pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Siam

pre-release info
You know we are in the weeds when we are debating elephant speed vs. Usain Bolt speed.
You must be new here. Hi, I'm Zaarin, and welcome to CivFanatics. :mischief:
Wait, it’s Wednesday. Wait, it’s the second scheduled civ reveal. Wait, it’s not Meiji Japan!

This reveal week is gonna be interesting.
The reveals are coming hot and fast now!
Albeit, last week "coming up" segment only mentioned 2 civs and one first look, so we may reached all the official reveals for this week. They may have wanted to make it earlier the week as lots of info expected to come tomorrow from preview builds.
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Firaxis is definitely cranking out all the last minute leaders and buildings etc. to get people to pre order and or buy last minute. They only have about 3 weeks left. I will pre order the Founders edition first of February and start game play on February 6th. With 7K plus hours on Civ 6 can't wait for a new generation for me to build something that I believe in.

"Last Minute Hype"

Brew God
You know we are in the weeds when we are debating elephant speed vs. Usain Bolt speed.
Especially when the debate is over speed in miles or kiloneters per hour when the game measures speed in Years per Turn.

Other animals in the 'slower than a horse, faster than a human' category are:

Western North American Brown Bears (that's Grizzily and their cousins)
Asian Tigers
African Lions
American Bison

All of whom also fall into the category, along with Elephants, of 'animals you lose a race to only Once.'
All of whom also fall into the category, along with Elephants, of 'animals you lose a race to only Once.'
Alternately: "animals that if you are in a race with them you have already lost." :p
Especially when the debate is over speed in miles or kiloneters per hour when the game measures speed in Years per Turn.

Other animals in the 'slower than a horse, faster than a human' category are:

Western North American Brown Bears (that's Grizzily and their cousins)
Asian Tigers
African Lions
American Bison

All of whom also fall into the category, along with Elephants, of 'animals you lose a race to only Once.'
Man, you guys are killing it with these animal speed references.

Do unladen swallows next!
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Chang Beun - A Ranged unit with Increased Movement . . . that can move after attacking!?!

Wouldn't that be the ultimate Kiting unit? Fire and run away . . . repeat until enemies are dead?

That seems like a highly exploitable unit . . . the AI isn't going to stand any chance! 🤪
Isn't that essentially how Vietnam's unique unit in Civ 6 worked? But it was even faster when in Vietnam territory.
Is it bad that I would have preferred this for Russia than having Cossacks again or a Soviet era artillery? :mischief:
It's...pretty, but the composition is not good. Too much negative space, and the negative space isn't doing anything.
I think it’s giving “Antiquity” when we need it to give “Modern.”

However, I am strongly pro-clouds.
Funny enough, I think it would work better if the POV were shifted up to show more sky. It would give more of a sense of wonder.
I think it’s giving “Antiquity” when we need it to give “Modern.”

However, I am strongly pro-clouds.
What passes for "modern" in Siam? Remember this isn't our "Modern day" but the "modern" of the 1700s/1800s. Do we need to see electricity? Cars?

Thailand back in the 19th century wasn't that "modern" technologically wise.
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