• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

We already had a war. If you actually think we would invade South America you would be silly. Not only have both the RSA and CSA been engaged in war with you and the italians for the past few years but there is no need to as you are about to fall into a Civil War because your people think you are incompetant.
We already had a war. If you acyually think we would invade South Africa you would be silly. Not only have both the RSA and CSA been engaged in war with you and the italians for the past few ears but there is no need to as you are about to fall into a Civil War because your people think you are incompetant.

Yeah, I imagine there'd be massive demoralization among the Brazilian ranks because they lost to the Germans, which is the OTL equivalent of losing to the French. We've lost (moreorless) every war we've fought so far.
Actually, that was a bit of a bad joke. I didn't think that you would invade Brazil.

In any event, you should also know that I am no longer Brazil. I have formed a military organization somewhere or other.
Actually, that was a bit of a bad joke. I didn't think that you would invade Brazil.

In any event, you should also know that I am no longer Brazil. I have formed a military organization somewhere or other.

Oh, I hope it's in Europe.

Domestic uprising against the Nazis. Logical response: holocaust. Boy, I can't wait. =P
Wouldn't you say that Germany's redeemed itself though? I mean, it pretty much destroyed all of Europe in a few years.

Also, prepare for exciting events from the USSR. :evil:
I will launch A Brave New World than do the update. With luck the update should be done in 2-3 hours. In the meantime, the new NES will soon be available for reading and so forth. I have to say, that TWTUD is probably a pale shadow of what A Brave New World could turn out to be.
Hmm Germany has lost a lot... but then i think France may have lost every single war ever in this nes...
Hmm Germany has lost a lot... but then i think France may have lost every single war ever in this nes...

Decloak: Yeah, well, we can't be getting too OOC here.
Well technically everyone won the first war against the Commies in Britain.
And the French lost that one too, remember most French people were on the commie side.
Global News Report

NEW COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED. New York City, United States of America. Representatives from the nations of the Atlantic Security Agreement and even the nations of South America have been sent to a revolutionary new committee in New York City. The governments of all nations have recognized the mutual benefits in coordinating for a new united government for the Western Nations. Proposal for a United Federation of States has been tentatively approved by all represented states. Only Portugal and Andalusia have denounced the proposal, calling it a threat to territorial integrity.

North/Central American News Report

South American News Report

MILITARY COUP IN BRAZIL. Recife, Brazil. Returning troops from Europe have seen the horrors of nuclear combat and have determined to remove the government that forced them into fighting. The Brazillian military has deposed the Fascist regime and established a new republican government. The new Liberty Party has called for closer ties with the United States and increased cooperation with the Atlantic Security Agreement. Argentina and Bolivia have called these progressive steps forward for the liberation of the people.

European News Report

IRISH ELECTIONS. Dublin, Eire. The newly established Liberty Party, led by the notorious Kennedy family, has won Irish elections promising a harsher stance against the waves of refugees and closer ties with the United States of America. Calling upon linked heritage and societies with the United States, the Liberty Party has even called for some semblance of organization to unite the two nations further.

INVASION OF UKRAINE. Kiev, Occupied Ukraine. Despite equality in numbers, the Soviet Union has achieved a major victory in Ukraine. Launching a surprise attack and learning from the mistakes of the previous war, the Soviets have devastated the Ukrainian army. Within the first day of the offensive, the entirety of the Ukrainian armored and air corps were in ruins from Soviet air power. The remaining forces of the Ukrainian military were scattered by following ground forces with excessive air power. After only a month of combat, Ukraine has surrendered and been annexed by the Soviet Union.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

NEW MONARCH IN TUNISIA. Tunis, Tunisia. Less than two years after achieving independence from Italy, the Bey of Tunisia died in bed. Muhammed VIII oversaw the withdrawal of the Italian overseers. His son Muhammed IX has promised closer ties with Dar-al-Islam and breaking away from the old order as demonstrated by the reactionary governments of South Africa and the CSA.

BROTHERHOOD OF ISLAMIC NATIONS EXPANDS. Baghdad, Dar-al-Islam. With the death of the old king of Morocco, Hassan II has followed popular opinion and joined in alliance with the Brotherhood of Islamic Nations. With the conclusion of the limitations placed by the United Nations following the Somalia Crisis, Somalia has also entered the Brotherhood. Both nations have pledged full commitment to the alliance.

AFRIKANS TEST ATOMIC WEAPONS. Falkland Islands, South African Territory. The two nations of South Africa and the Consolidated States of Afrika have tested twin atomic weapons on the islands of the Falklands. This is a public statement to show the emergence of Africa as a new political power. Argentina has condemned the action, stating that the nuclear tests were clear violations of Argentine territorial integrity.

VIOLENCE MARRS PROTESTS IN PALESTINE. Jerusalem, Dar-al-Islam. A combined anti-Islamic protest by Jews and Christians in Jerusalem was met with violence after police opened fire on the crowd. The so called “Jerusalem Massacre” has been met with riots across Palestine and international condemnation. The Zionist Weekly in New Zion has called for sanctions against Dar-al-Islam for its dastardly actions.

MUSLIMS LAUNCH SUCCESSFUL MOON MISSION. Astronauts from Turan Ummah and Dar-al-Islam have landed on the moon and planted the flags of the Brotherhood of Islamic Nations. Monitored on television by many people, the Islamic people have directly contested the 1960 American claim. The American government has denounced the move, calling it infringement of American sovereign territory.

Asian/Pacific News Report

Global News Ticker


Diplomatic Pouch

SPECIAL: End of War in Europe

REBUILDING ITALY. Cagliari, Italy. As the Italian people recover from the horrors of nuclear war, the remnants of the government and military have used the navy to establish a new center of power in Cagliari on the island of Sardinia. The former industrial heart of Italy has been occupied by the Germans who have annexed it for rebuilding purposes. The only intact city on the mainland, the town of Taranto has begun acting as the chief supply and development center for reconstruction. With hordes of refugees still plaguing the countryside, Italy has a long road to restoration.

OCCUPATION OF HOLLAND. Gronigen, Germany. The unexpected destruction of Amsterdam left the Dutch virtually leaderless. Without military coordination or defense plans, the Dutch have quickly succumbed to German occupation. The German Foreign Office has announced intentions to once more rebuild and develop the shattered Low Countries.

END OF FRANCE. Ruins of Brest, Germania. A final nuclear explosion marked the end of the war in Europe. A bomb was intercepted in the city of Brest prior to the arrival of an Islamic aid force to the Muslims of the region. The bulk of France’s Islamic population was incinerated in the resulting explosion and with the accidental destruction of the bomb, the remaining French military forces deserted and fled from vengeful German armies. Several ships of Dar-al-Islam were also sunk in the blast. (-1 Destroyer Group for Dar-al-Islam)

CELEBRATIONS OF UNITY IN CASTILE. Burgos, Castile. With the collapse of the Basque government and the occupation of Catalonia during the war, Castile has celebrated the unification of northern Spain. Northern Iberia has suffered as much as any European region in the war and the King has promised reconstruction and rebirth of the future of a unified Spain. Andalusia has denounced these speeches and promises to respond to any threat against its integrity with violent force.

A NEW GERMAN EMPIRE. Berlin, Germany. With Germany’s long awaited victory over the competition of the European League, people have only now begun to assess the cost. The end of the war has resulted in the establishment of a new order and much of the conquered territory has been annexed to the nations of Germany and Serbia. Hungary, Austria, Poland, the Low Countries, and France have all vanished under the German flag. Now all that remains is to resurrect Europe from the rubble.

OPERATION BACKPEDAL. Copenhagen, Scandinavia. Scandinavian military forces have launched a massive offensive against the German refugees within Scandinavian borders. Some of the refugees resisted violently and reports of casualties have reached in the tens of thousands. Despite loss of life and destruction of property, the Scandinavians were in the majority successful. Much like the Finnish Security Wall prior to World War 3, a new concrete barrier has been established along the German barrier. They claim that the move is to protect the security of the nation against hordes of German refugees.


@Lightfang, you already had Sloped Carrier Decks thanks to a previous deal with France.

World Map

Decloak: I laugh at Switzerland.
To The Nations of South America
From USA

For too long, we have found ourselves at odds. We offer you a hand of friendship and invite you to join us in the formation of the newly proposed UFS, so that we may all prosper and know peace. Such a union would be a great boon to all our countries.
From: Brazil

We accept. May the UFS grow strong and prosper.
From: Brazil

We accept.

Sorry about that, the irony is simply funny in a staggering way.

Also, I'm loving that big grey block in Europe. Fantastic update, EQ!
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