The most likely place a police shooter is going to hit someone is somewhere in the center of the body. Less than lethal in that instance seems more like luck of the draw than a purposeful decision on the part of the officer. Perhaps since Bugfatty seems to have law enforcement expertise, he could educate me if I'm wrong here.
That entirely depends on the range, the weapon and the skill of the shooter. Near the effective range of a weapon, it is indeed luck what you are going to hit. But at much shorter range you can pick the part of the body you want to hit and hit that most of the time.
Police in public areas will of course have a different ROE than soldiers. Lethal weapons should not be used at all unless their is a need for lethal force. Having a shoot to wound policy for police will if anything promote more trigger happiness.
True. But there are certainly cases, where the shoot to kill policy results in force that is more lethal than it has to be. You would have to curb trigger happiness in another way, for example by increasing the bureaucratic pain for shooting.
But anyway, I don't want to argue that a shoot to wound policy is necessarily better, I just wanted to point out that it exists.