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Brave New Realpolitik

If possible, I would like to join the proceedings as an independent

If allowed to join, I will be sitting the first election out and abstaining my vote (again, if possible)

ooc: is preparing the flying monkeys

People of Brazil, I come addressing you not as a petty politician, nor as a superior immortal, but as a humble subservient servant of the people. You the people of Brazil, who were so kind to give us, those inflicted with the curse and burdens of immortality to be your rulers.

I fight for nothing but the good and the prosperity of the people of Brazil, not my own prosperity, and not my own glory, but for that of the Brazilian People.

As a technocrat I promise that if I am elected to be your humble emperor that I will do anything and everything in my power to ensure that men of merit and worth will be running the government, and as a liberal I promise to ensure Democracy and Freedom for the Brazilian people.

The Emperor of Brazil must be one who is incorruptible from any side. One who will serve to be an steadfast rock, a source of stability and unity of Brazil. Unswayed by the petty politics of the nation. A man who will look after the good of Brazil and her people first. While I cannot promise that I will forever remain uncorrupted, I along with the other immortals are not above basic human instincts and the natural man, but I can promise that I will stand strong, and that I will do my best and that I will lead Brazil as the Emperor as best I possibly can, and I will be as steadfast and uncorrupted as possible, and I hope that you, the people of Brazil, will be able to over look my blemishes and corruptions, and that you will be able to put your trust in a man who like you has his faults and problems, and that despite these corruptions that he will do his best to lead and protect Brazil.

As a final word. While I hope you vote for me to be your emperor, it is ultimately up to you, the fair and free people of Brazil, to decide who will be your emperor. I hope that you vote for the candidate who you believe will serve you and Brazil the best. I ask you this not just for the emperor elections, but also for the elections for the Prime Minister and the Chief of Rio.

Long Live Brazil, Long Live Democracy, Long Live Freedom!
Announcing Imperial-TAPB merge.

Voting Jeho, Filli Noctus and Christos

It gladdens my heart that my opponent has followed my example in proclaiming that the office of emperor should be above the political fray.

Unlike Mr Terran Emperor I will not do all in my power to ensure the best and brightest are running the government. Instead I promise that I will work with whomever is elected to the government to achieve the best outcome for Brazil that their abilities can produce - while I hope that only the best candidates are chosen it will not be my place to attempt to influence the sovereign will of the people. Of course, if a government is not up to the task and the people desire their replacement I will use the legally granted powers of the office of emperor to fulfill that desire.
Let us go forward as one.

Since it has come up, I will clarify. If I am elected Emperor then the preservation of Democracy and the will of the people will be my highest priority.

However, I WILL NOT! allow Partisan politics to run the government. With the War Chief, Bartermaster, and the Shaman now appointed positions in the government. I will do everything and anything within my power to to prevent a spoils/patronage system from controlling the higher levels of government. I will do everything to make sure that the positions appointed by the Prime Minister will be filled with people of Merit and not the prime ministers political allies.

I fear this two party system that our government has devolved into, I hope that we will be able to overcome it in due time and create a system that will more closely represent the will of the people of Brazil, until then we must work together, to make sure that the government and its two major factions will be able to work together and compromise for the greater good of Brazil itself.
Do you mind if i join, as an independent? :)
Please do!

EDIT: I tried to invite you to the group, but I guess because you have only recently joined CivFanatics, you are not yet allowed. It should still be viewable to you however.
OOC: on the npc list why do 2 different npcs have the same name?
The Immortal Terran-Emperor proclaims that he will not bring Partisanship into politics. Yet what is he but a representative of the social democrats, who's very modus vivendi in this entire debate has been the suppression of the will to Empire that has been democratically approved of by the people. Terran Emperor himself was vociferous in his opposition to the very concept of an Emperor, and yet he now proclaims himself able and suitable to fill the roll? How can the people of Brazil expect a vociferous opponent of the idea of Empire to adequately act in persona Imperator, to use suitable moderation and suitable sternness where each is necessary, and not actively try and destroy the system they voted for as part of a cynical SDPB effort to thwart the popular will

Filli Noctus joined the Traditional Autocratic Party simply by virtue of his support for the concept of an Emperor overseeing the political process, he remained throughout the entire debate aloof and disassociated, speaking only to clarify certain key points for the peoples understanding. This disassociation both from the political activities of the TAPB apart from the effort at establishing an Emperor, makes him suitable to serve as an impartial Emperor where TerranEmperor is not. He understands and supports the system the people have decided to establish, yet is not entwined with partisanship (unlike myself or TerranEmperor) to such a degree as to render the office he has been selected to serve in, unable to function.

I have remained from Mudslinging this entire campaign, and you have the audacity to throw mud at me, who is not even running for a position you are running for!

People of Brazil, how can you trust any one who instead of actually supporting himself he instead out right attacks not only his opponent, but an opponent for a position he is not even running for!

I am in fact quite shocked and discussed by this act.

Is this what our leadership has become?

A bunch of mudslinging, care for no one but them self, lousy Immortals?

I sure hope not, and I hope you, the people of Brazil, see through this ruse and attempt to make me look incapable for the job.

Long Live Democracy, Long Live Freedom, LONG LIVE BRAZIL!
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