RANDOM RANTS XXXII: I'm In a Glass Case of Emotion!

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Don't you do DYOS?

Yes, but without a working desktop. Can't do anything but let it build up :sad:. ( I've already ranted about my piece of crap Dell computer that loves to freeze on me on a cold boot and the incompetence of the Geek Squad who claims that there is nothing wrong with it.)
Yes, but without a working desktop. Can't do anything but let it build up :sad:. ( I've already ranted about my piece of crap Dell computer that loves to freeze on me on a cold boot and the incompetence of the Geek Squad who claims that there is nothing wrong with it.)

Oh. That's too bad. If I'm bored, sometimes I just do random sketches. Maybe you could try that. Even though I'm not very good at drawing, it's kinda fun.
Since everyone's talking about their girl problems in the Rants thread, I figured I'd give some positive news:
I met a cute girl at camp. We've been texting each other fairly extensively, and she's initiated some of the conversations. If I play my cards right, this could go somewhere. If not, she lives far enough away that I don't have to worry about incidentally encountering her unless we go to the same camp again (and it's a big camp), and I'll have had the good pleasure of meeting an Asian who shares my distaste for most aspects of Asian culture.
And she's ignoring me for no readily discernible reason. Goddammit.
Yes, but without a working desktop. Can't do anything but let it build up :sad:. ( I've already ranted about my piece of crap Dell computer that loves to freeze on me on a cold boot and the incompetence of the Geek Squad who claims that there is nothing wrong with it.)

Oh. That's too bad. If I'm bored, sometimes I just do random sketches. Maybe you could try that. Even though I'm not very good at drawing, it's kinda fun.

Try drawing alternate history maps. :)
Join a NES!

Supercongress, thats why I came here, to talk about supercongress and the whole "double veto" plan, and to rant about the debt ceiling and the Constitution, but the post came out wrong and so I decided to just try to respond to the current pressing matters instead.

But seriously, join anybody's game. This is not a plug.
Yes, but without a working desktop. Can't do anything but let it build up :sad:. ( I've already ranted about my piece of crap Dell computer that loves to freeze on me on a cold boot and the incompetence of the Geek Squad who claims that there is nothing wrong with it.)
Again, have you asked about you problem on Computer Hope? If not, I highly recommend it.
Electricity and water were out in the whole area for most of the day. I was so pissed off. For one thing it was damn hot and no fan or anything. It's not the first time this has happened either. I mean it's one thing for the electricity to be out for 30 minutes or so like happens every other day but not all day.
I have a nasty, nasty hangover right now from last night. And I have a big red gash on my arm from broken glass. (Hint: the two clauses above are somehow related.) And my toe still hurts. And I'm down 80 bucks from one night at the bar. And I managed to break my headphones on the train today, so my music sucks. And I'm still hungover 18 hours after going to sleep, in my contacts and on the floor by accident.
You have a hangover that's lasting, um… 20 hours?
I have a nasty, nasty hangover right now from last night. And I have a big red gash on my arm from broken glass. (Hint: the two clauses above are somehow related.) And my toe still hurts. And I'm down 80 bucks from one night at the bar. And I managed to break my headphones on the train today, so my music sucks. And I'm still hungover 18 hours after going to sleep, in my contacts and on the floor by accident.

thats why i never, ever, drink beer or alcoholic substances.
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