps at night, destroying Persian morale.
But, the Persians trudged on. Moving up the Caspian Sea, in conjuncture with the Spanish attacks on Baku, began taking Soviet port towns, many of which were often lightly defended. Yet, the Soviets were persistent. Counter attacking the Persian's nonstop, and any point possible. The Persian troops have shown themselves unprepared for such warfare, but seem to be adapting just fine.
In Autumn, as casualties mounted up, several strikes and riots occured around several major Persian towns, such as Tehran.
(-6 Persian Divisions, -9 Soviet Divisions)
The Congress of Nations Lisbon, Portugal, 1920
This year, more controversy found its way into the Congress of Nations. A founding member, Switzerland, abruptly declared itself out of the Congress, with few real reasons. The one prime reason had, been the Congress's increasingly sour relationship with the rest of the world. Swiss representatives claim that the Congress is constantly getting itself into international affairs, they shouldn't be in.
The Congress, however, doesn't seem to be too upset about this development, many member states viewing Switzerland's strict neutrality from preventing the Congress from actually achieving anything. To symbolize how the Congress took this loss with little more then a passing glance, Belgium, Portugal, and Sweden unveiled it's new M-1 Congressional Warker this year.
Socialism in Portugal Lisbon, Portugal, 1920
For the past several years, the Portuguese socialist party, the “Lisbon Commune” has been funded by a foreign source, thus far unknown by the Portuguese government. The Swedish intelligence agency, however has been hot on the case, or so says several media sources. With the blessing of the Portuguese government, the Swedish intelligence Agency began operating throughout the Lisbon area, in an attempt to find where the money, and weapons being sent to the Lisbon Commune were coming from.
Eventually, a shipment full of rifles were found on a merchant ship, docked in Lisbon, from Angola. The crew were quickly arrested, and following investigation, weapons traders in Angola were selling rifles, and other supplies to the Socialists, using the lax Portuguese colonial trade laws, to ship the weapons from the colonies to the mainland easily. Following this breakthrough, several attempts to find the traders in Angola were made, but to little success. In order to counter this influx of foreign weapons, Portugal began policing here Angolan and mainland ports a lot more then ever before, attempting to stop the trade, and it has been fairly successful thus far.
Yet, with the weapons, and money already received, the Lisbon Commune began staging even more political protests, and riots throughout mainland Portugal. The Portuguese military however stepped in to counter the socialists, and arrested several high ranking members.
The Abyssinian War Rages On Addis Ababa, Abyssinia, 1920
The year in Abyssinia kicked off with rebellion in the capital city of Addis Ababa. The Abyssinian army faced off against the rebel groups, with a mixture of spears, outdated weaponry, and captured French and English weapons. The city itself was torn apart in the conflict, with most of the fighting occurring outside of the King's Palace.
Similar scenes were seen throughout the nation. To the west were the secessionists, many of whom wished to see a free Sudanese state. To the east were the rampant nationalists who went on what many began describing a European headhunt this year. These nationalists began killing anyone who was, or seemed to be of European decent this year.
While most Europeans moved out of the nation, and into the Italian Somalia, or Eritrea, those that remained were quickly rounded up, and promptly executed, by the Abyssinian government and nationalists alike. Several hundred French settlers that remained in what was French Somaliland were killed in the murders, or so says French Emperor Napoleon IV.
Guerrilla attacks by both the secessionists and the nationalists brought the central Abyssinian government to it's knees, with the already strapped military struggling to be every where at once. As time goes on, the situation only seems to be getting worse, as the Abyssinian government continues to slaughter it's own citizens out of fear that they may be National, or Secessionist sympathizers, while both rebel groups didn't shy away from killing any and all Europeans, or "Central Government" sympathisers.
Several hundred French citizens, took up arms in what was French Somaliland, against the tyrannical government, and secessionist forces.
The Berlin-Windhoek Railway Cairo, The Kingdom of Italy, 1920
This year, thousands of Chinese workers poured into Italian Egypt, to help the German Empire continue it's "Grand Project" the Berlin-Windhoek railway. The railway's sole purpose is to connect the now massive German Empire, to stretch from Berlin, across southern Europe, into Turkey, the Levant, North Africa, through Central Africa, and finally into German South West Africa.
Yet, in the past years, the project has hit several road bumps; German workers dieing of disease, the terrain and environment, and probably worst of all, attacks by native populations. The natives, begging the Italian's for independence for the last several years, have finally begun to receive funding from unknown sources, allowing these nationalists to gain enough firepower to seriously stall the production of the railroad.
The railway itself managed to pushed through the Suez, and up the Levant, into Turkey, making good progress with the influx of foreign workers. However, attacks on the Egyptian portion of the railway continued, despite the presence of German soldiers. The said soldiers began to fight the rebels off, and secured the rail line, though the rebels made themselves known throughout other parts of the Italian lands.
Liberian Trials Freetown, The Spanish Empire, 1920
Following last year's slaughter and rape of several Spanish women, and the ensuing diplomacy between the two states, Spanish officials began an inquiry into the Liberian government. The goal was to find, and kill any corrupt Liberian officials, that may of had anything to do with the "Mano" incident.
Several Generals, and political leaders were quickly found to be guilty of negligence, and were to be executed, among them head of the Liberian armed forces, General Joseph Sirleaf. While many of the minor officers, Generals, and politicians went quietly, the Liberian President Daniel Howard refused to let his top general be executed. He claims that Sirleaf had nothing to do with the murders, and rebuked all Spanish attempts to arrest him, causing a political breakdown with Spain mid fall.
Meanwhile, in the now demilitarized zone between the two nations, Spanish citizens moved into the region, to settle, armed to the tooth, and under the protection of local Spanish authorities, disrupting the already tender relations between the Liberians and Spanish colonists.
The Shihuang Trophy, 1920 Beijing, The Chinese Empire, 1920
Once more, the Shihuang Trophy was held in Beijing to an increasingly large crowd. This year, the usual contenders, The United States, France and Venezuela, were joined by pilots and planes from Denmark, Arabia (for the second time), and Crimea. The French once again, showcased their Bordeaux 19' fighter, while China stuck to it's Xiaolong H-1 Fighters.
It seems to of been a normal event this year, with fake dogfights occurring between the various contestants, while civilian flown craft, such as those used by the American's and Danish competed in the various competitions the Chinese Empire offered. The Arabian's and Venezuelan's, and even Crimea once more took minor roles, flying with both the French and Chinese military at various times.
The closing ceremonies were much like the previous year, with flybys by the French, Venezuelan, Chinese and American detachments over the crowd astonishing all in attendance.
The post Trophy meeting by the international aviation experts also proved fruitless, with the French, Americans, and Chinese all once more unwilling to share their advances in aeronautics, to the dismay of the Crimeans, Arabians, Venezuelans and Danes.
For the second year in a row, Japan began a mass propaganda campaign throughout it's empire, to unite the very diverse people falling under the flag of the Rising Sun. Originally, last year, the goal was to exemplify equality amongst the Asian races, an idea many Japanese citizens were not to keen on. But this year, it was different. This year, however, the project continued to show that the Japanese race was the only Asiatic race capable of throwing off the oppressive chains of European colonialism, much to the anger of Filipinos, Southeast Asians, Taiwanese, and millions of other islanders. Yet the Japanese held steadfast, using both religion and science to prove the superiority of the Japanese Empire.
Meanwhile, continued building efforts were made in Malay, Siam, and Indochina, this time through a railroad project. Great progress was made this year, on the railroad, it stretching all the way up the Malay peninsula by the end of the year. China, Japan's chief rival in the region, began a co-infrastructure project in Siam, much to the distress of several high-ranking Japanese officials.
(-1 Japanese Stability, +1 Japanese EP, +2 Siamese EP)
Civil Revolt In The Confederacy! Atlanta, The Confederate States of America, 1920
The Cottonmouths, a violent Negro organization started in the Confederate States during the Great War, began a mass act of terrorism this year. In what seemed to be perfect timing, the Cottonmouths began launching attacks on white aristocrats, and racists, namely the Confederate Group "The Ku Klux Klan". In fact, entire chapters of the Ku Klux Klan had been violently slaughtered during the attack, while railways, telegraph lines, and bridges, among other things, began getting attacked.
Southern Citizens, without weapons of any sort began viewing the attacks as a sort of apocalypse, many of them begging forgiveness for their mistreatment of Negroes, and Latinos in the past. Yet, the attacks continued. In fact, it wasn't until the United State's military began reacting in force.
The first action was by several United States Dreadnoughts stationed outside of New Orleans. The Dreadnoughts moved into the city, and dropped several hundred troops into port. The troops quickly took up defensive positions throughout the city, waiting for an expected Cottonmouth attack, yet none came. Similar situations were experienced throughout the Confederacy, with entire towns being put under military control once more, as the attacks finally began to stop, as the United State's troops moved in.
(-1 Confederate Stability)
The World's First Aircraft Carrier Boston, The United States of America, 1920
As spring air began to sweep New England, a new ship was unveiled before the American people. Long hidden from view, the USS Lexington-Class Aircraft Carrier was brought fourth, in front of a large astonished crowd. The ship's sole purpose is to carry Aircraft, such as America's newest P-1 Hawks, into battle. Since it has become increasingly evident that air power wins battles, nowadays, this new class of ship, certainly makes the United States Navy one of the most feared fleets afloat.
Reconstruction in the South Continues Charleston, The Confederate States of America, 1920
The Confederate government has begun allocating even more funds into a reconstruction project that was started roughly 3 years ago, since the end of the Great War. Roads, railways, telegraph lines, schools, hospitals, and even churches have began to be rebuilt, after being devasted by war. After thee years. a lot of progress has been seen, more then expected, many officials will freely admit.
The only thing that seems to continuously get in the way of the complete reconstruction, is the actions of the Cottonmouths. Assuming the attacks are done, as of this year, reconstruction will more then likely be finished next year.
(+3 Confederate EP)
Trouble in the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo, The Dominican Republic, 1920
In early Autumn, during a parade in Santo Domingo, an assassination attempt was made on the life of Santo Dominican President Fransisco Carvajal, and several prominent members of the Santo Dominican government. During the parade, Haitian gunmen fired onto the Presidential motorcade, instantly killing the Dominican Vice President, several body guards, and Carvajal's wife.
Two of the gunmen were captured on sight, and were proven to be from Haiti, causing a massive uproar amongst the Dominican people. President Fransisco was injured to, getting shot in the arm twice, and lost it in the ensuing surgery. Police reports began to show that the Haitians had been armed by an unknown third party, with almost all evidence pointing towards the Haitian government. The Haitian government claims it had nothing to do with the attacks, and after a diplomatic breakdown, Dominican troops seized various sections of the Haitian coast, causing war between the two nations.
Thus far, their has been little fighting, but the Haitian's seem to be readying themselves for an attack.
Changing Political Situations- France- The French people have begun to morally rebuild their nation, attempting to end the shame brought to them by losing the Great War, by militarising, and expanding influence in other nations, in lieu of losing most of their colonial empire. The French people are very interested in friendlier relations with Spain, and Italy, and looks to the distance themselves from the English and Germans.
Germany- The people of the German Empire a proud people, but are thoroughly tired of war, especially the seemingly constant bloody interventions that Wilhelm continues to advocate. Thousands of young German boys are dieing in Russia, and no one really knows why, angering many. The German people want peace for the first time in a long while, and growing increasingly incontent with the military operations in Russia.
The United States of America- The American's are happy with their government, and the isolationist policies being used by the current Roosevelt administration. Yet, at the same time, many people are fearing that Europe is going to hell in a hand basket, and wish for their voices to be heard in Europe, even to a small degree. They are also unhappy with all the foreigners (i.e, Carribean Islanders) having the pleasure of calling themselves Americans. Many of the recently conquered peoples are getting the benefits of being an American possession, without any true love for the United States. The rampant Jingoism that over came the nation in the previous years has all but died. The American people are once again happy, with the defeat of the Confederacy. Many are unhappy with the European style imperialism in the Carribean, and simply wish to just let what is, be. They don't want their tax dollars spent on little islands, when they could be used to make the nation even greater!
Spain- The Spanish people love there government, enough said. They love it enough to blindly follow Estuardo, and whatever imperialistic endeavors he wants. They want a strong Spain. They want a Spain as revered as the Spain of the1500's, and are willing to stop at nothing to get it. The hate the British, the Portuguese, and most importantly, the Liberians, but look up to the Americans, French, and to an extent, Germans.
The Republic of Alyeska- Ivan Streckli has led the Alyeskian people through its first few years of independence, and frankly, they want to keep it that way. While American goods flood the market, and American foreign policy is more or less Alyeska's, he has followed through on his promise to keep Alyeska separate from the United States, something he has succeeded in. His people are of mostly Russian and Indian ancestory, with American entrepreneurs finding their way into Alyeskan society. All in all, Alyeskans love America, as an ally, but detest the fact that they continue to hold onto the South Alaskan coast, withholding a majority of the Russian Alyeskan population, and economy. Save for that, the Alyeskian people love America, have a love-hate relationship with Russia (most of the people don't care who wins the civil war, they just want it over!) and thoroughly dislike the Japanese, who continue to occupy the Aleutian islands, which were classically Alyeskan.
Colombia- The people are happy with the current government, but aren't exactly gung-ho about the Pan American alliance, which is, what they view, as little more then American imperialism. Rather then seeing Colombia become little more then an American puppet state, the Colombian people are more interested in starting a more Central American, South American alliance, rather then one primarily run by America and Brazil.
Venezuela- The people of Venezuela feel much as the people of Colombia do, in terms of the Pan-American Alliance, and a more Latin American based community. The real killer, to the Venezuelans, is the lack of trade with European powers, as per the Treaty of San Clemente.
Saudi Arabia- The Arabian people think Arabia can, and should be great. They are incredibly nationalistic, and view the Arab revolts in Ottoman and British territory as proof that all of Arabia should be united under the flag of Arabia. Yet, they are thus far content to sit back, and improve their own nation.
The United Kingdom- The British people are on the road to recovery much quicker then expected. They are very happy with their Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, and are happy with all the education reforms. Their only concern is that Britain puffs its chest out, and prevents nations such as Arabia from taking over the remaining British territory.
Switzerland- The Swiss are very confused people. Their presidents have continuously gone against everything they originally stood for, and are making the Swiss people very unhappy with Switzerland's constant need to involve itself in the affairs of other nations.
Quebec- The people of Quebec are very happy, but worry about continuing American influence in the area.
The Chinese Empire- The people of China are content with the power China has become, but are unhappy wit the brutal monarchy that runs the country.
Persia- The Persian people were originally very happy with their leaders, but this recent, unwarranted invasion of Russia, and the subsequent loss of thousands of young lives have angered many of the Persian people to a great degree.
The Confederate States of America- The Confederate people are looking for a new age, more progressive government, capable of healing all their wounds, be it racial tensions, of reconstruction.
World Map
@all- Well, sorry for the crappy update. I know its not what many of you expected, nor was it worth the wait. My apologies. But a mix of real life, and crappy/non-descriptive orders kept things short. I've spent most of the last week reworking the stats, which will hopefully be ready tomorrow. The stats will solve everyone's woes for now, but they're going to multiply my work by 100. Or so it seems. NPC diplomacy, updated front page, etc. etc. is to come when it comes. All my free time has been spent on this NES, but I'm too exhausted to do much else now.. Apologies once more.
OOC: No worried. Twas a good update anyway. In these more boring times I think updates can be shorter etc.
IC: To: All that would oppose Soviet Russia
From: Soviet Russia
Your armies have been crushed along with your puppet "Russian" government. The time has come to remove yourselves from Soviet Russia before your armies are removed completely.
We would like to thank you for helping investigate the foriegn investors of the Lisbon Commune. Now that Portugal is running a surplus, we shall begin to take over process with our own intelligence agency, but feel free to establish a bureau in Lisbon.
After the attack by Egyptian nationalists on the Berlin-Windhoek Railway last year, we had trusted that the Italian government would be competent enough to deal with the problem and protect Germany's land and citizens from attack by your own citizens. Instead, you have done nothing to fix the situation, and the attacks have continued. Now, let me tell you this. Germany will not stand for attacks against her land and her citizens. When the citizens of a country attack our land, and the country does nothing to stop it, we consider that an act of war.
Now, Germany has no wish to go to war, and we will do what we can to avoid it. I'm sure the same goes for Italy. However, these attacks cannot continue. As we have already given you a chance to stop them and you failed, we will take this matter out of your hands.
These are our terms regarding the situation. Accept them, or it will be war.
1. Egypt is given independence as the Kingdom of Egypt. They shall become a protectorate of Italy.
2. The land of the Berlin-Windhoek railway leased to Germany by the Italian government, shall be recognized as sovereign territory of Germany.
3. The Suez Canal, and the surrounding area shall become the full property of Germany. Italian and Egyptian shipping shall be allowed passage through the canal at the same reduced price given to German ships.
From: Italy
This saddens us that once former allies are threatnong us, we believe you are the one funding these insurgents to further your imperialism and gain control of Egypt we don't accept your "terms" we are not lessening our place in the world to increase yours. We would accept your first demand but the 2nd and 3rs are totaly unacceptable, we will not hand those areas to Germany. If you do not accept this we will not allow anymore of this railway in Italian Territory.
From: Italy
This saddens us that once former allies are threatnong us, we believe you are the one funding these insurgents to further your imperialism and gain control of Egypt we don't accept your "terms" we are not lessening our place in the world to increase yours. We would accept your first demand but the 2nd and 3rs are totaly unacceptable, we will not hand those areas to Germany. If you do not accept this we will not allow anymore of this railway in Italian Territory.
To: Condor Legion, World
From: The Kingdom of Italy
We would like to announce we may be withdrawing from the Condor Legion due to Germany's recent agression, while we do not wish to withdraw from this expeditionary force we may be forced to.
From: The United States of America
To: Germany
CC: Italy
Should German forces attack the Kingdom of Italy or it's territory in any way, shape, or form, our alliance with Germany will be terminated. We will not be dragged into a pointless war in Europe which could easily be avoided through diplomatic means. Just the fact that Germany is saber-rattling over this, and apparently wants nothing but war for her neighbors and countrymen, makes us think twice about whether close relations with Germany are at all good for the United States.
We do not see how trying to protect the lives and property of our citizens equal=s threatening you. Are you saying that if several Germans armed with guns landed on Sicily and started slaughtering Italian citizens, twice, and the Italian ambassador delivered an angry message to us, we would have the right to feel offended. And the fact that you accuse us of funding the deaths of our own citizens if not only ridiculous, but offending.
As for you rejection of the treaty, we are willing to drop point 3. However, as you will be giving up direct rule over Egypt, I do not see how point 2 is any concern of yours or why you would reject it. For the sake of peace, we will drop number 3, but if you do not accept this new treaty, you will force our hand. We cannot possibly sit back and watch as your thugs repeatedly kill German citizens.
To: America
From: Germany
While we were not aware that the Germans and Americans had anything more than friendly relations, this comment of your saddens us. Germany has no wish for war or further death only five years after the end of the Great War, but what can we do when our citizens are under attack and those responsible refuse to act to stop it? We believe, as a responsible government, the US would do the same thing. In fact, to a degree you have, by moving soldiers into the CSA to protect them against the Cottonmouths. As far as we can see, there is little difference between the Cottonmouths and these Italian rebels.
To: Germany
From: Italy
The best we can do is allow the railworkers to have guns
to protect themselves and your analogy is wrong it is Egyptian Nationalists who are attacking you not Italians so we do not see why we should give you land. We will grant Egypt protectorate status but we will Not give Germany any land at all. We hope we can work this out diplomaticly without territorial changes or worse war.
You will let the German workers have guns. The German workers already have guns. And considering these Egyptians are Italian citizens, we think it is perfectly reasonable. As well, Italy refused to make any attempt to end these attacks, even after the first year.
We are not asking for much. Merely that the land we have already leased, which is only the railroad and a few dozen feet on each side, be given completely to us, so that we may protect our citizens. And considering you are giving the Egyptians independence, and it is their land, I do not see why you wish to refuse us that point.
To: Germany
From: Italy
Okay how about we give the Egyptians Protectorate status and (I'll do it these orders and in the update after the next one (2 updates down the road 1922 I believe) as they might need a chance to cool down) if they are still attacking we will give you the railways land.
No. Why should we wait for these rebels to continue attacks against the railway? We were willing to let it go lightly once, but when it happens again, with no action taken by the Italian government, that is it. We will not let it happen again.
Egypt will be given their independence in 1921. And they will cede the Berlin-Windhoek railway land lease area to the German government, in 1921.
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