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Coronavirus 2: the Flattening

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do not , actually do not feed the egos of mighty great people that they are comparable to Palpatine and their ways of power are comparable to the Galactic Empire . Because when they up crushed they will blame anyone but themselves and you people will blame me for like puppeting them , because it was in the movies . They are like evil on their own .
I've noticed that cases in my home state of North Carolina haven't really leveled off.

Compare that to my current state of Oklahoma, where things are generally going better.

The per capita death toll in NC recently surpassed that of OK, but both states are still at less than 1/10,000 deaths.

Source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
Nice for anyone who still "work from home". Is anyone here ever try online meeting in a game server? Sound really like a good idea :lol:

Spoiler Lock-down :
So 59 hours later CFC sees this thread return to the numero uno spot on Off-Topic.


Brazil's daily death tol has doubled in a fortnight and the country is expected to reach a total 30,000 deaths imminently, assuming of course the federal government doesn't tweak statistics.

Meanwhile here in Argentina we've spent 74 days under lockdown already and the virus is spreading throughout slums and shantytowns thanks to the government:
  • first, thwarting any prevention efforts by:
    • docking points from any football teams that refused to play (stadia here have massive terracing that can fit up to 20,000 people just behind one end of the pitch)
    • threatening to imprison any lower-level government official and/or local authorities who tried to impose order
    thus instituting a very effective anti-prevention fear campaign
  • second, forcing everybody to stay together with a military-style curfew, worsening overcrowding
  • third, refusing to carry out tests among the aforementioned overcrowded slums because it was a ‘rich people disease’ for the first 60 days of lockdown
  • fourth, making use of faulty equipment patriotically flown in from a country whose bad faith and lack of standards is proverbial and no, I don't mean the US of A.

so we might just be headed for disaster.

Oh, and Chile and Peru are still a wreck; Ecuador nobody remembers, and Venezuela… Venezuela.
Chile's hospital structure is completely collapsed. There's no room in actual hospital beds (they're at 90ish% hospital capacity and nearly 100% in some areas) so they are scrambling to expand capacity by repurposing hallways, outdoor yards, etc.

Over at Brazil Jair Bolsonaro is asked for a word for those in mourning and replies that it's everybody's fate to die.

The country's already passed 31,000 deaths and 555,000 infectees: https://g1.globo.com/bemestar/coron...umero-de-mortes-no-brasil-em-2-de-junho.ghtml.
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Chile's hospital structure is completely collapsed. There's no room in actual hospital beds (they're at 90ish% hospital capacity and nearly 100% in some areas) so they are scrambling to expand capacity by repurposing hallways, outdoor yards, etc.

Over at Brazil Jair Bolsonaro is asked for a word for those in mourning and replies that it's everybodys fate to die.

The country's already passed 31,000 deaths and 555,000 infectees: https://g1.globo.com/bemestar/coron...umero-de-mortes-no-brasil-em-2-de-junho.ghtml.

damn that’s an impressive amount of “go fudge yourself” coming from a national leader.
Yeah, and you 'Muricans think you're exceptional.
People here don't really seem on board with the whole mask thing. Even at Costco where they're handing out free masks at the entrance only about half of the people in the store are wearing masks.

It is rare here in rural missouri as well. It does not make me happy. the numbers would stay lower longer if people would mask up, but I've long givern up any hope that it will kill less the 300k Americans at this point so. . . I mean we got other problems to deal with now. Like shooting each other
Can't imagine there's much unusual activity wandering out into the Ozarks. That's a good way to get warning shots on normalish summers, isn't it?

Edit: Oh man, 4 officers shot in St. Louis last night? They're going to be trigger happy tonight.
Can't imagine there's much unusual activity wandering out into the Ozarks. That's a good way to get warning shots on normalish summers, isn't it?

Edit: Oh man, 4 officers shot in St. Louis last night? They're going to be trigger happy tonight.

I'm hoping calmer minds prevail but I have doubts. Yes St. Louis has a long history of the worst kind of racism and it continues to this day, jsut look into how they are treating the City Prosecutor (the first African american one ever).
Meanwhile here in Argentina we've spent 74 days under lockdown already and the virus is spreading throughout slums and shantytowns thanks to the government:
  • first, thwarting any prevention efforts by:
    • docking points from any football teams that refused to play (stadia here have massive terracing that can fit up to 20,000 people just behind one end of the pitch)
    • threatening to imprison any lower-level government official and/or local authorities who tried to impose order

I have to keep disbelieving your statements about Argentina simple because you keep posting embellishments on the truth.
Football stadiums have been closed in Argentina since March 17. While the government is not innocent from blame it only attempted to back a "solution" of playing games on empty stadiums, something that was at the time being floated in other countries. There as in here and many other places the pressure indeed "came from below" to stop the events that were spreading the virus. Against the will of governments fearful of disrupting installed interests.
But specifically on this issue of football games; trying for a few days (and then discarding) to have them continue in empty stadiums can't in any be described as "thwarting any prevention efforts". Spain, much worse and more visibly affected by then had stopped football on March 12, Brasil under that clown Bolsonaro on the 16th. Argentina on the 17th wasn't disastrously worse. Just your average worldwide incompetent bad. No need to exxagerate.

damn that’s an impressive amount of “go fudge yourself” coming from a national leader.

I knew people in Brasil were playing with fire when they did the legislative coup against Dilma and threw Lula in prison to prevent him running and winning the election. But never expected the fallout from it to be as bad as it turned out. Bolsonaro is indeed Trump's little lapdog in everything, including incompetence. But as an imitator he has managed to be much more incompetent than the original at actually governing! Try to imagine that... Even Trump at some point pad lip service to fighting the virus. Bolsonaro just doubles down on whatever insanity he happened to pick first. And he has a knack to pick the most insane option in a crisis.

The virus in Brasil is going to be a total disaster. Probably worse even than the US when everything is finished. It's already coming near.
I have to keep disbelieving your statements about Argentina simple because you keep posting embellishments on the truth.
Football stadiums have been closed in Argentina since March 17. While the government is not innocent from blame it only attempted to back a "solution" of playing games on empty stadiums, something that was at the time being floated in other countries. There as in here and many other places the pressure indeed "came from below" to stop the events that were spreading the virus. Against the will of governments fearful of disrupting installed interests.
But specifically on this issue of football games; trying for a few days (and then discarding) to have them continue in empty stadiums can't in any be described as "thwarting any prevention efforts".
Let's see, the president of the country, who had pre-emptively granted herself emergency legislative faculties back in December through ther string puppet, said that football should still be played, specifically to keep the people amused.
When one team refused to play they were docked points.

And i see you just ignored altogether the part about threatening to throw people in jail for contradicting the government's denialist position earlier in the pandemic.
Spain, much worse and more visibly affected by then had stopped football on March 12, Brasil under that clown Bolsonaro on the 16th. Argentina on the 17th wasn't disastrously worse. Just your average worldwide incompetent bad. No need to exxagerate.
Given how dismal the response of human governments on Earth to Covid-19 has generally been then you're setting such a low bar that your statements are yet again meaningless at best.
Bolsonaro is indeed Trump's little lapdog in everything, including incompetence.
You cannot do this when you've been defending Trump wherever you can shoehorn it in. Wherever you go you always are for whichever self-promoting maniac with a mandate to override democracy and checks and balances you can find.
Donald Trump.
‘Brilliant’ Putin.
Nicolás Maduro's self-styled revolution.
The Kirchners here who give themselves emergency powers every single year they've been in government.
And so on… just shut up, will you?
as said previously Bolsonaro has been tasked with to provide more deaths than America , 150 thousands when it was a round 100 thousands in America . ı don' t know , if they can manage to concentrate it in strategic locations they might convert some favelas to nice condo spots .
Been looking at the grm Reaper statistics on the Worldometer Coronaviruus League Table:


Changes quite a lot.

I am particularly looking at deaths per million.

The top ten scores are:

1. San Marino 1,238

Small place, tourist (chinese?) resort, statistically not significant.

2. Belgium 882

Apparently they count very nearly all deaths as Coronavirus.
(It wasn't murder despite the knife in the back, dear Poirot, merely Covid 19).

3. Andorra 660

Sandwiched between Spain and France

4. Spain 580
5. UK 580

Level pegging, but Spain barring UK tourists, as we are more infected apparently.

6. Italy 555

Once the hot favourite.

7. Sweden 450
8..France 443
9. Netherlands 349
10. Saan Maartin 350
11. Ireland 336
12. USA 327

I have not worked out what corrective factor would best reflect age distribution, but I am tempted to
divide by cube root of population density to compare government and health systems peformance.

Hopefully sport will get restarted, or I fear the bookies will be taking bets on this.
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