CNES: The Flames of War (BETA)

From Sir Basque de Basque the Basque
To the World

Stop oppressing the Basque people!
Loses 1 mod point for atrocious orders.


You may have noticed “orders parser” in there. Yes, I’d like you nitwits to actually follow the order guidelines on the front page.

You can get flexible with movements and stuff, but for god’s sake clarity is key.

What the f is wrong with you. Here are my orders, to be put out for everyone:

lord_joakim said:
Diplomacy: No changes.

Government: Theologists gain power.


$26 from income
5s from research

Research spending
-$1 for unlocking Submachine Guns blueprint
-$1 for unlocking Entrenching Tools blueprint
- 5s researching Submachine Guns. Spillover into Entrenching Tools.

Remaining eco
$24 eco

Military training
-$7 for Landship in Narisiya
-$7 for Landship in E'oa'na
-$10 for Officer in E'oa'na

Remaining eco


Ending Matt's Sattelite Claims
Attack Jormunj with the following units:
-2 Landships from Jeiyan
-1 Biplane from Jeiyan
-2 Landships from Xersha
-2 Landships from Narisiya

I mean, I know I didn't follow your guidelines, and I am happy for the orders parser, meaning I'll invest more time into formatting this properly. But there's no ing way this is unclear or confusing. You're not a computer so I don't need to talk computer language to you (with the parser I do have of course) because I know you're not a freaking idiot. I mean the problems here are akin to hair splitting, not something I'd punish players for not following. It's not like I wrote a textwall with irrelevant detail or made intricate if/then logical knots. I spent perhaps eight hours earning one mod point by writing up a revolutionary story and composing a freaking orchestral piece and I lose it for you being a prude. Yea, good chance I'm going to post a story here again.

Anyways great update and let's celebrate Matt0088's death.
Black power!
The PRFK will remain true to the ideals of the revolution; Socialism and Screwing Over. Down with fascists! Down with revisionists! Down with pricks!
What the f is wrong with you. Here are my orders, to be put out for everyone:

Don't split up your spending into five weird subcategories from now on.

You're not a computer so I don't need to talk computer language to you (with the parser I do have of course) because I know you're not a freaking idiot.

a dangerous assumption bloop bleep
What the f is wrong with you. Here are my orders, to be put out for everyone:

I mean, I know I didn't follow your guidelines, and I am happy for the orders parser, meaning I'll invest more time into formatting this properly. But there's no ing way this is unclear or confusing. You're not a computer so I don't need to talk computer language to you (with the parser I do have of course) because I know you're not a freaking idiot. I mean the problems here are akin to hair splitting, not something I'd punish players for not following. It's not like I wrote a textwall with irrelevant detail or made intricate if/then logical knots. I spent perhaps eight hours earning one mod point by writing up a revolutionary story and composing a freaking orchestral piece and I lose it for you being a prude. Yea, good chance I'm going to post a story here again.

Anyways great update and let's celebrate Matt0088's death.

You want my mod points? Crezth is being Hitler and not letting me spend them anyway.
Nah I'm good. The last mod point I lost was because Crezth made an error himself a turn earlier. It's offputting like barf. I simply do not have the interest in making this NES anything more than a boardgame right now.

Don't split up your spending into five weird subcategories from now on.

Don't be a douche. It was nowhere near incomprehensible or unclear. You know what, I think you have a really great way of making players feel unappreciated. I mean, I could easily live with losing a mod point this way, but not when it takes so much energy actually getting one. Oh, of course, you could also just be Dachs and write "funniest orders" or tickle you somehow by making an alliance called Basque Basque Revolution, "catching a reference" and just another thrown in for the awesomeness of this. So, what exactly made this worth 3 times the mod points of a careful rewriting of Thlayli's prestory + additional story of a composer's tragic yet probably romanticized end (referencing modern histography) + a manipulated photo of myself + a 2:30 minutes long layered composition?

I'm going to pull my story from the thread kneejerkingly. This crap doesn't deserve that kind of work. I don't think you care about me, the pulling and nor the story regardless. And that's the problem. And it's not like I'm going to lose anything but a mod point anyways which are attainable like dip and disposable like dirt.

I did rewrite the story though, please enjoy this version. It has about the same chance of making a mod point anyways.

yes my allies i will still be playin don't worry
Kraz loses over nine thousand meaningless mod points for no particular reason => no problem

lj loses one meaningless mod point for imperfect orders => ragesplosion
Get over yourself Dachs. I didn't know what happened with Kraz but assumed it was something particular or merely a joke.
I'm not the one who's throwing a fit over nothing at all.
Crezth, I'd like to say that I got your PM and I'm inserting a smiley here for the short response, although I'll expand when I have time to reply: :)

I'm not the one who's throwing a fit over nothing at all.

Nothing like having pointed out that things you invest into are "atrocious" when they aren't. Mod points mean stuff for how your nation looks though and if I wanted to make my nation elegant...

On the other hand, I know you well enough not to discuss things with you over the forums, because you're really douchy as a poster (even though I do like you in person and in chat), so even if you have anything else to add to this, I probably won't answer you.
Also Kraznaya explicitly asked to lose 9000 mod points, whereas some of us value them for their ability to let us specialize our unit appearances and rename territories.
Seriously though, why is everyone on Thlayli's side? What makes him so special? I feel hurt.

I mean, did you guys even think this through - what happens when I'm gone?

We're cheering you on as the underdog, but we're on a faraway continent with wars of our own to fight.
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