What Happened To Obama?

Nothing has happened to Obama. He's always been like this. His record in office has been undersold as well. He passed major legislation in healthcare and managed to (imo) work Boehner over in the debt ceiling arrangement. He's appointed two solid progressives to the Supreme Court, and the draw down in Iraq & Afghanistan are underway.

Now of course he has made zero headway in climate change legislation, has entangled us in a muddled conflict in Libya, has continued Bush' extrajudicial (read: inhumane and/or unconstitutional) practices, hasn't been a champion for immigrants (he really should have stepped up to the plate for the DREAM Act), and his successes have a chance of becoming forgotten if he doesn't play them up but they ARE there.
Who has foolishly led us into two wars that have cost over $1 trillion dollars, largely on the basis of lies and deceit?

Who deliberately removed almost all the financial safeguards which had been implemented since the stock market crash of '29 and other similar subsequent events?

Who created a massive governmental bureaucracy to ostensibly protect us from a handful of terrorists, while even further eroding our freedom and liberty?

Who ruined our reputation around the world by engaging in the torture and even murder of innocent people?

Who have fought against any changes to the tax laws to bring the tax rates of rich people back to the same level as they were during the Reagan years?

Who continues to sabotage any effort to provide affordable healthcare to all Americans?

Who is now trying to curb social security, medicare, and medicaid benefits to our senior citizens, while doing little to lower the costs of our military and subsidies to corporations?

Is it all the fault of the Republicans? No. Is it predominately their fault? Yes.
Who has foolishly led us into two wars that have cost over $1 trillion dollars, largely on the basis of lies and deceit?

Who deliberately removed almost all the financial safeguards which had been implemented since the stock market crash of '29 and other similar subsequent events?

Who created a massive governmental bureaucracy to ostensibly protect us from a handful of terrorists, while even further eroding our freedom and liberty?

Who ruined our reputation around the world by engaging in the torture and even murder of innocent people?

Who have fought against any changes to the tax laws to bring the tax rates of rich people back to the same level as they were during the Reagan years?

Who continues to sabotage any effort to provide affordable healthcare to all Americans?

Who is now trying to curb social security, medicare, and medicaid benefits to our senior citizens, while doing little to lower the costs of our military and subsidies to corporations?

Is it all the fault of the Republicans? No. Is it predominately their fault? Yes.

Who did nothing, but hype healthcare instead of fixing the economy?

Not that it matters, because only the Republicans are bad and they are evil despicable people. All should praise the Democratic Party and its virtuous ways, it can do no wrong.
Personally, I blame Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush.
Who has foolishly led us into two wars that have cost over $1 trillion dollars, largely on the basis of lies and deceit?

Who deliberately removed almost all the financial safeguards which had been implemented since the stock market crash of '29 and other similar subsequent events?

Who created a massive governmental bureaucracy to ostensibly protect us from a handful of terrorists, while even further eroding our freedom and liberty?

Who ruined our reputation around the world by engaging in the torture and even murder of innocent people?

Who have fought against any changes to the tax laws to bring the tax rates of rich people back to the same level as they were during the Reagan years?

Who continues to sabotage any effort to provide affordable healthcare to all Americans?

Who is now trying to curb social security, medicare, and medicaid benefits to our senior citizens, while doing little to lower the costs of our military and subsidies to corporations?

Is it all the fault of the Republicans? No. Is it predominately their fault? Yes.

You should know better than playing this type of game.

Actually, now that I think about it, that is very partisan of you to argue in this manner.
The Democrats do have a lack of a narrative. Not just Obama, but all of them. They do not have a socioeconomic philosophy, an economic philosophy, or really any ideology at all.

That's because they talk like socialists, but when the real socialists show up to the party and ask why things aren't being done the way the Dems said they would be, the Democrats wimp out and retreat Rightward [which I consider to be them showing their true colors as reactionaries - there aren't even any true liberals any more, Nixon was further left than these clowns]. The Republicans perform so well because they enforce essentially the same or very similar policies as the Democrats, but are wholly unashamed about their motives.
Who has foolishly led us into two wars that have cost over $1 trillion dollars, largely on the basis of lies and deceit?

Who deliberately removed almost all the financial safeguards which had been implemented since the stock market crash of '29 and other similar subsequent events?

Who created a massive governmental bureaucracy to ostensibly protect us from a handful of terrorists, while even further eroding our freedom and liberty?

Who ruined our reputation around the world by engaging in the torture and even murder of innocent people?

Who have fought against any changes to the tax laws to bring the tax rates of rich people back to the same level as they were during the Reagan years?

Who continues to sabotage any effort to provide affordable healthcare to all Americans?

Who is now trying to curb social security, medicare, and medicaid benefits to our senior citizens, while doing little to lower the costs of our military and subsidies to corporations?

Is it all the fault of the Republicans? No. Is it predominately their fault? Yes.

Entry into the war in Afghanistan was quite different than Iraq. Don't you think presidents Obama and Clinton would have invaded Afghanistan similarly?

The financial crisis wouldn't have happened as it did without mistakes made by both republicans and democrats. Democrats for example famously turned a blind eye to the faults of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Also one of the biggest pieces of bad legislation was the Bramm-Leach-Bliley Act. While it was certainly championed by the GOP the final vote was very bipartisan and it was signed by Clinton. There is more than enough blame to go around there.

While Bush and the GOP absolutely expanded the rendition programs and made the prison at Guantanamo Bay an issue it predates that. The ACLU believes the rendition programs being used developed under Clinton and Obama has continued a lot of those policies.

Lets be honest, most of the future debt will be driven by the entitlement programs of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Reform is needed.
I think one of Obama's main problems is he seems to be a passive leader.
You should know better than playing this type of game.

Actually, now that I think about it, that is very partisan of you to argue in this manner.
So explain how any of those are predominately the fault of Democrats instead of Republicans.
He talks a lot, but doesn't do a lot.

I know this is hard for some people to grasp because it goes counter to their talking point, but he has done stuff.

Every President does alot of things, but he's even had major headlining accomplishments like healthcare reform and appointing people of his ideological stripe to the SC.
I know this is hard for some people to grasp because it goes counter to their talking point, but he has done stuff.

Every President does alot of things, but he's even had major headlining accomplishments like healthcare reform and appointing people of his ideological stripe to the SC.

This may be difficult to comprehend, but I know he has done stuff. In your link, most of that seems to have been part of his healthcare plan. Believe it or not, people that disagree with you aren't uneducated bums. Calm down, I know this is shocking news.
I'm beginning to suspect depth of religious belief is the only real difference between the two main American parties.
I know this is hard for some people to grasp because it goes counter to their talking point, but he has done stuff.

Every President does alot of things, but he's even had major headlining accomplishments like healthcare reform and appointing people of his ideological stripe to the SC.

Healthcare is an accomplishment (even if i don't like the bill), but nominating liberals to the SC? Not something the majority of the country is going to celebrate. Bush nominated two conservatives. Only conservatives care.
Trying to restore the balance of the most important governmental branch by appointing centrists instead of reactionaries is a giant step forward. Perhaps someday we can put the enormous damage that Reagan and GWB did behind us.
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