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DR 01- The Greek Domination


Not much happening in Greece today?
We should be able to :hammer: those damn Inca soon, they are causing us more of a headache then they should. Portuguese hsouldnt be that hard, since they are so close we should be able to :hammer: them to, I think we should go after them next, once we get knights of course (and horses) Carracks are practically useless, only useful in Age of Discovery conquest
Sorry I didnt get to this last night. I wanted to finish up a Civ game I was playing and savor my victory, but by the time I finished it was 10:30 and my dad was bugging me to go to bed, because he sleeps where the computer is. Oh well, the weekend is here and I have my civ cd and nothing to do. :mischief: Oh, the possibilities
300th post! [party]
So much :hammer: ing going on soon. :D
Playing Now...
lol I like the way you think formula (i always love that guy with the hammer :D)
:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
We are now at war with EVERYONE! :rotfl:
Iron hooked up, 3 archers @ cuzco.
pre- change rax in thermo to granary
1. Maccu Piccu makes warrior, starts hoplite.
2. Corinth- worker, archer
3. thermo- granary-settler, Athens- Archer-archer
4.portugese warriors appear
5. Trade musillis masonry for 82 g.
6. I think portugal is gonna declare war.
IBT-yup. warrior attacks, is killed,we redline
7. Sparta- Granary-Curraugh Athens- Archer- archer
Decide the heck with it. Declare on Inca :hammer:
IBt- we lose a warrior at Maccu Piccu., COL in, philo in in 6@-4gpt
8.port. warr=dead, ours promotes
Raze Vilcas, no casualties., lose archer attking Coriwhatever, next razes city.
lose an archer and a warrior(to a chasqui, so they are in their golden age)
9- thermopylae- settle-archer. Kill the chasqui, Sparta- curraugh-archer
10. Port and Hitties ma, hitties declare. Iron in,lose Maccu Piccu to Port. Switch archer builds to swords.
I hope declaring on the inca wasn't a :smoke: move. We will get another contact next turn, 3 arch at Cuzco. Someone post a screenie.
Formula 51
DragonRunner-Just Played
Reg- Up!
Zarkhov- On deck
Random thoughts:

Athens can switch from a forest tile to a mined BG. Sparta should switch from the 1food plains tile to a grass tile for extra growth.

I assume the settler will go 1E then settle. Settlers should really be defended in case a barb appears out of the fog.

The curragh should head NE to the yellows. We need to meet more civs.

Science can safely drop to 90% with Phil in 4 still.

Research after the Republic? My vote is for Mathematics (for catapults).

I think we should take Cuzco then get peace with the Incans. If we push on to the last city we will leave ourselves exposed to a Portuguese attack. Cuzco sits nicely on a choke point. We should then concentrate on settling and developing our piece of land before moving on to the next target.

Here is the requested screenshot: :)
Preflight. Yup, we're at war with everyone. Goals for my 10 turns: destroy the Incas, get PHilo and Republic, and possibly revolt. Probably won't be able to do much against Portugal or Hittites, but possibly set off our golden age if we can get to republic. MM Athens to 11 shields so it can do a swordsman in 2 instead of 3. I don't like building all these regular military units, but don't make any changes right now.

IBT. Inca dial us up they're willing to give us HBR and Huamanga for peace. Nahhhh :hammer:

Turn 1 (975 BC): Send vet warrior back to Athens to be upgraded. Decide to send the curragh to suicide - hopefully he'll see these yellow guys before he dies if he dies. Decide to found Delphi where the settler stands, to fit a city to the east and one on the west (tighter build) as well as stay on the river. Delphi - Worker No gotos please!

IBT: We lose an archer near Cuzco. See a yellow horseman gallop by and back into the fog.

Turn 2 (950 BC): Athens Sword->Sword. Curragh sinks grrr Archer beats Spear at Cuzco, redlining. Next archer redlines spear but loses. Next archer loses. We ahve one redlined archer left that's sure to die. Drop Science to 50% - Philo still in 2. I see the Mongols (yellow) are available in F4. Nice. We're up CoL, they have MM and HBR. Trade CoL for MM and 57 gold (all he has)

IBT: Archer dies as expected. Sending some swords to liberate Cuzco.

Turn 3 (925 BC): Sparta: Sword->Settler, MM so growth to 7 and settler both in 4. Science to 10% +21 gold, Philo in 1

Turn 4 (900 BC): Get Philo, choose Republic and...... nothing. Must not be the first. Change to Math@Max, due in 7. Check Diplo, Mongols now up Math and HBR. Portugal will talk - they're insulted for straight up peace, they have Math and HBR while we have Philo and CoL. They'll take Peace Math and 82 gold for Peace, CoL and Philo. Decide to do it so we can start researching something else, and I have no desire to fight them as they're too far away. Currency@Max - 16 turns. Check Portugal again - he has currency already! Change to Poly@Max - 13 turns. Mongols don't have Currency so we could re-sell probably. But I want to wait till we can see what the Hittites have before committing. On the military front I'm grouping the swords.

Turn 5 (875 BC): Sparta riots :smoke: Lux to 10% Athens Sword->Sword. Kill Incan spear that was heading east, losing 1. Vet Sword kills Vet Warrior, losing 2. Reg Sword kills Reg Warrior, flawlessly. Move archer west to give defensive bonus if the Incan archer nearby attacks.

IBT: Grr archer attacks and kills one of the swords.

TUrn 6 (850 BC): Regroup stack to Corinth to heal and wait for stragglers. Workers go to road the cow and hook Delphi up. Thermo Archer->Barracks

Turn 7 (825 BC): Sparta Settler->Barracks

Turn 8 (800 BC): I've got 4 swords and 2 archers, so decide that's enough to take Cuzco. Incan archer in the way and he redlines our vet sword grrr. Hittites finally are willing to talk but they only have HBR and no gold so I just leave them hanging. Athens Sword-> Settler, Delphi Worker-> Barracks.

Turn 9 (775 BC): Worker mines cow. Stack fortifies to heal. Inca founds Vilcabamba in our south which is good - another city we don't have to find. Of course that is where our settler was going, so he'll have to go somewhere else. Send the hoplite from thermo to accompany him.

Turn 10 (750 BC): Stack moves into Incan territory. MM Athens so settler and growth both in 2. Worker goes to mine the iron, to increase MM opportunities.

Notes to next leader: I was sending settler and hoplite S,SW of where they currently stand. That space has the best spacing. Settler from Athens could go 3S though that is on a BG. Can probably fit in a city E of Athens and one N of Athens (E of Sparta). 2 more probably near former Incan ruins, 1 on the southern ruins, and one 1 NW of the northern ruins. Once we take Cuzco, take Vilcabamba and HBR (and any gold they have) for peace.

For tech, I haven't bothered taking HBR from the Hittites for one of our techs, since I figured we could get it from the Incas. If not, just give one of our techs to Mursilis for it. Once poly comes in, trade it to Henry for Currency, get Construction and we'll go to the middle ages. We're scientific, so we get a free tech. Or we could go for Republic since the AI price that outrageously, and then use that to trade for Construction. Or Literature.

Sparta can build a settler after its barracks, and both it and Athens can do unit/settler till we don't need them anymore. Then we can build some infra with some units/workers and prepare for the next war.

Do we want any wonders? Great Lighthouse might be nice.

Ok, got it. :)

I'll wait until tomorrow to play to give time for you all to comment on the last 20 turns.
Wow as soon as I saw the start of Dragons post, I was a little afraid, but then I realized that war with all of those clowns, doesn't really mean a thing. We really have to watch Portugal, they are going to be a problem, especially if we dont get rid of em by medieval age, they will expand onto most of the islands very quickly. I dont think we will have to focus on medieval age expansion. I think we should just attack Portugals homeland, and leave them to rot on islands.

Anways onto present day,

Good set of turns by the both of you, unfortunate to hear that Cuzco managed to hold out against the archers. The Inca will be destroyed sooner or later, and when that comes we need to secure our homeland, and build up some infra. Sucks to hear that we didnt get the Republic slingshot. So after the Inca are :hammer: we do some more expansion then start building infra, then we should think about :hammer: Portugal or another civ. Taking down Portugal would open up all sorts of possibilities for expansion.
750(0)- Move a plains tile to a forest tile in Sparta.

730(1)- Move stack next to Cuzco, ignoring a loose spearman. I would rather he attacked me. The spear defending Cuzco is elite!

IBT- Athens, Settler > Hoplite
Mongols have Polytheism.

710(2)- The siege of Cuzco
Vet sword loses to elite spear, but redlines it.
Vet sword beats spear, no damage.
Reg sword beats spear, no damage.
Vet archer beats archer, loses 2hp.
2/4 vet sword beats 1/5 elite spear, loses 1hp.
Cuzco is ours at last! [dance] We take 3g. 1 resister. Building walls.

I sign peace with the Incans, getting Vilcabamba, HbR and 16g.
Vilcabamba set to build worker.
Science down to 70%.

IBT- Hittites request an audience, granted. They want Philosophy for peace. NO!
Resistance in Cuzco ends.
Sparta, Barracks > Settler.

690(3)- Knossos founded, building a harbour.
Science to 60%.

IBT- Athens, Hoplite > Settler.

670(4)- Argos founded, building worker.
Science to 50%.

IBT- Hittite warrior appears next to Cuzco.
Polytheism researched > Republic in 23 @ 80%, -1gpt.
Thermopylae, Barracks > Settler
Corinth, Galley > Worker
Portuguese are building the Pyramids.

650(5)- Vet sword attacks Hittite warrior, kills it with no damage.
Hittites will now give us a city for peace. :confused: Done! City is Hattusha.
There is whipping memory there, so I hire a scientist. Hattusha is contributing 4 beakers per turn to the research effort. Building a warrior.

I try to trade with Portugal for Currency, but they will not give it for anything (even 40gpt).

IBT- Portugal demands Polytheism. We are in no state for war now, so I concede it.
Our people want to build the FP.
Portuguese are building the ToA.

630(6)- zzz

IBT- Athens, Settler > Hoplite
Sparta, Settler > Hoplite

610(7)/590(8)- zzz

IBT- Corinth, Worker > Barracks

570(9)- Mycenae founded. Building barracks.

IBT- Athens, Hoplite > Hoplite
Sparta, Hoplite > Galley
Thermopylae, Settler > FP
Mongols building ToA.
Portugal have the Republic. [pissed]

550(10)- Herakleia founded. Building barracks.
Luxuries to 0%, Science to 90%.


We are at peace with everyone. I decided to concentrate on settling.

We now have 12 cities. I built/gained 7 during my turns.

Portugal is getting very large. They have Currency, Republic and 394g. We should seek an alliance with the Hittites when we attack.

Treasury: 191g, -4gpt, Republic in 13 @ 90%.

One galley is heading N past the Mongols. Another will be built in 4 turns. We should meet some more civs soon.

The settler is heading for one of the red dots on my image. One is 2E of Cuzco, the other is 3NW of Vilcabamba.

Once those two red dots are settled, we can start preparing for war.


Formula51 - up next
DragonRunner - on deck
Zakharov - just played

Here is the save and two images. One shows Hattusha and the minimap. The other shows our core plus the two red dots for city sites:
Nice work, Zarkhov, reg. I love that we haven't triggered our GA despite being in a big war. Ally w/ Hitties vs. Portugal, then take over hitties, then whatever. We should build up a solid infrastructure before we go to war.
Well done mate :goodjob:, seven cities in 10 turns is not bad. Portugal is seriously becoming a problem thoughl we will have to put them done before they become more and more powerful. Maybe once we are in Rep we should declare war and fight a defensive war against them, triggering our GA, and bringing down a lot of their men.
Zakharov said:
I try to trade with Portugal for Currency, but they will not give it for anything (even 40gpt).

Good turns! One thing on the above - the AI won't trade if you're giving more gpt than you currently have available. To see what they'll take, you'd have to go back and lower the sliders or hire taxmen and such.

Apologies if you did that and they still wouldn't take it :)
I was never going to give them a gpt deal, I was just trying to see what their price was. With no gpt on the table it was 'we almost have a deal here' so I increased gpt in steps: 1,2,3 etc. and they still would not bite. I then jumped it to 40 just to see if they would take it.

I get the feeling Portugal wouldn't trade because they are getting ready to attack us when our peace deal expires in 4 turns. Luckily we still have the leftovers of our sword stack fortified in Cuzco. :mischief:
But what I mean is that even if they would take a 40 gpt deal, they would say "I doubt they'll accept this" if you don't have 40 gpt available. If you lower the science slider to 0 and hire taxmen, I'd all but guarantee you could get Currency. It would be a :smoke: move of course, but you could do it :)
Formula, you're up! If you don't take it by tomorrow night, I'll get it.
Whoa, we're going fast. Only away for a weekend and I'm up again. So, I got it. :crazyeye:

These are builders turns, I'm guessing. But, if portugal attacks, should I just take the fight to them with the swords?

Have we met the egyptians yet?
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