Your house on Google Maps.

exciting news folks - apparently the Google car is in Galway at the minute.
I live at 240 Fleming Ave. Vallejo, a quaint little 132 year old ranch house inside a city
That Samurai photo is hilarious. :rotfl: Will Google Street become the next lolcats? (I doubt it)

I remember when this first came out I heard on the radio that somewhere in San Jose you could see someone picking their nose.
All you can see of my home is a tiny white spec that may or may not be the house. I'm okay with that.
Looks like everyone is not happy about this project!

Gang of villagers chase away Google car

(CNN) -- Google's ambitious plan to offer a 3-D street level view of communities across three continents hit a snag when angry residents of a UK village blocked the search engine's camera car from photographing their homes.

Fearing the appearance of their well appointed properties on the Web site would attract criminals scouting for burglary targets, villagers in Broughton, north of London, summoned the police after spotting the car.

"I was upstairs when I spotted the camera car driving down the lane," resident Paul Jacobs told The Times of London.

"My immediate reaction was anger: How dare anyone take a photograph of my home without my consent? I ran outside to flag the car down and told the driver he was not only invading our privacy but also facilitating crime.

"This is an affluent area. We've already had three burglaries locally in the past six weeks. If our houses are plastered all over Google it's an invitation for more criminals to strike. I was determined to make a stand, so I called the police."
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Google's Street View project to map 360-degree images of roads and homes across the world has generated numerous complaints over privacy, despite automated software that blurs faces and car licence plates.

A Google spokesman, quoted by the UK Press Association, said: "Embarking on new projects, we sometimes encounter unexpected challenges, and Street View has been no exception.

"We know that some people are uncomfortable with images of their houses or cars being included in the product, which is why we provide an easy way to request removal of imagery. Most imagery requests are processed within hours."

The spokesman added: "We take privacy very seriously, and we were careful to ensure that all images in our Street View service abide by UK law."
Well I'm sure the people who live there 15+ years from now will be so excited to learn that they have no record of what their village looked like in 2009 because the people of 2009 thought a picture of their house was considered an "invitation to criminals".
Bloody hell how do they think saying "this is an affluent area" in the newspapers is going to look to burglars?!
and obviously the fact that they are not on Google is preventing their burglary problems...
Cool Thread!

My apartment building:


There is a streetview shot of a burglar law-abiding citizen breaking into an apartment here in the city.

edited thanks to Detective Mowque ;)
There is astreetview shot of a burglar breaking into an apartment here in the city.
From Link-
But, as it turns out, the climber was a worker doing remodeling on properties for sale at 688 and 690 South Van Ness. Real estate agent Jeff Appenrodt says the owner told him the worker didn't know the combination to the lockbox.

Sorry illram, :lol:
That looks like a very cool place. What's the rent like?

$1400/month for a 1 bedroom that I split with my wife which is cheaper than comparable places now, because we moved in three years ago and SF has rent control. Not the largest apartment in the world and we are actually trying to move to a bigger place in a quieter neighborhood. This place is noisy. The Cable car line goes down washington st. and we have tourist buses go by all the time in the high tourist season (i.e. every friggin month in SF) so it is quite a busy part of town. We are near everything though and I can walk to work which is cool, (and getting a cab takes two seconds) but the whole "living in the middle of it" thing wears off after a while. :old:
Sounds like a place that I'd like. Except that the rent is well over 3x mine ;) And that's without rent control. (also a 1 bedroom apt of about 480 square feet) And traffic noise has never bothered me.

My place isn't on google maps. The building that sits in front of the building I live in is.
Don't digitize me, bro!

A spate of burglaries in a Buckinghamshire village had already put residents on the alert for any suspicious vehicles. So when the Google Street View car trundled towards Broughton with a 360-degree camera on its roof, villagers sprang into action. Forming a human chain to stop it, they harangued the driver about the “invasion of privacy”, adding that the images that Google planned to put online could be used by burglars.

As police made their way to the stand-off, the Google car yielded to the villagers. For now, Broughton remains off the internet search engine’s mapping service.

It was Paul Jacobs who provided the first line of resistance. “I was upstairs when I spotted the camera car driving down the lane,” he said. “My immediate reaction was anger; how dare anyone take a photograph of my home without my consent? I ran outside to flag the car down and told the driver he was not only invading our privacy but also facilitating crime.”

He then ran round the village knocking on doors to rouse fellow residents. While the police were called, the villagers stood in the road, not allowing the car to pass. The driver eventually did a U-turn and left.

Mr Jacobs said: “This is an affluent area. We’ve already had three burglaries locally in the past six weeks. If our houses are plastered all over Google it’s an invitation for more criminals to strike. I was determined to make a stand, so I called the police.”

Google Street View, which was introduced in Britain last month, gives 360-degree views of the biggest cities, allowing people to take virtual tours from their computers or mobile phones. The company’s camera-equipped cars, which take the photographs for Street View, aim to cover as much of Britain as possible.

Readers of Times Online were asked recently where they had spotted the Street View car, and in the past couple of weeks people have seen them in Winchester, Preston, Chelmsford and Ipswich.

It is thought that the Google car that tried to enter Broughton had come from photographing roads in near by Milton Keynes. Google said that its car had been using public roads and was not breaking the law. A spokesman said: “We provide an easy way to request removal of imagery. Most requests are processed within hours.” Pictures removed include that of a man leaving a sex shop.

Privacy International, a pressure group, has begun legal action against the company in an effort to bring down the mapping service.
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