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White Flight Redux: Self Segregation out of Irrational Fear.

What's stopping an affluent person of color from moving into one of these 'white neighborhoods'?
A lot of it is simply the opportunities for affluence open to people of colour, firstly in the sense that such opportunities are more limited, and secondly that these opportunities are often found within minority communities, which makes it less practical for them to ship out to the suburbs. At least, this is often true of "first-generation affluent" people of colour, which is particularly relevant if we're talking about groups comprised predominantly of relatively recent immigrants, like Hispanics and Asians.
What a sad, toxic mess of a thread.
We are discussing a phenomenon that
a) nobody denies exists;
b) likely creates strong negative externalities.
But instead of attempting to come up with actual solutions or at least alleviating measures (only Cutlass has hinted at stopping subsidies and applying taxes (which & which?)), the whole thing instantly degenerated into fingerpointing and laying blame over something that is about as natural as eating and crapping...
Again, you simply don't know what you're talking about.

I don't think you know what 'edgy' means
No, it is you who can only repeat ridiculous jargon from humanities college students (aka the unemployed of tomorrow).

There is a very simple and non sinister explanation for white flight that does not require any deliberate plot to hoard white privilege or desire to oppress the black man. That you choose to ignore it to focus on gaga conspiracies of evil white people tells me you have little experience dealing with the real world (i.e., outside a college campus).

I will also point out that the minorities that succeed in the US (and indeed many are doing far better than whites) largely replicate the behavior of white people in terms of "white flight", which further undermines the theory of white supremacists jealously hoarding their privilege.
Warned for ignoring moderator notes.
Forced assimilation is called GENOCIDE when it's done to Tibetans.
It's called DIVERSITY when it's done to White people.

Diversity means chasing down the last White person. Diversity means no area left White. Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.

I mean, this just overtly racist. You're not even trying to disguise it.
You're only saying this because you hate White people. Racist is an ethnic slur for White people.

Moderator Action: Your thread with this language was locked and your reply in another thread with this language was also addressed. Third time is not the charm. - Vincour
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
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No, it is you who can only repeat ridiculous jargon from humanities college students (aka the unemployed of tomorrow).

There is a very simple and non sinister explanation for white flight that does not require any deliberate plot to hoard white privilege or desire to oppress the black man. That you choose to ignore it to focus on gaga conspiracies of evil white people tells me you have little experience dealing with the real world (i.e., outside a college campus).

I will also point out that the minorities that succeed in the US (and indeed many are doing far better than whites) largely replicate the behavior of white people in terms of "white flight", which further undermines the theory of white supremacists jealously hoarding their privilege.

I think the problem with using an over-arching term like "white flight" is it it's too broad and doesn't describe the individual motivations of people. Some people will certainly leave due purely due to the racial makeup of an area, some leave due to language or culture, some leave due to jobs/outsourcing, some leave because the property values are dropping, the problem is social justice warriors want to ascribe only the most sinister reasons to the entirety of the phenomenon of white flight because it fits their postmodern theology, not because the care about the actual reasons as most of their objections to these social issues can be reduced entirely to moral posturing.
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You're only saying this because you hate White people. Racist is an ethnic slur for White people.
See, remember in that thread about Israel, when you asked me if I was Jewish?

It's starting to seem very sinister in retrospect.
See, remember in that thread about Israel, when you asked me if I was Jewish?

It's starting to seem very sinister in retrospect.
Ah, so when you suggest somebody hates Black people, that's cool and progressive, but when I suggest you hate White people, I'm clearly a genocidal Nazi. I see how this game is played.
Ah, so when you suggest somebody hates Black people, that's cool and progressive, but when I suggest you hate White people, I'm clearly a genocidal Nazi. I see how this game is played.

Well, for one thing only a few cranks (I know some of them, trust me, they're very much irrelevant cranks) actually do hate white people. For another, your jump from "he called something racist" to "therefore, he hates white people" is the problem here, not the mere accusation that he hates white people (though such an accusation is plenty to make me suspicious).
Well, for one thing only a few cranks (I know some of them, trust me, they're very much irrelevant cranks) actually do hate white people. For another, your jump from "he called something racist" to "therefore, he hates white people" is the problem here, not the mere accusation that he hates white people (though such an accusation is plenty to make me suspicious).
As opposed to jumping from stating facts to "you must hate Black people". TF used an ethnic slur, that's usually a pretty good indication of someone's attitude towards that ethnicity.
As opposed to jumping from stating facts to "you must hate Black people".

Give an example? What were the "facts" stated?

TF used an ethnic slur, that's usually a pretty good indication of someone's attitude towards that ethnicity.

Surely you don't seriously believe that racist is an ethnic slur against white people, do you?
Give an example? What were the "facts" stated?

There are practical benefits for white people living in whitopias, namely that everybody speaks the same language*, access to good schools and institutions, and low crime rates. I imagine that these kind of motivations drive white flight.

And yes, these are facts. White neighborhoods tend to have better institutions and lower crime rates, and is undoubtedly a large part of reason people move into them. Look this up for yourself before using your favorite ethnic slur against me.

Surely you don't seriously believe that racist is an ethnic slur against white people, do you?
Of course it is. It's only used against White people, to imply that what are natural feelings for any other group are hateful when felt by White people.
Moderator Action: This line of discussion is ending here. There exists a thread for that argument. Use that one, please.
Individuals are dumber, when in a crowd or a collective, than separately. Why is that? Because most common traits dominate in a colletive.

If those individuals are of the same culture, language, values, skin colour, etc, they will have more of intelligent traits in common. And if those individuals are a random group of various many heritages, they will have less of intelligent traits in common, so their commonness will be based on more primitive traits, and so individuals of that collective will be dumber. Thus, there's nothing progressive in a "diverse" crowd. Well, except maybe of that it is more controllable.

A dumb collective will upbring dumb kids, which are dumb by themselves, separately and independently of any collective. And those kids won't have enough intelligence in them to value or tolerate this "diversity". So, they will tend to group with common folks even more than usual, like in the nature. Thus, the "diverse" crowd is not even self-sustainable. Its people are getting dumber to the point of dissolving into groups based much more on the physical traits.
I wonder if that's true.

I tend to take the opposite point of view myself: that people who grow up in a diverse neighbourhood will be automatically exposed to different cultures, have a wider experience, and hence likely be more "intelligent", than people who grow up in a rather more boring heterogeneous neighbourhood.

Though I suppose there could be some academic research paper that would give us a definitive answer.
Ah, so when you suggest somebody hates Black people, that's cool and progressive, but when I suggest you hate White people, I'm clearly a genocidal Nazi. I see how this game is played.
I mean, you don't "suggest" that I hate white people. You explicitly state, quote, "you hate White people", and that I'm an advocate of "White Genocide". So I don't really understand this high horse you've mounted.

As opposed to jumping from stating facts to "you must hate Black people". TF used an ethnic slur, that's usually a pretty good indication of someone's attitude towards that ethnicity.
"White" isn't an ethnicity.
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