• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

@bombshoo and propagandist, your merchants refuse to go to Europe. The crews will mutiny if you force them against their will to go. They are afraid of losing their lives to radiation and/or raging mobs of refugees.
OOC: Don't listen to him! It's a trap! You can't drink beer or eat bacon! Only Death's sweet embrace can grant you any sanctuary now!

OOC:Wait...they'll turn into 20 year old American Jews? NOOOOO!!!!!
To Germany, World
From UCS

Our navy is beginning a mass evacuation of refugees from the French coast. Any resistance met in the form of German soldiers or agression will be considered an act of war.
great update EQ!

From CSA
To Germany

We will take in refugees, however due to certain circumstances only those that pass a background check may be accepted as citizens, the rest can stay temporarily in the CSA if needed to avoid famine and radiation (OOC: ironic, heading to africa to AVOID famine)
OOC: Don't listen to him! It's a trap! You can't drink beer or eat bacon! Only Death's sweet embrace can grant you any sanctuary now!

OOC: Ah, but you forgot turkey bacon and non-alcoholic beer.

To: Vietnamese shipping interests
From: the government of Vietnam

We understand your concerns. We will not force your crews to approach.

To: neutral European nations overwhelmed by refugees
From: Vietnam

We offer Britain, the UCS, and the other neutral nations these refugees are running to a helping hand. As long as the refugees fulfill the requirements and your merchant marine transports them to Vietnam.
OOC: EQ, can we send our carriers equppied with the proper gear and soliders instead of merchant ships then?

IC: For now, ditto on what Vietnam said.
The Union of Scandinavia wishes to announce that the boarder that we share with Germany is hereby closed to anyone crossing into and out of Scandinavia. This is to stem the flow of refugees making Denmark an unstable region. Copenhagen will be surrounded with Troops, and the Boarder will be forcibly closed until such time as these people fleeing from Europe realise that they cannot assume that they can enter Scandinavia. Until the people realise this, the Boarder will remain closed with the aid of the Scandinavian Military. While our heart goes out to those afflicted, our priority is our citizens, and at the moment, the safety and security of our citizens is being compromised, by the marauding gangs of refugees.

When the region stabilises we will open the boarder to a limited amount of people per day. Any others trying to enter Scandinavia without proceeding through the appropriate legal channels will be removed from the vicinity or if necessary shot on sight. These people will be granted asylum in Scandinavia for a maximum period of 10 years, and upon expiration, these people will be asked to leave, and forcibly removed from Scandinavia if necessary.

We ask Germany to begin dealing with this problem before the remaining nations in Europe turn on you. You MUST deal with you new citizens and take control in these situations. We urge you to break off the War, and pose a treaty of victory, or whatever, to the losing nations. You have an obligation to your new Citizens, and you must provide protection, food and water to these people, ast they now are your constituents. If you do not, we will not allow any people into Scandinavia because of your lack of Action. Until such time as you mobilise troops to the Scandinavian Boarder, to control the flood of people into OUR nation, we will control the flow with Military force. These people are not deemed in our eyes at the current time as refugees, because of your inaction, and will be deemed illegal immigrants, and will be dealt with accordingly.

Until you do something about your people, we will not allow them into our nation, and those who are in our nation will be removed, by force, or if necessary, in body bags.

You have an obligation to your people, we do not. They are your citizens, not ours. Our nations have always had good relations, and I ask you to respect our wishes, and deal with your people in a way that the UN would approve of.

However, as we said, we are sealing the boarder with Military force until stability returns to the region.
Communique from the Abyssinian Empire to the World (primarily Europe)

The people and government of the Abyssinian Empire are deeply disturbed, shocked, and outraged at the literal explosion of nuclear warfare in this war. We take this opportunity to remind all that less than a decade ago, we were accused of trying to start a devastating war over a... ehem... "small" issue and now look where things are. We gave in to the international apathy and abandonment, caved in, and did not start this horrible war. A war which leaves, according to reports, 70% of the European population irradiated and ill, and extremely likely to precipitate a continental famine and has already caused floods of refugees into countries that can't handle the huge volume.

Look, and behold what your stupid nuclear weapons, which you have used to jockey for position as regional and great powers and to bully others, have done now. How can your people ever trust you again, as their families and friends die in agony from radiation poisoning, are shot or sunk trying to escape to other countries, or suffer starvation?

Shame, shame, shame on all!
This selfish war by the larger nations has gone beyond the simple scope of military damages, but has laid waste to entire countries and their whole people. And all for what? A newer, even larger and more bloated empire? Look at what your empires will be now! Filled with rotting carcasses as people succumb to poisoning or starvation, and the stench of death will last for months if not years! Lands that cannot even be used for farming anymore! Destroyed by your zeal for empire and megalomania!
How long before you launch more nuclear attacks against other smaller nations and destroy what's left of the world, just so that you can expand your hegemony?

We suggest that all look at what happened to the once-cultured and esteemed continent of Europe before you seek to enforce any other aspirations to greater spheres of influence or empire. You'll only end up ruling barren wastelands and people who would prefer to be shot in the head to die fast than suffer the radiation illness and starvation.

We furthermore urge that negotiations for peace begin IMMEDIATELY! More than enough damage has already been done, and it is clear that even if peace is declared the exodus of people from the destroyed territories will continue. End this tragic war now, and salvage what little is left of your lands, people, and, most of all, your humanity!

-Prime Minister Josuf Akka
-Emperor Yostos III Selassie
-Abyssinian Empire
Germany realizes that, at this point, her goals have succeeded. We aimed to regain the lands taken from us by the Entente and got France as well. However, at what cost? We realize that, now that Italy has seen devastation, the only solution can be for Germany to provide the power and leadership it has promised.

It will be a long and difficult path, but it is one we are willing to tread. The NEC will extend a hand to Italy, if it will accept, to help them rebuild - in part - and begin to deliver the New Europe.

We will care for our citizenry, but the chaos on the borders is intolerable. As such, we will close our borders and take care of those individuals ourselves. The same principle will apply to the Muslims.
France will not accept surrender without garuantees of soveriegnty. We will continue to fight and deploy atomic weapons unless our nation's integrity is recognized.

The next update will be Sunday.
France will not accept surrender without garuantees of soveriegnty. We will continue to fight and deploy atomic weapons unless our nation's integrity is recognized.

The next update will be Sunday.

Then it's holocausting time.
wow with catchphrases like that you cant go wrong
To: Europe
From: Dar-al-Islam

If any more nuclear weapons are used we will be forced to step in to defend the Muslim population in France. If any sort of military action would come down on our troops we will end both regimes, permanently. This is all hypothetical, and based entirely on the worst case.
Germany will do its best to take care of the French Muslims, however we are not so sure the French are of the same persuasion.
To: Germany
From: Brazil

Your actions will make you eternally hated by our people. However, we cannot continue to sustain these losses in a European conflict. Therefore, we will retreat into Italy and exist in Europe as a purely defensive force. If you don't attack Italy, we won't attack you.
We do feel that you should allow the French state to continue in the south as an act of goodwill. You have what you want- Let the French be free.

To: Italy
From: Brazil

If you would like, our forces will remain in Italy to help defend you. We will also begin the promised aid program.
President Lord Chiang Kai-shek is, naturally, appalled, and joins Guangxi and the world in mourning.

He will send suitable representatives to attend the funeral of Sultan Mohammed V, a man whose loss makes the world a bleaker place.
OOC: I wouldn't mind switching to Chile to be honest. I guess that I should fix up my mess in Brazil first. ;)
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