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[RD] Daily Graphs and Charts

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Well, um, yeah, both correlate with countries that suck.
Also, lol at that fit.
it's also kind of trivial that having economic activity not get counted as GDP means lower GDP.

There's the 1% then there's the super wealthy and then uber wealthy.

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They are making the assumption that all the money comes from the Brothers, when it doesn't. Basically the graph assumes too much since not all money is on public record, just like those wealthy donor who donate to left side groups. But the problem is that unions are spending their members money, not private money like those who donate to Koch set groups.

Don't forget that the left has it's own network that raised just a s much money.
The left has its own financial muscle, of course; unions plowed roughly $400 million into national, state and local elections in 2012. A network of wealthy liberal donors organized by the group Democracy Alliance mustered about $100 million for progressive groups and super PACs in the last election cycle, according to a source familiar with the totals.
I must say I don't really have much sympathy for the super-rich, whatever they get up to. Not that they need my sympathy, in any case.

I have a lot more sympathy for the lumpen proletariat, whether their union contributions go to supporting a political party or not.

I'm just a big softy at heart, aren't I?

There's the 1% then there's the super wealthy and then uber wealthy.

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Can play in markets.
Can move markets.
Can create markets.
They are making the assumption that all the money comes from the Brothers, when it doesn't. Basically the graph assumes too much since not all money is on public record, just like those wealthy donor who donate to left side groups. But the problem is that unions are spending their members money, not private money like those who donate to Koch set groups.

Don't forget that the left has it's own network that raised just a s much money.

You don't understand how union political spending works. It has to be accounted for and reported, whereas corporate or private money doesn't. You're trying to draw a wildly false equivalence here.

And don't you think it's criminal that a single industrial interest is legally allowed to outspend millions of citizens who have voluntarily banded together to seek political change?
I think ch is just projecting his dislike of the Australian Labor Party onto other countries. Unions trigger a Pavlovian response in our far right.
Unions trigger a Pavlovian response in our far right.

Not everything unions do is always alright. Criticism of unions is often unfairly slandered as 'far right', ultracapitalist, etc.

There are plenty of instances in which unions simply propagate guild-like behavior to reduce competition from rival unions and non-unionised workers like placing arbitrary degree requirements, anti-immigrant sentiment and the like. I do not blame unions entirely for such sentiment and unions are by themselves not evil. Though overpowered unions is mostly a problem in continental Europe nowadays (though I suspect not in the English-speaking countries).
was about to relate that to Bob Gordon's work, but it's from him :]

his view is that the long term downward trend continues from here and we're gradually returning to what was normal throughout human history; barely any productivity growth to speak of.

blue line stops at 2007? why extend the trend from there?

the article says data goes until 2012...
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