Your top 5 favorite countries

I've only been to 5.

  1. Canada
  2. Mexico
  3. U.S.
  4. China
  5. England

Brief layover in Japan, not long enough to judge.
Great Britain
... Australia I guess :p
1. USA
2. Canada
3. USA
4. Canada
5. USA
4)United Kingdom
Are there meant to be any specific criteria we're meant to judge on? 'Top 5 favourite' is rather broad.
  1. Italy- just for the food. It isn't even that nice a place. But the food...
  2. Norway- water features. They know how to do them.
  3. Australia- home.
  4. Russia- they have muti-coloured mosaic churches.
  5. Switzerland- chocolate is really nice.

There was no standard reason for those five choices, other than that they're all good for something.
Zimbabwe, Luxemburg, Cambodia, Turkmenistan, El Salvador. Not particulaly in that order, though.
Favorite current countries
Honorable mention:Netherlands

Favorite Future countries
Honorable mention:New Caledonia

Favorite former countries
Axumite Empire
Honorable mention:Republic of Rough and Ready(for the name)
Without thinking about it too much, in no order

Canada - hockey nation #1, *sigh* John Tavares *mancrush* :blush:, America's hat
USA - hockey nation #2, Islanders ftw B)
Estonia - awesome language :goodjob:
Hungary - because of the language, I can't understand a word of it but it stills sounds so similar
New Zealand - dunno why
Honourable mention to the Aussies as well.
United Kingdom - Nice people, despite the chavs. They have the best sense of humour, bit of a cliche but true. Perhaps because of the language in common I just get it better.

Netherlands - Nice people too, not as funny as the Brits though. They respect freedom and sugary snacks so they're on the list. Also they all have the sense to know perfect English. A reasonable bunch.

Cuba - Has come up against a lot of adversity, first a brutal dictatorship and then the most powerful country in the world has bullied it for half a century. That almost earns my respect in itself, but theres also the music and the drinking. Ace.

Spain - Zero work ethic, fantastic all night nightlife, great food, hot women, hot weather. Whats not to like?

United States - Theres a lot to hate about the US, but theres lots to like too so I'm erring that way. They're so familiar to me due to the common language, history and mass media and yet when I meet Americans they just seem different. I can't really figure it out. They are inordinately nice, and my cynical Irish reaction is to see it as superficial, I'm probably wrong.

I'm only judging places I've actually been, I am fascinated my a few east Asian countries but it would be unfair to judge if I have no first hand experience of them.
I'll limit this to places that I've been to cause otherwise I could never make up my mind.

USA - Home. Lots of beautiful nature too. Love the food, big portions and any kind of food you can think of.

China - Also love the food. Best thing about China, it's dirt cheap. You can live like a king there.

Guatemala - Beautiful nature, relaxed pace of life, friendly people. Food is OK but you'd better like black beans and tortillas.

Italy - Amazing history, great food, too expensive though.

Turkey - I'm kind of sick of Turkey but I'll say there are lots of nice looking available men. Nice historical places too.
In random order:

Australia/New Zealand - nature and because it is so freaking away from my home.

Any small country on a small island in the Oceania

Canada - nature, nature and beautiful nature.

Finland/Sweden/Norway - nature. And white nights.

USA - it's still on my top 5 list, but sometimes when I see Americans posting on various forums USA is falling down on that list.
My Favourite Countries in order of Favouritism.

1) The United Kingdom - Britain! I love their monarchy, I love their History, I love their heroes, their navy, their Empire (yes I know there is a lot of bad things behind my rose tinted glasses), I love their music, I love the way they kick France in the groin, I love their architecture, their humour and comedy, their impact, their culture, their people.

I do not like the food however,

2) Turkey - Another personal History pet of mine. It always appealed to me that they were the Greatest of all Muslim Powers to beat the living snot out of Europeans time and time during their victorious Golden Age. Shame they later got the living snot beaten out of them... But it took a dang long time for that snot to be beaten out! I also love them for being the closest Empire to ever recreate the Roman Empire. I love that they were also for a time being, one of the most tolerate Empires before the 18th Century. I love the way there mixed the Balkan and the Turkish culture together. Shame, the same tolerance resulted in their downfall as a multi-ethnic empire.

3) China - Okay I don't really love PRC or ROC. But what I love is China as a Civilisation. Nothing is more fascinating than history of China's Empire, of the different dynasties, of the different Emperors, some bad, some fantastic. I love the richness of Chinese Culture, from their instruments to their art to their stories and myths (this might be because I am Chinese myself)

4) The Netherlands - For your resilient fight against the Spanish, for your incredible tolerance, for your merchant republic and then your Orange Monarchy. For your bicycles, for your flowers, your resistance in WWII, for your liberalism, for your canals, for your unity as a people, for being so dang gay, for your ridiculous Tulip Bubble.

5) Morocco - It intrigues me how you are so Berber and so Arab. For your Absolute Monarchy that is becoming less absolute, for being absolutely one of the last African countries to be colonised, for your quirky and beautiful cities, for invading Spain and then pulling out. For your lax pace of life and your Green March. For killing a King of Portugal, for being the first country to recongnise the USA. Western Sahara is yours.
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