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RANDOM RANTS XXXIII: World, Y U make me fed up wit U?!!

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My aussy accent is quite 'orrible, but ah reckon I ken pull off an 'alf-decent Scottish one.

My Southern accent ain't too bad either, but what were we talking about? Ah yes, Aussy accents. They're sexy.

RANT: Homework needs finishing and then school tomorrow. Sigh.
I gat me a decent Southn'er accent, which 'specially emprooved when I got me some Winders 7.
Only old people call sprinkles "jimmies".
In the UK we call them "hundreds and thousands". (Although "sprinkles" has also caught on.)
I thought you live in the South?
I do, but I sound nothing like them. I sound like a Yankee. :( After all, I am a first generation immigrant from northern Virginia.
Oh, I can think of at least one other who has lost most of his Southern accent. You can still hear it at times, but...
Google Translate hates me.

Spoiler :
Try translating from Italian? :dunno:

Except that if you look at the taskbar, the article I was trying to translate was Russian.

Also, Italian gave me the same garbled nonsense.
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