Cool Pictures IX: duuude dude dude i'm like totally tripping

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So we have the Girl with a Pearl Earring, Mona Lisa and presumably Botticelli's Venus, but I have no idea who the one with the pink bow is.
Looks to me like a self-portrait of Frida Kahlo.

But someone please tell me that isn't a doctored Spice Girls pic...? :vomit:
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It's from Lena Dunham's show Girls.

I'm not really sure why I know that, but there you go.
Hm, this made Lena Dunham get +1 for me. Though i haven't seen anything by her, i know she is somewhat infamous, at least for the cis-fascist crowd :D

Three problems:

1. Lena Dunham is a sexist hateful, wahhabist ******** of sarkesian proportions...
...and also a general classist, racist Anglosphere c-word, who probably thinks you don't have indoor plumbing. Because Greece.
You know, white coastal American female and all that.

2. You may be aware of whatchamacallit... doctor games. You know, when small children pinch each others parts and stuff. So you may judge where the following files:
Well, Lena Dunham basically fingered her sister, bribed her sister into all sorts of behavior, was quite happy when her sister would snuggle up against her in bed and used the opportunity to masturbate whence she had fallen asleep.
This type of behavior started when Lena Dunham was 7 and Grace Dunham was 1.
It ended roundabout 9 years later.
We don't have to allege this. This is supposedly extensively described in Lena Dunham's memoir.

3. Speaking of which: In her memoir Ms. Dunham also alleged that a "campus Republican" named Barry with a beard raped her at Oberlin. But since we live in the age of big data you can't just throw stuff like that out there in a book that roughly every pathetic Clinton voter is going to buy.
The yellow press found a complete rando guy matching all the criteria in about 5 minutes. The ******** scum that dominates social media was very nice to him (no they were not).
Dunham's defense can be roughly paraphresed as: "1. It was a joke. 2. No i was really raped but we used a pseudonym, duh. 3. Everybody who is criticising me is a sexist Republican."
She (semi-)apologised to the actual rando Barry in a Buzzfeed article. Like two months later.

How "cis-fascist" of me not to like her.
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The show is pretty entertaining, though, so I'd say it averages out.
Three problems:

1. Lena Dunham is a sexist hateful, wahhabist ******** of sarkesian proportions...
...and also a general classist, racist Anglosphere c-word, who probably thinks you don't have indoor plumbing. Because Greece.
You know, white coastal American female and all that.

2. You may be aware of whatchamacallit... doctor games. You know, when small children pinch each others parts and stuff. So you may judge where the following files:
Well, Lena Dunham basically fingered her sister, bribed her sister into all sorts of behavior, was quite happy when her sister would snuggle up against her in bed and used the opportunity to masturbate whence she had fallen asleep.
This type of behavior started when Lena Dunham was 7 and Grace Dunham was 1.
It ended roundabout 9 years later.
We don't have to allege this. This is supposedly extensively described in Lena Dunham's memoir.

3. Speaking of which: In her memoir Ms. Dunham also alleged that a "campus Republican" named Barry with a beard raped her at Oberlin. But since we live in the age of big data you can't just throw stuff like that out there in a book that roughly every pathetic Clinton voter is going to buy.
The yellow press found a complete rando guy matching all the criteria in about 5 minutes. The ******** scum that dominates social media was very nice to him (no they were not).
Dunham's defense can be roughly paraphresed as: "1. It was a joke. 2. No i was really raped but we used a pseudonym, duh. 3. Everybody who is criticising me is a sexist Republican."
She (semi-)apologised to the actual rando Barry in a Buzzfeed article. Like two months later.

How "cis-fascist" of me not to like her.

Ok, then i guess she sucks. -20 relations with user Kyriakos of CFC.
The premise of Girls is basically "Sex and the City, but everyone is broke", so it makes sense.

"Plastic fracturing on a credit card hologram magnified 10x. #
Steven Simon, Grand Prairie, Texas"

"Simple eyes of an Ectemnius (digger wasp), with condensation, magnified 20x. #
Laurie Knight, Tonbridge, United Kingdom"
Wasp or Mi-Go? ^^

Btw, although wasps and their class have many weird things (eg parasitic wasps, and blind/immobile female wasps) i prefer the modest anthemia salina, which looks like a shrimp and has a nice dead central eye - remain from a previous stage of metamorphosis- above the other two.
Cycladic islands statuette, the double-flute (diaulos) player, from circa 2500 BC or older:

You can also see it as someone eating some smaller creature, and currently tasting the legs. /Attack on cycladic titan
That plastic fracturing is really pretty.

I like the statuette, but then I'm fond of living history. I made a special visit to Vienna's Natural History Museum just to see the Venus of Willendorf, after all.
The Venus of Willendorf or something else?
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