Why are there few females with Aspergers?

Thread should've ended here. Partially because it's correct, and partially because it cuts off the retarded discussions about every psychological ailment being invented to push drugs that occur every time.
I don't think anyone's saying that but Pannonius.

What I'm saying is that while organic brain differences exist in all of us we should be careful of the language we use to describe them & explore alternative ways of viewing ourselves, the problem, the solution.

The brain is amazingly "plastic". Certain people can overcome certain ailments (including Autism). Drugs are an option. There are other options. Those who claim brains cannot change are simply wrong.

The issue always is emotionally charged because if people acknowledge some people can change they think it means the ones who weren't able to are someone weak or some schnit (which is not what I'm saying at all). Those that deny severe depression even really exists (and is not just an excuse to get out of work) exacerbate this.

It seems I tend to get lumped in with that group.
Autism and it's spectrums are legitimate organic mental disorders. Stuff like ADD, ADHD aren't (they are vague diagnoses as a vehicle to sell drugs to naive parents of energetic children).

Seriously, where you getting this from?

The disorder now known as ADHD was recognised as early as the 18th century and largely popularised by the Goulstonian lectures in 1902. They were a series of lectures by Dr. Still describing the disorder for the benefit of the royal college.

How long do you think the arm of 'Big Pharma' is?
lovett said:
The disorder now known as ADHD was recognised
It wasn't recognized, it was created.

ADHD is a natural symptom of trying to force children to sit, be still, stare straight ahead and learn things they think are irrelevant (at least 50% of school subjects).

I didn't say Big Pharma created it, I'm saying they capitalized on parents fears of having abnormal children.

Almost anyone with eyes & a mind will agree that prescriptions are overdiagnosed. If someone is non-functional & tried other avenues, that's one thing. If a kid corrects the teacher & runs around (a child running around, medicate him :run: ) a bit outside of recess (and I've heard they don't even have recess anymore) there is no excuse to medicate him especially on drugs never tested on even teenagers (like Ritalin wasn't before all the guinea pigs of my generation). Ritalin has been found to damage the brains of rats AND increased susceptibility to depression & eating disorders and yet it's still legal!

I am susceptible to depression and bi-polar due in small part to my wiring & large part to my past experience & all the drugs I was loaded up with from 1st grade onward but that doesn't make me depressed. It's a struggle but I'm not who I was then, my brain is different, my thoughts are different. Some people have it much, much worse than me (and are throughly convinced of the impossibility of change) and I'm hardly typical but it pisses me off intensely when people make blanket statements like "nope, once you have disease A, B or C you have it for life & that's all there is to it". It's immoral and unscientific. Kind of like AA which has you repeat the mantra "I'm Joe and I'm an alcoholic" before every meeting (and not surprisingly has a success rate of under 5%). One of Penn & Tellers good episodes was on AA and how flawed it is.
It wasn't recognized, it was created.

ADHD is a natural symptom of trying to force children to sit, be still, stare straight ahead and learn things they think are irrelevant (at least 50% of school subjects).

ADHD is more complicated than hyperactivity in little kids. It was discussed in medical circles before "Big Pharma" or whatever conspiracy you want to blame came out. Attention Deficit Disorder can be expressed without any kind of hyperactivity, and like Lovett mentioned, has been written about as far back 1798.
ADHD is more complicated than hyperactivity in little kids. It was discussed in medical circles before "Big Pharma" or whatever conspiracy you want to blame came out. Attention Deficit Disorder can be expressed without any kind of hyperactivity, and like Lovett mentioned, has been written about as far back 1798.
I'm not talking about a conspiracy dude, get a clue or leave the thread. It's right in front of our faces. It's not some secret backdoor sh!t, it's just capitalism at work, separating fools, usually well intentioned ones, from their money.

I never claimed ADD & ADHD were the same. I've read plenty of the subject. My favorite being ADD : A Different Perspective by Thom Hartman. It's worth a read by anyone interested in the issue.

And being written about back in 1902 or 1798 or 1492 doesn't mean jack. This is not logic. Any more than some theory about why men are better at math postulated in 1812 means anything particularly (especially if it's unsupported by any evidence).
You said that ADHD was created by big evil pharm companies, and that ADHD can be explained by what children do when they're forced to stay still during school.

If Big Pharm CREATED ADHD, then why does so much medical research about ADHD predate the creation of Big Pharm? The diagnoses explosion came in what, the 1990s? The groundbreaking ADD research came over 20 years before then. I think it was part of the Americans With Disabilities Act before then!
You said that ADHD was created by big evil pharm companies,
You reading comprehension is poor. I said ADHD was created (that is to say manmade as opposed to discovered like some rock or species), I didn't say it was created by pharmaceutical companies. This is your addition (nor did I use the word evil).

and that ADHD can be explained by what children do when they're forced to stay still during school.
A simplistic explanation but done to illustrate a point, humans are not adapted for sedentary, domesticated life. Biologically speaking we're designed to be hyper-later, creative, intensely focused when we need to be & distracted & unfocused on things that are deemed by the brain to be irrelevant. IMO, 90% of ADD traits are actually a good thing & would be an evolutionary advantage during most of human history.

Not sure whether you're actually interested in a lively discussion on my theories of ADD (seems your more interested in constructing strawmen & twisting my words) let me know. :) I try to let bygones be bygones & drop prejudgments if a person shows me they're actually interested in honest discussion despite initial belligerence and misconstrual (may have not been deliberate on your part, not sure).

I won't respond to the rest of your post since it's based on a false premise. Cheers.
I am personally offended.

Asperger's can't be fixed with pills or beatings.

I know. I have AS, and I don't take pills. You have to live with it and try to adjust.

I admit it. It's very hard to control my behavior at times. I have a hard time controlling my temper at times, and I know I do. I'm working on controlling myself, and I know I'm making progress.
I do believe Aspergers is real, etc etc.

But I also believe that a lot of people are diagnosed with this sort of syndrome when there is nothing wrong with them.

In general, not just for Aspergers, but any mental disorder:

Is it true that everyone who has trouble with their temper has a disorder? No
Is it true that every hyperactive fidgety kid has a disorder? No

I could go on and on - doctors tend to love diagnosing a problem when there isn't one. I fully believe in the science behind many of these disorders, but it is far too easy for a doctor to diagnose one of them. Once a doctor has diagnosed someone with a disorder like this, there is a tendency for full trust in his opinion and it becomes something of a self perpetuating disorder, as the patient fully believes they have it and that they can never be a 'normal' human being because of it. This leads to problems.

For instance - my dad died when I as 17. Immediately there was the question of depression for me and my sister. Doctors wanted me to be prescribed with anti-depressants, but I was not depressed, so I politely declined. Of course I was bloody sad, I was miserable, but I was not clinically depressed and too many doctors mix up the two. My sister went on anti-depressants and without going into details, it has not been good for her.

The point is - these mental disorders exist, but they are overdiagnosed in our society due to the supposed 'infallibility' of a doctor's opinion, which is in no way the be all and end all and should not be trusted automatically
You reading comprehension is poor. I said ADHD was created (that is to say manmade as opposed to discovered like some rock or species), I didn't say it was created by pharmaceutical companies. This is your addition (nor did I use the word evil).

Then who created it? Why?
I didn't know we had so many mental health professionals on this board.

Go figure.

Dude, Tom Cruise hands out doctorates like grandma with muffins. But with rigor.

The massive chemical pollution in the bodies of pregnant women effect males more than females. Hence increases in austism, aspergers & other diseases and also miscarriages.

That sounds like nonsense.

Jesus, the amount of ignorance and stupidity in this thread is astounding.

God bless OT. :jesus:

Autism and it's spectrums are legitimate organic mental disorders. Stuff like ADD, ADHD aren't (they are vague diagnoses as a vehicle to sell drugs to naive parents of energetic children).

Depression is a legitimate (horrible) temporary aliment. As is bipolar (though it's more often than not caused by drugs & unnatural living) but drugs are most often not the best choice for treatment.

I'm not in agreement with Pannonius that autism is "made up" though I do know it's possible for some to make incredible progress from even a pretty severe state of it.

I'm never one to tell them their challenges are not real just that certain industries take advantage of desperate parents.


:shake: Jesus, Narz, if you don't mean these things "that way" you should really learn to express them so that they don't come across "that way". Because that reads exactly the same as what you're attacked for every time this topic comes up.

Thread should've ended here. Partially because it's correct, and partially because it cuts off the retarded discussions about every psychological ailment being invented to push drugs that occur every time.

Yeah, Erik answered the question, but everybody wants to show off their Tom Cruise diplomas.
Then who created it? Why?
Psychologists probably. Ask downtown, he seems to know about it's history more than I.

It was probably created with the best of intentions to help channel the best of ADD kids & help them overcome what were deemed shortcomings (inability to sit still & pay attention to boring information, moodiness, etc.).

Drug companies realized that was a bucketload of profit in this new "disease" and, as good capitalists, felt a moral obligation to cash in selling speed to children.

Whether you want to admit it or not Ritalin made ALOT of people ALOT of money & caused ALOT of people ALOT of unnecessary suffering. The drug was untested on children & created many adverse side effects (one of which was more susceptibility to depression later in life, which is an added unintended bonus for big pharm).

Kids with ADD are generally alot cooler than those without it. Most of their "weaknesses" are simply products of modern living (little time to run around & release tension [we're not evolved for such sedentariness] and diet, search gluten & ADHD in google scholar for example).

ADD is not a friggin' disease. Calling everything a disease is a disease.

That sounds like nonsense.
So did the idea of viruses to the 19th century mind. I posted a thread while back on how environmental pollution is wrecking havoc on hormones & child development. This is especially pronounced in boys. Do you think it's just a coincidence that autism has risen over 100 fold in the last decade (even if we say better diagnosis accounts for a 10 fold increase that's still another 10 fold increase)? Do some research yourself if you're dissatisfied with simplistic descriptions of the problem on an Internet forum.

I like you Lucy but comments like "That sounds like nonsense" is borderline trolling. If Erik (or any other poster besides me) posted that you wouldn't have responded that way.

:shake: Jesus, Narz, if you don't mean these things "that way" you should really learn to express them so that they don't come across "that way". Because that reads exactly the same as what you're attacked for every time this topic comes up.
I meant everything I said in your quote box & will defend all of it. What in particular upsets you. I suspect it's the term "unnatural". I can elaborate if you like & go into the massive restructuring of pretty much every aspect of human life in the last 200 years (from exercise/movement patterns, to diet, to social patterns, etc.) but I suspect I'd be wasting my breath. People don't want to hear that stuff. It's not some grand conspiracy or some other dumbass strawman people throw at me, it's simply common sense. Like with diet, science has shown in dozens of studies to protective effects of diet (which is about 10% of lifestyle I'd say but the easiest to study) & lifestyle against cancer, diabetes, stroke, dementia, etc. but most people aren't going live what they deem asthetic (sp, wrong word prolly) too restrictive. If drugs work equally or almost equally well doctors will prescribe drugs because they're easier. In some cases lifestyle change is impossible & impractical and in many cases (like in severe mental illness) organic brain problems do exist (that are, for all intensive purposes, not fixable) in which case drug therapy may be a necessary part of treatment.

ADD as a "disease" is bullsh!t. It's like calling homosexuality a "disease". I'd be a much duller person if I was lacking the symptoms that some dub team (researchers paid to label behavior patterns) decided was a bad thing. Imagine if Thomas Edison (who had symptoms of ADD) was medicated & deemed "disabled" instead of being treated as any healthy young boy. Einstein was "slow" in some ways as a kid & most certainly would have been on drugs if he grew up in a middle-class suburban family in the 80's.

And unlike even homosexuality, having some ADD symptoms isn't even abnormal. The symptoms are so vague & somewhat universal that almost any kid out there could be shown to have some of them.

If you don't accept my opinion that ADD is not a disease that's fine but please (this goes out not necessarily to you but everyone) don't put words in my mouth about some grand conspiracy or disrespect me for my belief.
I suspect it's the term "unnatural". I can elaborate if you like & go into the massive restructuring of pretty much every aspect of human life in the last 200 years (from exercise/movement patterns, to diet, to social patterns, etc.) but I suspect I'd be wasting my breath. People don't want to hear that stuff.

The past few hundred years overall, particularly in industrialised nations, have been astoundingly good for people's health.

Human life expectency dropped dramatically with the advent of agriculture, and it's only in the past few centuries that the world average has met, and greatly surpassed the life expectency from before agriculture.
The past few hundred years overall, particularly in industrialised nations, have been astoundingly good for people's health.
The last hundred years maybe. In 1900 lifespan in America & Europe was shorter than the average Bushman's.

Human life expectency dropped dramatically with the advent of agriculture, and it's only in the past few centuries that the world average has met, and greatly surpassed the life expectency from before agriculture.
I wouldn't say "greatly". The main increase has been prolonging the lives of the ill & vastly increased child mortality. Drop child mortality & many hunter-gatherers are only a few years behind us.

Anyway, my argument isn't that civilization hasn't brought us much good (it has!) just that we should acknowledge that living in a vastly different manner from the one to which we are adapted is going to have consequences.
I wouldn't say "greatly". The main increase has been prolonging the lives of the ill & vastly increased child mortality. Drop child mortality & many hunter-gatherers are only a few years behind us.

I specifically pointed out in my post that life expectency dropped after the advent of agriculture.

We should be killing buffalo instead of farming beans.
So did the idea of viruses to the 19th century mind. I posted a thread while back on how environmental pollution is wrecking havoc on hormones & child development. This is especially pronounced in boys. Do you think it's just a coincidence that autism has risen over 100 fold in the last decade (even if we say better diagnosis accounts for a 10 fold increase that's still another 10 fold increase)? Do some research yourself if you're dissatisfied with simplistic descriptions of the problem on an Internet forum.

I like you Lucy but comments like "That sounds like nonsense" is borderline trolling. If Erik (or any other poster besides me) posted that you wouldn't have responded that way.

Oh, leave the horse out of it, okay? It's not trolling to say that an idea appears to have little merit. And yeah, I admit the messenger matters, but only because his pants are falling off and his bias is showing. I haven't said "that's not true", I've said it sounds like nonsense, particularly nonsense of the type that someone like my father, who is very interested in "natural medicine" and organic food and such, would buy far too cheaply.

As far as the actual topic, I'd do my own research if I were interested enough, but I just don't see the value right now. If what you say is true, good for you, I was wrong in my judgment and you were right all along. I'm usually on your team, but no two people with brains are going to agree on every last thing.

I meant everything I said in your quote box & will defend all of it. What in particular upsets you. I suspect it's the term "unnatural". I can elaborate if you like & go into the massive restructuring of pretty much every aspect of human life in the last 200 years (from exercise/movement patterns, to diet, to social patterns, etc.) but I suspect I'd be wasting my breath. People don't want to hear that stuff. It's not some grand conspiracy or some other dumbass strawman people throw at me, it's simply common sense. Like with diet, science has shown in dozens of studies to protective effects of diet (which is about 10% of lifestyle I'd say but the easiest to study) & lifestyle against cancer, diabetes, stroke, dementia, etc. but most people aren't going live what they deem asthetic (sp, wrong word prolly) too restrictive. If drugs work equally or almost equally well doctors will prescribe drugs because they're easier. In some cases lifestyle change is impossible & impractical and in many cases (like in severe mental illness) organic brain problems do exist (that are, for all intensive purposes, not fixable) in which case drug therapy may be a necessary part of treatment.

ADD as a "disease" is bullsh!t. It's like calling homosexuality a "disease". I'd be a much duller person if I was lacking the symptoms that some dub team (researchers paid to label behavior patterns) decided was a bad thing. Imagine if Thomas Edison (who had symptoms of ADD) was medicated & deemed "disabled" instead of being treated as any healthy young boy. Einstein was "slow" in some ways as a kid & most certainly would have been on drugs if he grew up in a middle-class suburban family in the 80's.

And unlike even homosexuality, having some ADD symptoms isn't even abnormal. The symptoms are so vague & somewhat universal that almost any kid out there could be shown to have some of them.

If you don't accept my opinion that ADD is not a disease that's fine but please (this goes out not necessarily to you but everyone) don't put words in my mouth about some grand conspiracy or disrespect me for my belief.

You'd only see me agree, if the topic came up, that the modern lifestyle is wildly unnatural and that it's a far, far cry from the environment we're evolutionarily adapted to. Two hundred years? I'd say the past ten thousand are of (of course to a lesser extent, but still) unnatural human habits. Our commutes, our jobs, our food, our games, our relationships, our social conventions, and yes, many of our diseases, are all totally out of line with what our blueprints were drawn up for. No dice there, and I'm frankly surprised you'd thought there would be.

I don't really care very much about ADD, yes, it's overdiagnosed, blah blah blah, yes, it's usually a normal reaction to abnormal habits, blah blah blah, yes, there are usually better treatments than street speed, blah blah blah, yes, the symptoms can be beneficial if properly channelled, blah blah blah, yes, big pharma exploits it, blah blah blah. It's certainly blown out of proportion, which makes it appear to the critical eye to be blown out of the water, but no, it's probably not bullspit.

Basically you completely missed my points of disagreement, which, considering our recent exchange from Bast's thread, is sort of surprising. I'm slower to dismiss ADD, sure, but I don't care about that. What pisses me off is when you talk smack on psychiatry like an authority, when you're just a regular guy that had some experience and did some research. Guess what, all of us have had some experience and done some research. I didn't get a Tom Cruise diploma for mine, neither did aug or phil or aegis.

Depression and bipolar as disorders are not temporary. As a symptom, sure, depression can be temporary, but that's little-d emo crap, not big-D SSRI/MAOI(/whatever) material. Big-D Depression doesn't get cured, it just gets managed; I know at least one person who claims to have dealt with Depression but readily admits experiencing pretty solid day-to-day depression. Surely you do too.

As for drugs, quitting drinking is probably the best first line of defense against cirrhosis. Once it's set, though, you damn well better take your drugs if you don't want your disease to get worse. Drugs aren't the only treatments and they're more primitive than they will be some day but they're not to be written off just because someone's making money. Intel is turning a profit, too, that's no reason to jump to spit on their product.

You may not be telling anyone "your challenges are not real" but you're very quick to pin the causes down somewhere on the victim. Maybe you don't mean to, but what is heard matters, not what is said. You sound like a slightly less ruthless, slightly more apologetic Scientologist. I'm saying this because I think your heart's in the right place but your voice isn't quite in line with it, and so I'm sick of griping about this crap with you. Especially since we agree in a lot of places.

Look what you just made me do!
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