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Coronavirus. The n(in)th sequel.

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Got second jab today. Mask wearing was close to 100% the 3 people without them weren't near anyone and they put them on when they moved.

View attachment 606642

68 cases up from 62 but contact tracing seems to be on top of things and curve seems to be flattening.
Wear a mask—but make sure it’s one with little efficacy! Making a statement is more important than producing results.
Got the second jab today. No side effects except for slight buzzing in head. I assume that's the microchips communicating with the mothership.
Check back tomorrow ;)
If we want to compare US to NZ outcomes we compare their excess mortality.


It is the only meaningful metric.
Its because what worked last time wont work with the Delta varient
Which is also more deadly

How Florida’s massive Covid-19 spike got so bad
Last week, it was averaging nearly 25,000 new cases every day. The previous high, in January, was about 18,000. More than 17,000 Floridians are hospitalized with Covid-19, another record; around 230 people are dying every day. Florida leads all states in the number of hospitalizations and deaths per capita.
it’s hard to be sure because testing is inadequate: Nearly 20 percent of tests are coming back positive in the state. Experts say that number should be at 5 percent or lower in order to be confident most cases are being caught.
The now-dominant delta variant has also made the situation worse because it spreads more efficiently than the previous iterations. It also seems to cause more virulent disease, which is likely contributing to the record number of hospitalizations.

I wonder why NZ drops below zero for so long last year? Those Kiwi's are mad for their dangerous sports, is this them not jumping off mountains and stuff because of the covid? Or that much of the mortality if tourists?

My guess would be less misadventure during lockdown and covid precautions reducing other infections, but who knows.

EDIT - I vaguely recall the mortality for teenaged boys went right down at the beginning of lockdown.
I wonder why NZ drops below zero for so long last year? Those Kiwi's are mad for their dangerous sports, is this them not jumping off mountains and stuff because of the covid? Or that much of the mortality if tourists?

Lockdown. No rugby, hunting, fishing, bars closed, less traffic etc.

60% of the country doing bupkiss I think the essential workers at one point were under 1 million.

Oh and virtually no flu either. Flu and car crashes are the big killers here. Less drowning as well.

Haven't had a cold since 2019.
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Lots of single old people die alone at home from a wide variety of causes.

Normally they are found by neighbours or relatives who call in on them.

And if they don't have caring relatives or neighbours etc, their landlords or utility
providers find out about it when the rent is not paid and they send someone round.

Once lockdown and eviction bans end, I expect reports of a substantial
increase in such deaths to be reported.

I know not how that impact will vary across UK, USA and New Zealand.
Depends! Supposedly the older you get, the fewer side-effects you experience. I’m 35+ and documented my feeling and temperature in my signature below!
well I'm 34 and I get rekt for 4 days.
Once lockdown and eviction bans end, I expect reports of a substantial
in such deaths to be reported.

maybe slight increase.
Old single people dying alone are normally found after non-payment of rent, utilities and relatives raising the alarm anyways.
Everyone dies of something. When there is a fall in mortality from a light flu season or whatever it is followed by an uptick, and vice versa.
Vaccines do not harm fertility, but we still cannot figure out the blood clot thing

COVID Vaccines Show No Signs of Harming Fertility or Sexual Function
The novel coronavirus, in contrast, can disrupt both things in unvaccinated men and women

The U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) found this month that “there is no pattern ... to suggest that any of the COVID-19 vaccines used in the UK increase the risk of congenital anomalies or birth complications. Pregnant women have reported similar suspected reactions to the vaccines as people who are not pregnant.”
If infected with the virus, pregnant people are at highly increased risk for severe disease and complications from COVID-19, compared with their same-age counterparts, says Tara Shirazian, an associate professor and a gynecologist at NYU Langone Health.
COVID vaccines and blood clots: what researchers know so far

Despite fervent work by researchers, the mechanism that links the vaccines and immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is still uncertain. Establishing a mechanism could reveal ways to prevent and treat the condition, and improve the design of future vaccines. Over the past few months, researchers have gathered clues and developed a host of hypotheses.

Working through these possibilities is a daunting task. “You can have your hypothesis, but how do you find which is the one that caused an event in maybe 1 in 100,000 people?” asks John Kelton, a haematologist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. “It’s really, really hard.”​
social media stuff here still insists on a new variant , that can not be identified by PCR tests . 20% and later 40% of cases in lzmir supposed to be because of this . Some say it hits hard , others claim it is lovingly mild even if long running , more than a week . Which makes it flu but not flu . Some hope it will outperform Delta and become dominant , considering if left to Goverments and this heading , there would be millions more deaths . Might also be a plot to relax people who had decided to get vaccinated after the horror stories of the 4th peak of deaths and stuff .
I wonder why NZ drops below zero for so long last year? Those Kiwi's are mad for their dangerous sports, is this them not jumping off mountains and stuff because of the covid? Or that much of the mortality if tourists?

Likely due to no flu season, that's winter. Due to the covid border and social distance restrictions and record flu vaccination levels, there was no 2020 winter flu season in much of the southern hemisphere.

Deaths here were a bit below normal during the early winter months of the pandemic, like in NZ:


And the main reason is lower respiratory disease deaths. There were very few covid deaths at that point, but also there have been no lab certified influenza deaths in Australia since June last year, when a typical flu season will kill hundreds or even over a thousand each season. The result:

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Lock him in a room private thread with innonimatu and let's move on, then.

Ah, yes. The classic/classy "I am going to call you out for not having an argument, present none myself, and suggest it would be beneficial to silence opinions I don't agree with" move. Not the least bit hypocritical, nope.

Got the second jab today. No side effects except for slight buzzing in head. I assume that's the microchips communicating with the mothership.

Never did understand the microchip conspiracy theory. It's probably possible in principle create small devices that could do it (I don't know about THIS small, however), but it would be so unduly expensive at scale, difficult to cover up, and provide very little that companies don't already almost freely access from people by tracking their phone movements + history etc. Enough people voluntarily give genetic info for family trees etc too, which can be cross referenced even for people who don't. It's such a silly idea.

I'm glad Sweden tried their thing, but far away from where we tried ours. If their experiment had worked, we'd be living different lives now.

Their total excess deaths don't seem to be out of line with other European countries. Better than some, worse than others. So it "worked" about as well as other measures (not particularly well).
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