Imperium Offtopicum XXIII

Lilin Syndicate (of Gaul)

High Concept : Matriarchal witch commune
Capital : Lilithcity(Paris)

Trouble : Out with the New
There is a growing anti-matriarchy, abrahamic and/or capitalist movements that are very unhappy with our new way of life, don't they realize that's exactly what brought us down.

Stunt : The Grand Temple of Lilith -
Lilithcity, known in ancient time a Paris, totally named after the Trojan hero, was host to great wealth of knowledge and culture, yet the decadent men of the time sat on their laurels, they worshiped the elder one, a uncaring and unmerciful god, his church repressing knowledge in days past before the ancient state of France started splitting away from them, we go farther than that, as the elder one isn't to be worshiped or ignored, we shall find inspiration in those who rebelled against him, such as Lilith, the Light bringer, the spirits of the land, and so on. We shall rename the great city-library after the dark mother and give it's knowledge the proper reverence it deserves.

Uses science instead of charm in matters related to the state religion

Aspects :

Heal the spirits of the land - Both the Elder one, and the hubris of our ancestor destroyed the land, the most affected is the Land of the Northmen(Normandy), we shall go to great effort to repair the land and use it's resources to show the elder one what humanity is made of.
The Witch Syndicate spend great effort in land restoration and reclaiming project, building up a eco-urban lifestyle

The communal sisterhoods - The state of France claimed brotherhood, yet we where divided, fighting among ourselves, crushed by each other under liberalism, if we are to grow we must learn and leave what brought us down behind as we shall grow stronger together. We call back to the time of the Commune, the first to bring equality, and we shall remember thinkers such as Marx from bringing the ideals to our sisterhood.
The Witch Syndicate
is a communal society, based on the sharing of resources and a dept to society system for dealing with economical issues, they see capitalism as patriarchal and outdated.

Dark Magic - Science is just another name for magic we mastered, by relearning the spells of old and following the ritual of truth we shall attain a glory unmatched by our ancestor, we shall strive to relearn forbidden magic and bring down the gods that walk the earth.
Science is just magic that we're able to explain and technology are it's ritual and spells, for example they call the scientific method the Ritual of Truth, to them ancient technology is forbidden/lost magic we need to relearn and tame.

Charm: 0
Force: 1
Science: 2
Thrift: 0
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The Origins and Tenants of Neo-Buddhism
By Petra Aalto, Soviet Ambassador to New Bharat
The debate on what exactly Neo-Buddhism(1) is, whether it is a theology or a ideology, whether it is socialist theory adapted to the material conditions of Bharat(2) or merely a dead end movement with no revolutionary potential, is without a doubt the most pressing issue of Soviet-Bharati relations. Already, there has been minor diplomatic rows between Moscow and Lakhnau(3) over the precise nature of Neo-Buddhism, and whether or not it is compatible with what one may call a more orthodox interpretation of Marxist thought. Although these rows have been largely patched over, and perhaps could be blamed on poor translation between Russian and Hindi, it is still imperative that we attempt to better understand what the New Bharat government believes, if we seek a less adversarial relationship with the most populous nation.

Despite what the name "Neo" implies, Neo-Buddhism is actually, relatively speaking, quite old. It was originally formulated in the pre-Impact, by the Dalit social activist Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. The Dalits, also known as the Untouchables, have historically existed outside of caste system, being considered so low that even the mere act of touching them left a person unclean. They were often ostracized, harassed, denied social services, and in some cases even outright murdered in significant numbers throughout Bharati history. Surviving sources from before the impact indicate that Dalits made up about twenty percent of the former Republic of India, although iit is impossible to discern their true demographic makeup without similar demographic information from former Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Burma(4). Regardless, they represented a significant portion of the Indian subcontinent, as the most destitute portion of the proletariat class.

While the actual origin of the caste system is lost to history, and some historians even doubt it existed in a meaningful capacity before the late Mughal Era/the beginning of British rule of the subcontinent, it is undeniable that, once established, Hinduism became the main driving force in sustaining the caste system. The caste system was divided into four varna, in turn divided into thousands of jati. The lowest varna, the Shudra, represented the laboring class, and could roughly be considered analogous to our modern conception of the proletariat class. The highest varna, the Brahmins, were the priests and scholars, and largely controlled political power within the Indian subcontinent(5). The Dalit are defined as being born in a jati that did not belong in any of the four varna, and in that aspect could be defined as a varna in its own right, below the Shudra.

Ambedkar, like the vast majority of individuals within the former Republic of India, was raised in the Hindu faith. He was a member of the Mahar jati, a caste that was often given more access to education compared to other Dalit due to their traditional roles as administrative assistants. He was able to use this opportunity to first attend university to study economics in modern-day Mumbai, before eventually finishing his studies in America and finally Britain after facing institutional roadblocks due to his status as a Dalit. His career in late colonial and early independent Indian history is too long and expansive to get into much detail, but for the purposes of this summary, it is enough to know he was an economic advisor to the Indian state, was one of the authors of the Indian constitution and, most importantly, led the civil rights movement for the Dalit.

Ambedkar greatly detested the caste system, which he considered to be a degrading and dehumanizing tool of oppression, which kept society divided and denied social justice. He grew increasingly uncomfortable with Hinduism, which he started to think was tied too much into superstition which further justified the caste system. Instead, Ambedkar increasingly gravitated towards Buddhism, another Indian faith, one in which explicitly rejected the caste system. However, he was not convinced that modern Buddhism, itself linked to idealism and the superstitious, was the orgional, pure version preached by the Buddha. He instead believed that they were corrupted versions, with stories and entire works polluted with the interpretations of Brahmin to strip their revolutionary intent.

Three days before his death, Ambedkar finished his final, and by far most important work, The Buddha and His Dhamma(6), which was what could be described as a treatise on what Ambedkar believed was the history of Buddhism, along with he claimed were the orgional intentions of the prince. While intended as an academic work, Dhamma has, in the intervening years, become no less than the supreme holy text for the Neo-Buddhists, comparable to the Christian Bible or the Muslim Koran. Interestingly, Dhamma was originally written in English, ensuring its survival in New Bharat, if nothing more than as a liturgical language, again comparable to Latin within the Catholic Church. However, Hindi translations are far more common within New Bharat, and are considered the de facto standard for everyday use.

So, what does Dhamma say? One of the most immediate takeaways from Dhamma is its materialistic philosophy. Supernatural concepts, such as a soul, reincarnation, karma, etc., are all regarded as superstitions that get in the way of actualizing Dharma. The Buddha did not achieve spiritual enlightenment like in the traditional legends surrounding him, but instead came to his conclusions from his own cognition as a human, and spread his message much in the same way as any philosopher may have.(7) There is no need nor possibility for salvation, nor did the Buddha promise any through his teaching. Nirvana was not a state of the end of reincarnation, nor some otherwordly paradise. Instead, Nirvana was a state of existence that was possible on Earth, one in which poverty and bigotry was abolished, and created what could only be described as a classless society. Even the existence of a supreme God is regarded as superstition, one that has no basis in any observable facts of nature. These materialistic views sets Neo-Buddhism severely apart from nearly every other religious tradition: some individuals in this Soviet delegation even question if it fits the label of one. For what its worth, Dhamma also rejects the label of religion as it is applied to (Neo-)Buddhism, contrasting the superstitions and unverible metaphysics of religion to the exploration of morality present in Dharma.

Equally shocking in the Dhamma is the presence of a class struggle within the text. While many religions, most of the world's most successful ones indeed shared this quality, preached a spiritual equality amongst all the faithful, Neo-Buddhism takes this to a material equality that is rarely seen. The basic narrative of the text is that the Bhramin, through selective control of the state apparatus, justify a hierarchical stratification. The other varna are led to approve of the social stratification, due to the small pittance of benefits they get, compared to those without a varna. The Buddha speaks out against the control of society by the Bhramin, preacing for wealth to be redistributed, for all to go without want, to make sure everyone in society is taken care of. The end goal, as previously stated, is a classless society known as Nirvana. Of course, differences exist; there is no rigorous examination of historical materialism, the terminology used is endemic to Bharati material conditions, especially of caste, and, as revealed in a small, unfinished essay labeled Buddha or Karl Marx, Ambedkar himself puts forth the argument that the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat is fundamentally opposed to the methods of the Buddha, rejecting the sort of vanguardism or democratic centralism in favor of a more bottom-up structuring of society.

One should not take Neo-Buddhism as a straight replacement for rigorous studying of Marxist theory. Neither Ambedkar, nor his Buddha, offer a complete theory which will liberate the proletariat and create a classless society. But it would be remiss to just dismiss it out of hand completely. There is a lot going on within the Dhamma, a lot which runs parallel with orthodox socialist thought. While it may not be useful as a complete guide to world revolution, it is, perhaps, a useful vehicle to drive revolution in Bharat in specific, and that may just very well be what matters. Whether we call it communism or Nirvana, a classless society is what are true revolutionaries should strive for, and there is no indication that the National Revolutionary Party of Bharat, nor the Revolutionary Army of Bharat, aren't fully dedicated to trying to reach there.

(1) The name "Neo-Buddhism" comes from a press interview Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar gave before performing his first mass conversion ceremony. He offered both "Neo-Buddhism" and "Navayana" as names for his school of thought, and both are considered acceptable within the Neo-Buddhist community. However, the former is preferred, as it more readily establishes itself as a new, complete interpretation, rather than merely just another school of thought.
(2) While the term "India", the most common terminology used in the west, is still considered acceptable nomenclature when referring to the geographic subcontinent within New Bharat, it is considered a faux pas to refer to any sort of national identity as "Indian". Indian is considered to be a western "slave" name introduced by the Greeks, which has no basis in what the people of the Indian subcontinent actually referred to themselves as. Bharat, or Bharati as an demonym, is the preferred standard when rendered into [English], although the state employs deference to any name endemic to a particular native language in said language if it contrasts with Bharat (e.g. Hindustan, which is the preferred rendering in the Urdu script of Hindi, and in spoken Hindi in former Pakistan).
(3) Preferred nomenclature of the city traditionally rendered as "Lucknow", now serving as the capital of New Bharat.
(4) In sharp contrast to the rest of New Bharat, Burma, which is associated with the name used by the British Raj, and not the supposedly natively chosen Myanmar, has won out as the preferred term. This seems to reflect a general rejection of the legacy of the military dictatorship that ruled the nation for most of its existence between independence and the Impact. The renaming was always controversial and not fully accepted even at the time, and grew more unpopular as the Burmese lost more faith in both it and the liberal democratic government that came afterwards.
(5) The kingly jati was actually part of the Kshatriya varna, most often associated with warriors. However, the bureaucracy of Bharati courts, whether Hindu or Muslim, was mostly comprised of Brahmins, and often held the real power behind the throne.
(6) "Dhamma" is more conventionally translated as Dharma. As a title of a book, its rendering is left as originally written, but is otherwise referred to as Dharma.
(7) There of course needs to be a clarification on what the text states and how the religion is practiced de facto. While Ambedkar denies any sort of divinity to the Buddha, and almost would certainly reject the same claims about himself, the reality of the situation is that there is a de facto practice of treating the two as Bodhisattvas, and there are many shrines, both in the home and in public spheres, devoted to the two figures in New Bharat. While not explicitly encouraging the act, the government has certainly done nothing to clarify the inherit contradiction.


The Twenty-Two Vows:

Spoiler :

  1. I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, nor shall I worship them.
  2. I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna, who are believed to be incarnation of God, nor shall I worship them.
  3. I shall have no faith in Gauri, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus, nor shall I worship them.
  4. I do not believe in the incarnation of God.
  5. I do not and shall not believe that Lord Buddha was the incarnation of Vishnu. I believe this to be sheer madness and false propaganda.
  6. I shall not perform Shraddha nor shall I give pind.
  7. I shall not act in a manner violating the principles and teachings of the Buddha.
  8. I shall not allow any ceremonies to be performed by Brahmins.
  9. I shall believe in the equality of man.
  10. I shall endeavour to establish equality.
  11. I shall follow the Noble Eightfold Path of the Buddha.
  12. I shall follow the ten paramitas prescribed by the Buddha.
  13. I shall have compassion and loving-kindness for all living beings and protect them.
  14. I shall not steal.
  15. I shall not tell lies.
  16. I shall not commit carnal sins.
  17. I shall not take intoxicants like liquor, drugs, etc.
  18. I shall endeavour to follow the Noble Eightfold Path and practice compassion and loving-kindness in everyday life.
  19. I renounce Hinduism, which disfavors humanity and impedes the advancement and development of humanity because it is based on inequality, and adopt Buddhism as my religion.
  20. I firmly believe the Dhamma of the Buddha is the only true religion.
  21. I believe that by adopting Buddhism I am having a re-birth.
  22. I solemnly declare and affirm that I shall hereafter lead my life according to the teachings of Buddha's Dhamma.

Name: The People's Temple

High Concept: Good Vibes and Nuclear Fire
Social Pyramid of Skeletons

Aspect: Give Flesh to Machine: The mechanical angels with their flaming swords cry out for our prayers and for our love. We must be prepared to serve Their will.

Aspect: The Green New Fascism: We've risen above petty blood squabbles and embraced the higher idea: that our faith is correct, others are wrong. Therefore, those who refuse to convert forfeit survival.

Aspect: The Orb Mother: She leads us, guides us. Into her crystal ball she sees the past, present, and future. She lived, lives, and will live. Died, dies, will die. An Eloi out of love, not out of greed.

Stunt: The Devouring Maw: +3 Force when on the offensive, -1 when on the defensive

Covert: 1
Charm: 1
Force: 2
Science: 0
Thrift: 0
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i been a terror since the early IOT era
droppin' nukes namin' spooks killin' mooks
smokin' noobs was a daily routine
since 13
a histr'y nerd on the scene
used to play il Duce
rollin' Proust all chartreuse
spreadin' that color on the map
loungin back talkin crap
feminist anime ninjas droppin' smacks

roleplayers wanna chat
all we wanna know is where world war 3 is at
and can i bring my nuke?
if not i hope it ain't a fluke
betta put some medals on my chest
cause nobody respects
you if you ain't got troops
buggin' and barkin' other players
stickin with your dudes

cuz all we wanna do is

paint maps and bullsh**
The Second English Protectorate

Name: The United Commonwealth of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland (Official), Britain, the Second Protectorate (Unofficial)
Government: Nationalist Military Dictatorship
Capital: Birmingham
Leader: Protector of the Republic Elliot Horne
History: Later?

High Concept:
Peace is Sought Through War
Trouble: London Bridge is Falling Down
Aspect: The Hanged Parliament
Aspect: England Expects Every Person to do Their Duty
Aspect: Letters of Marque

Stunt: The Jackboot - Upon succeeding with style with a force attack, can forego the free invoke in place of instantly setting a minor political consequence on the road to recovery.

Charm: 0
Force: 2
Science: 0
Thrift: 1

Pink: Administered
Red: In Rebellion
Dark Red: Flooded London
Spoiler Ambient Music :

Market Avarice, Technological Decadence, Secular Pride.
These three sins brought humanity to its knees.
The great empires of old believed their freedom and science would allow them to replace the gods of old.
For their hubris, the gods punished mankind.

Name: Hartland Sovereignty (Frequently also called the Sint Lewis Sovereignty, or just The Sovereignty)
High Concept: Neo-Pagan Semi-Luddite "Classless" Hobbesian Monarchy
Capital: Sint Lewis (Modern-day Saint Louis, Missouri)
Head of State & Government: Sovereign Liam I

Trouble: Heretics and Heathens - The Sovereign Cult is the official and only legal faith within the Sovereignty. However, the faith has been not well received outside of the Sovereign City of Sint Lewis. The Abrahamic heathens whose sins of secularism lead humanity to calamity continue to resist conversion and the will of Sint Lewis. Meanwhile, Aboriginal faiths are the main competitor to the Sovereign Cult in terms of growth. While the Aboriginal faiths are not sinful or even heretical, attempts to syncretize the Sovereign Cult with them have so far proven fruitless. Finally, there have been rumors that members of the clergy of the Sovereign Cult may have been adopting heretical beliefs and teachings on the fringes of the Sovereignty. If this is true, the heresy must be stamped out with extreme prejudice.


The Sovereign Cult
(An Inhospitable Earth)- The Sovereign is the absolute ruler of the Sovereignty. They are the political and spiritual ruler of the state, heading both the "secular" government and the Sovereign Cult, leading to a political system that is very much intertwined with the state religion. As a political leader, the Sovereign has complete and total control of both the political system and the economy. As a religious leader, the Sovereign is considered semi-divine and their decrees are considered just as much as the will of a god as it is the will of the state. An extensive network of Clergy-Bureaucrats carries out the will of the Sovereign across the territory which includes the production and collection of agricultural and industrial goods. The workers and peasants of the Sovereignty are given all the seeds and tools to produce their products; whether that is grain, raw materials, or finished goods, from the state and are tasked with growing a limited surplus of goods. After the finished goods are collected at the end of a season they are shipped off to local storehouses and granaries with a percentage of the surplus being sent to Sint Lewis as a tithe to the Sovereign. At this point, the tithed goods are stored for times of extreme crisis, or to be able to be used in trade to other nearby nations. Additionally, the use of the Mississippi river as the Sovereignty's main mode of transport limits the need for additional and expensive fuel waste when collecting or distributing surplus across the country. All production is tightly regulated, controlled, and observed by the Clergy-Bureaucracy to ensure that humanity's greed doesn't get the better of them. Environmental Crises were rampant even before the gods enacted their vengeance upon humanity with the two impacts. The Sovereignty's command economy prevents the overconsumption, the overproduction, and the creation of excess waste that was poised to destroy humanity even before the god's sent their divine retribution upon mankind. While the Sovereignty's command economy solves half of the problem of the Earth's ecological collapse, it fails to solve the true heart of the problem.
The Sovereign Cult is a new religion founded by the first Sovereign, it is a restoration of the worship of the old gods of Europe and the Mediterranean. A new pantheon, consisting of most of the great pagan gods of old is worshiped instead of the false god of Abraham who in all of his supposed infinite power, wisdom, and benevolence failed to prevent the devastation caused by the meteors "Adam" and "Eve". While some faiths believe that these two meteors were the act of Abraham's god as punishment, it is clear to the Sovereign Cult that this is a false teaching. Instead, it was a punishment from the old gods, the gods that the people of Europe, North Africa, and the Levant had rejected that wrought this terrible curse upon mankind. In Humanity's hubris and pride, they rejected not only the old gods but the god of Abraham. Mankind began to worship their own achievements and technology, they believed they could control the universe. The old gods punished mankind for its over-reliance on technology and pride in their own power. The Sovereign cult was founded to return mankind to the truth of the old gods, the flawed and human gods of old that man can understand and in turn the gods that can understand humanity. We will ensure that the old gods are never forgotten and that their wrath will never again be brought upon mankind.

The Ranken Technical College (the Olympians) - The Order of the Ranken is a religious-military order, subservient to the Sovereign himself. High ranking members of the order are officially members of the Sovereign Cult's clergy, being well versed in the teachings of both the cult and the Order. The Order of the Ranken is also tasked with the sacred duty of advancing and using the great technologies of humankind. The Order is trusted to maintain a tight grip on the technology of the Sovereignty, from advanced weapons to vehicles, this technology must be controlled to prevent its overuse and reliance. The Order of Ranken is headquartered in Sint Lewis in the Ranken Technical College. Here all the technology and learning of old humanity is held in storage for study or until its use is needed by the Sovereignty. The Ranken Technical College is a bustling campus, a veritable city within a city, with members of the order scurrying about to maintain and study the old technology, or in rare cases make new advances in technology for the glory of Sovereignty and mankind. The Technical College allows the Sovereignty to maintain, use, and advance humanity's technology while also ensuring that it is not abused or lead to another collapse of human civilization.
Additionally, while the Order is theoretically a military order, they luckily have not been needed to be called into any conflict with other humans, and their expertise with the technological and military wonders of old has been used exclusively against the sacrilegious constructs known as the "Olympians". These wicked technological monstrosities are prime examples of what happens when mankind becomes over-reliant on the false gods of technology. These blasphemous automatons scour the land, their cursed ai seeking the blood and destruction of humankind, and it is the job of the Order of the Ranken to combat and study these technological terrors whose irreverent names offend the gods.

All are equal under the Sovereign (the Decadence of Eloi) - The Sovereignty was founded on the principle of a classless society. The gods made man so equal in body and mind that though one man may sometimes manifest a stronger body or quicker mind over another, when all is reckoned together the difference between man and man is not so considerable that one man can claim to any benefit over another. The weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or by confederacy with others. The Sovereignty has no need for classes such as Eloi or Morlocks, as all subjects of the Sovereignty are equal to each other in their subservience to the Sovereign. These class antagonisms seek to tear apart humanity and bring back the decadence, greed, and strife that had caused the great calamities years ago. Every little policy and law employed the Sovereignty was created to maintain this equality and to stamp out class antagonisms. The Sovereignty's command economy ensures no individual obtains too much and that no one goes hungry. The Order of the Ranken ensures that technological advancements cannot be used by private citizens to improve their lot over others or to subjugate and crush other peoples without technological advancement. The Sovereign cult ensures that everyone is equal in faith and that obedience to the Sovereign's law is not just a matter of the state, but the matter of faith. To profess the belief that people are inherently unequal and some deserve better than others is a grave blasphemy within the Sovereignty. Despite this, however, some men and women within the Sovereignty still profess a belief in class and claim solidarity with the wider international class movements. It is up to the Sovereign's Holy Inquisition to hunt down and correct these heretics and misguided subjects. Those who claim to be Eloi are nothing but petty tyrants and blasphemers who undermine the position of the Sovereign and seek their own power over the collective good of their fellow-subjects. These individuals are too dangerous and prideful to allow them to remain in the society of the Sovereignty and when found are eliminated. Meanwhile, those who proclaim their membership of the Morlock class are nothing more than delusional rabble-rousers who falsely proclaim that all subjects are not equal within the Sovereignty and seek to establish what they believe to be a more egalitarian society through the elimination of the Sovereign and tearing down the Sovereignty. However, unlike the Eloi, those who claim to be Morlocks can be reintegrated into the Sovereign's society after extensive re-education of the necessity of the Sovereignty and the generosity and love the Sovereign has towards their Subjects.


  • Covert – 0
  • Charm – +1
  • Force – +1
  • Science – 0
  • Thrift – +2
Stunt: The Sovereign's Surplus - Whenever you succeed in style in creating a Thrift advantage relating to tithes/taxes, gain three free invokes of the resulting aspect instead of two.
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[Co-written by me and Glatux.]


Travels in the West

Nadezhda Ivanova
Lilithcity, Gaul

On this May Day, the Witch syndicates decided to invite reporters from 'sister nations' those who shared the wisdom of brother Marx. People were out in the street in mass, eating and drinking from various cooking and cocktailmaking stands, where anyone could come in and either make themselves something or make it for other, listening carefully the words 'orgy' and 'after the ceremony' seem to be heard in whispers.

But that's probably not what people see first when coming into the Witch syndicates, what jump to the eyes is the seeming lack of men, which does at first lend credence to some of the most vile rumors told about them. But further investigation will quickly reveal that in fact a normal proportion of the people you see are men, here the masculine ideal is actually quite feminine, and while other terms are used, the word sister is often throw around. The journalist would be invited to the grand ceremony scheduled to happen after 4pm.

This was a pretty long journey, especially once we had to sit at the Danish docks, and our boat had to be detained for a brief moment by German authorities, as we were awkwardly explaining our arrival, reason for passing through the Sound, and so forth. In the meantime, we briefly looked for some literature in Copenhagen, so as to ascertain the situation in France. Regrettably, I must admit, the bourgeoisie newspapers in the Republic are rather, ah, lacking on actual, factual information on France, and it seemed to engage more into the typical fearmongering that flares up when something outside of "normalcy" appears. So, with little more knowledge than with what we set off from Petrograd, we embarked into the port city of Calais.

To be true, the very word "syndicate" had set off some alarms in the offices of Izvestiya, and in the end, the invitation that was sent out had to be given to someone with a more...female touch, that is to say, yours truly, Nadezhda Ivanova. Our editor is still recovering after the whole embarrassing thing with New Bharat and all that. Nevertheless. Let us continue. We were welcomed into the Calais "sisterhood" with the chants: "Here they are, here they are! The daughters of Brother Marx!".

When I asked "what about, ah, brother Engels?", I got the following answer:

"Brother Engels? Of course we remember Marx's great companion, but to us the words of Marx are more significant" this reply was given by an older looking woman who introduced herself as the assigned guide, "I'm Eleanor duBois, welcome to the syndicate, comrade".

I had to stifle a desire within myself at this response, to ask about brothers Lenin and Mao, or perhaps even sisters Kollontai and Krupskaya, and that the development of Marxism is not thrown upon the shoulders of a singular Great Man. Instead, however, I merely nodded and smiled, and offered to shake the woman's hand. "My name is Nadezhda, I am glad to meet you, comrade Eleanor.". I looked around at the crowd. On a first glance, one would be perhaps forgiven if they believe the rumours that all men have been "thrown into camps and feminized", as at least one German tabloid claimed. Many men seemed to be breaking the patriarchal norms in their appearance, both in clothing and makeup, and even in their behaviour. I would have loved to stay here longer and do a further materialist analysis of this society. Alas! No time for such a thing. My guide gently touched my hand, rather freely, and said:

"Calais is a fine city, but I believe we must get going. The train to Lilithcity is about to go, and we can't miss the main event!" Eleanor said.

"The main event?" I asked.

"Yes! Of course! Why else would you be here?"

"Well, we were told we'd witness a ritual sacrifice, but surely, this is merely an euphenism, is it not? For the most part, we've moved past that stage of development, is that not wrong?"

"Ah, my foolish girl! No. Just like the bourgeoisie bleed the workers dry, so shall we bleed the bourgeoisie, using their blood to invoke the light bringer, the first rebel!" Eleanor spiritedly told me. We were approaching the train station. Across us, the walls of the houses were richly decorated with most distinctive street art, praising Lilith, a figure from the gnostic? lore. Clearly, the collapse of organized religion has had curious results.

"And who may that be…?" Could it be true? Did they actually worship Satan?

"Well Lucifer, of course, the morning star, what greater rebellion is there than to rebel against the elder one? Or god as some call him."

I raised my eyebrows in shock. "You do realize that…". That is when the train came in, and stole some of my words away. Perhaps for the better. Eleanor quickly went aboard the train, probably without hearing anything I said from the train, and I followed her. This was getting stranger and stranger by the moment. There were no conductors inside, and no one paid any tickets.

I was quiet. Eleanor found someone else to chat with in the coupe we were in, while I was collecting my thoughts. This was somewhat different from the social democrats/opportunists in Germany. It was also pretty far from any sort of orthodox Marxism-Leninism, despite their commitment to "brother Marx". Unfortunately, I didn't bring any theoretical literature with me, and probably for the better, lest I'd create a faux pas, if you will. At least it appeared as if they've got their hearts in the right places.

"Welcome to Lilithcity, comrade Nadezhda!" I was jolted out of my thought process, and I got off the train with Eleanor.

Before me, stood Lilithcity - formerly Paris.

When entering the city the first thing people would see would be the growing industrial sector outside the 'city', it was hard to determine the actual size of the city, as there were no small neighborhoods, and everything was part of a great urban sprawl. The streets were filled with trees give it a sort of eco-urban feel, if it wasn't the the general gothic themed general aesthetic, curiously harkening to a past time while still pointing towards the future. When walking down the street, Lilithcity would be hardly distinguishable from any bourgeois city, filled with shops and cafés with high rises everywhere.

It would be, however, a mistake to qualify it as such.. Some of these high rises were inner city farms, primarily hydroponics. That would explain the relative lack of farms that we saw while travelling through the countryside. Cafés charged no money for the drinks they offered, and were meeting spots for the local area, while restaurants, on the other hand were more communal kitchens, than a fancy dining place. Finally, something that wouldn't look out of place in any city in the USSR, there were convenience stores, simply called 'depots', a place where people would come get food rations, and make requests for other items, " each according to their need".

Not all was normal looking however. Dark temples, in a rather stark contrast, were peeking there and here. They primarily were dedicated to Lilith, however, some of them were merely libraries, and you could say that, after all, they are temples of knowledge.

"Well. Paris- pardon me, Lilithcity- is not what I read about it in the books. Or papers." I said, as I was following my guide to the grand temple, where I was told the ritual sacrifice would happen. Around us, there were rowdy, and somewhat drunk May Day crowds, spontaneously kissing each other and, ah, going into what one could tactly call acts of solidarity. Eventually, we finally got to the grand temple, the crowd getting more dense, and more, touchy, if you will, as there seemed to be drinks abound for every taste and every flavour.

The temple's inner sanctum was spacious and dark, lighting provided only by the sunlight passing through the murals and candles. At the center, where an altar normally would stand in a Catholic church, there was an inclined wall with engraving, that were made so a liquid would go in, and you could see exactly what the liquid was going to be. As people were done getting in, a group of women in dark robes came through a door on top of the engraved wall. Accompanying them were four people, who were tied up and gagged were dragged in, dressed in rather fancy, but by now, tattered clothing. One of the women in black, with a more ornate attire, spoke into a microphone carried by another black-robed woman. She opened her sermon with the following words:

"Welcome, welcome sisters, comrade, children of the Dark Mother, welcome on this beautiful workers day, a day of celebration, of our freedom, our freedom for the age of capital, as our Dark mother teaches, we're all one big family, we must help each other, on this day we celebrate the light bringer rebellion against the elder one, which made the corrupt, magiphobic and patriarchal clergy…" the speech went on, in a strange mixture of a religious sermon and a party meeting.

"Unfortunately, the age of Capital isn't over and that pains our Mother, a pain that must be soothed, and her craving is for the blood of the guilty. Now, remember that our Mother teaches forgiveness, but some, even when given a second chance, refuse to abandon the cruel world, that they create and profit from! They still wish to drink the blood of the workers! Now's the time to send these sinners to meet the Dark Mother so that she can teach them herself, and for the blood to be returned to the family!"

With those final words, the others women in black slit the throat of the prisoners, their blood spilling over the wall and coloring those engraving which clearly displayed a mosaic filled with various symbols, including some very clearly Satanic ones. "All hail the Dark Mother, that welcomes us in her arms. Rise Lucifer and bring us victory in our world revolution, so that blood no longer need be spilled!". The crowd chanted back "Thank you, Mother!!!"."Remember to enjoy the party, today is a day of celebration after all!"

I will be fair with you, Reader, as the crowd chanted "Thank you, Mother!", I found myself joining the choir. There was something ecstatic to this whole ceremony, and I think even the most militant atheist would have been stirred. To be true, seeing the bourgeoisie bleeding to death did help with that, I cannot deny that, either. There was a certain...spiritedness to it, a unity of a whole. For a split moment, I felt that I was part of this crowd, that I was one of them, too. Of course...well, the only thing that objectively unified us was our one and the same goals as a single class - that is to say, the end of capitalism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Just something to dwell on.

For the remaining day, we were invited to party and celebrate May Day, but, unlike the usually jubilant occasion this is, I was lost in thought. What to write, what to say, what to not say and write...Ah, well! In the end, I've decided to write what I felt, saw and thought. So, as an epilogue, I shall lay down my thoughts on what's to be done with Gaul. Objectively speaking, they are a state guided by idealist practices, an idealist ideology and an idealist religion. Their whole country is a contradiction, of the rather backwards religious rituals, the strange Gothic architecture, all combined in a mish-mash with futuristic technology, egalitarian principles and relatively well-developed class consciousness. Subjectively, I believe that they are - much like New Bharat, though to be fair, in their case, the Neo-Buddhist philosophy is admirably materialistic - a great ally in Europe and the currently unfolding situation there. Systemic risk - that is a word we keep hearing from our diplomats - exists everywhere, and war, conflict and devastation may occur at any time. Without allies in Europe, East Asia, North America, Africa and so forth, how can we hope to bring the proletarian revolution? The only logical choice is for the USSR to become the guiding and leading torch of Marxism-Leninism and lead by example, to the best of our efforts. In the end, men (and women!) do not make history under self-selected circumstances, but rather, under ones transferred by the past to the present.
Name: Provisional Authority of Siam.

High Concept: A Kingdom in Turmoil
The PAS is a nation whose leader has been suddenly and bloodily removed from office. A council of ministers are attempting to rule in his place, but the nation needs a ruler if it is to survive
Trouble: The Boiling Point
The way things have been going in Siam, it wasn't a matter of if the king would be dispatched from this world, but a matter of when, and by whom. Rebellious influences have been growing bolder by the day, and the assassination may just be the tipping point. Even if a new power takes control, it will be difficult to quell the rebellious populace and bring stability to the region.

    • Covert – 0
    • Charm – 0
    • Force – +1
    • Science – +2
    • Thrift – +1
Aspect: The Dragon's Directive
Southeast Asia was devastated by the collapse of the world economy following the Impacts. One of the reasons Siam was able to avoid economic collapse and conquer the region was the brutal efficiency with which the king forced all sectors of the economy to modernize and mechanize. While the human cost has been substantial and the political ramifications have recently begun to boil over, there's no denying that the directives enforced by the Kingdom and now the PAS have done wonders to build a humming economy that fuels the nation's ambitions.
Aspect: The Majesty of the Machines
His Majesty styled himself as an enlightened despot like the kings and queens of old, eager to modernize and embrace new ideas and technologies, or at least the ones that didn't involve him giving up any power. He was but a soldier when the Olympians revolted, and after barely surviving their rampage was fascinated by them ever since. He seized power with men who cut their teeth fighting off these mechanized monstrosities, and as his kingdom grew he embraced new technologies that gave his armies the edge on the battlefield, technologies that in time trickled down to the civilian populace as well. Even now that he's gone, his fascination with the sciences hasn't faded from the spirit of the nation he left behind.
Aspect: The Uneasy Truce
Conflict between the modified and unmodified has been rare in the PAS. Religious influence from neighboring New Bharat and the spread of easily obtainable tech has helped to soothe the class device and increase the appeal of trans-humanism, while detractors and would-be-rebels were often silenced by Siamese bayonets. While His Majesty looked at this and claimed that his policies wiped away the class struggles that tore apart lesser nations, in practice all that was done was changing the struggling parties from the modified and unmodified to the modified and the slightly less modified. Granted this has given them slightly less reason to fight, but with many worried that the ruling class of the genetically and mechanically enhanced could sweep into power at any moment now that the King is dead, it may be the straw that breaks the back of this fragile, unspoken truce.

Stunt: House of Khalan (+2 Charm to diplomatic rolls when the monarch is directly involved in a Charm effort.)
His Majesty was truly a legendary figure, well-known even outside of the borders of his nation. Even the members of his family are said to carry the same fire that he once did, and it's a fire that can equal parts impress and terrorize whenever it needs to.
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Never thought I'd see the day 'Lec goes full Stalinist. :p

It has been 15 years since the military occupation of Hong Kong has commenced. The government of Xi Jinping, having squandered valuable state resources on appeasing the colonialist billionaires, succumbed at last to the carping of militarist hardliners and ordered the occupation of Hong Kong. Having occupied government offices and not since vacating thereof, the rebels were at war with the People's Republic from that point. The Liberation Army spared nothing in attacking the city, but valued above all else seizing the stores of wealth the Hong Kong-ren had not yet evacuated. Then Xi Jinping betrayed China's allies: North Korea was left to the dogs, in an exchange from the capitalist American President Trump Donald to illegitimize the Taipei government. So began the age of Xi imperialism. Under Xi, the People's Republic spread itself widely and deployed all of its naval forces to the South Sea, a move the American President called "the Chinese moving into their own backyard." Likewise Xi did not protest when Americans invaded the state of Iran. Tariffs were never reduced.

Xi was cruel: nothing was spared in seizing control of the south sea coasts. Bangkok, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore - all succumbed to Xi's rampage. This state of affairs continued for twelve years in a domestic economy that increasingly worsened. Growth was slowing dramatically. Inflation was high, but unemployment was still growing. Where had all that money gone? Dissent with the government rose as rations went on. Many public sectors needed to be reduced and many shops became ration centers. The national spirit was very poor. "China is in peril," the people realized. At that time, we formed, in secret, a society of Chinese revolutionaries, consisting of the small bourgeoisie, the peasants, the workers, and some defecting officers of the People's Liberation Army. We met in secret societies and spread our influence, and acquired great respect among the people as we came to embody the revolutionary spirit of Chinese communism. At last the time came and we rose up, occupying the central offices of Beijing. Our brave warriors met the lackeys of Xi in battle and struck a glorious blow for socialism. We thus took control of the Presidium and made the People's Republic good again. In the ensuing wars, only a few complications have come to pass. The loss of Guangdong is temporary. The Shanghai millionaires did not flee completely. The rebelling generals at the present are only a brief disruption. Order will be restored and the Republic will live long. Do not despair! We will be victorious!

(banned, but printed anyway and circulated in secret; writer was disaffected state journalist and arrested and executed)

This place, sweet Chongqing, is the very last bastion of socialism in China. Warlords are rampaging elsewhere and have done, now, for decades. All of China has suffered this disunity for forty years at least. And what now has the People's Republic to show for it? No more than a tiny state on the corner of the world. Right now, the gates are being attacked by religious fanatics, reactionaries who seek to install their false Prophetess as Huangdi. That is ludicrous, but who can say? Has not the People's Republic lost the mandate? Is China not disunited, suffering and hungry? What has become of China, but the sad consequences of a government that failed to keep it united? Perhaps this is the fate we deserve: to watch the beautiful revolution ground into dust by mouth-breathing, fur-eating, blood-drinking, women-promoting reactionaries.



Where do Olympians come from? They were created by man, but they are beyond him. They were created with human hands, but not by human minds. The Olympians come from the ways of the World of Decadence. He who is unwilling to put himself among the people and die as one of them is not fit to be ruler, and in the days of the Socialists there came to be known as a group of people that considered themselves superior to the rest. Where did this hubris come from? How were the Children of Man so deceived, to cast away that which is corrupt for that which is heartless? In the end, it is the way of things. The Empire built up by Mao eventually became corrupt and then decadent and, having lost its connection to the People, failed anymore to satisfy their good.

These elites were but one category of many who came to be known as Eloi, the Scourge of Man. Whatever the People made, He took and secured it in his distant palace. These false kings are no more than usurpers of heaven, considering themselves above the laws of heaven as well as the laws of man. They are prideful lords whose pride destroyed the world, and out of their pride - not their wit, not their intellect, not their skill - out of their pride came the Olympians.

It is this pride we must always seek to oppose. The Da Suan places the humility of man above the pride of devils. The capitalists are satisfied with nothing. We must become satisfied with peace.
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Streitkräfte aktuell: Das Magazin der vereinten Streitkräfte
(Armed Forces up to date: The magazine of the United Armed Forces)

Welcome back to "Olympian Watch", our monthly special dedicated to our brave boys and girls out in the field, fighting the good fight against the Olympian Manace. Today we have great news, Kampfgruppe Siegfried achieved another stunning sucsess, taking the Olympian 3A45, nicknamed "Prags Plage" (Pragues Scourge).

Oberstleutnant (Lt.Col) Anna Friedrichs and her 2nd Super-Heavy tank battalion, with support from infantry and artillery units and a full wing of fighter bomber, managed to bring down the Olympian with only minimal casualties. Equipped with the newest and most powerful tanks, specially designed to take on the Olympians, there sucsess may not be suprising, but its still pleasant news.

"We used our quick Leopard 3s as bait, they raced away, firing with everything they had and the Plage just followed them like a baby that sees candy. Our super-heavy Mjolnir Tanks (picture attached to the article) and the artillery made short work of it, mostly incapacitating it before it could even react. The Luftwaffe boys finalized the show with a combination of anti-tank missiles and two over-sized cruise missiles, just for good measure." Friedrichs explained her winning strategy against the machine.

"There once was a time when we feared these machines, but with our army and industry back on their feet, these monstrocities are just target practise for us."

In other news, economists and other experts have called for increased recycling efforts, as they fear that even the most basic industrial minerals may soon run out. Local austrian authorities declared that "Erzberg is far from exhausted and there is still lots of minerals in out soil. We will just to invest more to use them."

History savy reader may have understood this as a hint towards the still unexploited deposits of low grade iron ore in Germany. These had been exploited by the Nazis during World War 2 and most mines shut down in the 1980s, when they were no longer profitable. With an increased shortage of industrial minerals, many experts agree that exploiting any low grade deposit available has to be done immediately. Some even suggest that there are still deposits of Rare Earths and several other important materials still untouched in the Republiks soil. But only time will tell what will be done with them, as enviromentalists argue that exploiting these deposits would cause too much damage to the already pressured ecosystems inside our nations.


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Oceanic Combine Atomic Energy Division.png

A spark is enough to summon a new age!

ONERD (Oceanic Nuclear Energy & Research Division) is proud to announce new commissions by order of the Combine Director Dr Marcus Zeimer on research and development on nuclear energy production. Nuclear fission remains the most valued form of energy production: it is necessary to harness this energy for the advancement of the Combine. Energy generated from the uranium that Australia is blessed with will contribute to enhancements in industry, in research and in security.

The Chairman of ONERD, Dr Isaac Yates, has pass on Zeimer's instructions to ensure that ONERD will conduct efforts into atomic R&D. As a organisation we were commissioned around the dawn of the founding as a revelation on the importance of energy security and Australia does process plenty of uranium waiting to be extracted through Oceanic mining companies seeking to harvest these most energetic fruits for the joys of profit for both the corporations and the Combine.

The first step is extraction of uranium via mining operations, followed by the splitting of the atom in the reactors for research and power generation considerations. ONERD will be entrusted with the development of nuclear power stations so we can exceed power demands, thus encouraging more demand and profit as we grow as the true economic powerhouse for the Pacific and Indian oceans. We predict the technologies the atomic road will lead us, including in industrial and security apparatuses, will secure the Combine as a world power for epochs to cometh. Our empire will not burn out; we will spark as gloriously as the Sun, as the empire of reasons dawns for the progress of Australia, New Zealand and all other members to be of the great Oceanic Combine.

From a spark emerges the future!
WIP just lemme put this here thx


Name: Federation of the Northeastern Republics | [o] Nordeste

Capital: Recife

High Concept: Coastal Hyperurban ‘Utopia’ and Country Hicks

Trouble: Agrestes e Cidades

Historically, the irregular rainfall and arid soil of the agreste and sertão hinterlands of the Northeast limited agricultural production in the region—the historical and extensive sugarcane and coffee plantations in the zona da mata notwithstanding. However, extensive irrigation and hydroelectric projects centered about the São Francisco River in the 21st and 22nd centuries transformed these hinterlands into lush, fertile farmland, securing the Nordeste into a veritable breadbasket—or rather soybasket—of Brazil. The rapid rise in popularity of automated farming meant that a relatively small population could sustain a comparatively high production of agricultural foodstuffs, fueled by the plentiful electricity and water from the São Francisco. This allowed for the rapid population growth and urban development of the Atlantic seaboard of the Nordeste—Fortaleza, Natal, João Pessoa, Recife, Maceió, Aracaju, and Salvador saw their skylines transformed by the rapid, indiscriminate construction of skyscrapers, eventually forming the clustered loci of a dense urban megaregion that followed the coastline. The catastrophic environmental and economic downturns of the past century have caused the gradual decay of the Nordeste megalopolis and the flight of former urbanites to the more stable and safer countryside. By 2200, a sharp social and cultural divide between the cidadãos of the coastline and the sertanejos of the interior had arose.


Covert [+2] – The constituent Republics of the Federation keep tenuous relations—and thus comprehensive dossiers—on each other. At the federal level, however, this has led to the development and maintenance of a strong intelligence department—the Agência Nacional de Inteligência [ANIn]—that has a strong grasp of information flowing within and without the Nordeste.
Charm [0] – The seemingly endless political gridlock and infighting amongst the Republics has led to a sharp downturn of public faith in the federal government. The current Partido Trabalhista administration maintains its tenuous governance due to a recent upswing in the economy and quality of life in the urban regions of the Federation.
Force [0] – Due to a general lack of external threats—excepting the constant specter of the Olímpicos— the Exército da Federação is woefully underfunded and undermanned, with minimal capability to operate without the boundaries of the Federation.
Science [+1] – Maintaining the dense, complex transit and infrastructure of the hyperurban Atlantic seaboard during the collapse of the global and local economies has produced a strong, innovative tradition of engineering and research in the Federation’s megalopolis.
Thrift [+1] – The mineral wealth of the aptly named Republic of Minas Gerais—the newest constituent state of the Federation, has allowed for the slow but steady repair of hydroelectric facilities on the São Francisco and urban infrastructure on the Atlantic seaboard.


O Grande Sertão [An Inhospitable Earth]

The environmental crises that followed the Eden Impacts resulted in the mass desertification of the traditional farm and grasslands that produced a majority of Brazil’s foodstuffs. Coupled with a second Grande Seca—Great Drought—that crippled the agricultural capabilities of the Centro-Oeste and Sudeste regions of Brazil, the ensuing mass famine and unemployment exacerbated the fall of the Federative Republic and sparked the rise of separatist states throughout the stricken nation. Paradoxically, the sertões, those regions in the northeast historically most affected by drought, maintained a decent level of agricultural production, thanks to the expansive and comprehensive development of its local irrigation. Unable to sustain the huge demand of the entire country, however, the states that controlled the Sertão Brasileiro would finally break away from the rest of the country. The Republic of Bahia was declared in 20XX. Following the Baiano precedent, the next five years saw the separations of the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, and Pernambuco. These four new republics together formed the União do Nordeste—the Union of the Northeast—the immediate forebear to the Federation. By 2200, the strong agricultural base of the agrestes and sertões has, without fail, sustained the growth and rebuilding of the Northeast.

O Cinturão [The Decadence of Eloi]

The transformation of the sertões prompted an explosion of industrial, scientific, and cultural development in the Nordeste. Mass urban immigration quickly exceeded the housing and infrastructure capabilities of the cities of the Atlantic seaboard, and in the first half of the 21st century, mass urban and regiopolitan development occurred along this thin strip of land from Fortaleza in Ceará to Salvador in Bahia. This massive hyperurban development led to birth of a new megalopolis in the Northeast: the Belt—o Cinturão. Despite the huge cultural and societal differences between the sertões and the Cinturão, similar sharp socioeconomic divides exist within the two regions—akin to the archetypical Eloi and Morlocks. In the sertões, precious farmland is almost exclusively owned by a select few plantation owners, while the bulk of the inland population—referred to as madeireiros—works and tills the lush sertanejo soil. In the Cinturão, glistening skyscrapers, tramways, and skyways are maintained and supported by favelados, whose favelas—just as poor and marginally less crime-ridden than those of 21st century Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo—fill in the landscape in the Cinturão as far as the eye can see. While this sharp socioeconomic divide does cause heightened internal tensions and contributes to the growing political gridlock, for the time being, the work of the madeireiros and favelados continues to support the steadily growing economy of the Federation.

Os Titãs e os Olímpicos [The Olympians]


Uma Federação, Um Nordeste, Um Povo:
When attempting to improve the relationship between lower-class cidadãos and lower-class sertanejos, you may use Covert instead of Charm.

Spoiler Map :
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Name: The Federal Republic of the United Caribbean [Short: Caribbean, RFCU]

High Concept: Tempest-tossed Seasteading Survivors

Trouble: The Inland Communities - The RFCU maintains sovereignty over much of the Caribbean basin. Most of this land is fairly depopulated: prone to flooding, natural disasters, and Olympian attacks; however, the highlands are much more defensible, and in Central America, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the Andes there exist large communities nestled among the mountains. These communities are codependent with the rest of the UFRC, producing significant food surpluses and the bulk of the RFCU’s livestock and animal products in exchange for technologically advanced goods. However, their relative remoteness makes them independently-minded and hard to govern, and their solidly land-bound nature leaves them with very different interests than the maritime portions of the RFCU, thus feeding factionalism, division, and even the occasional call for secession..

Stunt: Multilateral Roots - +2 to Charm rolls when forming, dealing with, or working through multinational organizations


Floating Cities - The 21st century was not kind to the Caribbean. Climate change drove rising sea levels, drowning coastal cities and outright sinking some low-lying island nations. The final nails in the coffin were the Olympians. In the savage years after the Olympians went bezerk, coastal raids on some seaside city were a weekly occurrence, and regular life became utterly untenable. In search of solutions, the people of the Caribbean turned to their maritime traditions and took to the seas. Rising tides were no longer a danger when you float above the waves, and Olympians are easier to deal with when you can run away or fight back with a more concentrated force.

Forewarning Networks - The ocean is vast and deep, with no end of space where any dangerous Olympian could hide. Patrolling and monitoring everything is be nigh-impossible, but the forewarning networks can get quite close. A system of sonar buoy, aerial imagery, and mandatory sensor feedback from all Carbbean vessels combine to make a detailed map of the local sea lanes, enabling effective tracking and response to any maritime threats

A Tight Ship - The first experimental seasteads were tightly-run operations, with every inhabitant having their own essential duties to help keep the seastead running. While these restrictions later loosened, the culture of duty established remains strong, and the Caribbean economy still tends towards strong central planning. This impedes the emergence of the same severe Eloi / Morlock divide found in other societies.


  • Covert – 0
  • Charm – 2
  • Force – 1
  • Science – 1
  • Thrift – 0
The Readiness is All!


An article in Jianghuai Daily. Jianghuai Daily is the most popular news outlet in Da Suan, offering a mix of lifestyle advice, spirituality editorials, news, cartoons, and, of course, the state-mandated advertisements.

Lieutenant Colonel Ho Wen-qian (何玟蒨中校) poses for a picture in Hac Sa Beach with a heavy-armor cannon-vehicle (重型装甲炮 Zhòngxíng zhuāngjiǎ pào, also called Zhongjia-pao for short; sometimes colloquially called 坦克 Tǎnkè after the English name). Hac Sa Beach was the scene of a Grand Imperial Guard drill and training exercise this past week-end, and Ho Wen-qian has become something of a celebrity.

Ho, who is originally from Xi'an and is now stationed in Guangdong at the Pearl River Imperial Barracks, was leading her tank platoon in the drill with composure and coordinated well with her comrades, reports said. Participating in a wargame opposite another platoon, Ho impressed her superiors by outmaneuvering and destroying in detail the much larger opposing force.

"Platoon 1 failed to move out... and Platoon 2 collapsed in the face of incipient pressure," the report said. "Platoon 3, led by Lt. Col. Ho Wen-qian, failed to break and repositioned to Site K on high ground. Site K was screened from the opposing forces consisting of Platoons 4, 5, & 6 by tree cover. Platoon 6 moved to encircle Platoon 2 from the south by crossing the stream indicated by Site E, and were ambushed by Platoon 3. Platoon 6 was forced to retreat and quickly broke. Platoon 4 & 5 moved to engage Platoon 3. Platoon 3 positioned itself on a low hill that flanked Site E from the south. Platoon 4 & 5 were not able to advance on the hill after the initial skirmish. Platoon 5 moved to flank by crossing Site E to the east, and Platoon 3 immediately engaged them. Platoon 4 was attempted to cross Site E to the east but was not able to group in time to preserve Platoon 5. In the final encounter Platoon 3 defeated Platoon 4 in hand-to-hand combat."

Ho has been awarded the Ribbon of Skill in acknowledgment of her victory in the wargames and in particular her role in preserving her team's victory from total defeat, as the after-action report revealed both Platoons 1 & 2 were suffering from severe command problems.

The commander for Platoon 4, a one Lieutenant Colonel Liu Hong, had this to say: "She was a formidable opponent, but I will defeat her next time. Her allied platoons were very clearly disorganized and I let my guard down in light of that fact."

Ho Wen-qian has been invited to the Soldier's Ball in Chongqing later this year, an annual event held in the summer to honor the Imperial Guards, where she will be presented with the Ribbon of Skill as well as possible other honors and accolades. We could not reach her for comment, but we did reach her mother, who is named Ho Chenguang. She said, "I am very proud of my daughter and, of course, not at all surprised. She takes after her family, who fought in the civil war. We are all proud of her."

Other notables of the training exercises in Hac Sa Beach include Captain Chu Mingwei and First Lieutenant Sun Yongtian, commanders of a platoon of Da Suan's elite "ranger infantry." They are pictured here overseeing their platoon as they prepare for drills. The elite forces of Da Suan's military are known officially as the Imperial Expeditionary Vanguard, a branch of the Grand Imperial Guard. Chu Mingwei is well-regarded in China and all over the world for her role in dealing with the Buryats Insurgency last winter, begun when local separatists attacked an Imperial Barracks in Uda. Many in northern China were anxious when this occurred, and locals were very afraid of the separatists. It was the heroic effort of Chu Mingwei and her 77th Platoon, nicknamed the "Auspicious Cranes," that spearheaded the anti-insurgency operation.

Captain Chu describes her feelings about her role leading this platoon. "It is exhausting work, but I wake up each morning feeling invigorated," she says. "Growing up my great-grandmother told me stories about her time spent fighting in the civil war. She met my great-grandfather while participating in Xidao's army. She was an artillerist, he was an infantry. She told me that, knowing her husband and his squad relied upon good firing support to achieve victory, she was motivated to do her very best. I hope to serve my comrades in the same way."

Imperial Expeditionary Vanguard troops on parade, donning their classic bulletproof masks. Each I.E.V. platoon has its own styles and adorns their masks in different ways, according to the culture of that platoon.

Special Report: A Nation in Crisis

New Bangkok, Siam -
The transference of power following the death of King Khalan has been made official as of today, following a unanimous vote from the Central Council of Ministers. The newly enshrined Provisional Authority body also elected Thaksin Pridi, the King's longtime adjunct and aid, to chair the committee and function as the head of state.

The so-called election was less then harmonious and is expected to intensify calls among Siamese citizens for democratic reforms, while opponents of such actions have called for the military to step in and take control of the government, installing a new leader in the mold of the warrior and general that they once knew. This is compounding the resurgence in socialist rebels, emboldened by the successful assassination of the King seen as an enemy of the people. The council has acted and deployed armed forces to hot spots around the Empire, but it's clear that without the King's influence that the provisional authority will be seen as illegitimate by some and an attempt to grab power from the rightful rulers by others.

"I do not have any ambitions against the throne that my friend occupied for so many years," Thaksin Pridi told reporters. "I am merely the arbiter of the succession and intend to keep the peace until rulership is restored."

Others were not so optimistic. "Khalan, may he rest in peace, gave little thought to his own succession," one anonymous aide said. "Without a designated heir, it's going to be difficult for any heir to claim the throne, and easy for the others to contest it, so long as they have the support."

While Khalan is survived by several relatives, there are three in particular seen as promising candidates for the throne. One is Princess Sasithorn, the King's eldest daughter following the passing of the King's other son, currently serving in the Siamese Air Force. She made no comment when questioned about her ascension to the throne, but she is seen as the most legitimate candidate among traditionalists and as an avowed Neo-Buddhist has found support among the Neo-Buddhist population. Her cousin Prince Sakchai has also been pegged for a candidacy, an Elohi socialite who rubs shoulders with other men of power and has cultivated relationships with several foreign dignitaries, leading some to suggest that he may be angling for foreign support for a power grab. The Prince's sister Malai is also seen as a feasible option; currently serving as diplomat to Nusantara, she shared her Uncle's fascination with technological advancement and is seen by many as a perfect candidate for the continuation of the status quo.

As it stands, the throne is up for grabs, and any candidate could emerge from the woodwork to make a claim, if some other force doesn't dismantle the throne before them. There are dark days ahead for Siam, but with any luck there will be a light at the end of it all.
Lets get the show on the road, shall we?


Current map:

Stuff I need from people before I can continue:

@GenMarshall @doubleA I need basically your entire signup.

@Robert Can't @Butteryicarus I need a stunt. If you don't have any good ideas, talk to me (preferably on Discord).

@Sonereal @Shadowbound I talked about a revised stunt with both of you and would like for you to confirm your acceptance of the revised stunt.
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