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Coronavirus: The Great Unmasking

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From a month old article: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...us-covid-unvaccinated-hospital-rates-vaccines

a doctor in a Birmingham, Alabama, hospital, Brytney Cobia:

“One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late,”
she added, referring to patients who have to be put on a ventilator.

That was identified as a lie. Propaganda. This Britney Cobia was lying because deaths during that time frame did not happen, contrary to what she alleged. If you read her full propaganda piece there are several other lies.

Actually, I do. The CDC keeps track of COVID deaths., and according to their website exactly 0 people under the age of 50 in Alabama have died from COVID in July.

“Young healthy people” ask her for the vaccine when they’re dying from COVID. Not a person, but people. Multiple young healthy people. Yet not one young healthy person in her state has died from COVID during this time period. She’s an undeniable liar, and in a just society she would no longer be allowed to practice medicine.

But of course this never happened. Dr. Cobia wanted to push an agenda because only 1/3 of people in Alabama have chosen to get vaccinated, and she wants to scare the other 2/3 into getting the jab. She just got carried away with her story and now no rational person could take it seriously. The addition of the “I didn’t know I could get COVID if I was white” was a bit over the top, and literally no one is saying this.
What this “doctor” is trying to do here is create a caricature of right wingers, because people on her team believe that everyone on our team is a dumb, uneducated, science denying hillbilly. These fictional white people she made up for this story believe that COVID is a hoax, that the virus is political, and that they think they don’t need the vaccine because they read “misinformation” on Facebook about it.

I actually saw this denounced by people living in Alabama who were following the situation in hospitals there and immediately called this liar.

Mind you, I actually think lock downs are an appropriate strategy that works. So I don't endorse the opinion on that site. But the denouncing of this lying medic, that i absolutely support.

The "99%" number deliberately deployed in the media at the time also used in that Guardian piece, referred to the full 6 months during which, in peak of deaths time, 90-many percent of people were unvaccinated, and was another example of deliberately deceitful propaganda. Of course at the time an extremely high percentage of deaths would among the unvaccinated, during that peak the vast majority of people in the US were unvaccinated, the deaths had to be among them!
The exact same technique was used in my own country by the national health authority at the same time, they copied the idea. It was a statistic meant to deceive with a high number that was meaningless fof the actual rist. They could have stated the risk reduction from the vaccine accurately, they instead chose to lie.

It's useful that you should have recycled this piece now. Because it is the kind of propaganda, built on lies, that turned people against the vaccines. Because people notice and they they refuse to trust in the media and in claims of authority again.

This is a perfect example of why credibility of the media is already wasted outside the "professional-managerial class", the upper-middle class that still clings to liberal delusions. You didn't knew this had been a lie. I knew. Plenty of people knew. But mainstream media never retracted the lies, and you still trust it. And so you repeat it, report on these lies as if they were facts that happened, and express shock at the supposedly irrationals who disbelieve the figures of authority mentioned by the media. This is the reason why they lost authority.
This crap only has currency inside your class bubble, the PMC bubble. So you are unable to understand what is happening already in the world. Foremost in the USA, but also increasingly in Western Europe. Why people refuse to comply with government exhortations or even outright orders. And you won't see the collapse of authority coming. I see it coming. We're ruled by complete idiots who thing that blatant manipulation and play-acting is good rule... :rolleyes:
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That was identified as a lie. Propaganda. This Britney Cobia was lying because deaths during that time frame did not happen, contrary to what she alleged. If you read her full propaganda piece there are several other lies.


I actually saw this denounced by people living in Alabama who were following the situation in hospitals there and immediately called this liar.

Mind you, I actually think lock downs are an appropriate strategy that works. So I don't endorse the opinion on that side. But the denouncing of this lying medic, that i absolutely support.

The "99%" number deliberately deployed in the media at the time also used in that Guardian piece, referred to the full 6 months during which, in peak of deaths time, 90-many percent of people were unvaccinated, and was another example of deliberately deceitful propaganda. Of course at the time an extremely high percentage of deaths would among the unvaccinated, during that peak the vast majority of people in the US were unvaccinated, the deaths had to be among them!
The exact same technique was used in my own country by the national health authority at the same time, they copied the idea. It was a statistic meant to deceive with a high number that was meaningless fof the actual rist. They could have stated the risk reduction from the vaccine accurately, they instead chose to lie.

It's useful that you should have recycled this piece now. Because it is the kind of propaganda, built on lies, that turned people against the vaccines. Because people notice and they they refuse to trust in the media and in claims of authority again.

This is a perfect example of why credibility of the media is already wasted outside the "professional-managerial class", the upper-middle class that still clings to liberal delusions. You didn't knew this had been a lie. I knew. Plenty of people knew. But mainstream media never retracted the lies, and you still trust it. And so you repeat it, report these lies, and express shock at the supposedly irrationals who disbelieve the figures authority. This is the reason why they lost authority.
This crap only has currency inside your class bubble, the PMC bubble. So you are unable to understand what is happening already in the world. Foremost in the USA, but also increasingly in Western Europe. Why people refuse to comply with government exhortations or even outright orders. And you won't see the collapse of authority coming. I see it coming.
What time frame was alleged?

I don't see the doctor in question alleging any time frame. The statistics provided by the article (which is, from the start, ideologically-opposed to the entire concept of a vaccine and in sharing it you are literally sharing what amounts to the blog of an anti-vaxxer) show deaths from April to July across various age ranges (note the incomplete data). The rows that don't have values in aren't zero. The values with zero in are zero.

It then goes onto accusing her of lying about having Covid, without any evidence to support this. It then also goes onto say this:
In her post she cited another doctor she works with named David Wilhelm, who made an insane fear mongering post about how the “Delta variant” was WAY scarier than regular COVID, and unlike the first virus it kills the young and healthy.
Now, as you yourself @innonimatu have recently said, Delta represents a real threat that shows that vaccines alone cannot handle a pandemic such as this. Right?

So why share an article that accuses people talking seriously about Delta as being "fearmongerers"? It seems to me that you're just trying to latch onto things, however suspicious their source, when they confirm your bias. I don't doubt you saw people online who are from Alabama that called this woman a liar. I also don't doubt they did so with no evidence whatsoever.

If I missed a timestamp somewhere, I will absolutely flat-out admit I'm incorrect. But I've been through the "article", and it abandoned the main point to try and character assassinate the doctor multiple different ways as you (generic you) reads through the piece. It is not good reporting. It is honestly, pretty much just trash. The author has obsessively stalked social media for posts and comments it doesn't like the tone of, and yet doesn't offer any actual scientific evidence to the contrary.
That doctor is a liar. The time frame was July, she posted this crap about July 20th, and talked in the present tense, so it wasn't experiences from the past, when vaccines were scarce anyway. And statistics were provided locally by the hospitals and checked by people who denounced this. The issue was discussed in several other blogs at the time. I quoted merely one page that was easy to locate now.

This was a contemporary reply by a person who actually lives in Birmingham, Alabama:

This woman is a fabulist.
There has been an average of ONE Covid death a week since mid June in JeffCo.
Grandview also serves Shelby County, which has had ZERO Covid deaths since May:
Jefferson County has four major hospital systems. Grandview is only one of the four. UAB and St. Vincent’s have more beds than Grandview. St. Vincent’s even has more than one hospital in Jefferson County. See here for the list:
That includes a VA hospital.
And she certainly wasn’t the only hospitalist treating patients at her hospital.
So it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have intubated multiple dying patients recently. She’s highly unlikely to have seen even one.
Alabama was seeing high numbers of Covid cases in July 2020, and hospitalizations but the hospital system was not overloaded. The summer peak was way lower than the fall-winter levels.
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That was identified as a lie. Propaganda.

Talk about propaganda, did you even notice that the assertions made about this Facebook post are interspersed with direct claims that your preferred strategy for dealing with the virus is wrong?

We just don’t think that locking young and healthy people in their homes, shutting down businesses, closing schools, forcing people to wear face diapers, and segregating society between vaccinated and unvaccinated is an appropriate or effective way to stop the spread. We believe free people should make decisions for themselves about what is best for their health, and we don’t believe that the existence of a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate justifies draconian and unconstitutional suspensions of civil liberties.

I see no reason to take this website any more seriously than the Facebook post.

Here is a news story out of Alabama:
We have strict language rules at CFC regarding the mandatory use of English or a clear, intelligible, translation into English. Clearly you are in violation. I suspect pornographic undertones in your post given all those Xs and frequent use of 9s and 6s. Explain your self young man or suffer the consequences! :mischief:

Quite the opposite !
Remember those days long ago where... as a youngster... you could feel so embarrased when you got in company suddenly that big bump in your trousers ?
My solution was to switch immediately in my mind to recalling the table of square numbers...
(so convenient for calculting multiplications from the top of your head based on (a+b)*(a-b) = a^2 - b^2, converting a multiplication into a substraction with help of that table)
Math as emotion killer !

But here below then, complying, the non-algrabraic way, the linguistic text of the "miraculous multiplication" of Kyr for virusses with a solipsistic flavour.

The row of Kyr: 1,11,21,1211,111221,312211,13112221,1113213211...

It started with one virus.

Hey there is one 1
=> 11

Hey there are now two 1s
=> 21

and there is now one 2 and one 1
=> 1211

and now one 1, one 2 and two 1s
=> 111221

etc, etc

Yeah... sometimes I think some of the wiring in my head is a bit gone wrong with me finding such things as above thrilling...
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Talk about propaganda, did you even notice that the assertions made about this Facebook post are interspersed with direct claims that your preferred strategy for dealing with the virus is wrong?

I see no reason to take this website any more seriously than the Facebook post.

Here is a news story out of Alabama:

I see no reason do dismiss the fact-based denunciation of a lie with an ad-hominen attack against whomever is denouncing. What matters are the facts presented in the context of calling out the lie, not the opinions. And the facts show that the "viral facebook post" contained a series of lies.
The other stuff in that blog I disagree with, but calling out that lie was correct and 100% supported in facts. There were no deaths in that time frame in the hospitals where this medic claimed to have people dying on her.

The deliberate mocking of the rednecks (the liar specifically alluded to "white" people!) who were supposedly begging the vaccine while dying is sick. Disguising. The fable that liar concocted shows her as a hateful human being, fantasizing harm on others because they were from a tribe different from hers. She wasn't trying to protect anyone, that kind of messaging doesn't encourage anyone to get vaccinated, it only messes things up and digs divides even deeper.
And the mass media predictably picked this crap and made it "viral". Because division sells. Disgusting is too weak a word to classify that whole episode a month ago. :vomit:

The news piece you found is from a month later, about now, about young people starting to show up sick. This actually is coherent with the absence of your people dying in hospitals there when that medic was spreading her lie.
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But here below then, complying, the non-algrabraic way, the linguistic text of the "miraculous multiplication" of Kyr for virusses with a solipsistic flavour.

The row of Kyr: 1,11,21,1211,111221,312211,13112221,1113213211...

It started with one virus.

Hey there is one 1
=> 11

Hey there are now two 1s
=> 21

and there is now one 2 and one 1
=> 1211

and now one 1, one 2 and two 1s
=> 111221

etc, etc

Yeah... sometimes I think some of the wiring in my head is a bit gone wrong with me finding such things as above thrilling...

And if the series starts with just the 1, you can never get any digit higher than 3*. So if you artificially add any x>3, it will remain there forever as a "1x" island.
I have read that the series has some application on some level of chemistry.

*you can't even get 333 at some point, although even if you could, it then would be reduced to 33 in the next step. It's also why 22 is termed a degenerate case; it will remain there until you get a third 2 from some other part of the line, to turn the whole thing into 32.

The reason you can't get 333 is that if it existed it'd have to be further in a loop where it existed already: it couldn't be formed in any other way than with a 33 from the left and a new 3 from 111 or 222 from the right, but the 33 means in the previous step you'd have 333 already. This is an elegant way to infer that if 333 existed, there would be no number of the step it first appeared in, since its existence prerequisites it having appeared before that step.

I actually thought of the above myself now (first non-dumb thought of the day :S), and I like how the approach is close to the pythagorean proof of the irrationality of the square root of 2. In sqr2 you have the so-called "infinite descent", while here you have a prerequisite of a previous descent for any descent to happen. Although since Conway even created an equation for this, it is unlikely you'd need to resort to this type of argument to prove the non-existence of 333.
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That was identified as a lie. Propaganda. This Britney Cobia was lying because deaths during that time frame did not happen, contrary to what she alleged. If you read her full propaganda piece there are several other lies.

I actually saw this denounced by people living in Alabama who were following the situation in hospitals there and immediately called this liar.

My mom works in one of the 4 hospitals serving Birmingham. Her account from a month ago might have been embellished, but if it was, it was prophetic.
My mom works in one of the 4 hospitals serving Birmingham. Her account from a month ago might have been embellished, but if it was, it was prophetic.

I can believe that the situation is unfortunately much worse there now. And I've repeatedly said here this virus needs suppressing with everything available.

What pisses me off is the politicization of it, the use of lies by authorities and in the media, the whose counterproductive, insane management of this :mad: That stuff does not help solve the problem and make people agree and follow up «on a smart strategy. Instead it divides, turns people against each other, destroys all trust.
Quite the opposite !
Remember those days long ago where... as a youngster... you could feel so embarrased when you got in company suddenly that big bump in your trousers ?
My solution was to switch immediately in my mind to recalling the table of square numbers...
(so convenient for calculting multiplications from the top of your head based on (a+b)*(a-b) = a^2 - b^2, converting a multiplication into a substraction with help of that table)
Math as emotion killer !

There is a very nice short story by Lord Dunsany, where a person manages to not focus on a ghost, by repeating the pythagorean theorem. Don't remember the name of the story, though...
That was identified as a lie. Propaganda. This Britney Cobia was lying because deaths during that time frame did not happen, contrary to what she alleged. If you read her full propaganda piece there are several other lies.

That doctor is a liar. The time frame was July, she posted this crap about July 20th, and talked in the present tense, so it wasn't experiences from the past, when vaccines were scarce anyway. And statistics were provided locally by the hospitals and checked by people who denounced this. The issue was discussed in several other blogs at the time. I quoted merely one page that was easy to locate now.

This isn't passing a quick fact check, again, Innonimatu.

They attempt to refute her statement by arguing that no patients under the age of 50 died in July in Alabama. Problems with this:

1) It's wrong. The CDC table they link to lists 17 deaths in people aged 40-49. 10 are listed for women under 50, but curiously there's no value listed at all for men under 50 despite the fact there must logically be at least 7. No value is listed either for the 18-29 or 30-39 age groups. From the discrepancy between the values for all sexes vs. individual, we can see that we cannot automatically assume that's a zero. Only the 0-17 age group is explicitly stated to be zero. The sites you're linking to are sufficiently awful I'm not going to give them any benefit of the doubt on an honest mis-read.

2) She doesn't anywhere in the quotes in the Guardian say that young people died. She does state several young people had serious enough covid cases to require intubation. And there mentions elsewhere that people are dying - which could be referring to older people. And we'd normally consider people in their 40s young by the standards of Covid deaths anyway. So this is an attack on a strawman.

3) The doctor makes no mention of time frame. The extremely agenda driven sites you have linked to decided to pick July for their own ends. And no I'm not taking "she posted this on July 20th - how dare she have any memory of events prior to July 1st!" as a legitimate argument.

EDIT - Just a follow up note on the CDC table from point 1). Having read the small print:
NOTE: Empty data cells represent counts between 1-9 that have been suppressed in accordance with NCHS confidentiality standards. Number of deaths reported in this table are the total number of deaths received and coded as of the date of analysis and may not represent all deaths that occurred in that period.

So those blank cells actually indicate there were in fact deaths in both the 18-29 and 30-39 age groups as well, just that the total was less than 9 for each category.
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The deliberate mocking of the rednecks (the liar specifically alluded to "white" people!) who were supposedly begging the vaccine while dying is sick. Disguising. The fable that liar concocted shows her as a hateful human being, fantasizing harm on others because they were from a tribe different from hers. She wasn't trying to protect anyone, that kind of messaging doesn't encourage anyone to get vaccinated, it only messes things up and digs divides even deeper.
And the mass media predictably picked this crap and made it "viral". Because division sells. Disgusting is too weak a word to classify that whole episode a month ago.

This appears to be entirely fictional. The closest I can find to a mention of race is this post which does mention as part of a long list of incorrect reasons patients give why covid can't be a threat to them

They thought it was a hoax. They thought it was political. They thought because they had a certain blood type or a certain skin color they wouldn't get as sick. They thought it was 'just the flu'.

It's reaching colossally to get to your above rant about "mocking rednecks". There's pity in her posts, and a fair bit of frustration and exasperation, but you're indulging in mind reading if you claim it's mockery. Or that it's referring to "rednecks". The stuff about "hate" and "lying" is at best you parroting stuff you've read second hand from sites like those linked above, with a blatant agenda to dismiss Covid as a non-issue, or outright hoax. Which is weirdly at odds with your general position that extreme, unrealistic measures should be implemented to globally eradicate Covid. I'm not seeing anything disgusting in what she's posted. Some of the replies she's received to those posts on the other hand...
Funny enough, she's almost certainly talking about African Americans.

In countries around the world we are seeing essential and service workers, often with low incomes, in the line of Covid-19's fire. In the US, "low income" disproportionately means "black" or "brown".

But then Clarionta said something surprising.

"First I heard black people weren't affected by the coronavirus. I mean there aren't really black people in China and when it started here it was a lot of other races affected."

This was not just misinformation in New Orleans but was widespread in communities across the country.

In mid-March, Atlanta rapper Waka Flocka appeared on a radio show and said: "Minorities can't catch coronavirus. Name one. It doesn't touch them soul food folks."

Funny enough, she's almost certainly talking about African Americans.


You're back!!!

We had some Maori here argue they should be prioritised for vaccines but the government priority was border workers then working your way down the list of medical conditions.

Uptake has been low in Polynesian communities. Government wants as many ASAP so make appointment or go to drive through.

They just started doing roll up get a shot vaccines.
We have achieved community spread of the Delta variant. But the unhealth minister says that she cannot admit it until after the elections which have been postponed.

The same elections until which congress will simply not sit, outright.
This isn't passing a quick fact check, again, Innonimatu.

They attempt to refute her statement by arguing that no patients under the age of 50 died in July in Alabama. Problems with this:

1) It's wrong. The CDC table they link to lists 17 deaths in people under 50. 10 are listed for women under 50, but curiously there's no value listed at all for men under 50 despite the fact there must logically be at least 7. No value is listed either for the 18-29 or 30-39 age groups. From the discrepancy between the values for all sexes vs. individual, we can see that we cannot automatically assume that's a zero. Only the 0-17 age group is explicitly stated to be zero. The sites you're linking to are sufficiently awful I'm not going to give them any benefit of the doubt on an honest mis-read.

Look at the county tables, and at the numbers for those specific hospitals. Must I do your homework? I won't, you're the one trying to find excuses for a liar. You' will just make up other excuses. You have a tribe to defend after all...

2) She doesn't anywhere in the quotes in the Guardian say that young people died. She does state several young people had serious enough covid cases to require intubation. And there mentions elsewhere that people are dying - which could be referring to older people. And we'd normally consider people in their 40s young by the standards of Covid deaths anyway. So this is an attack on a strawman.

Look at the site I linked to. The full text of what she wrote is captured there. You did bother to read it, didn't you?

3) The doctor makes no mention of time frame. The extremely agenda driven sites you have linked to decided to pick July for their own ends. And no I'm not taking "she posted this on July 20th - how dare she have any memory of events prior to July 1st!" as a legitimate argument.

Bullcrap. Again, look at the actual text.
First, you're pretending to be dumb, failing to notice that facebook post of her was written in the present tense. And it was posted at the time in "becabe" viral. That's July 20th or thereabouts. This is not me "deciding to pick", it's a fact. That the Guardian doesn't spell it out is irrelevant, the gist of the piece was what is "look at those dumb people now". You're grasping at straw to defend a liar by trying to built phony scenarios where that woman might not have lied. Your scenario is phony: she lied, making a claim about witnessing deaths and mocking dying people at a date when she could not possibly actually be doing such.
And you didn't even need to check the actual date (which you can), you just had to reason: if it's older than May the young could not have been vaccinated. So shy would they be regretting and "begging for a vaccine"? And why would this utterly callous doctor reply to them "it's too late now"?

That woman was imagining herself acting as a monster. And she places the fable firmly in the present: (this is in June when she's posting) "... lately. I'm admitting young healthy people with..." "a few days later when I call time of death". It's pretty damn clear what her fantasy is! The article has "2d" ago because it was a debunking contemporary with the posting, the full date doesn't show.

This appears to be entirely fictional. The closest I can find to a mention of race is this post which does mention as part of a long list of incorrect reasons patients give why covid can't be a threat to them

"Skin color". In context it's obvious what she means.
And she can try to scrub her tracks but she can't scrub after the media picked up her fable and carried it. What and when she said it got into many places.

Funny enough, she's almost certainly talking about African Americans.


No. "They thought because they had a certain blood type of a certain skin color they wouldn't get as sick". The tale (up until very recently indeed) has been that "minorities" are more vulnerable. The liar doesn't spell it out but the intention in alluding to skin color here is indeed unmistakable, I agree with the criticism directed at that piece of this enfabulation also.
In fact "minorities" were more exposed through work and poor living conditions. Currently, only now, that trend is changing in some areas in the US as the poor people have almost all been already exposed and finally the rich ones are getting it in large numbers, unable to evade delta anymore. But the "truth" everyone though they knew was that "minorities" were more at risk and that is what the fable alludes to.

You all should know, this refusal to acknowledge a lie by a member of one's tribe is a real problem. And that's what I'm exposing here, why I picked this up and am insisting on this case. Both the replies and the likes make it clear that there's group-think and denial at work. This is the reason why problems can't get fixed. They're not even acknowledged because people stick to their group dogmas. The tribes' members must be right. Except they often are not!

I would avoid american news on covid like... covid, if the US didn't had such an outsized influence in what gets decided in so many other countries. As exemplified by this post picked and carried in newspapers in the UK, or the 99% claim copied by several health authorities in european countries.
If authorities stuck to telling the truth they would get heard, respected and followed more than by trying to manipulate people. They could still make the case for vaccines with real numbers, without lies. They couldn't make the case for vaccination as an exit strategy for covid though.
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Look at the county tables, and at the numbers for those specific hospitals. Must I do your homework? I won't, you're the one trying to find excuses for a liar. You' will just make up other excuses. You have a tribe to defend after all...

If you have evidence you want to present, present it. The evidence given in your link was citing the CDC table claiming no deaths in under 50s, which as I explained above is wrong. There are 17 listed for 40-49, and a number between 1 and 9 in each of the 18-29 and 30-39 categories. You're the one making the claim she's a liar. Mining through county and hospital data is your homework, not mine.

Oh and, "tribe"? Seriously - where are you getting this stuff? Because ranting about hate and lying, with the implication of racist stuff is low, even by your standards.

Look at the site I linked to. The full text of what she wrote is captured there. You did bother to read it, didn't you?

Funnily enough I did link to the actual post she made, so no need to go back into that dump of a site (seriously, they seem to have mined through a mountain of social media to find a scrap that could fit their agenda). I'll give one small concession that, as written the original does imply the young people are the ones that end up dying, which was not clear in the quotes from the Guardian when I first wrote point 2). But as noted, we know from the CDC table we know their were at least some deaths as young as the 18-29 age group, and honestly we'd take anything below about 60 as young by the standards of covid deaths.

And you didn't even need to check the actual date (which you can), you just had to reason: if it's older than May the young could not have been vaccinated. So shy would they be regretting and "begging for a vaccine"? And why would this utterly callous doctor reply to them "it's too late now"?

You're going to have to come to some agreement what you'll accept as the doctor's meaning of "young" is when referring to Covid deaths if this is going to be any kind of rational discussion. And the claim a young person couldn't have passed up being vaccinated prior to May isn't holding up to a quick look either. CDC stats have almost half the US 18-50 population as having had their first dose before the start of May. And hence had the opportunity to refuse it.

Oh, and you've decided she's "utterly callous" for pointing out that the vaccine isn't going to do them much good when they're already hospitalized with serious Covid. What exactly is your suggested response to someone asking for the vaccine under these circumstances.

You all should know, this refusal to acknowledge a lie by a member of one's tribe is a real problem. And that's what I'm exposing here, why I picked this up and am insisting on this case. Both the replies and the likes make it clear that there's group-think and denial at work. This is the reason why problems can't get fixed. They're not even acknowledged because people stick to their group dogmas. The tribes' members must be right. Except they often are not!

Believe it or not Innonimatu, I could actually be convinced it is a lie, if you present unambiguous evidence that is the case. But you haven't done that. You've linked to agenda driven websites full of Covid-is-a-hoax garbage. You've linked to a CDC table that expressly doesn't support the claim you've made. You've can apparently read this doctor's mind, as you've gone on about hate and mockery that isn't anywhere in her posts (that both I and now you have linked to). And your ranting about "tribes" is getting into extremely dodgy territory.
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It would have been more interesting if Covid19 was killing in a race-specific way. Now it is mostly the very old and compromised, so it might as well be regular life.

Covid Tsimiskes variant, the White Death of the Saracens, etc.
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