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Utah GOP governor is Obama's pick as China envoy

He represents moderation, the ability to transcend political boundaries, and I highly doubt that anyone whom the President believes would be a good choice for this particular position would be foolish enough to mention abortion when speaking to the Chinese government.

None of which has anything to do with being ambassador to what is perhaps the most important country in the world to US interests at the moment.

How the hell is fluency in the given language not a qualification?!

Are you trying to suggest no other previous ambassador was 'qualified' merely because he could not speak a relatively obscure language?

Formie, I know Chinese people. I know Taiwanese people. And lemme tell you something: both acknowledge that their culture is very, very similar. The only difference is politics.

Well, yeah, politics would certainly lead the last as to why their culture is now quite different...

He doesn't, that's the point. President Obama appointed him because it would remove him as a threat in 2012.

How exactly is appointing him to a prime ambassadorship doing that?

And considering if Obama does a good job restoring honor to the Democratic Party, whoever he handpicks will be virtually guaranteed to win the election, even if this guy runs in 2016.

:lol: I guess your crystal ball has a lot farther range than my own if you think you know who is going to win the presidency in 2012, much less 2016.

He represented the American people well enough to be elected governor...

In Utah. I wouldn't exactly characterize that as being mainstream, especially from a Democrat perspective...

Also, missionaries have a rich history in China.

I take it you never saw The Sand Pebbles before...

Link to video.

It's amazing they now let us back into their country.

I don't think he projects himself badly at all, and he is obviously has no aversion to things you would except from a "zealot".

I wouldn't know. I have never heard of him until now.

In addition, you really think China cares how many kids he has? Why does this play in at all? Is that the same line of thinking that you don't appoint a woman Secretary of State because it might offend Muslims?

No, it is along the line of thinking that you don't send a cultural extremist to represent the American people in a country where his background could be considered to be extremely offensive.

In I think it's a sign of mutual respect. I'm not sure on this, but has China ever appointed a diplomat to the US who could not speak English? There is a new relationship and power dynamic between these two countries, things have to change in accordance with that.

I wouldn't know because it really isn't terribly important, at least to me. Once again, that is why they have translators.

Once again, it's a new era in PRC-US relations. It's getting to the point where you want someone who understands the language, culture, and history much like our ambassadors to the Soviet Union did.

That's an excellent example. We never sent a political figure from the opposing party to represent US interests during the Cold War. We sent seasoned diplomats instead.

I kinda get your point "He could be lying", but what does he have to gain by lying? He is basically guaranteed to win just by having the R next to his name in Utah. If anything, taking the side he did on those issues makes for an unnecessary political risk.

I'm not claiming he was lying. I am claiming that it is completely irrelevant to the real qualifications for this particular appointment, much as GWB's supposed qualifications were basically irrelevant to the job he did as the Commander-in-Chief.
None of which has anything to do with being ambassador to what is perhaps the most important country in the world to US interests at the moment.

Then why don't you explain what IS absolutely vital then?

Are you trying to suggest no other previous ambassador was 'qualified' merely because he could not speak a relatively obscure language?

Are you trying to derail this thread?

I don't even know how to respond to that. If you are going to claim ominiscience in this particular area, then I'm going to just have to concede to your infinite wisdom. Got a source?

Do you know anything about the history of the region at all?

How exactly is appointing him to a prime ambassadorship doing that?

I believe that was answered multiple times in this thread already.

:lol: I guess your crystal ball has a lot farther range than my own if you think you know who is going to win the presidency in 2012, much less 2016.


In Utah. I wouldn't exactly characterize that as being mainstream...

You just keep getting less and less reasonable. Tell me, how mainstream are black people from Chicago?

I take it you never saw The Sand Pebbles before...

Link to video.

It's amazing they now let us back into their country.

I'm not seeing the connection between this and being an LDS missionary. In Taiwan.

I wouldn't know. I have never heard of him until now.

You're doing an awful lot of judgment of his character for that.

No, it is along the line of thinking that you don't send a cultural extremist to represent the American people in a country where his background could be considered to be extremely offensive.

Um, wat? Have you even been to Utah? You know nothing of the guy (who btw is one of the most moderate Utah governors in a long time) and you automatically brand him as an extremest an unamerican. You then also conclude that because of this, the Chinese will hate him. Not only does this demonstrate a basic failure to understand the relationships of ambassadors and the countries they are sent to, but it demonstrates a rather uninformed and one-dimensional view of a decently sized US constituancy.

I wouldn't know because it really isn't terribly important, at least to me. Once again, that is why they have translators.

You said yourself that it is beneficial to speak the language of the country you are an ambassador to, and it's common sense. In fact, this makes his image better as far as the Chinese would be concerned, because Obama isn't just sending over some schmuck who was completely unrelated to the region.

That's an excellent example. We never sent a political figure from the opposing party to represent US interests during the Cold War. We sent seasoned diplomats instead.

That's not what he was saying at all. Way to put on the blinders.

I'm not claiming he was lying. I am claiming that it is completely irrelevant to the real qualifications for this particular appointment, much as GWB's supposed qualifications were basically irrelevant to the job he did as the Commander-in-Chief.

So you're suggesting a knowledge of culture, customs, agendas, and language is irrelevant to the position of ambassador to China. Well then, what is?
We could settle this issue by cutting all all diplomatic, military, cultural, and economic ties with the PRC. We would need no ambassador. Though we could probably tap him to be ambassador to Taiwan after we recognized them.
A lot? An ambassador first and foremost is supposed to be a representative of the American people. The only thing he seems to represent is reilgious zealotry and an extreme dislike for personal population control, which I would suggest is the last thing you want in this particular position.

All missionaries are religious zealots, now?


I think you need to learn what the word "zealot" means, dude. If the men who devote their lives to help the poor in less fortunate countries are "zealots," then I wish I was one.
I think you need to learn what the word "zealot" means, dude. If the men who devote their lives to help the poor in less fortunate countries are "zealots," then I wish I was one.

That's not the point of missionaries. :p
Republican Strategist Mark McKinnon said:
"Keep your friends close and your enemies in China."

I like this pick based on politics alone, but it's a good one on merit as well. Huntsman is generally regarded as a capable person, and he knows the culture well. Back on the p

Are you trying to suggest no other previous ambassador was 'qualified' merely because he could not speak a relatively obscure language?
Wait, Mandarin is an obscure language?

Speaking the local lingo is a definite advantage. To suggest otherwise is ridiculous. It's not a requirement, but it creates options, lessens difficulties, and generally makes things go smooth.

Well, yeah, politics would certainly lead the last as to why their culture is now quite different...

Policy differences are something that can be learned easily, cultural differences are something that isn't easily learned. Despite wildly diverging policy, the culture is similar enough that this is an excellent appointment.

How exactly is appointing him to a prime ambassadorship doing that[keep him out of the 2012 election]?

It's pretty basic politics. In order to run a national campaign, you need to lay the groundwork early. Remember, this cycle everyone announced in early '07, and they started prepping even earlier. You don't go be ambassador for 1.5/2 years, than head home. In all likelihood, Huntsman had to make a gentleman's agreement not to involve himself in the 2012 races.

I guess your crystal ball has a lot farther range than my own if you think you know who is going to win the presidency in 2012, much less 2016.
A month is a long time in politics, but we can make basic prognostications. Obama is the favorite in 2012, simply because the economy should turn around by then. If he can win 2012, his successor is in a good position for the next cycle. Huntsman could be a very serious threat, but the trick is to deal with what's in front of you.

In Utah. I wouldn't exactly characterize that as being mainstream, especially from a Democrat perspective...
Huntsman is a confirmed moderate. Not quite Charlie Crist moderate, but still definitively on the moderate end. Disparaging that because it doesn't fit your lovely stereotypes about Utah or religious folks doesn't change the moderate voting record.

No, it is along the line of thinking that you don't send a cultural extremist to represent the American people in a country where his background could be considered to be extremely offensive.

I love the weasel words. Your assuming that because the laws here and there are different, there's going to be a huge cultural divide. You don't know, but it fits well into your world view. In reality, Chinese people have as much appreciation for large families as every tradition anywhere. Top down demographic decisions do not make bottom up cultural changes.

That's an excellent example. We never sent a political figure from the opposing party to represent US interests during the Cold War. We sent seasoned diplomats instead.
Wait, what does his political party have to do with his service? Politics ends at the water's edge. That's pretty basic policy. We've picked plenty of non-diplomats for the USSR position, such as Thomas Watson, William Harriman, and Robert Strauss.

Nylan said:
So you're suggesting a knowledge of culture, customs, agendas, and language is irrelevant to the position of ambassador to China. Well then, what is?

Let's not forget administrative skill, negotiation ability, and political prominence.
Adams 1 was minister to France, while Adams 2 spent much time in St. Petersburg as a child
I'm not the biggest fan of Huntsman, so I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I need some time to think :scan:
Why not? Just curious.
A lot? An ambassador first and foremost is supposed to be a representative of the American people. The only thing he seems to represent is reilgious zealotry and an extreme dislike for personal population control, which I would suggest is the last thing you want in this particular position.

So only white protestant american males with less than 4 children can represent American interests abroad. Got it.

Whats more American than that?
Huntsman was already a long shot in a republican pres. primary, this appointment pretty much removes that chance.
well, from my personal experience with Utah politicians, the governor is probably morally as acceptable as the Central Communist Party Committee, or whatever the big assembly is called in China. So it's a match.

Why not? Just curious.

Eh, just some broken promises and strange priorities. Nothing that unusual. Upon further thought, this seems like just the job for him.
Obama just went up in my estimation as a man and as a politician.
The moderate Republicans continue to defect. I like Huntsman. Alot. He's pretty close in line with most of my beliefs. And he's been a competent governor. It's a great pick for Obama, and Huntsman has a VERY important position now, a definite step up. Good move for both of them.

PS: Forma, seriously, unless the US has a law saying only X number of kids, how many kids people have is their own darn business.
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