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What are you going to do after dollar's collapse?


Jul 13, 2008
Russia, Moscow
As we all know, dollar's collapse is imminent. Some expect things to go downhill since February, some - later, some would like to see it 2012 for spiritual reasons but general consensus is that this is the milestone we can not miss. Tens of millions jobs will be lost, global trade will cease and all of that.

So, what are you going to do after dollar will become a useless memento of former US glory? As for me, my job may be lost too because we work for foreign customer, so if this happens I am going to take long vacations, maybe go for additional education (I am nearing the end of my second higher one) and generally enjoy the life.

And you?
as we all know? imminent? :confused:
Wake up? The USA will never collapse; it's got too much natural potential, existing infrastructure and people with a vested interest in helping it stay around (us, for example)

The japanese finance minister pointed out that actually having a low-value currency but well-regulated economics at home means you can have a really strong economy that's very friendly to foreign investment. For that reason I just understood the idea of quantative easing.
False premise.

Alternatively: Buy a bunch of cheap stuff from America, taking advantage of my dollar's strength versus their dollar, thus helping raise demand for US currency and fuelling their recovery.
I'll migrate to Comrade Putin's Russian Federation.
I've got a plan but its not quite ready. Still, it might be enough right now. Have a 12V hookah dive system and enough materials to build a boat. Also have a solar panel for charging it if there's no power. Where we are in the Philippines the power is hydro so it might continue flowing but if not I'm ready. It will allow me or family members to dive down and set or check fish traps. That's protein. Also have 3 rice fields 2 of which are decent producers. So the family might get lean but hopefully won't starve.

If the US economy goes belly up I don't expect the world to do so well either so things could be a mess.

If it happens at all I hope it doesn't happen for many years to come so I can be ready with the boat built, more solar panels and dive equipment and an additional rice field or two plus a grove of mango trees and some firearms/ammo for self defense.

Its a survivalist philosophy some might say but its really just an insurance policy, and a damn cheap one. Right now we can save because we don't have to buy rice and if we have extra we sell it. Also I'm looking forward to building and screwing around with a catamaran sailboat and diving a bit so it will be entertaining and if we catch fish all the better, we buy them now. So could save more money there.

Also, its nice to have a plan. If anything stays the same its the fact that things are always changing and it feels good to have something to fall back on if the fit hits the shan.
Well, I'm well diversified as any investor should be.

But really, the imminent dollar collapse? You must live in a world where that British Rag the Sun always tells the truth and never Chicken Little's events
as we all know? imminent? :confused:
Yeah "imminent" is a big word. Though it's true there are strong pressures on the US currency, and this for many years now.

Here's an interesting video from 2007 about the US dollar:

Link to video.

I doubt the dollar collapse is as certain as told on the video, however, it can definitly happen sooner or later. The big winner about it will be Asia Pacific. Even the financial crisis already benefitted to Asia. I guess we will wake up very soon in a world dominated by Asia, if that's not already the case. Western people will soon learn that the world doesn't belong to them anymore. That's for sure.
I have to say Snorrius, I dont think we're out of the water yet, anywhere near as much as some people seem to think we are, but I dont see the dollar collapsing anytime soon.
I'd probably watch Santa Claus speak in Klingon to a flying pig while me and the Tooth Fairy ride bareback on a pink unicorn as she tenderly caresses my male vagina.
Only a substantial collapse will be bad, but a fall in the $US is not that bad of a thing for them, ince it means that it will allow the Manufacturing industry to grow, since it means things are cheaper for other countries to buy. I know that the $A fell to 0.4727 $US, but that actually helped our economy to grow stronger to what it is today.
I'd probably watch Santa Claus speak in Klingon to a flying pig while me and the Tooth Fairy ride bareback on a pink unicorn as she tenderly caresses my male vagina.
That has already happened once, the odds of it happening again is dangerously slim.
Western people will soon learn that the world doesn't belong to them anymore. That's for sure.

Doomed to happend since we ruined ourselves with a second world war. There was a window of opportunity for us to rule the world indefinately but thats been closed for a long time.

Still, I mean, if we can hang on to the four continents we have today the germanic/western flavour superculture will continuo to be relevant, and who knows what can happend in a hundred years.
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