• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Brave New Realpolitik

Through effective oration by all members the Traditional Autocratic Party of Brazil has not only managed to secure the election, but has managed to sway Mateus Cardozo, Carlitos Ribeiro, Teobaldo Rios, and Simão Crespo to join their party! The new Emperor of Brazil is Filli_nocuts, the new Prime Minister of Brazil is Jehoshua! The new Chief of Rio de Janeiro is Christos200!

Please name your ministers and make orders Jehoshua and Christos.

  • What shall we build in Rio de Janeiro?
  • Should the Spearmen continue exploring south west?
  • Should we research Calender as planned?
  • What should we do about M'banza Kongo?
  • What should our next social policy be?
I thank all people of Rio who voted me and I will do my best to secure a prosperous Rio.
I congratulate Filli_nocuts in his victory, it was a hard fought battle, and the people of Brazil choose who they thought would be the best monarch for our nation.

May Democracy and Freedom thrive during your reign, My Emperor.
I congratulate Jehoshua and Christos and our first emperor, filli noctus, for their victories. I hope their leadership brings greatness to the nation of Brazil. As Bartermaster, I await the day when I can be of use to Brazil.
I would like to thank the Brazilian people for placing their trust in me and Mr Terran Emperor on a well fought campaign (despite that minor unpleasantness towards the end). I would also like to extend my congratulations to Prime Minister Jehoshua and Governor christos200 on their victories.
Finally I formally announce my resignation from the TAPB, in accordance with the the principles of the Imperial position and the law.
I would like to congratulate our newly elected Emperor, Prime Minister and Chief of Rio. This new regime will surely continue the prosperity set by our forefathers of Brasilia. I hope to continue my services in the army of Brasilia.
The resignation of His Majesty, the most august Emperor Filli Noctus is hereby accepted by the loyal Traditional Imperialist Party (noting the merger of the Imperialists and the Traditional Autocrats).

The Membership of Mateus Cardozo, Carlitos Ribeiro, Teobaldo Rios, and Simão Crespo into the Traditional Imperialist Party is hereby accepted and recognised


As Prime Minister of Brazil, I hereby appoint the following individuals to the position of Bartermaster, Chief Shaman, and Warchief. If any appointments wish to decline their positions they are free to do so, and another will be appointed in their place.

Warchief: Sonereal
Bartermaster: Civleader
Shaman: NedimNapoleon

The Imperial Governments policy direction shall proceed after due consultation with the government and the TIPB party, taking into account their opinions, and most particularly the expert opinions of the parties new members. The Imperial Government likewise notes that it is willing to hear the opinions of the Imperial Opposition, for it is necessary for good governance to flourish that all sides are considered and analysed for worth.
Imperial Announcement​

Procedure on the Use of the Imperial Veto

The power of the Imperial Veto is a critical tool to prevent harm to the nation of Brazil due to a potential government's abuse of power or incompetence. However the Emperor recognises that any use of the veto may be seen by some as an abuse of power in and of itself.
To mitigate the possibility of abuse of the veto the Emperor has formulated the following procedure to be used prior to the issuing of a veto. This is procedure does not constitute a law of the land and may be bypassed, in full or in part, should the situation warrant.

1. Upon publication of a bill that may prove detrimental to the nation the Emperor shall publically issue a request for the government to review the bill in question - including the reasons for the request.
2. If the government refuses to review the bill or after review fails to sufficiently address the stated reasons the Emperor may request the bill be but to a referendum.
3. If the government refuse to put the bill to referendum or the potential harm to the nation is too great the Emperor will formally veto the bill, publically listing the reasons for the issuance of the veto.

The veto shall not be used on any bill put to referendum that receives a 3/5ths supermajority in favour unless there are significantly compelling extenuating circumstances in which case the Emperor shall fully explain the reasons for the veto.
Hear, hear! To the emperor, listen with your heart. In mine I could not hear, but it beats now with the blood of Brasil, the blood that knows this is the right. In immortal and mortalkind alike, the sound of good and truth in our land is heard in every man's heart through him, now!

Generations will look upon this day as the crowning achievement. Our hopes and dreams lie with him. Let us await his word. To the emperor.
Congratulations my Emperor fillinoctus on your victory and may thy country treat you well! Anyhow, though I am new among the Immortals, I wish to propose a new way of voting. This new method would support smaller parties and would prevent Brazil from becoming a One-Party state or a Two-Party State, which has been of concern recently.

The Method:
When voting people list their favorite party from 1st to 5th (or 1st to however many is deemed appropriate). Now once the votes have been put in you add the numbers together for each party and divide them by the amount of people who voted. The Party or Person with the smallest number is elected. This would allow a much more accurate representation of who the voters truly want to be in office, and allow smaller parties to compete with larger parties such as the SDLB and the TABP.

As an example:
Say Terran Emperor, Civleader, and Jeshoua are running for Prime Minister. Now I want Civleader to be in office. however I know that he will most likely not be able to win, and i very much dislike Jeshoua's policies but can tolerate Terran Emperor's, normally I would vote for Terran Emperor, but under my system i would list: 1-Civleader, 2-Terran Emperor, 3-Jeshoua.

This would more accurately allow me and all others to show who we really want in office, and make Brazil a more stable and absolute democracy. I hope your highness will consider this offer.
I applaud Silverman6083's participation in the politics of the nation, but such a suggestion falls outside of the Imperial prerogative and would require government legislation.
OOC: Dot... Are you sure those election results were legitimate? There should at least have been a tie for Chief. 8 player votes for me and 4 player+4npc votes for Christos.
OOC: They were free and fair.
This would more accurately allow me and all others to show who we really want in office, and make Brazil a more stable and absolute democracy. I hope your highness will consider this offer.

Please show your math. (OOC: Perhaps starting here?)

What if I voted Jehoshua, TerranEmperor, CivLeader, and two others voted as you did, and everyone else in the nation voted, with a half-half split, TerranEmperor, CivLeader, Jehoshua or Jehoshua, Civleader, TerranEmperor? It is clear the one thing that most of Brazil wants (edit: not) is Civleader to win, and yet the deciding outcome of this nationwide poll sits in three men's votes of him at rank 1.

Or what if we had considered four nominees, and they had found themselves thus:
Half the land agreed:

1 christos
2 jukar-C
3 Silverman
4 Horseshoe_Hermi

and half agreed

1 Silverman
2 Horseshoe_Hermi
3 christos
4 jukar-C

And I entered a vote of jukar-C, Silverman, christos, Horseshoe_Hermi, and you and the other two voted Horseshoe_Hermi, Silverman, jukar-C, christos?

Make a Speech
This shocking and pensive conclusion that challenges intuition has produced a great yearning in me, to find if there are other ways that administration of the public good must be served that defy the senses. I, Horseshoe_Hermi, immortal, and nonpartied since the inception of our nation, will return, with my conclusions on this.
OOC: They were free and fair.


Votes for me: Scribe, Hermi, Myself, CPM, Jukar, Terran, Tycho, Alliedhoo (8 players)

Votes for you: Yourself, Filli, Jeho, Sonreal, (And I'd assume) 4 Npcs (4 players+4NPCs)

So... Yeah we have ourselves a tie.
OOC: No. We voted Parties, not indivinduals.
Please show your math. (OOC: Perhaps starting here?)

What if I voted Jehoshua, TerranEmperor, CivLeader, and two others voted as you did, and everyone else in the nation voted, with a half-half split, TerranEmperor, CivLeader, Jehoshua or Jehoshua, Civleader, TerranEmperor? It is clear the one thing that most of Brazil wants (edit: not) is Civleader to win, and yet the deciding outcome of this nationwide poll sits in three men's votes of him at rank 1.

Or what if we had considered four nominees, and they had found themselves thus:
Half the land agreed:

1 christos
2 jukar-C
3 Silverman
4 Horseshoe_Hermi

and half agreed

1 Silverman
2 Horseshoe_Hermi
3 christos
4 jukar-C

And I entered a vote of jukar-C, Silverman, christos, Horseshoe_Hermi, and you and the other two voted Horseshoe_Hermi, Silverman, jukar-C, christos?

Make a Speech
This shocking and pensive conclusion that challenges intuition has produced a great yearning in me, to find if there are other ways that administration of the public good must be served that defy the senses. I, Horseshoe_Hermi, immortal, and nonpartied since the inception of our nation, will return, with my conclusions on this.

Thank you for pointing this out, as it brings me to the second part of this solution. In this scenario, by adding points up, we get: Silverman- 4/2=2, Horseshoe_Hermi 6/2=3, christos 4/2=2, and jukar-C 6/2=3. Now in the second phase the candidate with the MOST points wins. Now Horseshoe_Hermi and jukar-C are out of the race. Now, lets say the majority of the voters who listed Horseshoe_Hermi listed christos as their second choice, now we place these votes to christos and get: 10/4= 2.5, and lets say half and half of the jukar-C voters listed Silverman and/or christos as their second favorite candidate. We slide over the votes and now have: christos-13/5=2.6, Silverman 7/3= 2.33, therefore christos wins. However IF there is an exact split, the most appropriate decision would be for our beloved Emperor to appoint one of the candidates with the majority, for he is our wise and benevolent leader :king:
OOC: No. We voted Parties, not indivinduals.

ooc: Noooo.... Last time I checked you didn't have to vote by parties.

If that was the case, what would Independents do?

Ballots are just there to unclutter things up. You can still vote for whomever you wish.
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