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RANDOM RANTS XXXIII: World, Y U make me fed up wit U?!!

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Try disallowing phonetic typing?
Well I tried that and it didnt help either. Its bizarre.
I arrived in Iraq today and practically everything is closed for the holiday and the only taxis I could find for the city I want to go to (Erbil) are too expensive. Practically the only people on the street are young boys, I mean practically no one over 15, it's weird. Lots of them are running around with toy guns. I hope I can find something cheaper tomorrow. It's going to be a boring evening. Just got to the netcafe to check my e-mail and kill some time.

I finally found a reasonable hotel. It's a nasty place with ashtrays with butts next to the beds and just all around dingy looking but I don't really care, I'm spending a few days in this country and then back to my semi-comfortable concrete box apartment in Turkey. The staff is very nice anyway so kind of makes up for it. I just hope I can find some reasonable transport to Erbil tomorrow.

I know it's pretty lame that I'm sitting in a netcafe on civfanatics but there is just nothing to do outside. Practically everything is closed for Eid.
In Alg 2 hnrs today we had a quiz. I tried my hardest, but the guy next to me had a different answer for every single question except for the two easiest ones. One of us is going to fail.
Ugh...I am not sure what I am feeling right now.

So, what happened was this:
One and a half years ago, I made quick friends with this girl. Long story short, I like her a lot. Back then, I found out she was diabetic and it freaked me out as I had never known anyone before who had that. Like a jerk, I quietly moved apart from her. About half a year ago, I realized how stupid I had been to let her go by, and we've resumed our friendship.

Now I told her (via email) the above story. Now she hasn't contacted me at all the past few days. She's been on facebook, but always conveniently goes offline the moment I see her. For now, I'm not saying anything, and letting her make the next move.

Anyway, I feel really stupid and am not sure whether I should have kept this to myself, and told her at some other point in time. Based on the last conversation I had with her, I should be seeing her tomorrow. So I will report on what happens.

One more rant: Dad has made bedtime 9:30, because of school starting. Preposterous!
That's waking-up time.
Uuuuuuugh! I gave the girl I liked my phone number and told her that we should keep in touch and she should text me sometime, but she hasn't called or texted me... I feel completely awkward for asking her now.. ;P
Uuuuuuugh! I gave the girl I liked my phone number and told her that we should keep in touch and she should text me sometime, but she hasn't called or texted me... I feel completely awkward for asking her now.. ;P

Probably just your mind playing tricks on you. Have you texted her? Many people don't reply to a text if they see it many hours after you sent it. I guess they feel funny for not answering right away. Otherwise she probably just forgot she said that so stealthily bring it up in your next conversation.
Probably just your mind playing tricks on you. Have you texted her? Many people don't reply to a text if they see it many hours after you sent it. I guess they feel funny for not answering right away. Otherwise she probably just forgot she said that so stealthily bring it up in your next conversation.

Lol well, I don't know her number as I only gave her mine.. ;)
One more rant: Dad has made bedtime 9:30, because of school starting. Preposterous!

"Walk into store 9:30 PM" -> "Say good morning to clerk!"

This kind of happened to me in my last year in high school. My father would say "Kennigit, go to bed!" at ~9:45 at night. He then went to bed himself, so I could do anything and just went to bed at a reasonable time. The trick is that your parents will get older and get too tired to try to enforce ridiculous bedtimes ;).

anyways rant: happened last night moreso, but after a relatively fun night--one spent with friends doing stuff for once--I get reminded of everything I dislike about my life right before going to bed all at the same time.

basically, I really believe if you took the me from 3-5 years ago and exchanged him with the me now everything would be the exact same, except for small differences. Not that it's necessarily too bad, just sad to think I haven't really done anything different for the past 4 or so years. It's just the same stuff, day in and day out. I hardly ever meet any new people, nor do I have really good ways to socialise.
"Walk into store 9:30 PM" -> "Say good morning to clerk!"

This kind of happened to me in my last year in high school. My father would say "Kennigit, go to bed!" at ~9:45 at night. He then went to bed himself, so I could do anything and just went to bed at a reasonable time. The trick is that your parents will get older and get too tired to try to enforce ridiculous bedtimes ;).

Really? My parents stopped caring around middle school.
My parents usually tell me to "get off the computer" at a certain time (usually 11) but I've got a laptop and wifi and they go to sleep around 10 or 11 so I can usually stay up as late as I wish :p
Well, my parents didn't actually care either. Just last 2 years of high school I should say my dad really got "older" in the sense that he had a fairly stressful job and wanted to go to bed really early himself every night, and said I "made too much noise". So he would always tell me to go to bed as he went to bed.

I just ignored it lol, and he didn't really care either.

just that if verarde's dad wants him to go to a really early bedtime, often parents won't actually try to enforce it at all but merely "suggest" it.
basically, I really believe if you took the me from 3-5 years ago and exchanged him with the me now everything would be the exact same, except for small differences. Not that it's necessarily too bad, just sad to think I haven't really done anything different for the past 4 or so years. It's just the same stuff, day in and day out. I hardly ever meet any new people, nor do I have really good ways to socialise.

Can I say I also share this sentiment.

We're friends right?
My mom is a bit crazy and would flip out if I didn't go to bed at 9 straight.... When I was 17.
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