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Warhammer Fantasy Mod 2.0

I need help.. I'm new. I downloaded warhammer mod, I have version 1.27f, but the problem is that I have ITA version(I'm italian), and the mod is in english, so I had to replace and add most of the units files to english language. As I thought, it was ok, but at one moment I found a little problem(not very little). the game uses many times the swordsman Wav and animation files with some kinds of units, and when the game tried to find some swordsman's files, it crashed me out to desktop, telling now to me that there's a file not found. the problem is that the file is there, in his correct folder, with his correct name as the game asks. How can I solve this problem? can exist a possibility that an Italian patch will be created? Heeeelp meeeee!!! BWUAAAAAAAAHHH :cry: !
Liquid Snake; welcome to CFC. :)
I take it that you're playing the PTW version of the mod?
If you want help you must be much more exact. What is the file name it can't find? (What game and patch do you have? These things are always essential to know. :) )
I have a suspicion that it could be SwordsmanFortify .wav or SwordsmanFortify.wav
Notice the space in the first name!
My suggestion is that you make a copy of this file in the ordinary civ 3 folder, and rename it to the one version you don't have so that you have both.
ED - Wondering how the Beta is going, and if there is a tentative release date on WH2?

umm, is the map maker going to nerf sylvania's vampires and vampire lords?

I played Sylvania on a WH random map and totally dominated the game as soon as I research Magic. I played against Araby and Ironclaw Goblins, and I had vampires facing spearmen and pikemen. Araby was simple overran by my vampires and skeleton minions. And it was only when Goblins were down to a few cities did I see 3 ogres facing my vast hordes of Arisen and undead.

My opinion will be that to make the vampires and vampires lords have a slightly lower attack. After all, they have blitz and enslavement. Oh yeah! And to add more special units for Sylvania. They rocked for me.
Pretty sure WH 2.0 will cover that. I hear virtually everything is changed.
Warhammer 2.0 has been delayed because of my RL issues, but not halted. 95% of the work is done, I just need to finish some new units, maps and add some polishing touches.

I can't really speak of the old WH-World map, as it was a bonus. The mod (random map) is the main target. Anyway, they are a bit weaker in 2.0 version. Also, in 2.0 there are more unique units for vampire counts, especially since now, there are 2 vampiric factions, not 1 :)

@Liquid Snake
Your problem is a tough one. I can't really help in making language-specific patches, since I don't have other versions, just english one obviously. I know some people made the changes you speak of ie. to french version in order to make them compatible with english mods. What mrtn said is most likely the problem (but unfortunately, you may encouter more of them) - english version has some files with extra space before the dot. Hence, warhammer units refer to those files using the names with that extra space... In order to fix this, go to the original Civ3 folder, make a copy of such file and add space. In example copy the "SwordmanFortify.wav" file inside the "Art/Units/Swordsman" folder and rename it to "SwordmanFortify .wav".
I look forward to Version 2 of your game, Embryodead. Of all the various mods available here, I've been supporting and playing your mod since Day 1 to now. I finally decided to sign up and cash in some comments, keep up the excellent work.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't really know anything about the mechanics behind the game, but I have an idea that would add a fun element. Would it be possible to use the barbarian spawning aspect to randomly spawn monsters on the map? Set to an an aggressive level a dragon or other monster type unit could add a nice level of fantasy "realism." Coastal spawn sites could spawn some type of sea monster to ravage shipping. Goblin-y or other "evil" factions could be plagued by bands of human type "adventurers." Even renaming barbarians as bandits would add a new little twist. One potential drawback is that to the best of my knowledge barbarians will only spawn in "uncivilized" areas of the map, but this may be modifiable in the editor. It would also be coolest if you could define several different flavors of monster spawners, but again I don't know what the limitations are.

A second question/suggestion: is there a tech advancement that allows for "waterless" irrigation a la electricity? If not, what about a nature type magic advancement, such as weather control, that would make this possible.

Otherwise WH has been a ton of fun. It'll be a challenge to go back to "straight" Civ.

Be well,
Those barbarian ideas are not possible. :(
I've buggered embryodead about waterless irrigation; it's in the upcoming 2.0 :)

Welcome to CFC! :D
Tripped up by a little counter. To paraphrase what they say on the call-in shows: "long time reader, first time poster."
Im playing as Chaos at the moment (god they kick ass in the beginning(sorry if i spelt that wrong my friend said it as like that)) but how exactly do cultists take over cities peacefully. i had an enemy capital surrounded by them for hundreds over 100 turns and nothing happend. :cry: a better explanation would be good in the civlopedia.

Edit: For undead they should have a zombie or something as there starting unit. at the moment there only difference for them are their magic users like vampires and liches.
Tyrion said:
Edit: For undead they should have a zombie or something as there starting unit. at the moment there only difference for them are their magic users like vampires and liches.

Isn't the whole point of civilization is that all races and people pretty much start out the same, (with minor but indeed differenses) and later take their own road toward world dominance based on those differenses. I would rather see undead not starting with a zombie and having them do research to find it.

just a point of view.

edit: and to join the quire, when is 2.0 comming out? It will be the best thing this year, I'm sure of it.
I wholly agree with drzoidberg. I don't like the typical computer game approach of a faction being "undead" and starting with skeletons/zombies as basing units. This is Civilization game and Warhammer world has its history from ancients to present day too. It's not like there was always Khemri making their undead. First there was a kingdom of men - Nehekhara - that became the Land of the Dead only after Nagash came to power and turned everyone into zombies. This progress is reflected in the game as well, since only at later stage, you can get rid of most of your inferior man units and turn your population into hordes of undead.

2.0 is .... coming .. uh. I called myself the Master of Delays few days ago for a reason :-\ I really don't want to release the mod before I'm sure that I won't spend the following months updating it. I want it to be complete enough so I (and maybe other people) can finally make scenarios for it, without worrying that they will be out-of-date. But I'm here... working most of the time. I have 3 months of holidays now, no uni, no job, no life etc.
some texts not display well! Some tribe is road or railroad! not Mil, Com, Rel or something else as normal! which text will i need to overwritten ?
Spadark - your C3C version is not matching the mod. Generally to get rid of the problem without much fuss, just go to Conquests/Scenarios/WH-Mod/Text/ and delete the file "labels.txt"
embryodead said:
Spadark - your C3C version is not matching the mod. Generally to get rid of the problem without much fuss, just go to Conquests/Scenarios/WH-Mod/Text/ and delete the file "labels.txt"
Thank you and i'm injoying the mod!
excuse me, I got another problem!
Art\Uniths\Medieval Japanese Settle\Medival Japanese Settle.ini not found !
Can anyone upload this file? I check WH-Mod_base and don't find such a file !
I didn't down the 1.1path cos the speed was to low just 2kb/s ! Is that path so important? My Civ version is c3c 1.22.
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