• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

To: The Backwater Mess That is Brazil
From: The Superior Second Empire of Germania

You knew what you were getting into the moment you set foot in Europe. You deserved that nuke, and we feel for your people because they reside beneath the iron fist of a fascistic government bent on mindless interventionism. We destroyed your capitol - and now your people have the chance to be free. We refrained from attacking any other much wealthier and by far better targets because our quarrel is not with the Brazilians, but with Brasilia.

And France has forfeited any right to nationhood it conceivably had. It's nuclear supplier will be found and punished severely following this war's conclusion.'

To: World
From: Germany

We are hereby placing a global blockade using any forces at our disposal on France. No convoys composed of any nationality will be allowed to reach the shores or airports of southern France, and we will confiscate the assets of any group attempting to do so. If they are nuclear assets, the mother nation will be severely chastised.
To: Germany
From: Brazil

We find it ironic that Germany, the destroyer of Europe, calls our nation a "Backwater Mess". All things considered, you are in a far worse mess than us.
I would suggest that you stop worrying about us and start worrying about preventing your people from starving to death. We are already committed to helping Italy, but tell me, who will help you?
Your policy of using nuclear weapons is about to come back, and if you will pardon the language, bite you in the ass.
To Brazil:

Maybe you havent noticed but your supplies are slowly drying up in Italy. You should worry about feeding your troops before you sent them to far off lands.
To: South Africa
From: Brazil

We are begining shipments of food immediately to help feed the starving Italians. Some of that will go to our troops.
We hope that South Africa will not sink these convoys.
To: South Africa
From: Brazil

We are begining shipments of food immediately to help feed the starving Italians. Some of that will go to our troops.
We hope that South Africa will not sink these convoys.

To: Brazil
From: South Africa

That has not stopped us before. We suggest you keep your food and troops at home lest they be sent to Davy Jones (ooc: Had to do it.).
To: South Africa
From: Brazil

We are begining shipments of food immediately to help feed the starving Italians. Some of that will go to our troops.
We hope that South Africa will not sink these convoys.

Italy's condition is no longer the concern of Brazil; they are under the care and jurisdiction of the NEC, and we will destroy any Brazilian convoys attempting to make their way into Italy - except for outbound transports bringing Brazilian soldiers home.

Europe for Europe; South America for South America. Keep to yourselves.
We would like to ensure that Brazil realises this. If they dont realise it, they have no jurisdiction to complain if a north american or european or african nation invades them.
To: The Second Empire of Germania
From: The Turan Ummah
RE: Your proclamation.

We wish to inform you that we will be providing direct aid to the Muslims in Europe, and we will allow you to inspect our transport, but we will not allow you to stop us from helping our fellow muslim. Since we don't have nuclear weapons, we shouldn't be much of a threat.

Also, if the European Muslims should choose to seperate themselves from this new, German order, we ask that you respect that. We will of course allow you to do whatever you wish in your territory. It is yours after all.
From: USSR
To: Germany

We understand that you've closed your borders; however we doubt that the masses of hordes aligned on our border will listen.

We will continue to allow refugees to enter the Soviet Union provided that they follow our previously stipulated rules; however we urge you to follow up on your word. Close the borders yourselves and control the masses.
To: Turan Ummah
From: Germany

We will allow this. Naturally we will inspect your transports, but the main concern is atomic supplies to France. As for an independent, Muslim France: we may end up exporting the Muslims to Dar-al-Islam, or find another humane solution. At any rate, they will not be independent for some time as we focus on rebuilding.

From: Germany

We will do our best, and we understand the Soviets will accept further refugees. Our proclamation has to do with how easy it will be for those traitors to escape, and we will do everything within our power to keep them home.
From: USSR
To: Germany

Then let it be known, to strengthen Germanic-Soviet relations, that the USSR will extradite traitors and fugitives back to Germany where they may be given a proper trial and/or executed for crimes already committed.
To: South Africa
From: Brazil

We are begining shipments of food immediately to help feed the starving Italians. Some of that will go to our troops.
We hope that South Africa will not sink these convoys.

At this point in time Italy would no longer like Brazil and South America's assistance in defending its lands. We have reached a peace agreement with the Germans and as such your troops will no longer be necessary. We don't mind if you keep those food shipments going though.

We urge you and the other South American nations to end your conflict with Germany and the NEC.
To: Germany, Italy
From: Brazil

As such, we will withdraw our forces from Italy. However, we cannot send you food shipments if the Germans will fire on our transports.
It is our understanding that they will do so, and as such we cannot send you anything.

We wish you luck.
To: Brazil
From: Germany

We would not fire on your transports; however NEC investigators would investigate the cargo of your freighters and transports to make sure no illegal contraband is finding its way into Europe. Furthermore, you would need to allow boardings mid-sea by German vessels on the way to Italian (or French) ports, which if denied will result in lethal force if your vessels do not return to their port of origin.

I suppose it's moot because Brazil would rather make a political statement than aid the starving.
The update is being pushed back a little because of a lack of orders. Monday afternoon is when the update will begin.
I need germanicus to respond to my PM before I can send in orders
OOC: Oh yeah, I knew I forgot something.... got so many PM's I must have overlooked that one.

From UCS

We agree.
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