British couple sentenced to prison for kissing in public


Diverse in Unity
Sep 24, 2004
Brno -> Czech rep. >>European Union
Behold the tourist paradise of the future, the pearl of the Persian Gulf and one of the most liberal Arab societies :lol: :lmao:

Dubai kissing couple lose appeal

A British couple jailed in Dubai for kissing in public have lost their appeal against their conviction.

Ayman Najafi, 24, and Charlotte Adams, 25, were sentenced to a month in prison with subsequent deportation and fined about £200 for drinking alcohol.

The couple were arrested in November after a local woman accused them of breaking the country's decency laws by kissing on the mouth in a restaurant.

Najafi said he was "very disappointed". The pair plan to make a second appeal.

The initial complaint against them was made by a 38-year-old woman who said she was offended by their behaviour at the Jumeirah Beach Residence, where she was dining with her daughter.

The couple's defence lawyers said the woman - who did not appear in court - had not seen the kiss herself, but had been told by her two-year-old child that the girl had seen the couple kissing.

Magdi Abdelhadi, BBC Arab affairs analyst

Dubai looks very Western with its gleaming apartment blocks and super modern shopping malls. The Western façade can, however, lull the unsuspecting visitor into believing that it is also a liberal society.

And that appears to be primarily why Western visitors have recently fallen foul of the law there.

Scratch the modern surface and you discover a conservative Muslim culture, arguably far more so than many others in the Middle East.

Consumption of alcohol is restricted to a small number of places, mainly for Western visitors and expatriates.

Although there is no strict separation of the sexes as in neighbouring Saudi Arabia, the boundaries for what you can and cannot do in public can be tricky, especially for outsiders. While an unmarried Western couple can share a room in a hotel - or even live together - they are expected to observe local custom when outside their home.

So sentencing a couple for having kissed in public may be shocking for Western public opinion, but will most likely be applauded in conservative Arab societies, especially where there is a perception that Westerners are often expected to be given a preferential treatment.

The defendants also claimed they had merely kissed each other on the cheek, and therefore had not broken any laws.

The BBC's Ben Thompson, at the court, said the judge spoke entirely in Arabic as he quickly dismissed the appeal, saying he upheld the previous sentence.

They were fined 1,000 dirhams, which is about £200. They now have 30 days to appeal.

It was left to the defence lawyer to explain the verdict to Najafi and Adams.

Najafi said after the case: "It's very harsh, based on contradictory evidence. The courts haven't called on any of our witnesses who are prepared to testify that this didn't happen."

The couple decided not to start their sentence immediately, but the Dubai authorities are holding their passports so they are unable to return to Britain.

Professor John Strawson, an expert in Islamic law, told BBC Radio 5 Live he was not surprised by the judge's decision.

He said: "The problem in this particular case is that one of the British citizens is of Muslim origin.

"And I think that the combination of the alleged kissing and the consumption of alcohol in an illegal place, meant that this was a case that the authorities really wanted to pursue, and they are probably sticking to their rigid interpretation of the law."

Professor Strawson said the Dubai authorities often turned a blind eye to foreigners' behaviour, because of the high income that comes from tourists.

But he said Dubai had recently issued new explanations tightening up their laws.

'Cultural differences'

The Foreign Office advises Britons going to Dubai, which is part of the United Arab Emirates, to be wary of breaching local customs.

A statement on the its travel advice website reads: "Britons can find themselves facing charges relating to cultural differences, such as using bad language, rude gestures or public displays of affection."

Najafi, from north London, had been working for marketing firm Hay Group in Dubai for about 18 months.

The case is the latest in a series of incidents over recent years in which foreigners have broken Dubai's strict decency laws.

In March, an Indian couple in their 40s were sentenced to three months in jail in Dubai after sending each other sexually explicit text messages.

In 2008, two Britons accused of having sex on a beach in Dubai were sentenced to three months in jail, though the sentences were later suspended.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Seriously, I am so looking forward to the day when the Persian Gulf oil bubble bursts...
We had another thread about this, before the sentence.

When in Rome, do as the Romans.

You could try going to Greece and taking lots of photos of their planes ;)
Or walking round Glasgow with an England shirt on and no anti-stab vest.
Or try smuggling drugs into East Asian countries.
When the bubble bursts, it will just rapidize the arabification of Europe. I can't wait either :D
We had another thread about this, before the sentence.

When in Rome, do as the Romans.

You could try going to Greece and taking lots of photos of their planes ;)
Or walking round Glasgow with an England shirt on and no anti-stab vest.
Or try smuggling drugs into East Asian countries.


Example 1 - Greek jets: there is probably an objective reason for that (possible espionage)
Example 2 - Britain: our British lecturers have warned us that the Brits are very territorial and aggressive to outsiders
Example 3 - drugs in East Asia: although their laws are stupidly strict, there is again an objective reason for trying to prevent drug smuggling

On the other hand...

What objective reason could one possibly have to ban kissing? This is not like having anal sex in a kindergarten, it was a normal (heterosexual!) kiss.

There is absolutely no excuse for having a socially ******ed culture.
No, no, no, no, no...

While I usually say it's your own damn fault if you go go to country that should be well known for it's ridiculous culture and laws and end up in prison...
The couple's defence lawyers said the woman - who did not appear in court - had not seen the kiss herself, but had been told by her two-year-old child that the girl had seen the couple kissing.
...if the only witness for a victimles crime is a woman who's offended by something she didn't even see herself and can't even be arsed to appear in court, then the whole judicial system of the country in question is a farce.

The only good thing about this is that it might discourage people from going to Dubai.
I don't have as much an issue with a no public kissing law as I do with a country that deems second-hand testimony of a 2-year-old girl sufficient to put people in prison.
Well, at least they get a trial, unlike in America ;)
So you'd rather be detained indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay?
Who knows what the many people who were released fro Gitmo actually were supposed to have done.
So you'd rather be detained indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay?

Er, I meant I'd rather just be put in jail for the duration of my accused crime than go before such a court that takes second-hand testimony from a 2-year-old. If we're talking indefinite detention in lieu of a trial, I'll take the fake trial.
Er, I meant I'd rather just be put in jail for the duration of my accused crime than go before such a court that takes second-hand testimony from a 2-year-old. If we're talking indefinite detention in lieu of a trial, I'll take the fake trial.

Why do you hate freedom? ;)
Or try smuggling drugs into East Asian countries.

I was performing anthropological research in SE Asia when someone put drugs in my backpack (I was flying from Palawan to Brunei).

Brunei enforces the death penalty for carrying drugs!! :vomit:

Just goes to show that there are some sick twisted arseholes around. At least I assume it was a sick twisted arsehole and not a secret gift from the aboriginal nomads I found. Either way, I was lucky to discover the substance and washed my pack to get rid of the scent before getting on the plane.

Erm... this is relevant because its primary source evidence that underscores the possibility of absolute innocence among tourists.
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