Your house on Google Maps.

england has the highest proportion of CCTV cameras per capita in the world... ironic huh?
If you understand why they want to ban the average person from taking photographs, you find its not ironic at all.
Google street view is taken from specially made cameras mounted on cars. They're kinda hard to miss.

Spoiler huge pics :
I think I saw one of those drive past. It was a black Mercedes with a mast on the roof and I think a camera on the top. I thought it was probably something to do with the radio or television.
The street cars are some variation of this:


hard to miss them...
They got my folks place in Portland and my apartment here in Everett. It's pretty neat! :D Too bad they didn't get my car. It looks like they took it while I was at work.
Judging by the leaves on the trees and the roadworks outside my former house in London these pictures were taken last summer.

I could be lurking in there somewhere but it is unlikely as there is no car in the drive which suggests it was a weekday.,+Onalaska,+La+Crosse,+Wisconsin+54650&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.682067,56.25&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FaTxnQIdwtyP-g&split=0&ll=43.916567,-91.235104&spn=0.054409,0.109863&z=13&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=43.905444,-91.235134&panoid=HiTqpkei6KnLc8EJJ18tKg&cbp=12,358.31250000000034,,0,4.156249999999983

My street doesn't have a 'street view', so my house can't be seen, but the link above is probably a half a mile from where I live. Wasn't going to go to exactly which street you need to turn on, but with this intersection you have more options to explore my city.
Yeah, my flat's there, but the road outside evidently had roadworks on it, so the car didn't bother going all the way down. Also there's no Canary Wharf.
I think the entire area is private property, even the roads. I know that at least certain pavements / pedestrian bits are not public thoroughfares, so I guess whoever the overlord of Canary Wharf is didn't want google taking photos of it.

Actually a couple of friends came to visit us once, and we took them there, and they wanted to take a photo of the HSBC building, but a security guard stopped them and told them not to take photos!

I'm guessing it's a security thing. Damn IRA! :shakesfist:
Neither one of my places of residence is available for view. :(
Actually a couple of friends came to visit us once, and we took them there, and they wanted to take a photo of the HSBC building, but a security guard stopped them and told them not to take photos!

I'm guessing it's a security thing. Damn IRA! :shakesfist:
I can see how the security guard could make that mistake - tourist with camera V truck bomb
Here's my house on the satellite view.

Here's the closest street view to my house. That's my street, from the main street.

I became curious about when this was taken... so I checked a good date indicator nearby.

That narrows it down to two seasons. Either April of 2008, or September.

I tried checking the supermarket, but the photo wasn't sharp enough to see what was on special. Couldn't see any posters at the drug stores or anything, either, this was a bust.

Then I tried the closest florist. Bingo!

Fall mums!

Google was in my neighborhood in September of 2008. Hah!
that's quite a bit of detecting there Holmes.
The only thing google thought was worth seeing near me was Route 78, and considering it's surrounded by walls a good portion of the way, google hates me. :(
It has my street!

The satellite picture and the street view picture are obviously taken at different times, as my neighbor's car is in a different place in each picture, among other differences.

The street view picture looks like it was taken last summer, but I'm not sure about the satellite one.
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