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Extinct Animals

I'm definitely hopping with joy over those units! Awesome! Truly awesome! :goodjob::)
Requested by Blue Monkey :

Terror Bird Rider

Veteran Terror Bird Rider
or noble or chief or sergeant


I hope you'll like them and they fit your needs. I somewhat based their robe on a yellowish peregrine falcon.
One of them will very surely get in the Competition but I'm not sure which yet. Sounds included, with actual human voice speaking Malian. I have no idea what he says, though. ^^

Thanks to the guys giving notes on the download page ! 5 stars out of 5 !

The Veteran Terror Bird Rider won the April 2012 Unit Competition and will be entered into the annual competition!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Really makes me want to see a mod set during the last Inter-Glacial (100,000 years ago) - yes, I know "Terror Birds" were extinct by then; moas were not*, so we can dream ...



*Moas didn't go extinct until ca. 1400 CE. Although limited to New Zealand, moa riders might be fun :mischief:
Oh NICE! The Veteran Terror Bird Rider is PERFECT for the Final Fantasy Mod Chocobo Rider (first era mounted unit)! Now I'll only have TWO chocobo units to make instead of three. :D
Thanks guys.

@Blue Monkey

I'm glad you like them. I thought of peregrine falcon and started texturing before reading your message about aras, so it took me 22 hours to churn these out.


A 100.000 BC to 10.000 BC fantasy mod would be nice. That would cover, what, everything from Kull of Atlantis to Conan of Cimmeria. Perhaps even older civilizations from Lovecraft's Mu (170.000 BC, setting of a few of Lin Carter's short stories).


Haha, cool, I didn't think of that but I guess it works well as a semi-realist Chocobo.
Actually, Supa, the Terror Bird ridden by the "Veteran" Terror Bird rider looks almost exactly like the Chocobos in Final Fantasy XI online....
i personal belive paleo meso americans worshipped these animals, though i will not consider this unit historical accurate (because the animal could be tamed but is still dangerous), i would like to play with it....:)
Actually, Archaeopteryx might have been, at least in parts, black. :)
Agreed. Just meant that if you were making similar choices to people who do that kind of art professionally - and do so in conjunction with professional researchers - that your choice made sense. One as brightly colored as a macaw would be beautiful and look cool in the game. But wouldn't be as authentic and ultimately not as useful. Analagous to the difference between an elephant in battle gear & one caparisoned and painted for parade on the rajah's birthday.
Thank you... I have hoped anyone would do some Pliocene big birdies for a long time.
Terrorbird and Brutornis are especially well done. Any chance of Terrorbird without rider?
Thanks, AncientOne.

I have one small thing left to do and then I'd like to move away from this project, so no brown riderless TB from me. I hope one of the other birds will fit your need.

However, if someone wants to make it himself, I'm ready to share my textures and animations. The model is free.
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