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Karma visits Pennsylvania.

Don't majorly piss off your wife/kids/partner and you won't have to worry about it.
lol, I'm sure most people who met their demise that way thought it would never happen either. Plus, there are a lot of things (and people) that you can't control.

During my time on the net, I've only known 1 person who I've confirmed truly died (meaning that there a lot of people who fake their deaths, make false claims, etc..). He was a huge gun nut and was always talking as you just did. He talked about how safe he was with guns, how only morons get killed by their own guns, etc... etc... well, he died of some kind of accident on a gun range. Tragic.
Most responsible gun owner's don't go around broadcasting that they own a gun, don't wear it openly, and mostly, don't need to boast about it.

I used to have a gun, and I don't now, but there may be a time I have one again. If I do, I darn sure won't say I have one, and surely won't bring it to a kid's soccer game. Sounds like a heat of the moment anger killing then suicide via regret
Shooting someone is so much easier than viciously stabbing them to death in cold blood though.

Guns are teh suck.
Yes, and this happens way more often than the self-defense against a burglar scenario.

Yes, yes, I know and I'm not saying to take away yer gunz, am I? I'm just saying this is, for me, yet another reason why I will probably never own a gun.

And that's fine for you. Personally I can't imagine continuing to live with someone in the first place if I thought there was even the faintest most remote chance that they could actually attempt to murder me. Besides, she's too smart for that - she'd just spike my drink and dump my body rather than doing something that CSI New Hampshire would eventually figure out. :scared:
Guns that you own are more likely to be used in a fit of rage against someone in your family than actually defending you. Unfortunately, most gun owners do not know the responsibilities that come with owning a gun and make so much use of their "rights" without realising their responsibilities.
Guns that you own are more likely to be used in a fit of rage against someone in your family than actually defending you.

Citation needed.

Unfortunately, most gun owners do not know the responsibilities that come with owning a gun and make so much use of their "rights" without realising their responsibilities.

I'm not sure about "most", but yeah, it is unfortunate to whatever extent it happens.
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