• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

guess i should have put some sort of :p, ;), or something. but surely the text is obvious enough to be false.

or is it? :evil:
EDIT: WOW Nevermind
Global News Report

EUROPEAN CRISIS SPREADS GLOBAL. Singapore, United Nations. The United Nations has issued a report on refugees, radiation, and economic decline. The destruction of Europe’s largest ports, the flight of refugees from the devastation, and the radiation have caused a global economic crisis. Immediately outside the war zones, refugees have overwhelmed border guards, including armed deserters from the warring militaries. Radiation has also resulted in the destruction of most of Europe’s farmlands, leading to severe famine. See the Special section below for more details.

North/Central American News Report

South American News Report

European News Report

SCOTLAND JOINS THE UCS. London, Union of Commonwealth States. Following the 1960 victory of the Scottish Commonwealth Party, the Scottish government applied and gained admittance to the Union of Commonwealth States. With the arrival of hordes of refugees from France and famine and disease in Europe, Scotland has hoped that the entry will provide greater security for the northern European nation.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

DAR-AL-ISLAM ELECTIONS. Baghdad, Dar-al-Islam. Islamic press have lauded the recent elections as stability in the East even as the West falls into chaos. Television footage taken by war correspondents have shown first-hand the devastation of the conflict, such scenes as the ruins of Rome and Milan. With these rousing images shown, the Party of Mohammed has won elections under Ruhollah Khomeini, who has achieved the position of Prime Minister of Dar-al-Islam. Khomeini has pledged support for the rebuilding regime of Somalia.

RULER OF MOROCCO DIES. Rabat, Morocco. Sultan Mohammed V died in bed only a year after attaining full power from Italy. His sun, Hassan II has been proclaimed the new sultan. He has pledged to maintain neutrality in the ongoing war, and has promised to increase ties with “our Islamic brethren.”

TRANS-AFRICA AUTOBAHN COMPLETED. New Jerusalem, New Zion. Three years of extensive construction have finally been completed, as an autobahn has been completed connecting the League of African Nations. A single six-lane road from New Jerusalem to Pretoria has opened up possibilities for new trade and development. The ensuing recession in Europe has prevented the massive benefits original foreseen by economists.
(+1 Private Enterprise to CSA and RSA.)

Asian/Pacific News Report

Global News Ticker


SPECIAL: Great European War

NUCLEAR STRIKES IN ITALY. Ruins of Florence, Italy. German bombers have struck from Serbia against the last remaining large urban centers on the Italian peninsula. Perugia and Anacona have been destroyed by further nuclear attacks. The last industrial centers of mainland Italy have fallen. With the exception of several factories scattered throughout northern Italy and the islands, the Italian industries have been shattered.
(-4 IC for Italy)

NORTHERN FRENCH FRONT. Ruins of Vichy, France. French and South American forces have launched a major offensive in northern France. However, the arrival of fresh Norwegian soldiers and German recruits have enabled the New Europe Coalition to halt the advance in its tracks. The nuclear destruction of the European League’s forward supply point at Vichy devastated the standing stockpiles of supplies in the region. Later counterattacks have forced a stalemate south of the ruins of the city, though fighting remains heavy. French attempts to deliver an atomic bomb to Berlin both failed miserably, and bombs were detonated in northern France and Wallonia against German positions.
Casualty List
Germany: 4 Infantry Divisions, 1 Motorized Division, 2 Armored Divisions, 1 AirCav Division, 3 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron
Norway: 3 Infantry Divisions
Italy: 3 Motorized Divisions, 3 Armored Divisions, 1 AirCav Division, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons
France: 2 Infantry Divisions
Argentina: 2 Infantry Divisions

PYRENNES FRONT. With the destruction of the city of Bilbao by a hydrogen bomb, resistance by the New Europe Coalition has begun to fall apart in northern Iberia. However, recently achieved air superiority and bad terrain has enabled them to hold the attack back. With the attack in South America, the morale of the Brazilians in the region has begun to falter.
Casualty List
Castile: 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Motorized Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Euskadi: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Mountain Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Brazil: 6 Infantry Divisions
Italy: 4 Jet Fighter Squadrons

NORTHERN ITALY. The arrival of significant reinforcements in northern Italy and the diversion of Serbian reinforcements to Bulgaria has allowed the European League to make significant advances in the region. The ruins of Milan have been retaken and European League forces have threatened even further advances into Austria. However, the front has stalemated along the Adige River, and neither side have made further advances.
Casualty List
Germany: 3 Infantry Divisions, 2 Mountain Divisions, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron
Latvia: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Serbia: 1 Infantry Division
Romania: 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
CSA: 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Italy: 1 Militia Division, 1 Infantry Division, 3 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron
Brazil: 4 Infantry Divisions
Bolivia: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Argentina: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron

BULGARIA. In order to support Italy, which had supported it in the United Nations during the Balkan War, Bulgaria declared war upon the New Europe Coalition. Less than a day after the declaration, a German atomic bomb destroyed Sofia. With the return from the Italian front, Serbian troops smashed the Bulgarian army. A coordinated assault with the Romanians has seen the collapse and partition of Bulgaria by Romania and Serbia.
Casualty List
Serbia: 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Armored Division
Romania: 3 Infantry Divisions
Bulgaria: Surrendered

HOLLAND DEVASTATED. Gronigen, Holland. In a surprising turn of events, the city of Amsterdam and most of the western Dutch countryside have disappeared under the Atlantic Ocean. A hydrogen bomb was detonated in the city, annihilating it and its residents. The breaking of the dikes and the massive crater established where the city was have flooded the region. The Dutch government has effectively seized to exist and the remaining military have taken control of the management of the nation.
Casualty List
Holland: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Base IC

BRAZIL HIT WITH BOMB. Ruins of Brasilia, Brazil. The Brazilian government has entered a state of turmoil as a German nuclear bomb devastated the capital city. The loss of the bureaucracy and state apparatuses such as the media have severely discredited the administration and threatened the nation with complete political collapse. Riots have broken out throughout Brazil and multiple protests have been made throughout South America against involvement in the war. (-1 Infantry Division)

BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC. German and South African submarines have continued striking against European League shipping across the Atlantic Ocean. Reinforcements from South American nations have enabled the shipping lanes to hold against the submarines, but several vital shipments have been sent to the bottom. Supplies of food and ammunition have been sent to the bottom of the ocean. Many military strategists believe the South American forces in Europe may be getting short of food and medicine, especially with the growing famine and epidemics ongoing through the continent.
Casualty List
Germany: 2 Wolfpacks
South Africa: 1 Wolfpack
Bolivia: 1 Destroyer Group
France: 1 Destroyer Group
Italy: 1 Destroyer Group

SPECIAL: Global Crisis

CLOSURE OF EUROPEAN MARKETS. New York City, United States of America. International merchants have announced the end of consumer markets in Europe. The destruction of Hamburg, Amsterdam, and Marsallies have severely limited the ability to bring goods in to Europe for sale. Those shipping agencies which have ordered trade with Europe have faced near mutiny from the crews, and the only trade with Europe has been limited trade with Greece and southern Iberia. Industry in the main nations which have sold have begun to suffer, and many notorious economists have said that continued warfare could cause a severe global recession not seen since 1929.
Nippon: -2 Base IC
USA: -2 Base IC
UCS: -1 Base IC

RADIATION KILLING EUROPE. Geneva, Switzerland. Radiation caused by three years of nuclear warfare has caused the devastation of Europe’s farmlands and crops. A lack of food imports has caused significant famine. United Nations officials estimate over 70% of Europe’s population between France and Ukraine are suffering from some degree of radiation poisoning. The unintentional destruction of the farmlands of northern France have left both Italy and Germany without a significant source of food. United Nations studies claim that most of Europe could be starving by the end of 1962.

REFUGEES OVERWHELM DENMARK. Copenhagen, United Scandinavia. German refugees fleeing starvation and disease in Hamburg have swarmed over the Scandinavian border. Armed civilians and deserters overwhelmed the border guards and have poured across the Danish peninsula. Civilian militias have fought several skirmishes, but the fields have been overwhelmed, and the Danish Scandinavians are threatened with the enlarging famine of Europe. Scandinavian military forces have been sent to restore order on the borders, but the swarms of refugees continue to break through, especially Dutch fleeing from Amsterdam. (-1 Infantry Division, -1 Base IC for Scandinavia)

CROSS CHANNEL FLIGHT. London, Union of Commonwealth States. French and Dutch refugees, using everything that can float, have attempted to reach southern England in an attempt for shelter and safety from the war. Many have reached the coast and some armed refugees have even raided smaller English villages. Parliament of the Commonwealth has called for immediate action to safeguard Great Britain.

SWISS CLOSE BORDERS. Geneva, Switzerland. The Swiss have announced a remobilization of the military and the closing of the passes into Switzerland. Violence has been used to keep the hordes of refugees at bay and civilian casualties have been reported in the tens of thousands. Both German and Italian refugees have been turned away by the Swiss, and skirmishes have been reported on both borders. (-1 Infantry Division, -1 Base IC)

BACK TO THE USSR. Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. A mass exodus of refugees have fled east, where radiation had minimal effects so far. Ukraine has turned away most of the fleeing mass, but the Soviet border has been overwhelmed with camps of the refugees. An estimated eight million refugees from Poland, Germany, and Lithuania have settled in camps throughout the western Soviet Union. Even more have begun attempting to penetrate the borders. Only proclaimed communists and socialists have been allowed in the Soviet Union, and there have been rumors that “enemies of the people” have been executed by Soviet border forces.


Airborne, napalm, and Naval Radar have been removed from the tech tree as everyone has researched it.

Carmen510 and Mindtoaster have been dropped due to inactivity

World Map

Nice update EQ!

From: USSR
To: The World

Hearken onto the glories of communism. We are immune from the business cycle. Enjoy your economic downturn. We will push forward!


mrpwn3r, nice present to Germany. You've failed, utterly.

Also this NES seems to have taken on rather apocalyptic tones as of late. It's fascinating and yet utterly depressing.
Nice update. Its the end of the world!
Wow. Amazing update.

fun times
To: World
From: Vietnam

Vietnam will take in refugees from both sides of the war with the conditions that they disarm and swear to follow Vietnamese law. Citizenship is open with the customary waiting period. Limit is set at 100 thousand refugees at this point.
Nice update EQ.

Well, I'm out from this NES. Permanently. Hope you guys enjoy the last remaining updates. :)

EDIT: Indeed. I seemed to have failed rather miserably. My nukes that I obtained from the **** and the *** have been wasted. Doesn't matter, Germany can't possibly survive with all this radiation poisoning. ;)
To: The World
From: The Turan Ummah
RE: The appalling humanitarian crisis in Europe

In light of the crisis in Europe, the Ummah announces that it will support the following policy, and actively work towards it.

1) The forming of an independent, Muslim state in Europe, based around the 2 million or so Muslims living in what used to be France.

2) The Ummah will provide all needed aid to this nation until it is up and running and fully sustainable. Refugees will be allowed entrance to this state, but they must first convert to Islam and submit to Allah and Islamic law.

3) The Ummah shall stay neutral in this conflict, but when peace is acheived, humanitarian aid will be provided.

May Allah save these Christians from themselves.
To Germany
From Italy:

At this point in time we are prepared to accept the fact that we can no longer bring war to your lands, and perhaps no longer be capable of saving our allies in France. However we would also like to point out that we are prepared to switch gears from a conventional to a guerrilla style war. Germany has not the capacity to occupy the irradiated Italian peninsula and her Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia/Corsica.

As a result we will accept peace with the transfer of France, Belgium, Wallonia, Poland, and portions of Hungary over to your occupation. We will also accept the occupation of parts of Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Adriatic to Serbia. And on top of this the occupation of Catalonia to Castile.

But we once again reiterate the near impossibility of the German occupation of Italy at this point in time. Your troops will die of radiation poison passing by our destroyed cities while fighting our soldiers hiding in the hillside that makes up most of Italy's geography. it will be a war you can not inevitably win. We have learned much from the Greek's own campaign. We ask to retain our demolished countryside and allow our people to rebuild and live on what remains of said God-forsaken land. In return Italy swears to nuclear disarmament and to never threaten the newly created German hegemony of the European continent.
From: USSR
To: The World

Regarding the refugee situation on our borders,

The USSR will be willing to accept refugees if and only if they meet two criteria:

A. They be willing to sign an oath affirming their allegiance to the proper Socialist system of thought.

B. They be willing to abide by Soviet law. This includes not instigating trouble.

Citizenship is available to refugees via normal means. Furthermore we must set a limit on refugees. We think 500,000 should be good for now. Those of you who get in, you will receive the finest benefits of our administrative command economy. You will be guaranteed a home, health care, and a job. Women, you will be free to work in the factory or stay at home. Minorities, you will not be oppressed. All of you shall be equal, truly equal, under Soviet law.
To Germany
From Italy:

At this point in time we are prepared to accept the fact that we can no longer bring war to your lands, and perhaps no longer be capable of saving our allies in France. However we would also like to point out that we are prepared to switch gears from a conventional to a guerrilla style war. Germany has not the capacity to occupy the irradiated Italian peninsula and her Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia/Corsica.

As a result we will accept peace with the transfer of France, Belgium, Wallonia, Poland, and portions of Hungary over to your occupation. We will also accept the occupation of parts of Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Adriatic to Serbia. And on top of this the occupation of Catalonia to Castile.

But we once again reiterate the near impossibility of the German occupation of Italy at this point in time. Your troops will die of radiation poison passing by our destroyed cities while fighting our soldiers hiding in the hillside that makes up most of Italy's geography. it will be a war you can not inevitably win. We have learned much from the Greek's own campaign. We ask to retain our demolished countryside and allow our people to rebuild and live on what remains of said God-forsaken land. In return Italy swears to nuclear disarmament and to never threaten the newly created German hegemony of the European continent.
OOC: Puss. E.;)

Crezth, don't give in. You can do it!!! Conquer all of Europe! Except Musulman.
To: The World
From: The Turan Ummah
RE: The appalling humanitarian crisis in Europe

In light of the crisis in Europe, the Ummah announces that it will support the following policy, and actively work towards it.

1) The forming of an independent, Muslim state in Europe, based around the 2 million or so Muslims living in what used to be France.

2) The Ummah will provide all needed aid to this nation until it is up and running and fully sustainable. Refugees will be allowed entrance to this state, but they must first convert to Islam and submit to Allah and Islamic law.

3) The Ummah shall stay neutral in this conflict, but when peace is acheived, humanitarian aid will be provided.

May Allah save these Christians from themselves.

And who is Ummah to dictate whether or not countries are created, especially in Europe? The Muslims in France have no tie to the land, no traditional heritage there, and frankly, nothing around which to base their nation, save radiation and death. Turan Ummah would do better to simply evacuate those Muslims living in France.
And who is Ummah to dictate whether or not countries are created, especially in Europe? The Muslims in France have no tie to the land, no traditional heritage there, and frankly, nothing around which to base their nation, save radiation and death. Turan Ummah would do better to simply evacuate those Muslims living in France.
These Muslims in former French territory have already indicated a willingness to form a nation and need our support. If you consulted with your intelligence and foreign services more, you would know their declaration of independence is nearing by the day. They aren't in German territory, they're in the anarchic, uncontrolled land of the former French Forces. They need their own state, and their independence allows the New Europe Coalition to rebuild its white, Christian Europe.

They base their nation on God and Hope, something we hope the American's haven't forgotten in their blatant disregard for the international community. We owe much to the American Project and hold no animosity towards its people, and we hope it will see sense and allow us to work for life and peace for Muslims who need our help!
Greece, small as it may be, seconds Italy in its calls for peace with its European brothers; there is, indeed, no use in occupying a nation with dead land. The European peoples have lost so much--a massive understatement--in the past few years of nuclear bombings. Germany called for a new European order, and it has succeeded. Let us see how this new German leadership leads Europe out of radiation poisoning, rioting mobs, and the general collapse of law and order.

As for Turan Ummah calling for a new Muslim nation, we must remind them--as the Americans did--that they are killing the European Muslims by not simply evacuating them away from irradiated Europe. Building a nation on poisoned land is a disaster in waiting. Who knows how long the poison will last? Who knows how far it will spread?
TO: European Citizens
FROM: Dar-al-Islam

We urge you to flee, throw down your weapons, convert to Islam and come to us. We will save you from horrible deaths.
TO: European Citizens
FROM: Dar-al-Islam

We urge you to flee, throw down your weapons, convert to Islam and come to us. We will save you from horrible deaths.

OOC: Don't listen to him! It's a trap! You can't drink beer or eat bacon! Only Death's sweet embrace can grant you any sanctuary now!
It is interesting to note that the top three Mediterranean economic powers are Dar al-Islam (29), Turkey (5) and Serbia (4).
From: Nippon
To: The World

Nippon sees it as it's duty as a nation to accept up to 250,000 refugees of any race, religion or creed. O Once combat ceases, with Germany and Italy's permission, we will send ships and any available medics to Europe. We will also begin heavy research into radiation poisoning, and hopefully be able to provide cures to all in need as soon as possible.
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