Bible talk

Let me be clear. God is not constrained by physics or biology. He is a supernatural being and supernatural beings do supernatural things.
Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Not metaphorically but fully, spiritually and physically. He is risen.

Genesis 7: 22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.
Mayhaps it were not necessary to give the penguins a ride?
Why would any animals board the ark? Instructions from the boss. Not a particularly odd thing. You might as well ask why a fish would swallow a man and give him a ride to Nineveh. Garden variety stuff.

How did the Egyptian Build the Pyramids while under water ? (during the flood)
The usual answer: "Magic"

Might as well answer every difficult question with that one word
This is why I stopped believing
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so i mean, going through the many places where the bible is just incorrect is like, shooting fish in a barrel. it needs some good ol' real warping of its text and originally intended meaning to be literally applicable today. most of the time, the potential use boils down to synechdoche, poetic metaphors and such. i wonder how particularly american (or at least non-danish) the environment of biblical inerrancy is, and - leaving aside the politics of a lot of us christian environments - how many people biblical inerrancy turns away from believing in the christian god.

like - an atheist is not going to be convinced of a god by being told that the world once flooded, as there's literally no proof to that. and i think that often, the christian forgets why the story pulled him in to begin with. people are drawn in because they find the mythology compelling as a story, not because the evidence is particularly convincing.

40 days and 40 nights is a phrase that sticks with you not because it's convincing. it sticks with you because it sounds good.
so i mean, going through the many places where the bible is just incorrect is like, shooting fish in a barrel. it needs some good ol' real warping of its text and originally intended meaning to be literally applicable today. most of the time, the potential use boils down to synechdoche, poetic metaphors and such. i wonder how particularly american (or at least non-danish) the environment of biblical inerrancy is, and - leaving aside the politics of a lot of us christian environments - how many people biblical inerrancy turns away from believing in the christian god.

like - an atheist is not going to be convinced of a god by being told that the world once flooded, as there's literally no proof to that. and i think that often, the christian forgets why the story pulled him in to begin with. people are drawn in because they find the mythology compelling as a story, not because the evidence is particularly convincing.

40 days and 40 nights is a phrase that sticks with you not because it's convincing. it sticks with you because it sounds good.

Plus God whom is not constrained by laws of physics, biology and is all powerful capable of anything, (creating everything)
Except being able to write down simple instructions that arent contradictory or gibberish or sound like Desert nomads that had no idea how basic science works
so i mean, going through the many places where the bible is just incorrect is like, shooting fish in a barrel. it needs some good ol' real warping of its text and originally intended meaning to be literally applicable today. most of the time, the potential use boils down to synechdoche, poetic metaphors and such. i wonder how particularly american (or at least non-danish) the environment of biblical inerrancy is, and - leaving aside the politics of a lot of us christian environments - how many people biblical inerrancy turns away from believing in the christian god.

like - an atheist is not going to be convinced of a god by being told that the world once flooded, as there's literally no proof to that. and i think that often, the christian forgets why the story pulled him in to begin with. people are drawn in because they find the mythology compelling as a story, not because the evidence is particularly convincing.

40 days and 40 nights is a phrase that sticks with you not because it's convincing. it sticks with you because it sounds good.

That's why I subscribe to Hypertime Theory as the only possible solution to the Bible. Then anything is truly possible.

I won't go into much further detail, but God was a troll just trolling us all.
so i mean, going through the many places where the bible is just incorrect is like, shooting fish in a barrel. it needs some good ol' real warping of its text and originally intended meaning to be literally applicable today. most of the time, the potential use boils down to synechdoche, poetic metaphors and such. i wonder how particularly american (or at least non-danish) the environment of biblical inerrancy is, and - leaving aside the politics of a lot of us christian environments - how many people biblical inerrancy turns away from believing in the christian god.

like - an atheist is not going to be convinced of a god by being told that the world once flooded, as there's literally no proof to that. and i think that often, the christian forgets why the story pulled him in to begin with. people are drawn in because they find the mythology compelling as a story, not because the evidence is particularly convincing.

40 days and 40 nights is a phrase that sticks with you not because it's convincing. it sticks with you because it sounds good.

It's not that it sounds "good", per se. It's got rhythm that works when the story is being presented orally, common sense is evidently not required to interpret it as literal fact. And as mentioned, '40' seems to be a popular number - rain for 40 days and 40 nights, Moses wandering around for 40 years (surely he must have run across someone who could have given them directions), Jesus in the desert for 40 days (while it's barely possible for a human to survive 40 days without eating, dehydration will kill someone in a hell of a lot shorter time than that).

That's literally how this forum works, it's communication via replies/quoting what others type, otherwise it's communication via rants ment for no one to see. It's the XenForo® way.

Plus you're quoting other people too just like everyone else here. Pure hypocrisy.

The :pat: smiley is one that may at first seem to express affection, but really doesn't. It's usually used to express "You don't understand this, so lemme 'splain it to you."

It's got nothing to do with using the quote feature. You're really grasping at soggy paper straws if this is all you've got to accuse me of hypocrisy.
The bible tends to overlook common sense things about normal animal behavior and their survival requirements in the quest to tell a cute story.
Of course the Bible doesn't "overlook" penguins. The authors of the book of Genesis had no knowledge of penguins, or any animals that did not reside in the region of the world they inhabited, so they couldn't forget to include and/or account for something they knew nothing about.
The quibbles are down to Noah and... penguins? The guy with the boat that held two of every animal and the clearly laid out measurements?
I still think of, "Rrright. What's a cubit?"
It's from an old stand up bit.

The thread was a place to talk about biblical things from another thread, but once it gets its own thread in CFCOT, it usually becomes a place for atheists to smear themselves all over the wall.
It was a place to talk about biblical things from another thread, but once it gets its own thread in CFCOT, it usually becomes a place for atheists to smear themselves all over the wall.
So, any chance to actually DISCUSS the Bible - or will any "discussion" here boil down to "either believe like us, or shut up"?
It will be as interesting and friendly a discussion as you all make it.
The quibbles are down to Noah and... penguins? The guy with the boat that held two of every animal and the clearly laid out measurements?
No quibbles from me, I'm at peace with the book, what it is, what it isn't, "Sitz im leben", as my old religion professor used to constantly say to us about everything we were reading.
Yar. Can't say I find "peace" in it, myself, tbh.
Yar. Can't say I find "peace" in it, myself, tbh.
What's with the penguins, though? They still breathe air, so they'd drown in a hurricane the scale of hundreds of meters deep.
And the "two of each KIND" statement actually shows good support against "evolution as we are used to think of", since [liligers] exist.
Kinds were definitely NOT species, lol. Maybe genera or something, depending on specifics.
And then they simply split into the species we now know of, the same way Darwin's finches did, ya know.
If anything, it's even pretty scientific (adaptation is a thing, ya know), as opposed to "dinosaur restoration" that changes its opinion every few fossils (so to speak).
The penguins weren't my thing. God is the God of science just fine, near as I can tell at a high level.
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