Clown Car III: Who's Laughing Now

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And even moar: former Trump campaigner turned Fox pundit is accused of racism by black panelist and answers by telling him he's out of his cotton-picking mind.

Donald Trump’s former deputy campaigner told a black Fox News guest he is “out of his cotton-picking mind” during a live TV debate.

David Bossie and Joel Payne – a Democratic strategist - became embroiled in a heated exchange on Fox & Friends about the rhetoric employed when discussing immigration and other issues on Sunday.

Mr Payne accused the Trump administration and its supporters of using coded racism to attract certain parts of the US population.

He said: “You don’t have to be a golden retriever to hear all the dog whistles coming out of the White House these days and from my friend David here”.

Mr Bossie then drew attention to the fact former CIA director Michael Hayden compared the child detention centres for migrant children to Auschwitz.

“Yeah, that liberal Michael Hayden,” Mr Payne sarcastically replied.

This prompted Mr Bossie to respond: “You are out of your cotton-picking mind!”​

(In a nod to the Simpsons, I'll point out that Bossie's the white one and Payne is the black one)
Moar insane news for Erika and the Onion to keep up with:

(and yes, Arakhor, I did just end a sentence with a preposition in a way that is grammatically valid)
Technically, "with" is not the end of the sentence. The use of a " : " means that there is more to follow before the final period. :p
Whatever comes after the colon is in apposition to ‘Moar insane news’ so my points stands.
Whatever comes after the colon is in apposition to ‘Moar insane news’ so my points stands.
Don't make me quote elementary school grammar.

"A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period." A colon is not a period. Your post cannot stand on broken legs and fails.
Sentence doesn't matter. The material before the colon is an independent clause. It's those one oughtn't end with a preposition, according to those for whom one shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition. The whole phrase "keep up with" is considered the verb. There are some verbs that include added prepositions or other parts of speech. They might even have a name.

Checks: yes, "phrasal verb."
Pffffffffffffffffffffttt! ,Grammar ;Commies "for is{
Don't make me quote elementary school grammar.

"A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period." A colon is not a period. Your post cannot stand on broken legs and fails.
I thought sentences ended with stops, interrogation marks, exclamation marks, or ellipses. And what matters is that a proposition or clause ends, not the full sentence.
Sentence doesn't matter. The material before the colon is an independent clause. It's those one oughtn't end with a preposition, according to those for whom one shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition. The whole phrase "keep up with" is considered the verb. There are some verbs that include added prepositions or other parts of speech. They might even have a name.

Checks: yes, "phrasal verb."
Have you heard of this ‘trace’ concept? It justifies dangling prepositions in BJ's face.
When more than 1,000 Latino officials __ a crop of up-and-coming representatives from a fast-growing demographic __ gathered in Phoenix last week, no one from the Trump administration was there to greet them.

It marked the first time a presidential administration skipped the annual conference of the National Association of Latino Elected Officials in at least 24 years. But the absence was striking for another reason. As jarring images of severed Central American migrant families played out on television, the White House chose not to make the case for its immigration policy to these key politicians.

For some, the choice was more evidence that the relationship between Latinos in the U.S. and the GOP is not just fractured, but broken — a breach with both immediate and long-term consequences.

So, having driven away 95% of black voters, the GOP is now working on driving away 95% of Latino voters.
I thought sentences ended with stops, interrogation marks, exclamation marks, or ellipses. And what matters is that a proposition or clause ends, not the full sentence.
I'm old school and while Mr. Churchill was many things, he was also a find writer. He did say:

“A preposition is a terrible thing to end a sentence with.”

It is good advice even if there are exceptions. :p

Have you heard of this ‘trace’ concept? It justifies dangling prepositions in BJ's face.
Yes, and I have my very sharp editorial scissors at the ready.
Sorry I forgot the ":p" smiley for my attempt at levity... pardon my triggerin'?;)

Nah, came off too hard if askin' pardon. Not sure if more annoyed I got curious about what it was, or that it was what I though it was.
Have fun unpacking the innuendo in that last part.
I already had fun packing it in.

So, having driven away 95% of black voters, the GOP is now working on driving away 95% of Latino voters.
Remember that as long as he ‘looks tought on Cuba’ he will keep on his side a large-ish part of those Latinos who actually vote.
I'm old school and while Mr. Churchill was many things, he was also a find writer. He did say:

“A preposition is a terrible thing to end a sentence with.”

It is good advice even if there are exceptions. :p
Did he also give any advice on misspellings?
Birdjaguar said:
Yes, and I have my very sharp editorial scissors at the ready.
Just the tool to do a snip with.
Nixon ×2, Reagan ×2 (or ×3 if you count GHW Bush), GWBush ×2… dismal conmen being re-elected seems to be the norm in the U.S. of A.
Nixon was not a bad President, though memory is tarred. Reagan was a good President, albeit with a large scandal. I'm not sure your point there. The whole list was better than the only Democrat of the period, Jimmy Carter. So was Clinton for that matter.

I'm old school and while Mr. Churchill was many things, he was also a find writer.
You were saying...?

You can afford to drive off 100% of all voters if the plan is to stop having free and fair elections.
A condition which has already been met in any case.
This is a bad but not horrible thing, so what is your point? J

I dont know, what point could I be making about Republicans electing G.W.Bush twice ?
Dont worry, between tax cuts, obamacare, trade wars and immigration crackdown the pot is only just starting to boil.
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I dont know, what point could I be making about Republicans electing G.W.Bush twice ?
Dont worry, between tax cuts, obamacare, trade wars and immigration crackdown the pot is only just starting to boil.
That GW Bush was at worst mediocre? Was that it?

The only alternative is an endorsement of Trump. Tax cuts are a straight out winner for Trump and emasculating ACA isn't far behind. There is a lot of backing for his position on trade. If you are not endorsing either Bush or Trump, what is your point?

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