• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

orders incoming in a bit.
My orders are also coming EQ.
Starting update now, many more booms. Fun times.
I forgot about shipping supplies to Italy. Oh well.:(
I am bad at catching deadlines here.... :mischief:

Basically I do the same thing anyways. Invest in ASA and watch those dirty Germans.
Crezth, I hope that you REALLY enjoy the surprise heading your way. I know that I am.:lol:
Now i'm the nervous one.:sad:
You should be :evil:

Have fun! ;)
I truly hope that i'm wrong about where this is going...:eek:
No, EQ, 3 hours late!

I'll just get spending orders in, is that ok?
clearly he has figured out that our secret plans were to ally chile, uruguay and argentina against them, who would stage a coup in the barracks in europe, rewarding them with CSA's highest quality army in the world's trainers, a bunch of techs, and all of brazil.

that was the plan, right?
That is a joke- Right? RIGHT?:eek:
I was not informed...
I seriously hope people stop using nukes. I really just want my economy to not go away because of your arguments.
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