• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Brave New Realpolitik

Nominations for the new government have been made. Immortal and Mortal alike are gearing up for this game changing election of the First Emperor of Brazil, not to mention the Prime Minister and Chief of Rio.

  • Emperor: Terran Emperor, Filli Noctus
  • Prime Minister: Jehoshua, Tycho, Greek Analyzer
  • Chief of Rio de Janeiro: Teekaj, Ailedhoo, Christos

Party Ballots:
TAPB Ballot: Filli, Jehoshua, Christos
SDLB Ballot: Terran Emperor, Tycho, Teekaj

Terran Emperor has been nominated for two positions, please choose which office you wish to run for.
Perhaps you should complete Greek Analyzers name. The implications are somewhat... unfortunate.
I shall run for Emperor of Brazil, also yes finish Greek Analyzers name please
ooc: I have to go to uni today so I doubt I can complete discussions with sone before dot80 rudely cuts us off

That was my fault too. I had a final today so I spent most of the weekend just posting the CK2 ruleset/studying/avoiding CFC because it destroys free time.

Confirming a coalition exists. Apologies for not voting in time.
Exactly as I said I'd do. Autocracy and Tradition for Brazil.

Teekaj governor. filli noctus Emperor. See what the party ballot is for minister.
That was my fault too. I had a final today so I spent most of the weekend just posting the CK2 ruleset/studying/avoiding CFC because it destroys free time.

Confirming a coalition exists. Apologies for not voting in time.

Confirmed Coalition.
I vote for Jeho, Filli and myself.

Peopel of Rio,

I can assure you that if you elect me, I will do my best to to help you and the city to rise to greatness. I will also support the preservation of our tradition.
Afaik, the SDLB ballot is:

Emperor: Terran
PM: Tycho
Chief of Rio: Teekaj

And I will cast my vote for this ballot.

I would like to thank Jehoshua for nominating me to be the first emperor of this great nation.

These are vital times for Brazil, future mortal generations will look back on this period and say "that was the birth of our nation" and turn to immortals like myself to tell them of these times. Shall my undying fellows tell your children's children's children how we strode boldly into a bright future led by wise and strong rulers or that the children of Rio were hobbled by poor leadership and beleagured by heathens, heretics and barbarians as the foundations of our traditions were allowed to crumble in the name of 'progress'?
The office of emperor is newly created and its first incumbent will create many of the traditions and customs that his successors will be expected to abide by, therefore it is essential that you vote wisely. For even more than the Imperial Reform Act, this vote will affect the character of our nation for generations to come.
If you elect me to be your emperor the most important tradition I will establish can best be summed up by the old proverb - "power is like fire, when kept small and controlled it is a great boon to all men, but when stoked to high it may be set loose and consume all the works of man leaving nothing but ash". I swear to the spirits that I shall endeavour never to use the powers of veto and dissolution, but if the good of the nation requires their use I shall apply them unhesitatingly. Furthermore I will note use the position of emperor to propose or promote a policy. If a government asks my advice on any matter it shall be given but it will only be the advice of a man, not that the binding order of an emperor. Wisdom and restraint shall be the watchwords of my reign should I be elected and they shall be the example I will set those who follow.
Vote for the SDLB ballot

I will do a speech later.
Voting on the SDLB ballot.

Speech coming soon.

Setting aside the coming election, let us talk about expansion. Surveying the maps provided by our intrepid explorers over the past 400 years, and I have decided that a superb location for a second city is the location where we found the ruins that led to the cultural revolution. The area closest to the town supports lands fine for spices and fruits such as bananas or plantains. There are also reports of large quantities of marble, often used in the artwork of the forget civilization who lived there before.

Does anyone else support this idea, or is there another place better for settlement? Also, the settling party won't be sent out too soon, there are other people to train and things to build.
I vote for Myself, Filli Noctus and Christos
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