Impromptu CFC Meetup, Inaguration Day, Washington D.C.

Attending the Inauguration Meetup?

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What about the 18th after the concert? BTW, is anyone else going to this? They're expecting 500,000 or so.

I can do any day, but getting into the city any day this week is going to be awful. It means taking Metro (the horror.)
What about the 18th after the concert? BTW, is anyone else going to this? They're expecting 500,000 or so.

I can do any day, but getting into the city any day this week is going to be awful. It means taking Metro (the horror.)
I could do after the concert, which I'm not attending out of a lack of interest in most of the music. I could also go into the city on either of the weekend days, except for Saturday afternoon when we have a CFC Steam Group event. (Wow, second time in a row that's conflicted. Hilarity ensues.)

By the way, Red Door, I hope you're happy. You people ruined my voice for a day. :p
I could do after the concert, which I'm not attending out of a lack of interest in most of the music. I could also go into the city on either of the weekend days, except for Saturday afternoon when we have a CFC Steam Group event. (Wow, second time in a row that's conflicted. Hilarity ensues.)

By the way, Red Door, I hope you're happy. You people ruined my voice for a day. :p

You're not interested in Bruce, the horrors. Or standing in the cold to see Beyonce.

Anyways, if this is going down, it needs to be before or after that period of the 19th to 21st. Getting into the city will be tough, if not impossible during those three days.

And yes, I am happy. Ebola Virus on accidental buzzing, ridiculous.
If I had known Bruce was going to be there, I would have adjusted my travel plans. Now its too late.
What time is the concert over?
your going to DC on purpose? your crazy...we are telling all the truck drivers to avoid normal routes..and so on.
Seeing how I live about 3 miles from the Mall, I am kinda already here. I am also taking inaguration day off of work, since getting out of Arlington by car is going to be a pain in the you know what. Other than the afternoon of the 19th through the 20th, getting into DC still shouldn't be that hard, so a meet up is not entirely insane.
Hey Cheezy, I might be able to drop by but 8pm is kinda late and i'll prolly need to head home by then. Btw, to everyone who is not going, I'm thinking of making a movie of the event. What kind of stuff would you like to see on the video/movie?
If it is going to be then, which Capitol City Brewing Company? I want an exact address this time. :p
And a map!

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=capitol+city+brewing&amp;sll=38.897304,-77.005759&amp;sspn=0.005962,0.013947&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=38.909936,-76.996479&amp;spn=0.005962,0.013947&amp;z=14&amp;iwloc=A&amp;cid=38898279,-77008079,9370996377962591703&amp;output=embed&amp;s=AARTsJrHcwRsOPYRLmP08e6ZqTfhTfiYGQ"></iframe><br /><small><a href=";source=embed&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=capitol+city+brewing&amp;sll=38.897304,-77.005759&amp;sspn=0.005962,0.013947&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=38.909936,-76.996479&amp;spn=0.005962,0.013947&amp;z=14&amp;iwloc=A&amp;cid=38898279,-77008079,9370996377962591703" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

wow...hell of a map:eek:
I can be there at 8PM on the 19th but not the 21st.
Either works for me. Is it just gonna be you and me, though? :p
Remember cell phone numbers this time, that was an issue last time IIRC... and remember to post pics in a timely fashion! None of that two months after the fact crap...
If it's just you and I, Dachs, then there's no reason to do it on or the day before Inauguration Day.
That's what it's seemin' like. What time would work best for the General?
*pictures Dachs and Cheezy at a huge table by themesleves* 'Gang's all here..'
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