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If there is no God, who is the Dungeon Master

The four currently known forces, and any others out there (that aren't derivatives of the already known forces, I guess).
Yom said:
The four currently known forces, and any others out there (that aren't derivatives of the already known forces, I guess).
Those are just the dice! Dubya is the one who truely calls the shots!
Since everybody's pissed off about something right now, it follows that the world isn't exactly working out the way anybody on Earth wants it to, which means that there is no Dungeon Master. Just six billion pissed-off people all trying to pull the planet towards their way of thinking, and in a tug-of-war against five billion, nine-hundred-ninety-nine-million, nine-hundred-ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred-ninety-nine people, you're usually gonna lose.....
BasketCase said:
Since everybody's pissed off about something right now, it follows that the world isn't exactly working out the way anybody on Earth wants it to, which means that there is no Dungeon Master. Just six billion pissed-off people all trying to pull the planet towards their way of thinking, and in a tug-of-war against five billion, nine-hundred-ninety-nine-million, nine-hundred-ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred-ninety-nine people, you're usually gonna lose.....
That was true 5 years ago, but the rope broke apart scattering in thousands of directions mowing people over. Only two people were left standing upright, George W. Bush and Howard Dean. Then Bush punched Dean in the kidneys and kicked him in the groin and pushed him over.
The fact that so many things (international trade, the UN, China, North Korea, the EU, the fact that he only got 51% of the vote in 2004 instead of 99%, etc) are not working out the way Bush wants, shows that he's not running the show.
Perfection said:
Bush punched Dean in the kidneys and kicked him in the groin and pushed him over.
Actualy it seems more like Dean fell over backwards while trying to insert both feet into his mouth. [pissed] :lol:

More to the point, BasketCase is still correct (IMHO), the rope didn't break Bush just had more people people pulling on his side.
Dubya is the one who truely calls the shots!
Actually the Republicans call the shots, although it might seem like semantics, it is very importaint to discern that the group is who leads, even as one man sits at the head of the table. If the GOP wanted W to leave they would find a way to make it happen ASAP. Democracy wins the day.

On a global scale dominance belongs to the nation that has the highest amalgam of cities, gold, culture, advances, resources, military strength, nuclear weaapons, and wonders. (Where have I heard that before? :hmm: )
BasketCase said:
The fact that so many things (international trade, the UN, China, North Korea, the EU, the fact that he only got 51% of the vote in 2004 instead of 99%, etc) are not working out the way Bush wants, shows that he's not running the show.
Don't be silly, just because Bush is supreme lord and master of all things in the universe, it doesn't mean he dissalows free will.

MCincy said:
Actually the Republicans call the shots, although it might seem like semantics, it is very importaint to discern that the group is who leads, even as one man sits at the head of the table. If the GOP wanted W to leave they would find a way to make it happen ASAP. Democracy wins the day.
Democracy is an illusion. Bush rules us from his flaming chariot!
Nature. A nationwide flood or a meteor strike could destroy the economy of whole continents. Weather is gradually destroying many cities (Venice, Mexico City, etc.) and the only way man has survived on this planet has been adaptation to the unchangeable and fickle environment.
I'd have to go with Gaea (not in the literal sense). We just adapt to natures whims.
puglover said:
Nature. A nationwide flood or a meteor strike could destroy the economy of whole continents. Weather is gradually destroying many cities (Venice, Mexico City, etc.) and the only way man has survived on this planet has been adaptation to the unchangeable and fickle environment.
Thank goodness for evolution!
cgannon64 said:
Dean's consolation prize was to be the leader of the dregs of the earth. :p
Dean is controlled by Bush.
BasketCase said:
The fact that so many things (international trade, the UN, China, North Korea, the EU, the fact that he only got 51% of the vote in 2004 instead of 99%, etc) are not working out the way Bush wants, shows that he's not running the show.

49% of the votes in the 2004 election were faked, and there is no such thing as "North Korea." Just products of a deranged imagination on your part trying to deny Lord Bush's supreme love and power. The EU and China worship him in their own, strange way.
You guys are totally missing the point (except puglover actually). Bush (or any world leader) really has little to nil control over my everyday life.

My question is, who created the laws of psychics, who decides where & when you are born and to what family, who sets the rules and observes the game?
Narz said:
My question is, who created the laws of psychics, who decides where & when you are born and to what family, who sets the rules and observes the game?

Time, probablility, and the number 42. ;)
Yuri2356 said:
Time only exists to prevent us from experiencing everything at the same time. You might as well say width or height is God.

Yuri2356 said:
So who sets the odds?

Yuri2356 said:
and the number 42. ;)
What is that some kind of "sacred mathmatics"?
Narz said:
My question is, who created the laws of psychics, who decides where & when you are born and to what family, who sets the rules and observes the game?
How do we know the laws of reality were created by a person (errr....well, "intelligent being" instead of "person")?

One of the theories ventured about how the Universe got started grows from the Uncertainty Principle; it's impossible to know exactly where a particle is, or how much energy it has. We can only approximate, and so from our viewpoint, all of matter is actually just approximations fluctuating around an average value.

The matter we see in the Universe may simply be one such fluctuation; a chunk of Positive and Negative that split off from each other, the two parts having an average value of zero. And, when you think about it, the actual amount of matter that exists is extremely tiny compared to the size of the Universe itself.

Maybe there's no "why" about the Universe; it simply Is.

But then that could all just be theoretical physicists with too much free time on their hands.... :)
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